United Nation Proposes Global Eco-Fascist Authority in Durban

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
December 9, 2011

The United Nations-sponsored Durban meeting on Climate Change that ends today has not shocked anyone when it comes to the proposals presented by representatives from 191 nations and 1 from the European Union. What did shock some people, even those of us who follow closely the UN’s drive to create a fund to allegedly subsidize developing countries as they mitigate disasters caused by climate change, is the boldness of their initiatives, which they continue to push every time it is possible.

The boldest of all the proposals is the creation of what the United Nations calls an International Climate Court of Justice as well as a Green Climate Fund managed bu no other one than the UN. The so-called Climate Court of Justice would be a global policeman that would punish nations that do not adhere or respect the directives of the globalist managed organization. The United Nations, through the Green Climate Fund will determine how to distribute the monies taken from developed countries and will re-distribute them only to those countries that do what the UN wants them to do.

That is exactly what the United Nations wants to do: to redistribute much of the world’s wealth to those who bow down to their eco-fascist policies that intend to take the world back to the stone age. During an interview with Germany’s NZZ Online Sunday, UN official Ottmar Edenhofer declared, “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” These policies continue to be presented to the public as urgent initiatives to save the planet from disasters caused by man-made global warming and climate change. The United Nations is also pushing the idea that mother earth has rights and that the Climate Court of Justice will make sure that those rights are respected.

During the same interview, Edenhofer said climate change policies had to be discussed and approved in light of an economic framework. He also confirmed that United Nation policies to deal with the supposed threat presented by climate change are based on the already debunked theory that CO2 emissions are responsible for the warming of the planet, and that in order to achieve the goal to keep the warming to just 2 more degrees, society needs to drastically reduce the use of fossil fuels. “Because we have 11,000 gigatons of carbon in the coal reserves in the soil under our feet — and we must emit only 400 gigatons in the atmosphere if we want to keep the 2-degree target. 11,000 to 400 — there is no getting around the fact that most of the fossil reserves must remain in the soil.”

Even without having the support of important developed and developing countries, the UN is already talking about the existence of a ‘climate debt’ that needs to be paid to the globalist overlords. “Their plans to establish a world government paid for by the West on the pretext of dealing with the non-problem of “global warming” are now well in hand. As usual, the mainstream media have simply not reported what is in the draft text which the 192 states parties to the UN framework convention on climate change are being asked to approve,” says Christopher Monckton of Brenchley who has successfully challenged all the propaganda and disinformation put out by the United Nations and its minions such as Rajendra Pachuari, Michael Mann, James Hansen and Al Gore. None of this gentleman have had the guts to face off with Mr. Monckton as they are afraid of having their theories debunked in public.

The latest document upon which the Durban meeting is being carried out addresses a variety of topics, all of which somehow are going to be solved by paying carbon taxes to the globalist organization created by the banking system modeled after the League of Nations and officially established in 1945. Among those issues are: the creation of an international Climate Court of Justice, the Rights of Mother Earth, the Rights to Survive, War, a new Global Temperature Target, a new CO2 Emissions Target, the Peak-greenhouse-gas target year and others.

“The International Climate Court will have the power to compel Western nations to pay ever-larger sums to third-world countries in the name of making reparation for supposed “climate debt”, says Monckton, who also points out that the kangaroo Court will have no power over third-world countries. This basically means that they won’t have to reduce their carbon emissions allowing large corporate polluters to move to those countries and contaminate the environment without limitations. Meanwhile, the issue of mother earth’s rights alleges that humans must recognize the rights and go out in defense of mother earth in order to maintain and ensure harmony between humanity and the planet itself. The right to survive is directly connected to this issue as the document warns that millions of people are threatened by rising sea levels. They forgot to mention that according to recent data from the Jason 2 satellite, sea levels have actually decreased in the last three years.

The convention of the United Nations on Climate Change intends to take global temperatures to just 1 C above what it used to be before the industrial revolution occurred. This confirms the validity of criticism from skeptics who manifested that the whole United Nations move to restrict carbon emissions was an attempt to drive western civilization to standards of living only seen previous to the 1940′s. Since global temperatures are now reaching 3 C above pre-industrial revolution levels, the intended target to reduce the temperature to 1 C will effectively take humanity halfway to temperatures seen during the Ice Age. Radical proposals such as this one can only mean one thing. By 2050, which is the target year to achieve the CO2 emissions reduction proposed in the UN document, humanity will not enjoy the benefits of technologies such as motor cars, coal-fired or gas-fired power stations, aircraft and trains among other.

One interesting fact about the UN document and the proposals therein contained is that no real alternatives to the current forms of transportation, energy and industrial activity are proposed. The document only mentions the adoption of failed technologies such as windmills, solar panels and other “renewables” that have proven to be insufficient to help maintain a decent standard of living and that have brought loses in the billions of dollars to those countries that have adopted them.

As expected, the move to end an inexistant threat, namely climate change or global warming, is a one-way street. Only western developed countries will have to pay for the artificial ‘climate debt’. In the meantime, third world countries have been lured into the UN’s trap by making them believe they will be the recipients of all the billions of dollars that the middle-class in the developed world will have to pay in the form of taxes. This is a key aspect because transferring monies from the middle-classes and the poor in richer countries is the way in which the out of control globalists will make sure to implement their global de-industrialization plan. Of course, the United Nations will keep most of the money collected by those who sign the Convention on Climate Change to finance their long time dreamed World Government. And for those who want accountability regarding the expenses incurred by the Climate Fund… Well, there will not be any mechanisms to make the technocrats accountable for how they spend $100 billion they will collect every year.

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The Real Agenda is an independent publication. It does not take money from Corporations, Foundations or Non-Governmental Organizations. It provides news reports in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese to reach a larger group of readers. Our news are not guided by any ideological, political or religious interest, which allows us to keep our integrity towards the readers.

4 Responses to United Nation Proposes Global Eco-Fascist Authority in Durban

  1. María says:

    Buenas noches, una pregunta: estamos viendo,desde hace tiempo, el actuar de la Onu, vamos a creer que el tribunal internacional del clima va a proceder justamente? La trampa es el dominio, apropiación y explotación según los intereses de quienes realmente dirigen a la Onu. En realidad no están interesados en el actuar ecológico, sino más en dominar y depradar.

  2. hosting geek says:

    They should employ people who have more fresh views on the whole situation. Maybe then they’ll find EFFECTIVE methods of solving the whole environmental situation and finally come to an agreement.

  3. Norman says:

    Reading this article causes me to wonder what the writers views are? Is he a climate change denier? The next to last paragraph tells me he is! I wont go into the minutia of it, as it speaks for itself. I would ask though, if the alternate sources of energy is such a failure, then why is Germany doing away with its Nuclear power plants, replacing them with alternate renewal types. Do they know something that the author isn’t privy to? After all, if those so called failed sources costing countries $Billions were just that, then. . . . . . . . . ?

    • News Desk says:

      It is interesting to see how when people are ignorant, willfully or otherwise, they resort to personal attacks and straw man arguments instead of looking at the information presented, either to prove it right or wrong. All I can say is that there are plenty of main stream media out there willing to lie to anyone who cannot handle the truth. Straw man comments and personal attacks are also welcomed there. To the rest of the hundreds of subscribers and readers who do understand or are willing to understand what is going on in the world and do prefer to debate the issues, please make sure to leave your comments regarding climate change, global warming, the Green Fund, the UN’s Climate Change Convention and what it means, the creation of a global body that would boss countries around so they comply with Maurice Strong’s crafted directives.

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