Pro-War Perception Management Media Operation

Corporate Media Enhances Western Attention to an attack on Libya, other countries in the Middle East

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
March 9, 2011

While a former U.S. Ambassador blatantly says on international television that United States foreign policy in the Middle East is driven by the country’s interests in the region and the rest of the world, which includes possession of petroleum, Barack Obama together with Nikolas Sarkozy and David Cameron prepare a document to propose the creation of a no-fly zone over Libya.  Meanwhile, United States Special Operations commandos touched ground in Libya to prepare the field in the eventuality a full military operation is is launched in a unilateral or multilateral fashion.

But much of the preparation for war against Libya is also being done over the traditional corporate media.  On what is defined as a psychological operation (psy-op), United States based corporate news outlets are making sure western puppet Muammar Gaddafi is being painted as the devil he is so the western world is sold on the idea that a military operation is necessary.  The creation of an environment that publicly approves another war in the Middle East as an excuse to liberate innocent people is going at full speed on the corporate media, which for the most part has reported on the crimes committed by the Libyan dictator, while omits those perpetrated by the United States and its allies in the Middle East.

Why is the corporate media paying so much attention to Libya?  Why aren’t journalists giving equal attention to conflict in Congo? Why isn’t the U.S. military and government acting so forcefully in Sudan?  As far as Congo goes, no one in the government and the media is interested in reporting on it despite the fact there have been at least 10 million deaths as a result of the conflict.  The reason? There are U.S. multinationals in Congo extracting diamonds, gold and other resources.  If U.S. based media were to report on it, it would shed lots of light on how the scheme of “order out of chaos” is allowing corporations to rob the Congolese people blind while their relatives and neighbors die on the bloody battlefields.

In Sudan meanwhile, there aren’t any significant sources of Gold, Diamonds or Oil, so it isn’t worthwhile to send large numbers of United States or NATO troops to Sudan to protect inexistant resources.  Since oil was discovered in Libya, the United States, many think, has not had his fair share of it, with countries like England and France managing most of the operations there. But now, more and more news reports are pushing for a U.S. led military intervention for what many talking heads have called “terrible crimes” perpetrated by dictator Gaddafi.

It is no accident that the corporate media is using the “genocide” card to propel a U.S. led invasion of Libya.  That very same corporate media does not state, however, how the American support of the rebels in that country is causing the killing of hundreds of innocent Libyans on a daily basis.  Reporting on genocide is only well done and sexy when it advances the agenda of the Anglo-Saxon Military Industrial Complex, which intelligently uses its mouth pieces -the corporate media- to spur support of unnecessary wars.

What the globalists behind the rebel movements in Libya, Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries want is to have complete control of the oil fields in those nations in order to further consolidate power of energy resources.  Complete power allows them to create artificial scarcity and to more easily manipulate the prices of oil.

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