Syrian Opposition Linked to Globalist Organizations


The foreign-financed armed rebellion and the Western-backed opposition to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been falsely portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of “democracy” activists since violence first broke out more than a year ago. But according to a recent investigation published in the U.K. Guardian, top figures in the “regime-change” coalition — most notably the Syrian National Council (SNC) — have intimate links to the highest ranks of the world elite: the shadowy Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Goldman Sachs megabank, billionaire financier George Soros, and, of course, the U.S. government. It is all out in the open, too.

On top of that, the report suggests that much of the war propaganda being used to promote international military intervention and “revolution” is actually slick public-relations gimmicks financed by large tax-exempt foundations and even the governments being asked to intervene. And there is big money behind the spread of the disinformation. Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime.

The most recent example occurred just last week when anonymous “activists” prompted the global press and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to claim that over 200 civilians, including women and children, had been massacred, only to be contradicted later — even by a UN investigation and “opposition activists” themselves. What actually happened, as The New American originally reported even before the UN probe, was apparently a battle between armed Western-backed “rebels” and the dictatorship’s military forces that resulted in some deaths of combatants.

So who are the “opposition activists” in reality? “The mainstream news media have, in the main, been remarkably passive when it comes to Syrian sources: billing them simply as ‘official spokesmen’ or ‘pro-democracy campaigners’ without, for the most part, scrutinizing their statements, their backgrounds or their political connections,” observed Charlie Skelton in his detailed and well-sourced article for the Guardian, noting that many of the most frequently quoted sources are openly connected to what he calls “the Anglo-American opposition creation business.” As The New American documented a year ago, many of the Syrian “opposition” groups and leaders were being showered with American taxpayer dollars to undermine the regime long before the “Arab Spring” even erupted.

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European Stability Mechanism Spreads to Italy


The European technocracy has set its firm feet in Spain and now the bankers that control the financial institutions that Spain just surrendered to are moving to their next prize: Italy. By accepting the rules set in the latest rescue agreement, Spain, France, Italy and Germany turned into pawn waiting in line to be absorbed by the bankers and now, it is Italy’s time. One only has to read some of the most revealing articles and sections of the financial rescue package to realize what Europe will look time in a not too distant future.

While the media concentrates their commentary and uninformed reports on how Angela Merkel succumbed to Italian and Spanish requirements to sign on to the bankers plans, they ignore other more important details included in the agreement. Article 8, for example, authorizes the bankers to fix capital stock at 700,000 billion euros, for now. Article 9 obligates members of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to  ”irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay on demand any capital call made on them . . . such demand to be paid within seven days of receipt.” Members of the ESM include not only the four big Euro nations, but also the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Finland.

Article 10 gives the complete power to the ESMs Board of Governors — the real controllers — to ”change the authorised capital and amend Article 8 . . . accordingly.” Further ahead on article 32, paragraph 3 says that the ESM, its property, funding, and assets . . . shall enjoy immunity from every form of judicial process . . . .” This assures the bankers that none of them will ever have to be accountable for any nation or any individual, because the countries agreed to such immunity. On paragraph 4 the power grab continues: “The property, funding and assets of the ESM shall . . . be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation, or any other form of seizure, taking or foreclosure by executive, judicial, administrative or legislative action.”

Additionally, Article 30 says that the Governors, Directors and others ”shall be immune from legal proceedings with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity and shall enjoy inviolability in respect of their official papers and documents.” Bankers and their servants are now officially free from all responsibility, no matter how badly they behave, whether they do it purposely or not.

Now that four of the biggest countries in Europe have accepted the bankers’ requests, the wave of so-called financial bailouts and rescue packages now will begin to spread over to Italy. Before the negotiations were completed last week, Mario Draghi, the former head of the Italian Central Bank had been named as the replacement for Jean-Claude Trichet at the European Central Bank. Before getting to the ECB, Draghi was the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International, which definitely facilitated the adoption of the bankers’ measures in Italy.

Back in 2011, Draghi confessed to the Financial Times that the goal of the ECB was to facilitate funding to the banks and that it would the banks who would decide what to do with those funds. He also said that he had no idea what the banks would do with the money. When asked about the destination of the money, Draghi said: “we don’t know exactly, but the important thing was to relax the funding pressures.” So, governments got their citizens in deeper debt without holding the bankers accountable for the use of that money. It was all about bringing about relief to the bankers who seemed not to have enough cash bonuses in their bank accounts.

Previously, when governments actually received bailouts from the European central bankers, they did have to “invest” the funds in whatever the lenders decided what was useful. They were not only told how to spend the money, but also to impose austerity in order to impose punishments to the lower and middle classes. The countries, differently from the bankers, had to commit to paying exorbitant interests rates, while the banks got their money at zero or near zero percent. While the bankers reported larger earnings and as a consequence amassing more cash in bonuses, the populations of Greece, Italy, Spain and others had their social fabric destroyed by design. While people got strangled, the bankers that caused the crisis got relaxed.

Before last weeks agreement between the European bankers and the European leaders, Draghi had explained that the ECB wanted to “restore confidence” and that the ECB would do whatever it took to achieve such a goal. What Draghi did not say was where that restoration of confidence would be pointed towards. It was directed to the bankers, as we now know, and that confidence was based on the fact that the banks, as the ESM says, will not be held accountable and will be completely immune against any and all courts. The bankers have now legalized whatever they want to do in the present and in the future. They are now confident again. Draghi also said the countries needed to have “comprehensive structural reform and accept fiscal discipline”. Those two goals have been achieved and together with them the bankers’ ability to impose a process of fiscal consolidation, which is not completely in their hands.

The banker acquisition of Italy, though, could not be complete without another significant partner: Mr. Mario Monti. The arrival of Monti to the highest office in Italy was done as smoothly as possible for someone who was not even elected. Monti was the trojan horse the European bankers had prepared to take Italy over. Mario Monti became Italian Prime Minister after Silvio Berlusconi resigned under popular pressure. Where did Monti come from? Before he became the Italian Prime Minister, he was a senior advisor to Goldman Sachs and a leader in the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Is there a need to say anything else about his arrival to Italy’s supreme office? There should is.

The Trilateral Commission was created by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski back in 1973. The organization was created supposedly to organize the creation of policy between the powerful nations to impose a global system of control that would be brought about to “heal economic inequality”. The banks had in their mind plans to end the so-called inequality and create a new system of equality, and they have been very successful. They have managed to turn most people in the world equally poor. The creation of groups like Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission achieved what previous globalist organizations had failed to do: create and enforce globalist policies while destroying sovereignty without being stopped by national legal systems. That also allowed them to remain hidden in the shadows, while their frontmen — presidents and prime ministers — did they work for them.

The continuation of the technocratic system of control has now entered a new level with the legitimization of the European Stability Mechanism. Whatever the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group achieved from the shadows will now be multiplied by a legalized financial control system to which all of Europe has bowed to by accepting the banker run ESM. The bankers and their frontmen aren’t apologetic neither apologetic nor secretive about what they’re doing anymore. Perhaps the most revealing proof of this is David Rockefeller’s statement that he was proud to be part of  the cabal in charge of conspiring to impose a global political and economic government. “If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it,” he once said.

The work that began with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others is now being continued by men like Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde, and Jose Manuel Barroso. The arrival of the “rule of the banks” was announced by Draghi, who said the time was ripe to end the traditional social contract. “There is no escape from tough austerity measures,” he added. Mario Draghi said only austerity combined with structural change would change the economic outlook for the best.  In an interview with the WSJ, Draghi said that the changes agreed upon by the bankers and the European governments  had resulted in what he called positive change, but that this change was only the beginning. ”We have a fiscal compact where the European governments are starting to release national sovereignty for the common intent of being together.” He later said that in the eyes of the bankers there was no alternative to fiscal consolidation.

During the same interview, Draghi appointed what he believed were two important changes the bankers needed to achieve. The first is product and service market reform. The second is labor market reform. In layman’s terms, this means the globalists want more easily accessible working markets which will be supported by the legalization of illegal immigration to ensure plenty of cheap labor — as it happens in Asia — and the ability to flood markets all around the world with those very same cheaply made products. This is the model that has been tested in China and other Asian nations for decades and will now be imposed on European countries.

The bankers have not only gotten a blank cheque to create money out of thin air and deposit it in ghost bank accounts, which has been going on for decades, but also obtained an unlimited permit to manage the world’s economic and financial systems under which they are completely immune to any unaccountability. Under this new scheme, they will continue to impose austerity as a condition to bring “relief” to indebted nations, that in turn will become more and more in debt until collapsing the way Greece did. The make-believe economy now moves on to Italy, Portugal, France and Germany before coming to North America. Expect an accelerating race to the Second Great Depression in the next two and a half to three years.

Greece is a victim of money hungry Hedge Funds

by Les Leopold
January 19, 2012

Who are the real villains on Wall Street? When it comes to institutionalized greed and corruption, nothing tops the too-big-to-fail banks like JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs. But these financial giants form only one part of the financial oligarchy. Lurking in the shadows are aggressive hedge funds that are just as lethal to our economic well being. If Goldman Sachs is a vampire squid, as Matt Taibbi so aptly named it, then hedge funds are like schools of piranhas or sharks, eager to strip the financial carcass to the bone.

The sharks at this very moment are circling Greece, waiting to devour that nation’s resources. To understand this attack we need to enter into the rotting innards of our financial system.

But aren’t the Greeks lazy?

Let’s starts with a closer look at why Greece has accumulated so much debt. The answer is not because they sit around sipping retsina rather than working. Instead it has everything to do with the attempt of Europe to improve the lot of the Greek people so they would embrace democracy. Let’s not forget that from 1967 to 1974 Greece was ruled by a military junta that inflicted enormous pain on its people. Helping the Greek people escape poverty was critically important. Greece’s entry into the European Union and the access to capital it provided, allowed the Greek people to rebuild the foundations of prosperity and democracy.

Of course, our vampire squid banks also played a critical role in exacerbating the debt problem. When Greece hit the debt limits set by the EU, large U.S. banks profited mightily by structuring loans to Greece to skirt those rules.

But the biggest blow came from the 2008 financial crash, which was wholly caused by Wall Street’s reckless gambling spree. When the world economy nearly collapsed into another Great Depression, the weaker economies in the EU took the biggest hit. Ireland, Portugal and Greece suffered enormous job loss and massive declines in tax revenues. These countries became the victims of the vast housing bubble that was pumped up by Wall Street’s fantasy financial schemes. Yes, they had accumulated too much debt, but the problem would have been manageable were it not for the Wall Street-created crash.

Enter the piranha hedge funds

Hedge funds are lightly regulated, privately managed investment funds created and designed for the super-rich, who expect to get much higher rates of return than the rest of us. While you and I are lucky to see a 2 percent increase in our 401ks, hedge funds hope to see gains far in excess of 10 percent. Pension funds and endowments have also followed the super-rich into these funds to gain access to these outsized returns. There are 8,000 or so hedge funds that now manage a total of nearly $2 trillion.

But making these super-profits doesn’t come easy. Hedge funds don’t just get lucky on a few stocks or bonds. They look for an edge, and more than a few go over the edge by engaging in criminal activity like insider trading. Others hope to get to the Promised Land by being tough SOBs who don’t think twice about impoverishing people. Those SOB hedge funds are circling Greece right now, doing all they can to get their hands on the money the European Union wants to lend Greece to reduce its long-term debt problems.

Here’s the play: Greece does not have enough money to pay off the loans that are coming due in the next year. So the EU and the International Monetary Fund have assembled a bailout package to help Greece make those payments. In exchange, the Greek people are being asked to suffer through enormous cuts in government spending – which means cuts in jobs, incomes, healthcare, pensions and public education. Everyday citizens are making enormous sacrifices.

IMF and US African Command Join Hands in the Plunder of the African Continent

by Nile Bowie
Global Research
January 9, 2012

Lagos Dissents Under IMF Hegemony

Nigeria: The Next Front for AFRICOM

On a recent trip to West Africa, the newly appointed managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde ordered the governments of Nigeria, Guinea, Cameroon, Ghana and Chad to relinquish vital fuel subsidies. Much to the dismay of the population of these nations, the prices of fuel and transport have near tripled over night without notice, causing widespread violence on the streets of the Nigerian capital of Abuja and its economic center, Lagos. Much like the IMF induced riots in Indonesia during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, public discontent in Nigeria is channelled towards an incompetent and self-serving domestic elite, compliant to the interests of fraudulent foreign institutions.

Although Nigeria holds the most proven oil reserves in Africa behind Libya, it’s people are now expected to pay a fee closer to what the average American pays for the cost of fuel, an exorbitant sum in contrast to its regional neighbours. Alternatively, other oil producing nations such as Venezuela, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia offer their populations fuel for as little as $0.12 USD per gallon. While Lagos has one of Africa’s highest concentration of billionaires, the vast majority of the population struggle daily on less than $2.00 USD. Amid a staggering 47% youth unemployment rate and thousands of annual deaths related to preventable diseases, the IMF has pulled the rug out from under a nation where safe drinking water is a luxury to around 80% of it’s populace.

Although Nigeria produces 2.4 million barrels of crude oil a day intended for export use, the country struggles with generating sufficient electrical power and maintaining its infrastructure. Ironically enough, less than 6% of bank depositors own 88% of all bank deposits in Nigeria. Goldman Sachs employees line its domestic government, in addition to the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is widely considered by many to be the de facto Prime Minister. Even after decades of producing lucrative oil exports, Nigeria has failed to maintain it’s own refineries, forcing it to illogically purchase oil imports from other nations. Society at large has not benefited from Nigeria’s natural riches, so it comes as no surprise that a severe level of distrust is held towards the government, who claims the fuel subsidy needs to be lifted in order to divert funds towards improving the quality of life within the country.

Like so many other nations, Nigerian people have suffered from a systematically reduced living standard after being subjected to the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP). Before a loan can be taken from the World Bank or IMF, a country must first follow strict economic policies, which include currency devaluation, lifting of trade tariffs, the removal of subsidies and detrimental budget cuts to critical public sector health and education services.

SAPs encourage borrower countries to focus on the production and export of domestic commodities and resources to increase foreign exchange, which can often be subject to dramatic fluctuations in value. Without the protection of price controls and an authentic currency rate, extreme inflation and poverty subsist to the point of civil unrest, as seen in a wide array of countries around the world (usually in former colonial protectorates). The people of Nigeria have been one of the world’s most vocal against IMF-induced austerity measures, student protests have been met with heavy handed repression since 1986 and several times since then, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. As a testament to the success of the loan, the average laborer in Nigeria earned 35% more in the 1970’s than he would of in 2012.

Working through the direct representation of Western Financial Institutions and the IMF in Nigeria’s Government, >a new IMF conditionality calls for the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Olusegun Aganga, the former Nigerian Minister of Finance commented on how the SWF was hastily pushed through and enacted prior to the countries national elections. If huge savings are amassed from oil exports and austerity measures, one cannot realistically expect that these funds will be invested towards infrastructure development based on the current track record of the Nigerian Government. Further more, it is increasingly more likely that any proceeds from a SWF would be beneficial to Western institutions and markets, which initially demanded its creation. Nigerian philanthropist Bukar Usman prophetically writes “I have genuine fears that the SWF would serve us no better than other foreign-recommended “remedies” which we had implemented to our own detriment in the past or are being pushed to implement today.”

The abrupt simultaneous removal of fuel subsidies in several West African nations is a clear indication of who is really in charge of things in post-colonial Africa. The timing of its cushion-less implementation could not be any worse, Nigeria’s president Goodluck Jonathan recently declared a state of emergency after forty people were killed in a church bombing on Christmas day, an act allegedly committed by the Islamist separatist group, Boko Haram. The group advocates dividing the predominately Muslim northern states from the Christian southern states, a similar predicament to the recent division of Sudan.

As the United States African Command (AFRICOM) begins to gain a foothold into the continent with its troops officially present in Eritrea and Uganda in an effort to maintain security and remove other theocratic religious groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army, the sectarian violence in Nigeria provides a convenient pretext for military intervention in the continuing resource war. For further insight into this theory, it is interesting to note that United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania conducted a series of African war game scenarios in preparation for the Pentagon’s expansion of AFRICOM under the Obama Administration.

In the presence of US State Department Officials, employees from The Rand Corporation and Israeli military personnel, a military exercise was undertaken which tested how AFRICOM would respond to a disintegrating Nigeria on the verge of collapse amidst civil war. The scenario envisioned rebel factions vying for control of the Niger Delta oil fields (the source of one of America’s top oil imports), which would potentially be secured by some 20,000 U.S. troops if a US-friendly coup failed to take place At a press conference at the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, AFRICOM Commander, General William Ward then went on to brazenly state the priority issue of America’s growing dependence on African oil would be furthered by AFRICOM operating under the principle theatre-goal of “combating terrorism”.

At an AFRICOM Conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008, Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market”, before citing China’s increasing presence in the region as challenging to American interests. After the unwarranted snatch-and-grab regime change conducted in Libya, nurturing economic destabilization, civil unrest and sectarian conflict in Nigeria is an ultimately tangible effort to secure Africa’s second largest oil reserves. During the pillage of Libya, its SFW accounts worth over 1.2 billion USD were frozen and essentially absorbed by Franco-Anglo-American powers; it would realistic to assume that much the same would occur if Nigeria failed to comply with Western interests. While agents of foreign capital have already infiltrated its government, there is little doubt that Nigeria will become a new front in the War on Terror.

S&P Downgrades Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and BofA

by Dunstan Prial
Fox Business
November 30, 2011

Standard & Poor’s on Tuesday cut its credit ratings for many of the world’s largest banks, including Citigroup (NYSE: C), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) and Bank of America (NYSE: BAC).

The move follows S&P’s shift, announced earlier this month, in the methods it uses for rating the banks.

Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America Corp. each had their long-term credit rating downgraded a single notch to A- from A. Similar cuts were applied to JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM), Wells Fargo & Co. (NYSE: WFC) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS).

Dozens of other banks were also affected by S&P’s new criteria and many of the downgrades stemmed from the affected banks’ exposure to the European debt crisis. S&P cited weaker confidence in governments’ ability to bail out struggling banks.

The new criteria for rating banks comes in the wake of criticism leveled at all three major rating firms – Moody’s and Fitch’s are the other two — that they rubber stamped their highest ratings on investment products loaded with subprime mortgages in the years leading up to the financial crisis.

Congress has considered reforming ratings system to remove perceived conflicts of interest.

S&P alerted the markets and the banks of the pending changes in March 2010 and again in January 2011. Analysts praised the ratings firms for their communication with affected banks as the new criteria was being established.

British banks that also saw downgrades include Barclays, HSBC Holdings, Lloyds Banking Group and The Royal Bank of Scotland.

However, due to the complexity of the new criteria, ratings for several big European banks, including Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, ING and Societe Generale remained unchanged despite the ongoing debt crisis there.

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