Obama uses shock doctrine to impose gun control By LUIS MIRANDA The president sent Congress a proposal to prohibit the civilian possession of military grade weapons and signed 23 decrees to act without congressional permission in what he said would be an improvement of arms control measures. |
National Rifle Association promises to raise hell against Obama’s anti-Second Amendment proposal By LUIS MIRANDA “I warned you that this day was coming and it has,” wrote NRA Vice president Wayne LaPierre to more than four million members. “It is not about protecting your children. It has nothing to do with curbing crime. It’s about banning your firearms. PERIOD!” |
New York State starts up attack on Second Amendment by approving new gun control legislation By LUIS MIRANDA The State’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, and New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, championed a movement to further deteriorate gun ownership ahead of Obama’s speech today |
The Hypocrite in Chief: Obama opposes armed security in schools but his daughters enjoy a security details By LUIS MIRANDA The National Rifle Association (NRA) points out Obama’s hypocrisy as the man who bears the torch against the right of citizens to lawfully own firearms. |
Attack on Sovereignty: The United States is the New World Order By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS hose concerned about “The New World Order” speak as if the United States is coming under the control of an outside conspiratorial force. In fact, it is the US that is the New World Order. |
Obama to shield himself with children as he wages war on Second Amendment By LUIS MIRANDA
World Bank wants to enslave unbanked minority through “inclusion” measures By LUIS MIRANDA One thing is clear, banks want no one to be free from their chains, which is why the Western military industrial complex continues to invade Middle Eastern and African non-aligned nations that run their affairs independent from the global financial system. |
U.S. Hospitals illegally firing workers who do not take the flu shot By LINDSEY TANNER Hospitals and other healthcare facilities use vaccination “policies”, not laws, to force workers to take the shots. That is because forcing someone to take a vaccine is illegal, therefore no law exists to truly mandate vaccinations. |
Barack Obama announces he will use Executive Power to end the Second Amendment By LUIS MIRANDA “My understanding is the vice president’s going to provide a range of steps that we can take to reduce gun violence,” he said. “Some of them will require legislation, some of them I can accomplish through executive action.” |
Prime Minister of Chad visits kids paralyzed after taking Meningitis Vaccine By CHRISTINA ENGLAND Further research about the Meningitis Vaccine Project shows the effort was a massive collaboration among the India Serum Institute, was funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in partnership with WHO and PATH, specifically to combat meningitis in Africa. |
White House will reveal its anti-Second Amendment proposal on Tuesday By LUIS MIRANDA Joe Biden has insisted that his proposal will at least guarantee the establishment of universal background checks, psychological test on all current and new gun owners, a prohibition on the same of high capacity magazines and a ban on semi automatic weapons. |