US and Israel Maneuver to train Attack on Iran


The U.S. and Israeli armies will play war games during the largest joint maneuvers for a period of three weeks with thousands of military troops from both countries training on details for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Part of the group of U.S. forces that will intervene in Austere Challenge 12 are already in Israel, waiting for the go to start their military exercises. No army sources have confirmed when will the drills start and it is likely that the world will only know once the exercise is on the way.

The reserve with which both countries address the issue is due to the fear that the maneuvers are misinterpreted by Iran. There is also a danger that this exercise, or parts of it turn into an ‘accident’ that may spark conflict among the three countries, with the US and Israel on one side and Iran on the other.

“Austere Challenge 12 includes theoretical scenarios, not related to actual events in the world,” he Lt. General Craig Franklin, in a teleconference with reporters. Franklin is a commander of the U.S. Air Force in Europe, and he will arrive next week to Israel to head the operation.

In a message transmitted by both militaries, commanders in charge of the exercise have categorically denied information that “AC12″ will simulate an attack with thousands of rockets that Iran may conduct against Israel and its allies in the region, which would be aided by Hezbollah and Hamas.

However, this is the very same scenario that Israel can expect if prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu gives the order to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. The action, which has not had public support from the United States, and that has been labeled as suicide by former and current members of the intelligence community, has been limited to verbal threats made by Israel and contested by Iran.

Israeli Brigadier General Nitsan Nuriel, explained that the exercises provide for a scenario of “threats on all fronts,” and that “everyone can draw their own conclusions.”

“It is a clear message that we work together and that together we can achieve more and, from there, each draws their own conclusions,” he explained while trying to respond questions about the scope of the exercise.

More than a thousand U.S. military will participate in the maneuvers conducted from Israeli territory and another 2,500 will do it from bases in Europe and warships in the Mediterranean, with a total cost of about $ 30 million (23.5 million euros) for the U.S. taxpayers.

“When completed, all U.S. troops will leave Israel,” said Lt. Gen. Franklin, which “should eliminate conjectures that warn about an armed build up to attack Iran.”

AC12 will be held in the utmost secrecy, which has many intelligence analysts wondering if this will be the base for a future attack on Iran. Neither the US not Israel have revealed dates or locations about an exercise that intends to play out a scenario where anti-aircraft systems will turn into an ‘umbrella’ to protect Israel in the event of an attack. All similarities to a real life situation will of course be ‘coincidental’.

At the epicenter of the drills are the Aegis ballistic missile system and U.S. Patriot missiles, to which Israel will incorporate its Arrow anti-missile batteries and Iron Dome radar system.

The latest air defense exercise was “Juniper Cobra” in 2010, but technological advances made it necessary to recalibrate the systems for both armies, military sources have said. Among the new systems to be used in AC12 are the new Israeli Patriot and Iron Dome, which were not fully operational two years ago.

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Nobel Peace Joke: The Prize goes for the European Union


The European Union is the newest recipient of the largely depreciated Nobel Peace Prize Award. Previous winners include current US president Barack Obama, whose extended wars continue to kill thousands of people around the world. The prize given to the EU is as unexpected as it can get.

The announcement was made Friday morning in Oslo by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which praised the achievements of the EU for “the advancement of peace and reconciliation” in Europe and the establishment of “democracy and human rights” in the continent.

According to the Nobel Committee the award intends to highlighted the achievement of the banker controlled club, which is composed by 27 members. The EU is charged with building Europe after the Second World War, even though its creators kept its existence quite until late in the 20th century so that its operations and efforts to create a giant technocracy were kept under the radar.

The EU is also praised for expanding democracy and stability in the Eastern part of the continent, even though it has been a key to promote military invasions, genocide and death in that very region of Europe. Supposedly, the EU was relevant during and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent collapse of the communist bloc. This assumption is false, because Communism never collapsed. The EU received one million euros as part of the Prize, which will be officially given to the globalist organization next December 10 in Oslo.

Ironically, Norway, the state that awarded the Prize to the EU has refused to become part of the corrupt political and economic bloc. Its people rejected the call to become part of the European Union twice; first in 1972 and later in 1994. According to the latest polls, Norwegians still refuse to join the EU today.

The Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union comes to crown a project born 55 years ago, which had the ambitious goal to integrate the whole continent in order to hand it over to the banking oligarchies. Just as it happened with the United Nations, the EU was an attempt to concentrate political and economic power into fewer hands. The EU creators fancy themselves as responsible for avoiding war in the continent, although the real reason for the lack of war is that all countries there are controlled by the same people, who found a better way to wage war against their people.

Instead of launching military attacks in order to conquer nations, the authoritarian control freaks adopted a fraudulent way to enhance and perpetuate their power which also includes soft kill mechanisms. That seed has a leafy tree, well-known today for its success in bringing down and destroying millions of lives around the old continent by collapsing the economy and robbing people of their livelihoods. That is what the EU is celebrating today.

The European Union is what the African Union is to Africa, or what the North American Union is for Mexico, the United States and Canada. The proposal to create an European Union is full of “good intentions” which are actually part of a list of bullet points that are a danger to the world’s society. The EU is not only a commercial or political alliance, but a project to consolidate nations into regional governments, in preparation to establish a one world government. The European Union is the precedent to having the people of the region give away their sovereignty in exchange for world peace

The EU model succeeded so well, that the same kind of continental engineering was planned for and implemented on all other regions of the planet. The same tools for implanting control through the slow and progressive use of false crises to bring about the ideal framework for law and order around the world originated from the globalist minds in Britain, the US, and other nations that sought to build a structure that promoted global interdependence.

The lies about free trade, lower prices and less limitations to traffic and commercial exchange made by the controllers were a political and economic hook to attract more fans. What has resulted from those promises is a system of control which has been put into written form and adopted in international conventions and agreements such as the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and others.

Since the promises of bountifulness did not come true, the globalists in control of the EU had to implement another mechanism to find common ground in the pursuit of a One Europe project. First, they promoted the idea of making membership to the EU mandatory and later the decided to precipitate the financial fall of the continent as an excuse to call for more political and economic control. Even the leaders of member nations have now called for the concentration of power into the hands of supranational organizations as the only way to avoid financial Armageddon.

One of the clearest proposals contained in manuscripts that have been proposed for the EU is that countries will no longer have the option to leave the bloc. This move is meant to assure the controllers that every single measure created by the EU government will be absolutely binding for its members and that if a member state does not like a determined policy, its representatives cannot simply decide to leave the group. Right now, the global crisis — engineered by the same globalists who are behind the EU — has prompted its founders to call for the tougher controls over trade, higher taxes and homogeneous socio-communist solutions as the only way out of the crisis.

I told you. Communism wasn’t dead.

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Turkish Parliament Approves Military Attack on Syria


The Turkish Parliament authorized on Thursday to send troops to Syria. The motion was debated yesterday after the death of five people in a Turkish village by falling shells from Syrian territory. The Syrian government had already apologized for the attack, but such an apology wasn’t enough for the Turkish leadership which was waiting for the slightest sign of an attack to justify its intervention in Syrian internal affairs.

The decision was approved with 320 votes in favor from the government’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the opposition MHP, and 129 against from the social democratic and pro-Kurdish BDP CHP .

Tensions between Syria and Turkey, which supports Syrian insurgents, publicly entertained the idea of an attack yesterday during a meeting held by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and two other members of his cabinet. The Turkish army had already bombed Syrian territory in response to the attacks, even though it is not clear who launched such attacks against Turkish neighboring towns. For all it is known, the attack on Turkish land could very well be a false-flag carried out by Turkish supported rebel groups in an attempt to justify a stronger military intervention against the Syrian people.

Syrian Minister of Information, Omran Zoabi, had announced the opening of an investigation into the origin of the border bombing and offered its condolences “to the families and friends of the Turkish people.” However, Turkey decided to launch air attacks on Syrian territory, which resulted in the murder of soldiers, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), a government opposition group. Some of the deaths occurred at a military checkpoint in the province of Al REQA.

The attacks launched from Syrian territory caused an immediate response from friends and foes of Bashar al-Assad. Russia immediately demanded that Syria confirmed that the killing of Turkish people was not an act of Syrian troops. “We have made contact with the Syrian side through our ambassador. We have ensured that (…) what happened was a tragic accident and that measures will be taken to avoid new accidents,” said Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, called the attacks an “outrage” and said it was “very, very dangerous” because violence was spreading across Syrian borders. Along with Clinton, the European Union’s High Representative, Catherine Ashton, said that “these violations of the sovereignty of Turkey can not be tolerated” before impinging on the incident illustrates the spillover effect of the Syrian crisis. Ms. Ashton did not have an opinion regarding Turkey’s role in the continuous attacks against Syrian territory. She did not condemn the coordinated attacks carried out by rebels supported by the United States, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, whose terrorist groups operate directly from Turkish territory.

The politically weakened German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, called for restraint on both parties, but made it clear that his government is “on the side of Turkey”, with which it maintains close contact. So Merkel supports terrorism as long as it not carried out against Germany’s allies in the region. Another accomplice of western colonialist forces is France, whose Foreign Minister meanwhile considered the attack launched from Syria, a “serious threat to peace and international security.”

Laurent Fabius said that “the international community can not accept that the Syrian regime continued their acts of violence both inside and outside its borders. He then called for military intervention by the west by saying that it is an issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The British Foreign Minister, William Hague, called the attack “outrageous” and added that Syria’s deterioration — which is being caused by terrorist groups supported by the western nations such as France, the United States, and England — poses a real danger to the region.

Perhaps Mr. Hague should then call for an immediate end of the attacks carried out by western and eastern allied forces on Syria, which is what keeps the country on fire up until today.

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Turkey will Officially Declare War on Syria


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Turkish Parliament will debate on Thursday in special session a bill that would allow intervention in Syria. The debate will take place a day after the Turkish government ordered the bombing of Syrian territory in response to a shell launched from across the border that killed five people in a small ottoman town.

On Wednesday, NATO issued an official press release where it manifested it supported Turkey and condemned the “flagrant violation” of international law by Syria.

According to the source, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the chief of staff of the Turkish army, Necdet Özel and the representative of the Justice portfolio, Sadullah Ergin, held a one four-hour long meeting to discuss Turkey’s response to actions the situation in Syria, which Turkey itself has helped made worse by hosting al-Qaeda and other U.S.-led terrorist groups which are directed by the CIA and MI6 intelligence.

During the meeting, the Turkish head of state and his ministers decided that it was necessary to introduce a bill to make it official that Turkey intends to meddle in Syria’s domestic unrest, which again, Turkey has helped create and stir. The media say the bill was the result of these discussions and could be incorporated into existing legislation that allows “operations outside the Turkish border.”

This type of arrangement allows, for example, to conduct military operations in northern Iraq to try to pursue Kurdish groups. The project, which is signed by the Council of Ministers of Turkey, was sent this very morning by Erdogan to the President of the Parliament. Turkey has said that the bill is a preventive measure and that they do not expected to launch an attack on Syria, unless it is necessary.

According to local media, the text states that “the crisis in Syria not only adversely affects the stability of the region, but also threatens Turkey’s national security.” Now, the public knows well what happens when any country decides to act because it feels its national security is threatened; even though its concerns are unfounded. In the case of Turkey however, its leaders should be worried indeed, since they have helped launch attacks on Bashar Assad’s army, hosted Syrian rebel groups and allowed the infiltration of foreign agents through its land to destabilize Syria. All of these are clear examples of acts of war against Syria, and it wouldn’t be crazy to think that Assad may consider retaliation.

The tension between Syria and Turkey escalated on Wednesday, registering an attack on Turkish territory launched from Syrian soil. The attack killed a mother and her four children. A few hours later, Turkey responded by firing on targets in Syria. Neither Turkey nor Syria know for sure who launched the attack, but in Turkey’s case, the motto is shoot first ask questions later. The fact that Turkish planes are now bombing Syrian territory is enough of an aggression for Syria to consider similar actions against Turkey, which would set the region ablaze.

Meanwhile, the Turkish military continues bombing Syrian army positions on the border between the two countries, in response to the attacked launched from Syrian territory on Wednesday. Several Syrian soldiers have been killed in a bombing of the Turkish army in Rasm al-Ghazal region, near the town of Tal Abiad, on the border between Syria and Turkey, as reported a Syrian NGO. Tensions between Syria and Turkey, which supports Syrian insurgents, have seen a sharp escalation since yesterday, when several bullets hit the Turkish city of Akcakale, located just across the border from Syria, killing five Turkish civilians.

Syria accused Israel, the U.S. and American allies in the Arab world of directing the operations that seek to destabilize the country. According to the accusations the United States, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are running military operation centers in Turkey, from where many of the terrorist groups now operating in Syria are carrying out their 17-month long attacks. The Syrian ambassador to the United Nations said last week that Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are “harboring, funding and arming the armed terrorist groups.” This accusations have already been independently confirmed.

In a letter to the UN, ambassador Ja’afari said that Turkey had established military operations in its territory which included members of the military and intelligence agencies from Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.” He added that “those centers are being used to oversee battles that are being waged by the terrorists against Syrian citizens in Aleppo and other Syrian cities and the massacres the terrorists are perpetrating after entering Syria in large numbers”.

United States president Barack Hussein Obama himself has expressed its support for the terrorist groups now killing thousands of innocent Syrians after he signed a secret order authorizing the financial and military backing of the rebels. Washington official also said that the US is working with a secret command center located in Turkey, which is composed by military personnel from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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Israeli Lobbyist Suggests using False-flag to Attack Iran


Patrick Clawson a Washington lobbyist and director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), said that the west, especially the United States and Israel are “in the game of using covert means against the Iranians”.

Clawson cited a series of false-flag events as examples that triggered the invasion of non-aligned states and explained how those false-flag events served the plans of the Anglo-saxon military industrial complex.

Clawson was once a senior economist for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. “We can do a variety of things to increase the pressure,” said Clawson. “We could get nastier about it. So, if in fact the Iranians aren’t going to compromise, it would be best if somebody else started the war,” he asserted.

At a later point, Clawson said that he was in no way recommending the use of such events to attack Iran, even though he said that very same thing throughout his explanation of Iranian-Israeli tensions.

See the video below:

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