New York State now leading crusade against Second Amendment


The U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, met Wednesday at the White House in Washington with victims and groups demanding more restrictive legislation on weapons. While in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, took advantage of the discourse on state of the State to announce an agenda to ban assault weapons almost a month after the Newtown, Connecticut incident, where a mentally ill teenager shot 27 people at the Sandy Hook Elementary school.

Biden’s meeting was the first of several that he will have with different groups in response to the shooting of Newtown. The vice president will not limit his contact to individuals and organizations that align themselves with the vision that the White House has on gun control, but is unlikely that the result of the meetings will include a recommendation to allow people to freely exercise their second amendment right.

On Thursday, Biden met with members of the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA), as well as with executives of the largest chain stores in the country, Wal-Mart, that declined the offer of the White House to hold conversations at first, but that reconsidered and accepted the invitation yesterday. Wal-Mart sells weapons at over 1,800 of its 4,000 stores, including semiautomatic assault rifles like the one that has been making the news on the main stream corporate media as the example of the type of firearms that people should not possess.

“We are here to deal with a problem that requires immediate action, urgent action,” Biden told reporters, as trying to emphasize the kind of measures that will be taken. “The president is going to act,” Biden progressed. “There are executive orders, executive actions that can be performed,” the vice president said. His statement clears the notion about whether the president will continue acting as a dictator, making up laws and regulations that he has no power to enact.

As things stand today, the Obama administration will simply use executive privilege to pass any rules he and his minions in government want. Obama and those who support erasing the second amendment have said that if Congress does not pass legislation to ban the possession of firearms, the U.S. president will have to act unilaterally in order to ‘save us all’ from ourselves. Amazingly, neither Obama nor the main stream media attempt to pitch a ban on deadly pharmaceutical drugs which are the real triggers of most of the shootings seen in the last year or so.

In Albany, Cuomo sketched an outline of his legislative agenda this year and called for a ban on assault weapons. New York is one of seven states that already has some sort of ban on these weapons but believes  current legislation is inefficient, so more of the same is needed.

Cuomo seeks to expand the number of models and chargers that are now covered by the law to make it harder for companies to circumvent regulations, Cuomo added. As all lousy power grabbers, Cuomo does not publicly recognize that criminals do not respect laws and that they will always find a way to get the best firearms.

As a Democrat on Capitol Hill in New York since 2010, Cuomo raised the ire and fear of gun owners by a statement made after the slaughter of Newtown in which he said that the confiscation of such weapons was an option in future legislation.

The regulations in force in New York against assault weapons were enacted after another mass shooting, the one in Columbine in 1999, where two students took the lives of 12 students and a teacher. More violent shootings have happened after Columbine; a fact which demonstrates two things: bans on firearms do not end shootings anywhere, and government cannot protect a disarmed population.

In the quest for higher gun control that does not allow the indiscriminate sale of, for example, semi-automatic weapons that can shoot 20 to 100 rounds per second former congressman from Arizona, Democrat Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, joined astronaut Mark Kelly in the push to end the second amendment.

Gun control pushers used the second anniversary of the attack in Tucson, which killed six people, to begin a new campaign that calls for the ban of the second amendment. Giffords and the six people who were killed that day were surrounded by a tight ring of security, which was not able to prevent the shooting, but for some reason anti-Second Amendment people believe that an even more disarmed population will be able to cope better gun violence. Giffords and his pals announced the formation of a political group to fight the powerful NRA.

People like Giffords and the rest of the pro disarmament movement call themselves defenders of the Second Amendment and are said to be firearms owners, but in practice they belong to a larger, more powerful lobby led by Democrats and so called liberals, who seek to disarm the population so that the State continues to hold the monopoly of violence.

“We can not keep making statements,” said Mark Kelly, a former astronaut, after hearing about the shooting of Connecticut. “We have to try and help change things.” The group founded by former Congressman and her husband called Americans for Responsible Solutions and will be based in Washington.

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One Response to New York State now leading crusade against Second Amendment

  1. madhatter15 says:

    I am a native New Yorker, I dont’ remember there being a lot of assault rifles being used when I was a teen ager, I left NY at age 46, you could always buy a gun on the street for 100 to 200 dollars, you still can. Massive immigration has ruined Brooklyn, and probably the 5 boros , whol areas gone, not livable if you are not a Muslim or from Tobago etc. NY is not worth visiting, with all of the fun taken out of NY, you might as well stay in Kansas. Guns have always been present in NY but I don’t remember as much violence there as there is here where I live now, Chicago is the murder capitol and it is a gun free zone, you cant buy a gun in Chicago, we have gun control and a high murder rate of shooting victims.

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