White House will reveal its anti-Second Amendment proposal on Tuesday


Without much-or no-common ground to share, U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, hosted yesterday at the White House representatives from the National Rifle Association (NRA), in a first step to try to neutralize the strength of lobbying efforts by pro Second Amendment groups to avoid the ban on the right of the people to own and bear arms.

Before the meeting, Biden stated his intention to listen to all parties involved, to achieve the objective assigned by the president earlier this year: forming a working group to present specific measures to end the Second Amendment.

Biden’s meetings with various pro gun rights groups is all window dressing because both him and the U.S. President have made it clear that they intend to eliminate the right of the people to defend themselves against criminals who possess powerful firearms and who use them to commit horrendous crimes against a widely disarmed population.

“I have pledged to him [Obama] I will make my recommendations public on Tuesday or earlier,” said the vice president. Thus, Obama will have a working draft even before the time frame he set – end of January, and a week before his inauguration. Joe Biden’s work here was not to come to an agreement on what needs to be done to end violence in the United States as a society, but to conclude that firearms are not be in the hands of the citizens. He has done so already.

The vice president said yesterday that despite not having closed its final document he believed he had achieved consensus on certain suggestions he has heard repeatedly from the mouths of the various groups that met this week.

Some of these recommendations have to do with applying “universal background checks” on gun buyers,  reducing the number of bullets in the magazines of certain firearms and to impose a ban on semi automatic weapons. Certainly, the last two proposals meet strong opposition from advocacy groups, who so far have stood together against any form of new government gun control policy.

Describing himself as a “nuclear-weapon” but “not a great hunter” – “basically I do skeet shooting,” he said, Biden stressed the idea that there must be “common ground, if not to solve all and each of the problems, then at least to decrease the likelihood of mass shootings. “I have no concrete conclusions yet,” he admitted.

Biden referred to the slaughter of Newtown saying that “there is nothing more significant to move the conscience of the American people.” The Obama administration has been aided by the corporate controlled main stream media whose talking heads have not stopped their calls for strong bans on the Second Amendment.

The most visible of all has been CNN news falsifier, Piers Morgan, a British who after being born in a prison society, does not have the slightest idea about what is constitutional and what is not. Morgan’s public outcry for gun control earned him three spanks from the head of Gun Owners of America and radio talk show host, Alex Jones.

Jones appeared on Morgan’s show this week and did what any concerned pro Second Amendment American would do; warn Morgan that his efforts to disarm the people would be futile and dangerous. Jones led a campaign to deport Piers Morgan by collecting at least 25,000 signatures. The petition to deport the CNN host has reached over 100,000 signatures and counting.

The biggest challenge for Obama and his anti-Second Amendment movement is to show that guns kill people, which is the argument made by virtually all gun control advocates. Unfortunately for them, guns DO NOT kill people, but mentally ill men and women who more often than not are under the influence of pharmaceutical products. Legal drugs and gang violence — gangs do not abide by the law — are the two main reasons for the spike in gun violence in the country, although gun murders are not first, second or third place in the list of violent crimes.

More people are murdered every year by pharmaceutical companies — while under the influence of their products — than by any other instrument. No one however, hears the White House decrying the murder of millions of men, women and children due to the use and abuse of pharmaceuticals. Part of the reason those deaths are not spoken about is that drug corporations are some of the greatest donors to politicians in the United States.

Just yesterday we confirmed that the Aurora shooter, James Holmes was under the influence of pharmaceutical products and vaccines, and that such drugs played a significant role in his actions at the theater complex where he shot innocent people who were completely disarmed.

New anti-Second Amendment Proposal

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will present his recommendations early next week has pro Second Amendment groups on their toes; not because they do not know what Biden will propose as a supposed way to end gun violence, but because of the ways in which the White House intends to enact the new regulations. Government officials and pro Obama folks have all but demanded that the seating president uses inexistent powers to establish illegal and unconstitutional regulations on gun ownership.

Neither Obama nor the Congress can legally impose bans on the Second Amendment or any other existing law. However, the recommendations to supposedly improve control and prevent violence caused by firearms, is exactly what Biden’s conclusions will call for. The U.S. Vice-president has said that he has found ‘consensus’ that will enable the federal government to change the current rules.

After meeting with advocacy groups and anti-violence organizations, Biden said he has found consensus on the need to improve regulations, although they alone can not eliminate the risk of massacres. So, just as it happened after 9/11, the government will enact illegal regulations (The Patriot Act, the NDAA) to ‘prevent’ more violence from occurring, even though such regulations cannot actually prevent anything for the simple reason that bad or mentally ill people will always find a way to get their hands on firearms to attack an unarmed population.

After the meeting with Biden, the National Rifle Association (NRA), said in a statement that the meeting had been “disappointing” because in their opinion, the meeting served “to attack the Second Amendment” of the Constitution.

The NRA defends a literal interpretation of that constitutional provision recognizing the right of Americans to bear arms, a right linked to the revolution of 1776 that gave birth to the nation. On the other hand, anti-Second Amendment folks erroneously say that the Second Amendment is meant for hunting purposes, or that The People, are not part of the well-regulated Militia.

The NRA regretted the attempt to impose restrictions on legal gun owners and said that the organization  will continue to seek solutions that intend to have an “honest” debate about guns. Sadly, it seems the honest part will have to wait, because the White House put all its chips on using shootings such as the one in Newtown, Connecticut to push for an open-ended sweep against the Second Amendment. Joe Biden has insisted that his proposal will at least guarantee the establishment of universal background checks, psychological test on all current and new gun owners, a prohibition on the same of high capacity magazines and a ban on semi automatic weapons.

He said it is clear that the American public “wants us to act”, although some media and opinion leaders believe the White House is trying to deprive the people of their right to bear arms. The vice president acknowledged that there is no “one solution to avoiding” massacres and noted that the treatment of mental illness is one of the most important in any strategy.

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New York State now leading crusade against Second Amendment


The U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, met Wednesday at the White House in Washington with victims and groups demanding more restrictive legislation on weapons. While in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, took advantage of the discourse on state of the State to announce an agenda to ban assault weapons almost a month after the Newtown, Connecticut incident, where a mentally ill teenager shot 27 people at the Sandy Hook Elementary school.

Biden’s meeting was the first of several that he will have with different groups in response to the shooting of Newtown. The vice president will not limit his contact to individuals and organizations that align themselves with the vision that the White House has on gun control, but is unlikely that the result of the meetings will include a recommendation to allow people to freely exercise their second amendment right.

On Thursday, Biden met with members of the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA), as well as with executives of the largest chain stores in the country, Wal-Mart, that declined the offer of the White House to hold conversations at first, but that reconsidered and accepted the invitation yesterday. Wal-Mart sells weapons at over 1,800 of its 4,000 stores, including semiautomatic assault rifles like the one that has been making the news on the main stream corporate media as the example of the type of firearms that people should not possess.

“We are here to deal with a problem that requires immediate action, urgent action,” Biden told reporters, as trying to emphasize the kind of measures that will be taken. “The president is going to act,” Biden progressed. “There are executive orders, executive actions that can be performed,” the vice president said. His statement clears the notion about whether the president will continue acting as a dictator, making up laws and regulations that he has no power to enact.

As things stand today, the Obama administration will simply use executive privilege to pass any rules he and his minions in government want. Obama and those who support erasing the second amendment have said that if Congress does not pass legislation to ban the possession of firearms, the U.S. president will have to act unilaterally in order to ‘save us all’ from ourselves. Amazingly, neither Obama nor the main stream media attempt to pitch a ban on deadly pharmaceutical drugs which are the real triggers of most of the shootings seen in the last year or so.

In Albany, Cuomo sketched an outline of his legislative agenda this year and called for a ban on assault weapons. New York is one of seven states that already has some sort of ban on these weapons but believes  current legislation is inefficient, so more of the same is needed.

Cuomo seeks to expand the number of models and chargers that are now covered by the law to make it harder for companies to circumvent regulations, Cuomo added. As all lousy power grabbers, Cuomo does not publicly recognize that criminals do not respect laws and that they will always find a way to get the best firearms.

As a Democrat on Capitol Hill in New York since 2010, Cuomo raised the ire and fear of gun owners by a statement made after the slaughter of Newtown in which he said that the confiscation of such weapons was an option in future legislation.

The regulations in force in New York against assault weapons were enacted after another mass shooting, the one in Columbine in 1999, where two students took the lives of 12 students and a teacher. More violent shootings have happened after Columbine; a fact which demonstrates two things: bans on firearms do not end shootings anywhere, and government cannot protect a disarmed population.

In the quest for higher gun control that does not allow the indiscriminate sale of, for example, semi-automatic weapons that can shoot 20 to 100 rounds per second former congressman from Arizona, Democrat Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, joined astronaut Mark Kelly in the push to end the second amendment.

Gun control pushers used the second anniversary of the attack in Tucson, which killed six people, to begin a new campaign that calls for the ban of the second amendment. Giffords and the six people who were killed that day were surrounded by a tight ring of security, which was not able to prevent the shooting, but for some reason anti-Second Amendment people believe that an even more disarmed population will be able to cope better gun violence. Giffords and his pals announced the formation of a political group to fight the powerful NRA.

People like Giffords and the rest of the pro disarmament movement call themselves defenders of the Second Amendment and are said to be firearms owners, but in practice they belong to a larger, more powerful lobby led by Democrats and so called liberals, who seek to disarm the population so that the State continues to hold the monopoly of violence.

“We can not keep making statements,” said Mark Kelly, a former astronaut, after hearing about the shooting of Connecticut. “We have to try and help change things.” The group founded by former Congressman and her husband called Americans for Responsible Solutions and will be based in Washington.

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U.S. teachers take up arms to prevent mass shootings

AFP | DECEMBER 28, 2012

Several US states are considering allowing school teachers to carry weapons, and educators, determined not to allow a repeat of the Newtown massacre, are flocking to training sessions.

As gun control advocates try to outlaw military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, gun enthusiasts, backed by the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA), are taking a very different approach.

The gun lobby argues that there is no way to stop crazy or evil people doing bad things and so the only sure-fire way to prevent mass shootings like the one at Sandy Hook elementary is to take down the shooter.

In a rare press conference one week after 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot dead 20 six- and seven-year-olds and six adults with a Bushmaster AR-15 assault rifle, the NRA called for armed guards in every school in the country.

But in Utah, one of the handful of American states that currently allows people to carry licensed concealed weapons into public schools, many teachers are unwilling to wait and see which political argument wins out.

In response to Newtown, the Utah Shooting Sports Council (USSC) waived its fee on Thursday for educators wanting to participate in training sessions to gain permits to carry concealed weapons.

More than half of the roughly 400 education professionals that showed an interest had to be turned away because there wasn’t enough room on the course.

“We had about 400 that wanted to do it and we only had seating for about 180,” USSC board member Bill Scott told AFP.

The surge in interest was seen by organizers as a direct response to the shooting in Newtown, with teachers showing a heightened awareness that people are responsible for their own safety and wanting their own permits.

“A lot of these people may have shot all their lives and some of them may have never touched a gun,” Scott said.

“We’re not advocating that all teachers should be armed. We’re just saying that those that choose to be armed, that want to get the training, they have the right to do that in Utah, we’d like to facilitate that.”

While teachers train themselves to try to stop the next Lanza, state officials like Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne are busily crafting legislation to make sure they can legally do so.

“The proposal is that any school that wishes to do so may designate the principal or another designee to receive training in the use of firearms and how to handle emergencies such as that which occurred in Newtown,” he said.

Ideally, there would be an armed police officer in every school, but due to budget considerations this may not be possible, so training a designated teacher to handle firearms is “the next best solution,” Horne said.

Pro-gun lawmakers in Florida, Minnesota, Oregon, South Dakota and Tennessee have also vowed to propose legislation in the coming months that would allow for armed teachers in schools.

“Hopefully, these monsters, these animals that are doing this stuff will stay away from the schools,” said Scott.

“Our view also is that it’s not just that you would actively engage the shooter, just the fact that the bad guys know that teachers are armed in Utah is a huge deterrent.

“They tend to pick targets where they know there will be lots of innocent victims and they’re not going to encounter any resistance.”

As teachers stripped semi-automatic pistols on tables at the USSC gathering, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was putting the final touches to a bill that would ban weapons like the one Lanza used in Newtown.

Gun rights advocates, led by the NRA, are stringently against such measures.

“The thing about them being assault weapons, it’s a misnomer,” said Scott.

“These weapons are no different than a standard sporting weapon. We don’t support any bans on those because true military weapons are already banned in the United States.”

Barack Obama at the head of anti-Second Amendment movement in the United States


Barack Obama has pledged to lead a new national crackdown on firearms, with some prohibitions, greater legal controls and a new approach to personal safety that requires a profound transformation of the dominant culture in the United States. For the first time in decades, the tragedy of Newtown, different from previous ones in several circumstances, is being used to launch a massive attack on the second amendment, which clearly states that every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms and that the government cannot legislate against that constitutional right in any way, shape or form.

The issue of gun ownership is one that is little understood by most Americans. After the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, people all over the United States showed up at police departments to hand in their guns and according to recently taken polls, upwards of 50 percent of the population now believes that the idea of limiting gun rights is a positive thing. Perhaps they have been overwhelmed by the fear instigated by the main stream media, which have used the shooting at the Sandy Hook school to call for massive gun restrictions. People cannot see that if there is one thing that should be understood after the shooting is that the government cannot protect them, and that their protection is their responsibility.

Not only have many congressmen shown opposition to firearm ownership, but a large number of them have been quietly working on legislation to limit them, some of the most loyal supporters of the National Rifle Association (NRA), such as Sen. Joe Machin, a member of the powerful lobby for years, yesterday joined the supporters of imposing tighter controls. “It is time to move beyond the rhetoric, we need to sit down and do something,” he said.

Indeed, it is a new time. The country lives under a shock like never before. Millions of parents that Monday morning left their children at school have yet to experience the dreadful outcome of the crime perpetrated at the Sandy Hook school last Friday. The shooting did not make them understand that it is their responsibility to protect their own children. Children, teachers and families are always talking about it, how something so horrible could happen, what needs to be done so that does not happen again, but they seem unable to rationalize and come up with the right answer.

Obama picked up the popular sentiment in a speech on Sunday night in Newtown, which promised to use “all power” in his hands to carry out significant change. It is very likely that this is the great cause of his second term and certainly an ambitious one, since at least 80 million people in the United States are gun owners. We can expect two outcomes, if the Obama White House really attempts to enact a massive gun ban: The first would result in the mass enslavement of the population, should the majority of those 80 million decide to hand in their weapons. This is all the government wants. The second, if those 80 million stand their ground and refuse to hand the firearms, but the government imposes some kind of gun confiscation policy the country may be on the way to experience another civil war.

A civil war would not be new. In fact, a minority of Americans fought a war against British imperialism to keep their right to own firearms, after the English crown called for the citizens to hand in their guns. The outcome was the defeat of the British and the Americans kept their right to keep and bear arms. If the U.S. government decides to impose a ban on the possession of firearms and law enforcement decides to comply with such task, we are in the works for one of the bloodiest battles in the history of the United States.

The Media and the Propaganda

“We can not accept events like this as routine. Are we willing to accept that we are powerless over a slaughter of this nature? What policy does not allow us to act? Are we willing to say that violence attacking our children year after year is just the price we pay for our freedom,” asked Barack Obama. “No law can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent acts of senseless violence in our society. But that can not be an excuse for doing nothing. “

“We have to change,” Obama said. The problem for Obama is that for him to weaken or completely eliminate the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms, he will have to fight with half of the country and more precisely with a growing minority that understands now more than ever that owning guns has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with protecting themselves from mentally ill people. Many pro second amendment people are asking what would have happened if the principal of the Sandy Hook school had been a gun owner, or if the teachers had been trained to use guns and had one of their own. Other states and cities around the United States have asked that same question and have voted to give teachers the legal right to own firearms.

Besides the need to defend themselves, pro second amendment Americans will offer firm opposition to Obama, Congress and the main stream corporate media by supporting the concept of freedom as inalienable patrimony of the individual in the U.S., which is  subjected to the constant threat of collectivist state authority. This collectivism is reflected in Obama’s last speech when he called for all Americans to support his gun ban project. “If we want to educate and protect our children, we are going to have to do together,” said the president.

Those words are a challenge to the idea that a child’s safety is the responsibility of the family and not the government. Millions of Americans share the principle that the protection of a child is the sole and exclusive obligation of the parents or close relatives. In that same idea of ​​individual responsibility, which has many positive applications, children are educated and raised to become the best in their communities. Children who are homeschooled, and who are taught real family and social values are more successful as members of a community.

Challenging the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, as suggested by Obama will obviously hit a very sensitive fiber; one of the most sensitive at the core of American existence. This country was founded on individual freedom, and this explains why the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. Those who seek to challenge the second amendment say that limits must be imposed for the safety of the collective, clearly missing the core principles upon which their country was founded. Most of these people are domesticated Americans who actually believe that the government knows better how to protect them, even though the federal government has failed time after time, after time. Fear has taken its toll.

Translating political rhetoric into concrete action will not be easy. Any legislative process to impose greater controls on firearm ownership will be costly all around. The forces opposed to the regulation of weapons — the citizenry — will not go away overnight. Even after controlled opposition such as the National Rifle Association and the Republican Party failed to come out in defense of the second amendment, other organization like Gun Owners of America and the average folk himself will not let the latest tragedy run away with his right to hold on to their guns to protect himself and his family.

In the U.S. Congress, it is expected that most Republican congressmen will bend over and allow the fake liberal, progressive movement, to which the U.S. president belong, to impose some kind of limitation to the second amendment. Plans have already been drawn by people like Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein to attack the second amendment.

New gun laws will not fix anything. The problem in the United States is not one of a ‘gun culture’ but one of a mentally ill population, that is drugged up to their eyeballs while suffering the worst crisis of identity in the history of the country. The fake multiculturalism, the racial division, the lack of accountability of both government and corporate American and the hatred campaigns secretly being supported by government grants or tax-exempted NGO’s have devastated the core of the of the greatest nations in history.

Prohibiting or greatly limiting gun ownership will not only not solve the problem of violence in the American society. In fact, it will make it worse. If today gun-free zones such as schools, churches, malls and sporting events are sweet targets mentally ill people to pull out a gun and kill anyone they want, imagine what will happen in the United States if the country as a whole becomes a gun-free zone.

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Fake progressives and liberals wage open war on second amendment in the United States

Others call for murdering gun owners and taking all guns from the hands of the people.


Coinciding with the visit of Barack Obama to Newtown to join the vigil for the 27 victims of the massacre of Sandy Hook, several Democratic Party leaders on Sunday announced an immediate legislative initiative to ban some guns and impose greater controls the sales of others, a proposal that will surely be met with strong resistance at the Capitol, despite the outrage caused by the bloody episode of the Connecticut school.

Although Saturday in his usual radio message, Obama insisted one the needed for “significant action” to prevent an incident like the one that happened last week in Connecticut, no concrete measures announcement was made in Newtown, where his presence was primarily intended to show support for the relatives of those whose children were killed at the Sandy Hook School. A total of 20 children and 6 adults, all of them teachers who died while trying to protect the students.

Senior members of the Democratic party, have now called for significant bans on gun possession, with which they intend to debilitate even more the constitutional rights of the American people, while criminals continue to have full access to all kinds of armaments. Some of the first steps to limit and then ban gun ownership are the imposition of legal limitations on arms sales as well as ammunition sales, a larger and more detailed registration process for gun owners and a ban on people who the government determines to be a danger to society, for example, people who the government has included on no-fly and presidential kill-lists.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, who in 1994 introduced the law to ban assault rifles, said yesterday that on the first day of the next Congress a proposal in the Senate will attempt to prohibit the legal possession of semi automatic weapons as well as those that might be modified to be turned into automatic ones. Meanwhile, the dying US corporate media is also waging an open war on gun owners, calling for the complete disarmament of all people in order to avoid more shootings.

A semi-automatic assault rifle was precisely the weapon used by Adam Lanza, the man who shot 26 people in Sandy Hook, all with several shots to the body. The corporate media is blaming guns, not the people who use them, for the mass shootings that have happened in the United States in the last few months in an attempt to echo the government’s call for banning gun ownership.

Suddenly, the same corporate media forgot that it is precisely the U.S. government the one who shipped thousands of weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico, which caused the death of thousands of people over the last 5 or 6 years. No one in the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal has been held accountable for those deaths, but both the media and the government acted quickly to call for gun bans after the Sandy Hook shooting.

Feinstein’s proposal has been supported by another influential Democratic Senator. New York’s Charles Schumer said that ”Maybe this dreadful tragedy helps us to unite to prevent the recurrence of such an atrocity”. Another New Yorker who has expressed his desire to ban gun ownership is New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who had been waiting for this kind of tragic events to reinforce his policy of disarmament.

A Democratic congressman from the state where the killing occurred, John Larson, along with a group of colleagues in the House of Representatives, are promoting a ban on assault rifles accompanied by other measures, such as requiring background checks on each buyer of weapons anywhere in the country.

On other fronts, the group of mayors against guns, captained by Michael Bloomberg, has mobilized to press Congress and the White House to crack down on gun owners. Bloomberg asked the president to submit a proposal to the Capitol Hill which congressmen can vote on. The mayor of Philadelphia, one of the hardest hit by gun violence, urged immediate action. “We do not need more speeches, we need action,” he said.

But the optimism reigning in the heads of the fake progressives may have just come too soon. With at least 5 percent of Americans fully armed, the disarmament process may be all but easy. A massive campaign to confiscate weapons from the hands of the people, will certainly cause another civil war, because most gun owners will not be subdued without a fight. After the shooting of 2011 in Tucson (Arizona) that seriously injured Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the Department of Justice prepared a series of measures to control firearms, but those proposals were put in the drawer given the massive opposition from conservative congressmen and the American public.

But now that Obama may does not need to be accountable to anyone – because he doesn’t have the possibility to seek reelection – he has been more outspoken about going further on gun control. But still, the obstacles he had a year ago still exist today or have grown. One day before the killing of Newtown, the state of Michigan passed a law allowing guns in schools. Similar actions to strengthen gun ownership have happened all over the country.

The National Rifle Association (NRA), which promotes most of these measures to extend the use of weapons, hasn’t officially issued a statement about the shooting or whether it will support gun bans or gun ownership limitations. Meanwhile, sales of firearms have skyrocketed since Barack Obama was elected back in 2008, and even more after he was reelected last November.  Firearm fairs have been booming with hundreds of people buying guns and ammunition. With every shooting and with every proposal to ban gun ownerships more and more Americans pile up on firearms and ammo to ensure they will be able to defend themselves from average criminals and from the entity that seems to want to keep its monopoly of force intact: their own government.

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