Why Use the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine?

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
September 2, 2011

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Human Papillomavirus does not cause cervical cancer. This leads me to think and ask, why a woman would be injected with the vaccine that supposedly fights the HPV? Also, why a mother or responsible person would let his 9 year old daughter to be injected with this vaccine?

In Mexico health authorities plan to inject the HPV vaccine on all the girls from next year on, said the Health  Minister on Tuesday.

Beginning in 2012, the HPV vaccine will be included in the cocktail of injections administered to all girls age 9 and above, said Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova.

Ironically, the minister revealed that deaths from cervical cancer have declined by 47 percent in Mexico over the past two decades. This is a significant number. So why do they want to vaccinate children” Well, according to Cordova, there were still 13.4 cases per 100,000 women last year.

The decision to inject indiscriminately all children is viewed with confusion due to the fact that the virus does not cause cervical cancer and on top of this it is eliminated naturally by the body with the help of good nutrition and a healthy immune system. But Mexican authorities want to make the HPV vaccine universal, according to them, to reduce mortality from this cancer by 50 percent in women over 25 years of age.

HPV is sexually transmitted and often the body can eliminate it by itself without the aid of vaccines or pharmaceuticals, cites a report by Agence France Press. However, in some cases the infection remains and can eventually lead to cervical cancer.

Strains 16 and 18 represent 70 percent of cervical cancer cases worldwide, which number about 500,000 a year, according to the Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).

Although these numbers seem alarming, and they should be for those who become could potentially become ill with cervical cancer, the American Medical Association (AMA) says: “There is significant evidence to indicate that there is no benefit from the vaccine. The disappearance of the virus during periods of 12 months is not related to the use of the vaccine. It is unlikely that vaccination has any significant benefit.”

Why then Mexico or any other country would use the HPV vaccine and would seek to injected on all girls and women? The fact that the virus does not cause cervical cancer and the vaccine is ineffective in treating it needs to be added to another finding: the vaccine only protects against two or three strains from a total of more than 100. All this without counting the more than 3500 serious side effects that the vaccine has been shown to cause in many patients who have been injected.

Persistent infection with HPV, not the human papillomavirus itself, is what promotes or causes precancerous lesions and cancer. But if the vaccine does not treat or eliminate the virus, what good does it do? On the other hand, according to the FDA, the HPV vaccine in women who have human papillomavirus increases the risk of cervical cancer by 44.6%, because this vaccine promotes the development of precancerous lesions in the uterus, which eventually leads to cervical cancer.

The falsity of the effectiveness of the vaccine to prevent cancer should be added to the fact that medical practices used today to assess cervical health do not examine whether a woman has cervical cancer. The exams only test for the presence of the HPV. Finally, we must say that most infections are short lived and are not associated with cervical cancer.

What is the solution to remove the two or three strains of human papillomavirus if the vaccines are ineffective? As in most other cases related to the prevention of infections in humans, a healthy immune system is always able to destroy viruses and bacteria that can eventually trigger infections. How do you get a healthy and strong immune system? Through the consumption of foods that are not processed, gluten-free, with no MSG’s or other  preservatives that are added to foods to keep them for long. These substances prevent the absorption of the nutrients the body needs. It is necessary to avoid eating genetically modified organisms (GMO), which also cause disturbances in our body because of its artificial and manipulated content.

Contrary to what many main stream media would have us believe, there is no pill or pharmaceutical product for every health problem. In fact, drugs are usually the cause of the illnesses suffered by most people because of their side effects. No matter how fashionable and trendy the media say it is to be vaccinated with Gardasil or Cervarix; the reality falls far short of their claims.

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