Macedonia convicted of aiding CIA with torture of prisoners


On Thursday Macedonia became the first European country to be found guilty for collaborating with the U.S. in the so-called secret CIA flights and for hosting secret CIA torture sites. The Strasbourg Court said the country was guilty for aiding the CIA to torture a German citizen of Lebanese descent who was mistaken as a terrorist.

The European Court of Human Rights has established that Khaled el Masri was tortured after his arrest on December 31, 2003 and before being delivered 23 days later to the CIA, which sent him to a prison camp in Afghanistan where he remained for 6 months.

Macedonia broke up four articles of the European Convention of Human Rights, according to the Court, which places special emphasis on the third article, which prohibits torture and therefore condemns the country to pay the complainant € 60,000 in damages.

The country also violated the right to liberty and security, respect for private and family life and the right to an effective remedy, according to the judgment. Macedonia not only practiced torture with El Masri but gave him to the CIA knowing that he risked further torture, said the ruling.

“This sentence deserves to be described as historic: it is the first conviction in an international court of the practice of illegal transportation of detainees and the CIA’s secret detention,” said the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Jean-Claude Mignon.

This pan-European body, which brings together 47 States of the Old Continent, whipped these shady practices that emerged after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in a report by Swiss senator Dick Marty in 2006, in which he detailed that 14 European countries collaborated in these illegal practices.

Amnesty International, meanwhile, saw the ruling as “a milestone in the fight against impunity” and a first step to convict other countries who also collaborated with the CIA.

The Human Rights Court validated the testimony of El Masri, born in 1963 and living in the German city of Ulm, who said he was mistaken for a terrorist when he arrived in Skopje on December 31, 2003 for sightseeing.

There he was arrested by the Macedonian authorities, who took him to a hotel room, There, he was held for 23 days without any legal help, interrogated in English  — a language he did not speak properly — and isolated from all external contact. This, he says put him in a permanent a state of distress.

But his ordeal had just begun, because 23 days later he was handcuffed, hooded and taken to the airport, where he waited a group of CIA agents who subjected him to harsh torture while in custody of Macedonian authorities. “The Macedonian government’s responsibility is accepted in regard to acts committed on its territory by agents of a foreign state,” said the statement issued by the Court.

El-Masri was beaten, stripped and sodomized with an object, reads the statement. These forms of torture “were used with premeditation in order to provoke El-Masri severe pain and suffering to obtain information from him. The Court considers that torture,” say the judges.

While the Court issued this statement, in the United States, the Senate intelligence committee has officially concluded that CIA interrogations were ineffective. “The report is the most detailed independent examination to date of the agency’s efforts to “break” dozens of detainees through physical and psychological duress, a period of CIA history that has become a source of renewed controversy,” reports the Washington Post.

In the case of El-Masri, he was sedated and placed in an aircraft. After a stopover in Baghdad, the plane landed in Afghanistan, where El-Masri was detained in a detention center and kept in a small concrete cell. They suffered further torture and made two hunger strikes before May 28, 2004, five months after his arrest, when he was transferred to Germany.

Visibly affected by torture, and weighing 18 kilos less than before, El Masri filed a complaint that year and since then has struggled to make European and U.S. authorities recognize the mistake made by the CIA.
One of the most important elements in the trial of Macedonia as an accomplice of the CIA was the testimony of the country’s Interior Minister at the time of the facts, who confirmed the arrest of El-Masri and his surrender to the CIA.

In a similar case, the British government settled a case with Sami al Saadi, a Libyan dissident by paying him 2.2 million pounds (2.7 million euros) after he was secretly handed over to the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in 2004. The Libyan was captured with the help of the British intelligence service MI6. Saadi claimed he was tricked by MI6 and the CIA, taken to Libya and tortured while he was there.

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Obama supports Syrian rebel groups that pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda


The U.S. president, Barack Obama, recognized the new National Coalition Forces of the Revolution and the Syrian opposition (CNFROS) as the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. Obama affirmed his support for a coalition of rebels that have officially pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda-sponsored terrorist groups responsible for the killing of innocent civilians in their fight to bring down current Syrian president Bashar al-Assad

“We have decided that the Syrian opposition coalition is sufficiently inclusive and representative enough to reflect the Syrian population, who regard it as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people opposed to the Assad regime,” Obama said in excerpts from the interview given to ABC News and that will be broadcast in full on Friday.

The president described this change in policy towards Syria as “a big step” but cautioned, however, that “obviously, with that recognition come responsibilities.”

Part of those responsibilities, Obama said, is “to ensure that the rebel groups organize effectively” hosting all parties and that “they commit to a political transition that respects the rights of women and minorities.”

For Obama, the recognition of CNFROS as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, after almost two years of armed conflict, is “a big step” in the framework of the international community’s efforts to end the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The U.S. support for CNFROS comes after Obama has been criticized for allegedly not responding strongly enough to the conflict in Syria, which analysts say is part of a new phase of pressure to isolate Assad U.S. allies in Europe have also officially recognized the terrorist rebel coalition as the representatives of the Syrian people.

Obama made the announcement on the eve of the fourth meeting of the “Group of Friends of the Syrian people”, a multi=stake holder meeting that will take place tomorrow in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh and will serve as another test of the legitimacy of the CNFROS.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, today canceled her trip to this international conference due to a stomach virus, said hes spokesman, Philippe Reines. The United States will be represented by Undersecretary of State William Burns.

The U.S. government announced today that it has added the Al Nusra Front, an extremist group opposed to the Assad government to the coalition, even though this group is linked to Al- Qaeda in Iraq. Meanwhile, the U.S. Treasury Department today announced sanctions against two leaders of the Front Nusra, precisely because of their links with Al Qaeda in Iraq, and against two pro-government militias.

According to the Treasury, the Waterfront Nusra is responsible for more than 600 terrorist attacks in Syria since November 2011 and has killed and wounded hundreds of Syrians to “hijack the struggle of the Syrian opposition to increase their own extremist ideology. Not all who are participating in the fight on the ground against Assad are people with whom we feel comfortable. There are some that I think have adopted an extremist agenda, an anti-American agenda, and we will sure make a clear distinction between those elements, ” said Obama.

According to observers, Obama’s decision is an important political and psychological boost support to groups seeking to overthrow the Syrian regime, although it is not clear that the Washington government will offer financial or military support in the short term. That is not after officially supporting the group as a coalition, because Washington has been providing cash and weapons to various rebel groups since before the conflict started back in 2011.

Before Obama made his expected announcement before the cameras of ABC, UK, France, Turkey and several U.S. allies in the Arab world had already given their recognition to CNFROS last month.

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HSBC settles with U.S. government in money laundering case


The international bank HSBC, which is based in the UK has agreed to pay a fine of $1,9 billion as part of an agreement with the U.S. government, after a new investigation on banking practices revealed that HSBC permitted criminals worldwide to launder drug money to finance terrorist operations.

In a report released in July, the U.S. Senate accused the leadership of HSBC of not taking action even though they had prima facie evidence that Mexican drug traffickers used their accounts to transfer funds to the U.S. and Saudi banks with tight relations to terrorist groups as well as Iranians seeking to circumvent the sanctions imposed on them by Washington.

The government began its own investigation through the Department of Justice and determined that there was enough evidence to accuse HSBC of aiding the laundering of billions of dollars.

The Wall Street Journal was one of the main stream media outlets to first report this last case of money laundering charges against HSBC, and they were also the first to report on the agreement between the Justice Department and HSBC to settle the case. Both federal and state authorities in the U.S. have decided not to file criminal charges against HSBC even though this is not the first time the bank is accused of facilitating the laundering of money from drug cartels and a very short list of important customers.

Amazingly, the U.S.’s excuse not to pursue criminal charges was “not to destabilize one of the largest financial institutions in the world,” with revenues of 105,000 million annually and more than 267,000 employees worldwide. The fine of $1,9 billion is one of the largest in recent U.S. history.

Of the total amount of the fine, $1,3 billion accounts for an agreement with the U.S. Executive, to avoid criminal charges. Another $650 million will go to pay a civil penalty. Needless to say this is chunk change for a corporations that has figured out how to get away with murder every single time it has been formally investigated. In July, the bank admitted that the mechanisms of control and transparency in the actions of their clients had been insufficient, and put $1,5 billion dollars in a fund for potential claims. That fund has  been cut down to $400 million.

It is expected that the U.S. Justice Department makes a formal announcement Tuesday. The deal comes less than a month after the British oil company BP agreed to plead guilty on negligence charges in the case of the largest oil spill in U.S. history, which occurred in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. BP will pay the U.S. government $ 3,5 billion for environmental offenses.

The Senate report on HSBC focused particularly on transactions between Mexican and U.S. subsidiaries of the bank. In Mexico, the report accused HSBC of “opening accounts for high risk customers including exchange houses and other businesses that offer services and American money, such as the Casa de Cambio Puebla and Sigue Corporation. These two Casas have been investigated for laundering money from the sale of illegal drugs in the U.S. “.

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American Military and black operations: Where is the red line?


Just as public and corporate partnerships have merged over the past two decades, so has the connection between the worlds most corrupt terrorist agency – the CIA – and the United States Department of Defense. Given the unsuccessful operations in Iraq and Afghanistan after declaring war on both nations to hunt those ghost organizations that the United States itself created and managed, the White House agreed to give the CIA even more power to carry out so-called anti-terrorist operations abroad, which are terrorist operations against non-aligned regimes.

Recent examples of these terror operations are the actions taken by the CIA previous and during the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and now in Syria, where western forces including NATO and CIA operatives launched attacks from Turkey into the kingdom of Bashar al-Assad. The new powers given to the CIA include enhancing its operations with the latest surveillance technology, for example unmanned armed remotely controlled drones which are operated by the Pentagon under CIA direction.

It is not a surprise that the U.S. Government decided to switch the head of the CIA and the commander of military operations in the Middle East last year in an attempt to homogenize the operations of both government organizations. The White House has also increased the spy network that works directly with the Pentagon to exercise a greater control over terrorist plots in the Arab Peninsula, Africa and Asia.

The move to inadvertently combine the power of both the CIA and the Pentagon began more actively under the George W. Bush administration, but rapidly accelerated under the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. The CIA has grown its operations over territories supposedly taken over yihadists, but not to combat their operations.

The U.S. Government managed to buy off terrorists groups as it did in Afghanistan back in the 1970s with a group known today as al-Qaeda. The flow of drug money and other funds laundered by large banking corporations fuel the bribery system that allows the CIA to keep certain key terrorist groups working for them, as supposed to against U.S. Interest in some of the most volatile regions of the planet.

The merge of the CIA and the Pentagon was completed after the 2011 summer directive issued by Barack H. Obama to have the then CIA Director, Leon Panetta, take over the United States Department of Defense, while David Petraeus, the most influential ground operations commander in Iraq and Afghanistan was named the head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

General David Petraeus left the CIA last november after he allegedly admitted to have had an extramarital affair with his biographer. Of course, it is unlikely such an affair was the real reason Petraeus left the spy agency. Former intelligence insiders believe it was Petraeus opposition to America’s way of conducting military and intelligence operations what made him leave his post as the top spy chief.

Petraeus is not the first top General to exit U.S. military entities. Two or three other strong men inside the military were fired or asked to be relieved of their duties due to their disagreements with the way combat missions were being conducted.

There is an increased trend from the part of the CIA and the U.S. military to use remotely controlled drones to carry out attacks in the Middle East, North Africa and other regions and a diminishing trend to use heavy military power. The new way to wage war includes the use of special operations commandos as well as special forces which carry out attacks from land and sea positions.

Both of these operational groups rely more often than not on CIA assets in the region along with a higher number of military analysts”, explains professor Paul Rogers, a specialist on international security from Bradford University. “I think we won’t see the U.S. Government sending large numbers of troops to war-torn regions as it happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Long are the days when the Army needed to send 100,000 soldiers to the battlefield,” he adds.

The so-called presidential kill list has never been more relevant, as the CIA becomes more militarized with its own drone flotilla and presidential authorization to people who the president believes represent a threat to the United States. Who and why are on that list is known by just a few people. In September 2011, the U.S. government carried out a terrorist attack on a former CIA asset, Anwar al-Awlaki, who had dined at the Pentagon weeks after the 9/11 terror attacks on New York and Washington.

After al-Awlaki, the U.S. has carried out even more drone attacks against targets who are thought to be heads of terrorist organizations that intend to attack America or its interests in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. However, neither the Pentagon nor the CIA have shown proof that such a threat exists. Anwar al-Awlaki’s involvement with al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organizations was never proven while the U.S. government always denied he had ever dined with members of the Pentagon’s leadership. Al-Awlaki was a United States citizen.

Besides the kill list in the hands of the CIA, the U.S. Army also has its own note pad full of names of people who need to be put down. This list is updated on a weekly basis in a meeting held by military analysts. Those analysts supposedly make recommendations to the president to add or remove names from the list during an intelligence briefing known as “terror Tuesday”.

Attacks such as the one that killed Awlaki are carried out by unmanned drones which are controlled by trained assassins in various military based around the world. Since 2002, the U.S. military and the CIA have launched almost 500 kill missions in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. Many of those attacks raised tensions last year between the U.S. and Pakistan who in several occasions asked the U.S. to vacate bases on Pakistani soil and to stop killing its citizens.

The person directly responsible for the drone attacks is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, whomever this person may be. Barack H. Obama himself has authorized attacks on both Yemen and Somalia, but according to intelligence officials Obama is kept in the dark about most drone attacks launched in Pakistan. The U.S. military also employs drone attacks against supposed targets in Afghanistan, even after major murder operations concluded.

Those attacks which are not supposedly authorized by Obama, are jointly organized and managed by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command. Although the White House denies the existence of an official military program where drones are used, it is well-known that both the CIA and the Department of Defense carry out continuous surveillance operations both inside and outside the United States.

Despite the secrecy, which the American government justifies with the classic “it is a matter of national security” many of the attacks are known to be based on false intelligence. “They don’t know what they’re doing,” says Professor Clive Stafford, the head of REPRIEVE, a Human Rights organization. “For example, in the case of the information provided by Pakistani sources, such intelligence information comes from people who are paid to seek and pass the information. But this same people are also paid by sources on the other side to provide false information to the Americans. That is why the CIA has now asked the U.S. government to support the recruitment of 1,600 new intelligence assets, which according to the spook agency will help improve the quality of the information received by the military and the CIA itself.

Another problem with the terrorist air attacks, says Stafford, is that the attacks always take the lives of people who have nothing to do with the supposed terrorists. But both for the military and the CIA, these casualties of war are worthwhile if it means that their operations will continue to have funding from the U.S. tax payers and drug money with which a terrorist organization such as the CIA finances most of its operations.

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Another open air experiment on Americans

Hundreds of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes set to be released into the Florida Keys


Hundreds of thousands of  genetically modified mosquitoes are awaiting federal approval for release into  the Florida Keys as part of an experiment aimed at reducing the risk of dengue  fever.

Mosquito control  officials have requested the Food and Drug Administration’s sign off on the  experiment that would be the first of its kind in the U.S.

Some residents of the  tourist town of Key West worry though on how much research has been done to  determine the risks of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes on the Keys’  fragile ecosystem.

Officials are targeting  the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes because they can spread dengue fever, a disease  health officials thought had been eradicated in the U.S. until 93 cases  originated in the Keys in 2009 and 2010.

The trial planned by  mosquito control officials and the British company Oxitec would release  non-biting male mosquitoes that have been genetically modified to pass along a  birth defect that kill their progeny before reaching maturity.

The idea is that they  will mate with wild females and their children will die before reproducing.  After a few generations, Key West’s Aedes aegypti population would die off,  reducing the dengue fever risk without using pesticides and at relatively a low  cost, the proponents say. There is no vaccine for dengue fever.

‘The science of it, I  think, looks fine. It’s straight from setting up experiments and collecting  data,’ said Michael Doyle, pointing to research Oxitec has had published in  peer-reviewed scientific journals. He inherited the project when he took the  lead at the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District in mid-2011.

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