Invasão Militar Resulta em Mais Terrorismo

Rep. Ron Paul
Candidato presidencial
13 de setembro de 2011

Dez anos atrás, ações chocantes e terríveis de terrorismo foram realizadas em território dos EUA que resultaram na morte de 3.000 americanos inocentes. Sem dúvida, esta ação demanda vingança e retaliação. No entanto, muito tem sido feito em nome de proteger o povo americano contra o terrorismo que reduziu a nossa liberdade, prosperidade e até mesmo nos fez menos seguros. Isso é irônico e triste, considerando que a linha muitas vezes repetida sobre o raciocínio por trás dos ataques é que eles nos odeiam pelo que somos – um povo livre, próspero – e que não devemos, sob nenhuma circunstância deixar que os terroristas ganhem.

Ron Paul, Candidato Presidencial Republicano

Embora seja difícil para muitos acreditar, estudos mostram que a verdadeira motivação por trás dos ataques terroristas do 11 de setembro e a grande maioria dos outros casos de terrorismo suicida não é que os nossos inimigos se incomodam com o nosso modo de vida. Nao é nossa religião ou nossas riquezas. A razão é a ocupação que EUA faz de suas terras. Imagine por um momento como você se sentiria se um país invade o seu pela força e instala bases militares e soldados nas cidades. Você pode começar a entender por que a ocupação estrangeira incomoda tanta gente. Robert Pape investigou extensivamente o assunto e fala longamente em seu livro “O corte dos fusíveis:. A explosão do terrorismo suicida global e como para-lo”. Na verdade, de 2.200 incidentes de ataques suicidas que tem sido estudados em todo o mundo desde 1980, 95% foram em resposta à ocupação estrangeira.

Pape notas que antes da invasão do Iraque, apenas 10% do terrorismo suicida foi direcionado para os americanos ou os interesses americanos. Desde então, porém, não só o terrorismo suicida tem aumentado consideravelmente, mas agora 91% é feito contra os Estados Unidos.

Sim, os ataques de 11/09 mereciam uma resposta. Mas a maneira como respondemos permitiu os radicais do mundo muçulmano, agredir com uma narrativa muito ameaçadora sobre nós e nossa motivação na ocupação de suas terras. Osama bin Laden se refere a nós como “conquistadores” com uma agenda religiosa para converter muçulmanos, ocidentalizar a sua cultura e assumir o controle de seus recursos. Se tivéssemos voltado nossa  resposta para os bandidos e criminosos que nos atacaram, e nós tivéssemos abstido de invadir países que não tinham nada a ver com isso, essa caracterização pareceria menos plausível para o desesperado e deslocado. Culpar somente o Islã é muito enganador.

Em vez disso, optamos por um curso de ação que levou à perda de mais de 8.000 vidas americanas, deixou 40 mil feridos e tem centenas de milhares de pessoas que procuram ajuda por meio da Administração de Veteranos. Nós estamos três a quatro bilhões de dólares mais pobres. Nossas forças armadas estão espalhadas ao redor do mundo perigosamente à custa da protecção que poderiam realizar aqui em casa. Não só isso, mas temos permitido que a nossa liberdade seja ameaçada e minada desde dentro. O Patriot Act, as buscas e escutas telefônicas sem habeas corpus, as buscas desnecessárias e humilhantes nos aeroportos são apenas alguns exemplos de como temos permitido que os terroristas “ganhem” e como nosso país é menos livre.

Não existia terrorismo suicida no Iraque antes que os EUA chegaram lá. Agora há. Não há casos conhecidos de terrorismo suicida cometido por iranianos. Se o Irã é invadido e ocupado, podemos esperar que isso aconteça também.

As vezes pode ser muito desconfortável ouvir ou fazer perguntas e encarar a verdade. Quando um político habilidoso chega e dá uma versão muito mais suave de eventos, é tentador acreditar apenas o que nós gostamos. Mas ouvir as mentiras não nos torna mais seguros, embora possa nos fazer sentir melhor sobre nós mesmos.

A verdade é que pôr fim a estas guerras e ocupações vai nos fazer mais seguro, mais prósperos e mais livres.

Tradução em Português Luis R. Miranda

Ocupación Militar Resulta en Más Terrorismo

Rep. Ron Paul
Candidato Presidencial
13 de septiembre 2011

Hace diez años acciones chocantes y horribles de terrorismo fueron llevadas a cabo en territorio de EE.UU., las cuales resultaron en la muerte de 3.000 estadounidenses inocentes. Sin lugar a dudas, esta acción exige venganza y retribución. Sin embargo, mucho se ha hecho en nombre de proteger al pueblo estadounidense contra el terrorismo que ha reducido nuestra prosperidad, la libertad e incluso nos ha hecho menos seguros. Esto es irónico y triste, teniendo en cuenta que la línea tantas veces repetida sobre el razonamiento detrás de los ataques es que nos odian por lo que somos – un pueblo libre, próspero – y que no debemos dejar, bajo ninguna circunstancia que los terroristas ganen.

Ron Paul, Candidato Presidencial Republicano

Aunque es difícil para muchos creerlo, los estudios muestran que la verdadera motivación detrás de los atentados del 11 de septiembre y la gran mayoría de otros casos de terrorismo suicida no es que a nuestros enemigos les molesta nuestra forma de vida. Tampoco es nuestra religión, o nuestra riqueza, La razón es la ocupación estadounidense de sus tierras. Imagine por un momento cómo se sentiría si un país ocupara Estados Unidos por la fuerza e instalara bases militares y soldados armados en nuestras ciudades. Es posible empezar a entender por qué la ocupación extranjera molesta tanto a la gente. Robert Pape ha investigado extensamente este tema y habla en profundidad en su libro “El corte de los fusibles: La explosión del terrorismo suicida global y cómo detenerlo”. De hecho, de 2.200 incidentes de ataques suicidas que ha estudiado en todo el mundo desde 1980, el 95% fueron en respuesta a la ocupación extranjera.

Pape señala que antes de la invasión de Irak, sólo el 10% del terrorismo suicida estaba dirigido a los estadounidenses o los intereses estadounidenses. Desde entonces, sin embargo, no sólo ha aumentado el  terrorismo suicida en gran medida, sino que el 91% de ahora es realizado contra Estados Unidos.

Sí, los ataques del 9 / 11 merecían respuesta. Pero la manera en que hemos respondido ha permitido que los radicales en el mundo musulmán avancen con una narrativa muy amenazante sobre nosotros y nuestra motivación en la ocupación de sus tierras. Osama bin Laden se refiere a nosotros como “conquistadores” con una agenda religiosa para convertir a los musulmanes, occidentalizar su cultura y tomar el control de sus recursos. Si hubiéramos dirigido nuestra respuesta sólo a los matones y criminales que nos atacaron, y nos hubieramos  abstenido de invadir países que no tenía nada que ver con ello, esta caracterización parecería menos plausible a los desesperados y desplazados. Culpar al Islam por sí solo es muy engañoso.

En su lugar, se optó por un curso de acción que llevó a la pérdida de más de 8.000 vidas estadounidenses, dejó 40.000 heridos y tiene cientos de miles de personas que buscan ayuda a través de la Administración de Veteranos. Nos tienen de tres a cuatro billones de dólares más pobres. Nuestras fuerzas armadas se extienden peligrosamente en todo el mundo, a expensas de la protección que podrían realizar aquí en casa. No sólo eso, sino que hemos permitido que nuestra libertad sea amenazada y socavada desde dentro. La Ley Patriota, los allanamientos y escuchas telefónicas abusivas sin hábeas corpus, las búsquedas inútiles y humillantes en aeropuertos son sólo algunos ejemplos de cómo hemos permitido que los terroristas “ganen” y que nuestro país sea menos libre.

El terrorismo suicida no existía en Irak antes de que Estados Unidos llegara allí. Ahora existe. No hay casos conocidos de los iraníes cometiendo terrorismo suicida. Si invadimos y ocupamos Irán, podemos esperar que eso suceda también.

A veces puede ser muy incómodo hacer o escuchar las preguntas adecuadas y enfrentar la verdad. Cuando un político hábil se acerca y da una forma mucho más suave versión de los hechos, es muy tentador creer simplemente lo que nos gusta. Pero escuchar las mentiras no nos hace más seguros, a pesar de que podría hacer que nos sintamos mejor con nosotros mismos.

La verdad es que poner fin a estas guerras y ocupaciones equivocadas nos hará más seguros, más prósperos y más libre.

Traducción en Español Luis R. Miranda

Foreign Occupation Leads to More Terror

Rep. Ron Paul
U.S. Presidential Candidate
September 13, 2011

Ten years ago shocking and horrific acts of terrorism were carried out on US soil, taking over 3,000 innocent American lives.  Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and retribution.  However, much has been done in the name of protecting the American people from terrorism that has reduced our prosperity and liberty and even made us less safe.  This is ironic and sad, considering that the oft-repeated line concerning the reasoning behind the attacks is that they hate us for who we are – a free, prosperous people – and that we must not under any circumstances allow the terrorists to win.

U.S. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Though it is hard for many to believe, honest studies show that the real motivation behind the September 11 attacks and the vast majority of other instances of suicide terrorism is not that our enemies are bothered by our way of life.  Neither is it our religion, or our wealth.  Rather, it is primarily occupation.  If you were to imagine for a moment how you would feel if another country forcibly occupied the United States, had military bases and armed soldiers present in our hometowns, you might begin to understand why foreign occupation upsets people so much.  Robert Pape has extensively researched this issue and goes in depth in his book “Cutting the Fuse:  The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It”.  In fact, of 2,200 incidents of suicide attacks he has studied worldwide since 1980, 95% were in response to foreign occupation.

Pape notes that before our invasion of Iraq, only about 10% of suicide terrorism was aimed at Americans or American interests.  Since, then however, not only is suicide terrorism greatly on the rise, but 91% of it is now directed at us.

Yes, the attacks of 9/11 deserved a response.  But the manner in which we responded has allowed radicals in the Muslim world to advance a very threatening narrative about us and our motivation in occupying their lands.  Osama bin Laden referred to us as “crusaders” with a religious agenda to convert Muslims, westernize their culture and take control of their resources.  If we had targeted our response to only the thugs and criminals who attacked us, and refrained from invading countries that had nothing to do with it, this characterization would seem less plausible to the desperate and displaced.  Blaming Islam alone is grossly misleading.

Instead, we chose a course of action that led to the further loss of 8,000 American lives, left 40,000 wounded and has hundreds of thousands seeking help at the Veterans Administration.  We are three to four trillion dollars poorer.  Our military is spread dangerously thin around the globe, at the expense of protection here at home.  Not only that, but we have allowed our freedoms to be greatly threatened and undermined from within.  The Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretapping, abuse of habeus corpus, useless and humiliating searches at airports are just a few examples of how we’ve allowed the terrorists to “win” by making our country less free.

Suicide terrorism did not exist in Iraq before we got there.  Now it does.  There are no known instances of Iranians committing suicide terrorism.  If we invade and occupy Iran, expect that to change, too.

Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable to ask the right questions and face the truth.  When a slick politician comes along and gives a much more soothing, self-congratulating version of events, it is very tempting to simply believe what we would like to hear.  But listening to lies does not make us safer, even though it might make us feel better about ourselves.

The truth is that ending these misguided wars and occupations will make us safer, more prosperous and more free.

Space Based Laser Weapons

The potential to intercept and destroy a missile over enemy territory soon after launch, rather than over friendly territory, makes the development of a boost phase intercept (BPI) capability very desirable. In concert with ground based theater missile defense (TMD) systems already under development, the U.S. continues to investigate BPI concepts for BMD systems.

The SBL program could develop the technology to provide the U.S. with an advanced BMD system for both theater and national missile defense. BMDO believes that an SBL system has the potential to make other contributions to U.S. security and world security as a whole, such as inducing potential aggressors to abandon ballistic missile programs by rendering them useless. Failing that, BMDO believes that the creation of such a universal defense system would provide the impetus for other nations to expand their security agreements with the United States, bringing them under a U. S. sponsored missile defense umbrella.

An SBL platform would achieve missile interception by focusing and maintaining a high powered laser on a target until it achieves catastrophic destruction. Energy for the sustained laser burst is generated by the chemical reaction of the hydrogen fluoride (HF) molecule. The HF molecules are created in an excited state from which the subsequent optical energy is drawn by an optical resonator surrounding the gain generator.

Lasers have been studied for their usefulness in air defense since 1973, when the Mid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) was first tested against tactical missiles and drone aircraft. Work on such systems continued through the 1980s, with the Airborne Laser Laboratory, which completed the first test laser intercepts above the earth. Initial work on laser based defense systems was overseen by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), but transferred to the newly created Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) in 1984. Work continues today under the auspices of the BMDO, the successor to the SDIO.

The SBL program builds on a broad variety of technologies developed by the SDIO in the 1980s. The work on the Large Optics Demonstration Experiment (LODE), completed in 1987, provided the means to control the beams of large, high powered lasers. The Large Advanced Mirror Program (LAMP) designed and built a 4 meter diameter space designed mirror with the required optical figure and surface quality. In 1991, the Alpha laser (2.8 mm) developed by the SDIO achieved megawatt power at the requisite operating level in a low pressure environment similar to space. Numerous Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing/ Fire Control (ATP/ FC) experiments both completed and currently underway will provide the SBL platform with stable aimpoints. Successes in the field of ATP include advances in inertial reference, vibration isolation, and rapid retargeting/ precision pointing (R2P2). In 1995 the Space Pointing Integrated Controls Experiment offered near weapons level results during testing.

Most recently, the Alpha LAMP Integration (ALI) program has performed integrated high energy ground testing of the laser and beam expander to demonstrate the critical system elements. The next step is an integrated space vehicle ground test with a space demonstration to conclusively prove the feasibility of deploying an operational SBL system.

Future plans include orbiting the SBL Readiness Demonstrator (SBLRD) in order to test all of the systems together in their intended working environment. Designs for the SBLRD satellite call for four major subsystems: the ATP system; providing acquisition, tracking, targeting, stabilization, and assessment capabilities; the laser device, providing the optical power, and beam quality, as well as maintains nozzle efficiency; the optics and beam control systems, enhancing and focus the beam, augmenting the capabilities of the laser device; and the space systems, providing a stable platform, storage of the reactants, and furnish electrical power (but do not power the laser).

The SBLRD is intended to demonstrate the capability to perform boost phase Theater Missile Defense from space. The objectives of the space demonstration include gaining performance information critical to the development of an operational SBL system, as well as gain a general understanding of operating such a system.

BMDO and the Air Force agreed to transfer the execution of the SBLRD project and the related SBL technology developments to the Air Force. BMDO retained overarching SBL architecture responsibilities.

Alpha High Energy Laser (HEL)

Megawatt class power levels were first achieved by the Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) originally sponsored by the Navy, later by DARPA, and then by BMDO. Because the design was intended for sea level operation, the MIRACL laser does not achieve the optimum efficiency necessary for space-based operation. DARPA launched the Alpha laser program, with the goal of developing a megawatt level SBL that was scaleable to more powerful weapon levels and optimized for space operation. In this design, stacked cylindrical rings of nozzles are used for reactant mixing. The gain generation assembly achieves higher power by simply stacking more rings. In 1991, the Alpha laser demonstrated megawatt class power levels similar to MIRACL, but in a low pressure, space operation environment. Alpha demonstrates that multi-megawatt, space-compatible lasers can be built and operated.

Large Advanced Mirror Program (LAMP)

To demonstrate the ability to fabricate the large mirror required by an SBL, the Large Advanced Mirror Program (LAMP) built a lightweight, segmented 4 m diameter mirror on which testing was completed in 1989. Tests verified that the surface optical figure and quality desired were achieved, and that the mirror was controlled to the required tolerances by adaptive optics adjustments. This mirror consists of a 17 mm thick facesheet bonded to fine figure actuators that are mounted on a graphite epoxy supported reaction structure. To this day, this is the largest mirror completed for use in space. This LAMP segmented design is applicable to 10 m class mirrors, and the Large Optical Segment (LOS) program has since produced a mirror segment sized for an 11 m mirror. The large dimension of this LOS mirror segment approximates the diameter of the LAMP mirror.

Beam Control- Large Optics Demonstration Experiment (LODE) and ALI

The ability to control a beam was demonstrated at low power under the Large Optics Demonstration Experiment (LODE) in 1987. The current high power beam control technology is now being integrated with the Alpha laser and the LAMP mirror in a high power ground demonstration of the entire high energy laser weapon element. This is known as the Alpha-LAMP Integration (ALI) program.

Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing (ATP)

The ATP technologies required (sensors, optics, processors, etc.) have been validated through a series of component and integrated testing programs over the last decade. In 1985, the Talon Gold brassboard operated sub-scale versions of all the elements needed in the operational ATP system including separate pointing and tracking apertures, an illuminator, an inertial reference gyro system, fire control mode logic, sensors and trackers. Talon Gold achieved performance levels equivalent to that needed for the SBL. In 1991, the space-borne Relay Mirror Experiment (RME), relayed a low-power laser beam from a ground site to low-earth orbit and back down to a scoring target board at another location with greater pointing accuracy and beam stability than needed by SBL. The technology to point and control the large space structures of the SBL was validated in 1993 by the Rapid Retargeting and Precision Pointing (R2P2) program that used a hardware test bed to develop and test the large and small angle spacecraft slewing control laws and algorithms. The Space Pointing Integrated Controls Experiment (SPICE) demonstrated in 1995 near weapon scale disturbance isolation of 60-80 db and a pointing jitter reduction of 75:1. In 1998, the Phillips-Laboratory-executed High Altitude Balloon Experiment, (HABE) will demonstrate autonomous end-to-end operation of the key ATP-Fire Control (FC) functions in a realistic timeline against actual thrusting ballistic missiles. HABE will use a visible low-power marker beam as a surrogate to the megawatt HF beam and measure beam pointing accuracy, jitter and drift against a fixed aimpoint on the target.

SBLRD Characteristics
Weight: 17,500 kg Length: 20.12 m
Diameter: 4.57 m Mirror Diameter: 4.0 m

  • Hydrogen fluoride chemical energy powered laser.
  • On board surveillance capabilities.
  • Super reflective mirror coatings allowing for uncooled optics.
  • Concurrent NMD / TMD capability.


  • Space-Based Laser Project Office – AF SMC
  • LASERS IN SPACE TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS FOR ENHANCING US MILITARY CAPABILITIES by Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF November 1997 Occasional Paper No. 2 Center for Strategy and Technology Air War College Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
  • Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts for Space-based and Ground-based Laser Weapons, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF — CSAT Occasional Paper No. 5 Center for Strategy and Technology Air War College, July 1998
  • Laser Options for National Missile Defense Steven G. Leonard; Mark L. Devirgilio (Faculty Advisor) Air Command and Staff College 1998 – The Space Based Laser (SBL) can meet the NMD requirements. A 24 SBL satellite constellation can kill 20 Taepo Dong 2 missiles launched anywhere in the world at anytime. Each SBL satellite is projected by BMDO to weigh 17,500 kilograms. Using the Aerospace Corporation’s historical cost verses weight information, which shows that satellites average cost is roughly $50,000 per pound, the first satellite in this constellation would approach $2 billion dollars.
  • SPACE BASED LASER INTEGRATED FLIGHT EXPERIMENT The U.S. Air Force contracted with an industry joint venture on February 08, 1999 for the Space Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment (SBL IFX). The award constitutes the first increment of a Cost Plus Award Fee/Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract valued at approximately $2-3 billion once completed.
  • Space Based Laser Readiness Demonstrator Acquisition Approach Space and Missile Systems Center Advanced Systems Directorate — 01 September 1998
  • Draft Request for Proposal 10 Jul 98
  • SBL Glossary of Terms 10 July 1998
  • SECURITY GUIDANCE 10 July 1998
  • Interest in “Other than Prime” for the SBLRD Contract(17 Jun 98)
  • Interim Request for Proposal Release 15 Jun 98
  • Teaming within Space Based Laser (SBL) Project Competition 9 Feb 98
  • Answers to Questions Submitted at Industry Day- 26 Aug 97 (11 Sep 97)
  • SBL Technologies Request for Information 11 Sep 97
  • SBL Technologies Request for Information 11 Aug 1997
  • SBL Technologies Request for Information 29 July 1997
    Hi-res 200 dpi images [~400k JPEGs]

Star Wars High Power Invisible Energy Weapons Technology

Journalists Maurizio Torrealta and Sigfrido Ranucci along with Retired Colonel John Alexander, former Pentagon Analyst and Washington Post Reporter William Arkin and Human Rights Watch’s Marc Garlasco explain how modern warfare went from kinetic to high power energy weapons.  The United States spends at least five hundred million (500,000,000) dollars a year in Research and Development of these technology.  Among the companies that receive contracts for the development of high energy weapons are Raytheon and Zeus.

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