Syrian Crisis Spreads to Lebanon


Lebanon has experienced this week its worst outbreak of violence so far this year. At least 15 people have died and over a hundred injured in six days of fighting between loyalists and opponents of the Assad regime in Tripoli, the second largest city.

The contagion of the crisis in the neighboring country seems unstoppable, especially in the north, where both the Army and the Executive have been unable to halt spiraling sectarian tension that goes beyond the usual boundaries between the neighborhoods of Bab el Tabaneh (Sunni) and Jabal Mohsen (Alawi, the sect of Assad). Several bombs and mortars fired overnight kept the neighbors awake in areas near Zaharia, Mena and Abi Samra, close to the city center.

The last battle between the two neighborhoods, which has been going on for decades, began early Tuesday after images the mutilated bodies of several Lebanese fighters killed in Syria were disseminated. At least a dozen men, mostly Salafists, died last weekend in an ambush from the Syrian Army in Tal Kabaj.

Three of the bodies arrived this morning to Lebanon through the Arida border crossing in the northern part of the country. The repatriation has lit the fire since early in the morning. At least one of the bodies brought to one of the families has been badly destroyed, which has caused an outcry from relatives at the lack of sensitivity on the part of the Syrian and Lebanese authorities.

On Friday, the continuing conflict alerted authorities. After an emergency meeting, the pro-Syrian government headed by Najib Mikati Sunni got a weak truce that was soon broken by the sound of several explosions in both neighborhoods. Not even the intervention of the Army have stopped the outbreaks of violence.

“I left here,” said Mohammad Nablisi, “people are taking their things and getting out.” In the background, he points to the hill where he says stands Jabal Mohsen. The bullets of shots fired by snipers arrive all the way to his home.

The last six days set off all the alarms and highlighted the inability of the army to impose order while increasing fears abound that the situation goes out of control in an area taken over by the Free Syrian Army. The conflict in the neighboring country, has dragged on for 20 months, and has intensified into an open war that has claimed nearly fifty lives so far this year, while the radical elements are strong in the area.

“When I came here,” said a young refugee from Homs, “I went to Bab el Tabaneh to ask for a weapon to fight against followers of Assad. The Bab el Tabaneh forces are being reorganized around elements inspired by Al Qaeda jihadists and refugees in the neighborhood after the dismantling in 2007 of a croup called Fatah al Islam.

The opposition has used the coup to reload their fight against the inactivity of the pro-Syrian Executive.

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Conflict in Syria is an example of War 2.0

Another case of Slam Dunk, Yellow Cake, WMDs.


Nothing makes a better case for war than fear. There is not a better way to create fear than with allegories and hyperbole that remind people about past painful events, even though such events have nothing to do with the present. But during the George W. Bush administration, both fear and hyperbole came in handy as fuel to ‘justify’ another war in Iraq.

Now, in 2012, the same deceivers who swindled the international community into believing that Iraq posed a nuclear threat are out at their best game generating fear about chemical weapons in Syria. No one is arguing that Bashar al-Assad possesses or not chemical weapons just as no one argues that the U.S. possesses them, too. Nobody is questioning whether Assad is a tyrant who might decide to use chemical weapons just as nobody questions that the U.S. has used them and continues to use them in every conflict it intervenes.

The question is, why is the military industrial complex, aided by its minions resorting to the same rhetoric it used a few years ago to carry out another war? Well, first, because war is very profitable. Second, because it may the only possible way to destroy Assad aside from massively invading Syria with foreign troops both through air and land.

The war in Syria has been built around character assassination techniques to a point where people may buy the argument that Assad intends to use chemical weapons on his own people. Recent events resemble similar attacks; for example when the U.S. government said that Saddam Hussein was roasting babies in microwave ovens, or that Al-Qaeda was operating out of Iraq.

Now, after seeing the strong build up to war, with American battleships off the coast of Syria for no apparent reason, the Assad government has, for the thousandth time, publicly said that it has no intention of using chemicals weapons in any way, shape or form, despite the scaremongering from Western oppressors.

Since their indirect attacks on Syria have not worked as expected, the globalist who seek to control Syria — after invading and controlling Egypt and Libya — are using the tool of last resort, which is to create a fake threat to justify their invasion of yet another country in what is perhaps the most volatile region in the planet.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister, Faisal Maqdad, said that the controversy about the possible use of chemical weapons by the regime of Bashar al-Assad is a “pretext for international intervention” in Syria.

In an interview with Lebanese television station Al Manar, Maqdad insisted that the Syrian regime “would not use chemical weapons against its people” if it had any. In his opinion, the latest allegations about the possible use of these weapons by the Syrian regime “are part of a psychological warfare and a pretext for intervention” in the country, which would imply a “regional catastrophe.”

The U.S. network NBC released yesterday accusations by U.S. officials against Damascus, which include statements suggesting that Assad is preparing to use such weapons, and that the it is only a matter of receiving a final order from the president.

This week, the UN expressed concern over the possible presence of chemical weapons in the country, while the United States warned the Assad regime that the use of such weapons would have consequences. The U.S. knows very well what it is talking about as it has a long history of using chemical and biological weapons in almost every country it has invaded as well as against its own citizens.

“We fear that the U.S. and European countries could provide such weapons to terrorist organizations to say later that it was Syria who used them,” the deputy minister said, He added that he saw the controversy as a “theater to increase pressure” on Syrian authorities.

Maqdad also warned that the results of a possible intervention in Syria “will be catastrophic for the region” while implying that the Lebanese opposition was  collaborating with the rebels Syrians.

Violence has intensified in Syria amid political paralysis and mediating efforts that have failed to end a conflict that has resulted in an open civil war. The rebels have been fully advised, financed and armed by Western forces from NATO countries. Turkey, the Western puppet in the region has facilitated the air and land invasion of Syria by rebel groups and foreign military and paramilitary forces, who have been perpetrating attacks on cities all over the country.

It is estimated that since March 2011 at least 30,000 people have died in Syria as a direct result of the war between the rebels and the Syrian army. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have left the country and turned into refugees in neighboring countries. The United Nations estimates that at least 200,000 have fled the country since the conflict began 9 months ago.

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Alternative media echoing Western media disinformation on Syria


With the war between Israel and Hamas over — at least temporarily — the media is back at scaring people with new boogie men. This time has been different though, with so-called reputable alternative media helping spread the lies the corporate media is usually paid for to spread. Even the good old Drudge Report was dragged into linking his site to “reports” full of assumptions and second guesses.

The daddy of the alternative media conglomerate linked to a Wired Magazine article where writers Noah Shachtman and Spencer Ackerman from the Danger Room page cite unknown U.S. government insiders who allegedly told them about “abnormal” movements of chemical weapons in Syria. According to such sources, there may be an attempt by President Assad to launch a chemical attack on his own people.

Neither Wired nor Drudge Report present the slightest spark of proof and simply repeat what the corporate media and alleged government informants say. “Engineers working for the Assad regime in Syria have begun combining the two chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas, an American official with knowledge of the situation tells Danger Room,” reads the Wired report. Could they be right? Perhaps, but so far all they’ve done is help orchestrate a movement to promote a globalist attack on Syria, since they show zero proof to support their claims.

Meanwhile, alternative media and international media in Europe are reporting how the United States, one of the most influential propagators of weapons of mass destruction is warning Damascus about the West’s zero tolerance policy on chemical weapons. Both El Pais and La Vanguardia newspapers from Spain show alarm about the dire consequences that a Syrian chemical attack would have on people inside and outside the country.

As The Real Agenda informed a few weeks ago, the Turkish had requested the establishment of a Patriot Missile Shield System on the border with Syria, in anticipation of a supposed attack given Turkey’s complicity with the war waged against the Assad regime.

In addition to the corporate and alternative media, the website Debka File, known for unveiling exclusive reports about possible military attacks, among other issues, also published a short article about the “unusual activity” going on inside Syrian facilities. The article cites Western intelligence officers as the source of the information that was first provided to the dying dinosaur the New York Times. The NYT published an article about Syria on Monday.

In the report written by Peter Baker and Michael Gordon, the paper relates how U.S. president Barack Obama warns Syria “that it would be totally unacceptable to use chemical weapons against its own people.” That is an extraordinary statement given the U.S. government’s history of experimenting on Americans themselves as well as people in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East with its white phosphorous and depleted uranium bombs. I guess in this case such experiments are fairly acceptable for Obama and the West, since all NATO member nations use such chemicals.

Are we supposed to believe what the corporate whore media tell us about Syria or anything else? Haven’t we all learned our lesson from the “slam dunk” days? Are we supposed to believe the intelligence community who lied about WMD’s in Iraq? More importantly, should we begin to be weary of the so-called alternative media that is now working as a second-hand megaphone to promote the next ‘imminent’ conflict? Instead of making an effort to divulge main stream media lies on the Syrian conflict, now alternative media sites are playing along under the Establishment’s rules.

Besides the Drudge Report, Alternet, Global News and even Breitbart ran articles or re-published cooked disinformation from news agencies that cited the same “government officials” who spoke to main stream media outlets. After reminding its readers that the intelligence community lied before about WMD’s and other fake crises, Mike Rivero’s seems to be one of a handful of sites which bothered to publish the Syrian point of view.

On its report, the site links to an article published on the Times of India, where Syrian officials found some room to issue their latest message to the world: “Syria has repeatedly stressed to the American side directly, or through the Russian friends, that it will not use such weapons, even if they existed, against its people under any circumstance”.

While the media drools about a possible attack on Syria, sites like RT report on how the United Nations has pulled out all non-essential staff from the country in what seems to be a proactive move which includes “halting aid missions outside Damascus”.

“The organization is restricting travels for remaining employees,” reports RT. Parallel to this report, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his country “cannot give any guarantees on the Syrian leader’s intentions.” Putin’s statement aims at trying to distance himself from Assad. In the recent past, both Russia and China showed strong opposition to an attack on Syria; a trend that now appears to be ending.

Given recent history, it is more likely that western led forces will put chemical weapons in the hands of the terrorists now fighting against the Assad regime who would carry out a false-flag attack to justify the invasion of Syria, rather than the Syrian government attacking its own people. In fact, as shown here, chemical weapons were developed, deployed and used by Western nations to carry out their murderous agenda all over the planet.

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Germany will send Patriot Missiles to Syrian Border to establish a No-fly Zone

Western oppressors are creating a new military industrial complex enclave in the Middle East.


Germany will send two missile batteries ‘Patriot-3′ to Turkey’s border with Syria as part of increased Western involvement in Syrian civil war. Even before Ankara made its request for these batteries to NATO, Berlin announced Monday its favorable decision, which is expected to be endorsed without problems in December by the Bundestag.

In total, three batteries of a kind only in the hands of Germany, the Netherlands and the United States, will be shipped to Turkey’s border with Syria. It is expected that the third battery will be sent by Holland. Each battery requires a team of 85 soldiers, so it is expected that Berlin sends in 170 men.

The “Patriot” missiles, with a long history of unequal effects from the first Gulf War to the present day, are interceptor weapons that track and destroy other missiles as well as other air assets. Turkey has been involved in the conflict between the West and the Syrian government, which was preceded by the extermination of Gaddafi in Libya. Turkey has always sided with Washington and NATO, even  though it meant suffering mortar impacts on its territory, whose origin still has not been clarified. Ankara, which has the second largest army in NATO after the United States, has requested support from its NATO partners.

The German desire for involvement in Syria is part of a general decision of increasing Western military involvement in the conflict. Last week, French President François Hollande, announced the shipment of weapons to the Syrian opposition, which it had already been secretly doing since the beginning of the conflict.

The confirmation of France’s involvement was carried out through the British secret services and the U.S., but even more effectively through Turkey and Gulf Arab regimes that oppose Damascus. Syria is in turn an important ally of Iran, which supplies fuel to China. The conflict, therefore has very complex geopolitical perspectives, because neither China nor Iran will be too happy to see Syria being destroyed. In fact, both China and Russia publicly condemned any formal attack against Turkey, although they haven’t act as forcefully when it comes to the dirty war being fought through paramilitary groups led by western countries.

“Patriot” missiles create the conditions for establishing a no-fly zone along the Turkish border. That umbrella, legally impossible today by Russian and Chinese opposition in the Security Council of the UN, would allow the new leadership of the newly formed Syrian insurgents under Western and Arabic patronage, to move into Syria and install a strong camp in the North region of the country. The arrival of the Syrian opposition leaders would create an alternative government and discount Assad’s led government as the official one.

In fact, what is being done in Syria today, is the same that was done in the Middle East before, when the British Empire used part of the Arab territory to create what we know today as Israel. Just as Israel did, a new enclave in Syria would result in either a globalist, military industrial complex oasis, or in the Turkish government annexing such territory in payment for its collaboration with the West. What the missile batteries will ensure, is that Syrian planes will not attack the north region so that terrorist groups working for the opposition will have safe heaven to launch attacks against the rest of the country.

German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere, and the secretary general of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, believe in the plan to create a no-fly zone and said that the deployment of batteries and assistance to Turkey have ”defensive ” character. “NATO is determined to defend the territorial integrity of Turkey,” said Rasmussen. Mr. de Maiziere forgets that it was Turkey, not Syria the country that began attacking the territorial integrity of Syria by hosting terrorist groups and western intelligence operatives on its border with Syria. His premise is disinformation.

Turkey has a long history of oppression of its Kurdish minority, a large minority of between nine and thirteen million people. With tens of thousands of victims to their own oppression of the Kurds would certainly be one of the great themes of human rights in Europe if it wasn’t for Turkey’s loyalty towards the West.

Capable of covering tens of kilometers of Syrian territory from its location Turkish batteries complicate a predictable action Syrian air forces against insurgent leadership when this is established there as you are encouraged to do so from Paris, Berlin and Washington. This is a central figure Riad Seif, a well-known in Berlin and living in the German capital, recently reported the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Seif is a member of an “international working group” led from the German foreign ministry plans to reform Syria’s economy after the fall of the current regime of Assad.

As in the case of the military intervention in Afghanistan, a majority of Germans now oppose sending missile batteries to Syria: 58%, according to a survey released yesterday. Only 31% approve such a measure. Rightfully so, as Germany has no business in attacking Syria or any other country that poses no threat to them or anyone else other than the terrorist groups that want to overthrow governments in the Middle East. Germany is acting as a copy cat of the United States and taking advantage of its NATO membership to show concern about a conflict that should be solved by its main actors, not western military agitators.

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United States, Arab League Bless new Syrian Opposition


The U.S. government expressed support on Monday for the new Syrian opposition alliance, dominated by the Syrian National Council (CNS) and in which there are several important groups, and said it will work with them to continue providing humanitarian aid to the population. The U.S. itself had intervened days ago to question the leadership of the CNS, and called for more Syrian groups to get involved in what seems to be the transition government that will take power after Bashar al-Assad is removed from power.

The deputy spokesman of the State Department, Mark Toner, provided a statement in which he praised the Syrian people for the formation of the so-called National Coalition for the Forces of the Revolution and the Syrian opposition (CNFROS), agreed during a summit held in Doha (Qatar). Besides including representatives from the CNS, this new group also opened its doors to radical Islamist members of organizations linked to American made al-Qaeda.

The statement gives U.S. support for the new coalition to “trace a path to end the bloody government of Assad and the beginning of the future peaceful, democratic and fair to all the people of Syria deserve.” “We will work with the National Coalition to ensure that our non-lethal humanitarian aid and assistance serves the needs of the Syrian people,” Toner said. The spokesperson also said that the U.S. congratulated the Government of Qatar for his “strong leadership” and support of the Doha summit from which the new opposition alliance emerged over the last few days. This new coalition will remain dominated by the CNS but will have as one its main aims to end the division among opposition groups.

One of the key groups that did not even participate in the Doha talks is the National Coordination Council (NCC), which has a strong presence in the Syrian territory and are more likely to negotiate with the regime. According to the draft of the final agreement, the CNFROS will under no circumstance negotiate or talk with the regime led by Assad. It also provides for the formation of a transitional government after it gets international recognition.

More blessings from the Middle East

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was the first group of countries to recognize the new Syrian opposition coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. This is the typical modus operandi used by opposition groups who gain the support from western aggressors to disavow democratically elected governments. Hours later, the Arab League, which suspended Syria’s membership for months, also decided to hold a meeting to recognize the newly created alliance.

Arab foreign ministers called on the rest of the current opposition to join the newly formed National Coalition formed by the forces of revolution and the Syrian opposition, and urged them to work to solve all the needs of the Syrian society “without exception or discrimination. ” Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman, among others, confirmed their support for the move to change leadership in Damascus.

“The GCC Member States declare their recognition of the National Coalition of Syrian opposition forces and the revolution (…) as the legitimate representative of the Syrian brotherly people,” said a statement released by the GCC Secretary General, to Abdellatif Zayani.

The text explains that the Arab League will aid the opposition and its western supporters by providing all necessary so the alliance carries out the aspirations of the Syrian people, with the hope that [the group] is a step towards a speedy transfer of power”. The complete support given to the Syrian opposition means that the combination of terrorist groups already operating on Syrian territory will now have economic and military aid from Syrian neighbors such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Both countries had already recognized the rebels and expressed their desire to have the international community recognize the coalition.

The speed with which the GCC has responded to the formation of the opposition coalition, just a day before in Doha meeting is no surprise. Since the beginning of the western orchestrated Syrian revolt back in March 2011, this group has been very critical of the regime of Bashar al-Assad and has not hidden its preference to have him ousted. The nation of Qatar even offered to give Assad political asylum should he want to simply flee the country. Assad was very clear that as a Syrian man, he would live and die in his country.

Most Middle Eastern regimes, democratically elected or not prefer a weakened Syria because of Assad’s alliance with Iran. The move to supposedly help Assad flee the country are far from being good will gestures. Since Hafez al-Assad, Bashar’s father was the Syrian leader the rest of the Arab Peninsula have seen Syria as a potential powder keg but it wasn’t until now, after the West decided that it was time to take another country over, that the rest of the Arab nations threw their full support behind the opposition. Both the Arab countries and their western allies are looking forward to weakening Syrian and destroying the Assad regime to that it can be taken over by Islamic radicals. Once Syria falls, if it does, the West and the rest of the Arab countries will then focus their attention of the last bastion of opposition: Iran.

What the Arab League members do not seem to envision, is that provided that both Syria and Iran fall, they might just be the next ones in line.

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