Organización Mundial de la Salud: Celulares causan Cáncer

Aunque algunos medios de comunicación han querido disminuir el alcance de esta nueva confirmación, los resultados de estudios sobre el uso frecuente y prolongado de celulares es muy claro.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Junio 1, 2011

La radiación emitida por teléfonos celulares causa cáncer. Muchos estudios lo han demostrado. Hoy le llegó la hora a la primera organización globalista -la OMS- de aceptar ese hecho. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ahora incluye la radiacióm emitida por aparatos celulares como una de “riesgo cancerígeno” y la coloca junto a viejos conocidos como el plomo, el humo de combustión y el cloroformo.

Previo al anuncio hecho hoy, la OMS había asegurado -sin darle el debido análisis a estudios previos- que no existían riesgos relacionados al uso de los teléfonos móviles. Pero esta vez, el más reciente estudio presentó evidencia tan clara e innegable, que la organización tuvo que emitir un comunicado aceptando que la radiación continua de los celulares tiene todo que ver con el desarrollo de cánceres cerebrales.

En el último estudio participaron 31 científicos en 14 países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, que decidió participar después que algunos científicos revisaron los resultados de estudios previos y se dieron cuenta de la magnitud del problema. “El equipo encontró pruebas suficientes para clasificar la exposición personal como “posiblemente cancerígena para los seres humanos.”

Lo que esto significa es que en este momento no ha habido suficientes estudios a largo plazo realizados para llegar a una conclusión clara si la radiación de los teléfonos celulares son seguros, pero hay suficientes datos que muestran una posible conexión de la cual los usuarios deben estar alerta.

“El mayor problema que tenemos es que sabemos que la mayoría de los factores ambientales tienen requieren de varias décadas de exposición antes de que podamos ver las consecuencias,” dijo el Dr. Keith Negro, presidente de la neurología en el hospital Cedars-Sinai Medical Center en Los Ángeles.

Según el estudio, la radiación emitida por los aparatos celulares es llamada no-ionizante. Eso quiere decir que la radiación tiene un efecto como el de un horno microondas de baja potencia y no como el de una radiografía, la cual es una concentración alta por un periódo de tiempo corto.

“Lo que la radiación de los teléfonos hace en los términos más simples es similar a lo que sucede a los alimentos en el microondas, o sea esencialmente cocina el cerebro. Así, además de que conduce a un desarrollo de cáncer y tumores, podría haber toda una serie de otros efectos negativos a la función cognitiva de la memoria, ya que los lóbulos temporales están exactamente donde colocamos los teléfonos celulares. “

Después de los resultados encontrados en los últimos estudios, las llamadas de precaución sobre el uso de celulares no se han hecho esperar -igual como ha sucedido otras vecez- aunque no muchos han dado la atención requerida y continúan usando los teléfonos celulares.

El estudio de las consecuencias por el uso de celulares ha dado resultados que se asemejan a los que muestran la malignidad del uso de tabaco, por ejemplo. de La Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente realizó y continúa promoviendo estudios que muestran que el riesgo por el uso de celulares podría ser tan grande como el fumado para la salud del usuario y los que se encuentran alrededor. Estos estudios también comparan las consecuencias de la radiación con la exposición a otros elementos como el amianto y la gasolina con plomo. En los Estados Unidos, el director de un instituto de investigación de cáncer en la Universidad de Pittsburgh, manifestó su preocupación a los empleados y los instó a limitar el uso del teléfono celular.

“Cuando nos fijamos en el desarrollo del cáncer – en particular el cáncer de cerebro – se sabe que se necesita mucho tiempo para desarrollarse. Creo que es una buena idea para dar al público una especie de advertencia de que la exposición prolongada a la radiación del teléfono celular podría causar cáncer, “dijo el Dr. Henry Lai, profesor de investigación en bioingeniería de la Universidad de Washington, quien estudia la radiación por más de 30 años.

Los resultados del mayor estudio internacional sobre el uso de teléfonos celulares y su relación con el desarrollo de cáncer fue iniciado en el año 2010. El principal resultado del estudio mostró que cuando los participantes usaron un celular durante 10 años o más, esta exposición duplicaba la tasa de glioma cerebral, el cual es un tipo de tumor. A pesar de este resultado, ni las autoridades de salud, ni las universidades han conducido estudios para verificar los efectos del uso de celulares en niños, el cual es el grupo poblacional con el mayor aumento en el uso de aparatos celulares. En teoría, las afecciones cerebrales en niños serían mayores y peores, pues sus cráneos no están completamente desarrollados, lo que podría contribuir a que la exposición del tejido cerebral a la radiación fuese mayor.

“Los cráneos de los niños y el cuero cabelludo son más delgados. Así que la radiación puede penetrar más profundamente en el cerebro de los niños y adultos jóvenes. Sus células se dividen más rápido, por lo que el impacto de la radiación puede ser mucho mayor. “, dijo en un comunicado Black of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Aunque algunos fabricantes de teléfonos celulares han advertido a los consumidores sobre las consecuencias por el uso excesivo de los teléfonos y como estos deben estar lejos de su cuerpo -cuando no están en uso- la realidad es que los avances tecnológicos a los que la sociedad nos expone hace casi imposible el dejar de usar celulares o mantenerlos lejos del cuerpo. Más y más empresas crean aplicativos y programas y las personas se vuelven más y más dependientes de los celulares y las redes inalámbricas, por lo que la tendencia es que las personas continúen usando los móviles. Por tanto, las adverténcias de las casas fabricantes de celulares sobre el riesgo que el uso de los aparatos conlleva, es como los avisos de los fabricantes de cigarros sobre como el fumado es peligroso para la salud. Ambos lo saben, lo dicen, pero al mismo tiempo continúan produciendolos.

Con el número de suscripciones celulares alcanzando los cinco mil millones en todo el planeta, no es difícil visualizar la pandémia de cáncer que la humanidad enfrentará en unos años.

World Health Organization: Cell Phones cause Cancer

While some media have tried to reduce the scope of the latest confirmation, the results of the studies on the frequent and prolonged use of cell phones is very clear.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 1, 2011

The radiation emitted by cell phones causes cancer. Many studies have shown it and today it was time to the first global organization, the WHO, to accept that fact. The World Health Organization now includes radiation emitted by cell phones as a “cancer risk” and places it next to lead, combustion gases and chloroform due to the level of risk.

Prior to the announcement made today, the WHO had assured users, without giving the proper analysis to previous studies, that there were no risks associated with the use of mobile phones. But this time, the most recent study presented evidence so clear and undeniable, that the organization had to issue a statement accepting that the continuous radiation of mobile phones has everything to do with the development of brain cancers.

The latest analysis included 31 scientists from 14 countries including the United States, which decided to participate after scientists reviewed the results of previous studies and realized the magnitude of the problem. “The team found sufficient evidence to classify the personal exposure as” possibly carcinogenic to humans. “

What this means is that at this point there have not been conducted enough long term studies done to reach a clear conclusion about the safety of cell phone radiation, but there is enough data to show a possible connection which users should be alerted about.

“The biggest problem we have is we know that most environmental factors require several decades of study before we can see the consequences,” said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

According to the study, the radiation emitted by cell phones is called non-ionizing. This means that radiation has an effect like a low-power microwave and not as an X-ray, which exposes people to high concentrations of radiation for a short period of time.

“What phone radiation does in the simplest terms is similar to what happens to food in the microwave; essentially it cooks the brain. Thus, besides leading to development of cancer and tumors, it could create a whole bunch of other negative effects on the cognitive function of memory, because the temporal lobes are exactly where we put the cell phones.”

After the findings in recent studies, calls for caution on the use of cellular phones aren’t scarce, just as it has happened other times, but not many people have given the required attention and continue to use cell phones.

The study about the consequences of cell phone use has produced results that are similar to those that show the malignity of tobacco, for example. In addition to the latest analysis, the European Environment Agency made and continues to perform studies that show that the risk posed by the use of cell phones could be as great as that of smoking. In both cases the health of the user and those who are around is directly and negatively affected. These studies also compared the effects of radiation exposure to other elements such as asbestos and leaded gasoline. In the United States, the director of a cancer research institute at the University of Pittsburgh, expressed concern and urged employees to limit cell phone use.
“When we look at the development of cancer – particularly brain cancer – it is known that it takes much time to develop. I think it’s a good idea to give the audience a kind of warning that prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation could cause cancer, “said Dr. Henry Lai, a research and professor in bioengineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Lai has studied radiation for over 30 years.

The results of the largest international study on cell phone use and its relation to cancer development was initiated in 2010. The main result of the study showed that when participants used a cell phone for 10 years or more, they have double the chance to get cerebral glioma, which is a type of tumor. Despite this result, neither health authorities nor the universities have conducted studies to determine the effects of cellphone use in children, which is the population group with the largest increase in the use of cell phones. In theory, children’s brains would be even more affected by cellphone radiation due to the fact their skulls are not fully developed, which could contribute to a greater cerebral tissue exposure to radiation.

“The skulls of children and the scalp are thinner. So the radiation can penetrate deeper into the brain of children and young adults. Their cells divide more rapidly, so the impact of radiation can be much higher. ” read a statement issues by Black Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Although some cell phone manufacturers have warned consumers about the consequences of excessive use of phones and how they should be away from the body when not in use, the reality is that technological progress in our society makes it almost impossible to stop using cell phones or keep them away from the body. More and more companies create applications and programs and people become more and more dependent on the cellular phones and wireless networks, so the trend is that people continue to use mobile phones. Therefore, the warnings of manufacturers of mobile homes on the risk that they pose are as laughable as those of cigarette manufacturers about how smoking is hazardous to health. Both industries know about the harm, but still continue to produce cigarettes and mobiles.

With the number of mobile subscriptions reaching five billion worldwide, it is not difficult to visualize the cancer pandemic that humanity will face in a few years.

Obama loses support within Military Personnel

May 30, 2011

U.S. military veterans and those currently on active military duty are less likely to approve of President Obama’s job performance than are Americans of comparable ages who are not in the military.

Barack Obama Job Approval, by Veteran/Active-Duty Status and Age, January 2010-April 2011

These results are based on an analysis of more than 238,000 interviews conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking from January 2010 through April 2011. Respondents were classified as veterans/active-duty military based on responses to a series of questions probing whether any member of the household had served in the U.S. military, and whether the respondent himself or herself had served and, if so, whether the respondent was currently on active duty. Americans currently serving in the military overseas or on ships at sea would not be included in this national cell and landline telephone sample.

Thirty-seven percent of all active-duty military personnel and veterans surveyed approved of the job Obama is doing during the January 2010 to April 2011 time frame. That compares with 48% of non-veterans interviewed during the same period.

Obama’s approval rating varies by age, with younger Americans in general most likely to approve and older Americans least likely. The gap in approval between veterans/active duty military and non-veterans persists across the age spectrum, from 18- to 29-year-olds to those 80 and older.

Differences Across Gender Groups

Veterans and active-duty military, particularly those 40 and older, are predominantly men, and men are less likely to approve of the job Obama is doing than are women. However, the gap in Obama job approval between veterans/active-duty military and non-veterans persists among men in each age group.

Women who are serving or have served in the military are on a relative basis more positive about Obama than is the case for men who are members of the military or veterans. Female veterans or those in the military between the ages of 30 and 49, for example, are actually slightly more likely to approve of Obama than are non-veteran women in this age group.

Active-Duty Military Less Likely to Express an Opinion on Obama

Although active-duty military personnel are less likely to approve of the job Obama is doing than are national adults overall, this group’s disapproval is only marginally higher than that of national adults. This is because active-duty military — particularly those under 40 — are significantly more likely to say they have no opinion about Obama’s job performance than is the case for all adults in the same age group.

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Eurozone Risks Fallout as Bankers try same old Ineffective Medicine

May 31, 2011

The debt crisis in Greece, Ireland and Portugal could have “significant systemic effects” in the eurozone, Italy’s central bank chief Mario Draghi, who is set to head up the European Central Bank,said on Tuesday.

“In the eurozone, the sovereign debt crisis in three countries, which together represent six percent of the area’s GDP, has the potential to exert significant systemic effects,” Draghi said at a central bank conference.

“European economic and monetary union is facing its most difficult test since it was created,” added Draghi, referring to Greece, Ireland and Portugal which have agreed bailout packages worth tens of billions of euros (dollars).

“European surveillance over national budget policies, which was weakened in the middle of the last decade on the initiative of the three biggest countries, showed itself wanting just when it was most essential,” he said.

Had the European stability pact rules been respected to the letter, the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product on the eve of the crisis would have been 10 percentage points less in the eurozone, he said.

“There are no shortcuts,” warned Draghi, calling on governments to rein in public finances.

“Financial support from other governments in the eurozone is needed for countries to proceed with corrections while being sheltered from the volatility on the markets. It is not a fiscal transfer between countries,” he said.

Draghi said it was up to the ECB to “ensure price stability in the medium term”. “Neither sovereign risks nor the pathological dependence of some banks on ECB financing can deflect from this task,” he added.

A former economics professor and Goldman Sachs investment banker who has been overseeing a series of global financial reforms, Draghi has been anointed as the next European Central Bank chief to take over from Jean-Claude Trichet.

He is due to be formally appointed during a European Union summit in June.

Pointing to a slow recovery in Italy, Draghi said the government should focus on boosting growth by dealing with the problem of low productivity, a weak labour market and upgrade infrastructure and the education system.

The central bank governor said the government’s target of reaching a balanced budget by 2014 was “appropriate” but warned against “uniform” budget cuts that could undermine an already weak recovery.

Carbon Emissions Reduction Threatens Alternative Energy Research

The same policies that are supposed to provide funding for alternative energy sources research and development are threatening such initiative.

By Ian Sample
UK Guardian
May 30, 2011

World-class research into future sources of green energy is under threat in Britain from an environmental tax designed to boost energy efficiency and drive down carbon emissions, scientists claim.

Some facilities must find hundreds of thousands of pounds to settle green tax bills, putting jobs and research at risk.

The unexpected impact of the government’s carbon reduction commitment (CRC) scheme is so severe that scientists and research funders have lobbied ministers for an exemption to reduce the bills.

Among the worst hit is the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in Oxfordshire, a facility for research into almost limitless carbon-free energy. The lab faces an estimated £400,000 payment next year, raising the spectre of job losses and operational cuts. “Considering our research is aimed at producing zero-carbon energy, it seems ironic and perverse to clobber us with an extra bill,” a senior scientist at the lab said. “We have to use electricity to run the machine and there is no way of getting around that.”

The laboratory operates the Joint European Torus (JET), the largest fusion reactor in Europe. It has led the way in research on fusion energy. The Culham lab faces a significant bill because, while energy savings can be made in other areas of the site, the machine incurs a large electricity bill when it is running.

The Prospect union is urging the government to exempt energy use where the focus of research contributes directly to public good and government policy.

“This [tax] will have a negative impact on important research into low carbon energy sources and that cannot be the right consequence of a policy the government is pursuing to promote a low carbon economy,” said Sue Ferns, head of research at Prospect. “There is a potential for the scheme to impact on employment and it adds to pressures to run the equipment less. Even if it doesn’t lead to substantial job losses, these are world-class scientists and every job, every piece of research makes a difference.”

Britain’s main funding body for research centres, the Science and Technology Facilities Council, is trying to persuade ministers to rethink how the scheme applies to scientific laboratories. The STFC’s bill will “inevitably” mean less funding for research across its centres, the Guardian has been told.

All representations have been dismissed by the government, but the chief scientist, Sir John Beddington, passed on researchers’ concerns to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for an ongoing review.

Across the UK, laboratories will be required to pay around £1m in annual CRC bills to the DECC. Almost all of that will be met by diverting grants from other areas of government, such as the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

In the October spending review, the government shelved plans to recycle money raised by the scheme to participants, and said it would instead earn £1bn in revenue to support public finances.

Another Oxfordshire laboratory, the Diamond synchrotron light source, expects a £300,000 bill under the CRC. A spokesman said the lab hoped to offset the bill by investing in better climate control and motion-sensitive lighting.

At the Daresbury laboratory in Cheshire, the CRC bill will worsen financial woes that have forced managers to draft redundancy packages and consider cutting back on equipment. “Science is already struggling here and now we are being charged an additional premium to go about our everyday business while working to address the government’s own stated grand challenges in science for the 21st century.,” said Lee Jones, an accelerator physicist at the laboratory.

The DECC said: “All parts of the UK economy will need to play a part in using energy more efficiently. The measures encouraged by the CRC can make organisations more competitive via the cost savings on their energy bills.

“We are working on simplifying the CRC scheme to make it more straightforward and reduce burden on participants. Further details of how we plan to do this will be published in the coming months.”

UN’s call to CO2 action

The fastest-ever rise in greenhouse gas emissions, revealed by the Guardian yesterday, is an “inconvenient truth” the world must face, the UN’s climate change chief said.

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN framework convention, said: “This is the inconvenient truth of where human-generated greenhouse gas emissions are projected to go without much stronger international action, ” she said, issuing a call ahead of UN talks in Bonn next week. “I won’t hear that this is impossible.”

Estimates from the International Energy Agency show that last year saw a record CO2 rise, despite the recession and government policies aimed at curbing greenhouse gases. Most came from emerging economies, including China, but there is evidence the west “exported” billions of tonnes of emissions.

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