American taxpayers officially screwed under ‘fiscal cliff’ deal

Those earning $30,000 will pay more taxes than others earning $100,000 – $500,000


Middle-class workers will take a bigger hit to their income proportionately than those earning between $200,000 and $500,000 under the new fiscal cliff deal, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Earners in the latter group will pay an average 1.3 percent more – or an additional $2,711 – in taxes this year, while workers making between $30,000 and $200,000 will see their paychecks shrink by as much as 1.7 percent – or up to $1,784 – the D.C.-based think tank reported.

Overall, nearly 80 percent of households will pay more money to the federal government as a result of the fiscal cliff deal.

‘The economy needs a stimulus, but under the agreement, taxes will go up in 2013 relative to 2012 – not only on high-income households, as widely discussed, but also on every working man and woman in the country, via the end of the payroll tax cut,’ said William G. Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center.

‘For most households, the payroll tax takes a far bigger bite than the income tax does, and the payroll tax cut therefore – as [the Congressional Budget Office] and others have shown – was a more effective stimulus than income tax cuts were, because the payroll tax cuts hit lower in the income distribution and hence were more likely to be spent,’ he added.

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Unintended consequences of Political and Ideological Loyalty


Is it possible that some Obama supporters do not care about the fact their children will live in servitude to the State for the rest of their lives? Could it be that they justify this horrendous future thinking that since they had to live under that system, it makes sense their children do it as well? Could it be that they see the current debt-based underdevelopment model as a way to guarantee their bribes for their elderly years? Perhaps this way of thinking is not a conscious one, perhaps it is. The fact is that blind loyalty to the party and to the ideology held by Obama brings along an endless list of unintended consequences.

Obama’s re-elections doesn’t only mean that half of the country still supports him. It also means that they agree with the policies he seeks to implement and of course with the ones he’s already imposed on the American people. This outcome gives Obama a green light to attempt to complete his agenda with the intention to “transform the United Sates”. So it is only pertinent that we review what are some of the items on that agenda.

There isn’t a better place to start than the policies and legislation that Obama has supported and enacted himself, through executive orders during the past 4 years. Since Obama has said himself that his project is work in progress, we can only expect that more the same will be brought upon Americans for the next four years. So let’s take a look at what Obama supported during his first term in office.

1. Bailouts, for ‘too big to fail’ banks, so-called stimulus packages, quantitative easing and deficit spending.
2. Sending troops to protect others’ borders and sending American taxpayer money to foreign dictators.
3. The same interventionist foreign policy from the Bush era.
4. Federal restrictions on gun ownership. Obama has pledged to ban semi-automatic weapons which are now legal.
5. The Patriot Act.
6. Spying on American citizens without warrants.
7. Indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, trial or lawyer.
8. Assassinations of American citizens or anyone else without due process.
9. Socialized Healthcare through which the State will dictate who has the right to healthcare and who doesn’t as well as how much of it can an individual get (healthcare rationing).

If there is anyone out there seeking a one sentence answer to what the future holds for the United States and the rest of the world as a result of Obama’s election, I guess that sentence would read “unlimited expansion of the federal government”. As explained by Judge Andrew Napolitano, under Obama, the government will continue to write any law, regulate any behavior and tax any event it wants. In other words the Constitution be damned.

And so will continue the political, ideological and social divides. A clear outcome of Tuesday’s election is the clear separation of the American population according to their race, age and ideological blindness. While the gaps continue to expand among social groups, nothing changed in Washington. The Democrats go to keep the White House and the Senate, while the Republicans maintained power in the House of Representatives. Can we expect anything different for the next four years? Mark my words here: there will be no long term economic recovery in the United States and little to no recovery abroad.

Although the divided Congress suggests that there will be gridlock for the rest of Obama’s term in office, one cannot forget about the power of the pen, which is a perfect tool to pass legislation that intends to advance the agenda that works for Obama’s managers. That is how Obama got away with imposing the State’s will on the People regarding healthcare, the homeland security apparatus, financial terrorism, and out of control “stimulus programs” that only resulted in higher corporate bonuses.

What many Obama supporters perhaps forgot is that he won’t have to be accountable to the voters again. He will then let lose his real identity and agenda, which he has managed to conceal to a great extent with the help of the main stream media. The “Transformation of the United States” can go on unchecked.

“Just by re-electing Obama, that means the Affordable Care Act will continue to be implemented, and that’s very important because that’s one of the most important pieces of legislation in half a century,” said Theda Skocpol, a political scientist at Harvard University.

Tuesday’s re-election empowers Obama to continue strengthening his activist government, the same that stooges like Paul Krugman support. For example, the bailout of the automobile industry will be remembered as Obama’s achievement that saved an important sector of the economy. What people who think like that ignore is that through the 2009 auto bailout, General Motors and other companies were literally paid to fire Americans and move their operations to India, China and Brazil. In other words, the 2009 auto bailout was a direct incentive given to the companies to run abroad.

So what can we expect immediately after Obama’s re-election?

1. Further deterioration of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights
2. Expansion of the powers given to the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.
3. More out of control federal government spending.
4. Enforcement of mandatory government healthcare.
5. Accelerated purchase of firearms and stockpiling of ammunition.
6. Persecution of veterans and people who oppose government policies.
7. More secret arrests of U.S. citizens in at home and abroad.
8. Acceleration of the legalization of 30 million illegal immigrants.
9. Rise in energy prizes due to Obama’s commitment to shut down coal plants without having any alternative sources available to people.
10. $600 billion in tax increases scheduled to take effect during the next four years and beyond.
11. Government’s debt reaching $16 trillion which will get the U.S. that much closer to the fiscal cliff.

These and many more will be the “unintended consequences” of electing Barack Obama to drive the car for the next 4 years.

Is the best really yet to come?

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