Archives January 2012

Archives December 2011

The Reality Illiteracy of those who Mock Conspiracy Theorists

From Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS), a journal from the independent publisher Sage Publications, comes an article that has predictably seen wide distribution on the Internet. It implies that those who believe in globalist conspiracy theories are illogical – even downright nutty.

United Nations Anti-Nazi Resolution and Falsification of History

The Pentagon began smuggling top Nazi scientists into the United States under ‘Operation Paperclip,’ fraudulently identifying them. On December 19, 2011, in an extraordinary vote, Iran, Israel and Syria united in support of United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/66/460 on “Inadmissibility of Certain Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.” The resolution was adopted by a majority vote of 134, with 24 opposed and 31 abstentions. Among the 32 co-sponsors of the Resolution were, notably, Iran, Syria, Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Venezuela, Viet Nam.

Stratfor Firm Spied on Occupy Movement

Anonymous promised that after hacking the intelligence firm Stratfor, called by some a “shadow CIA,” they’d prove that they were more than just a consulting firm. Now it looks like the private company worked along with law enforcement in attempting to bring down the Occupy movement.

Dead People Voted in South Carolina

The corruption in the primary process of the republican primaries continues unchallenged. Just as it happened in Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina was another example of why the establishment maintains control of elections. When fraud is not enabled through rigged voting machines, it is done by allowing dead people to vote.

U.S. EPA Enforces Antiquated Oil SPill Clean up Protocols

Much of what was being reported about in 2011 as the aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill has not covered an important point: Oil is still leakingi from the seabed floor BP well zone and millions of barrels are still submerged and residing in the water column–HOW WILL THE TOXIC GULF BE CLEANED UP.

Uncertified Iowa Caucus Results Show Republican Party Corruption

GOP vote count in Iowa still unresolved. Eight precincts have missing votes. There are too many holes in the certified totals from the Iowa caucuses to know for certain who won, but Rick Santorum wound up with a 34-vote advantage.

Rick Santorum used his position in Congress to rip off American Veterans

Like any good presidential candidate, Rick Santorum heaps praise on America’s soldiers and veterans. He’spledged to “make veterans a high priority” if elected president, adding, “This is not a Republican issue, this is not a Democratic issue, it is an American issue.” But as a US senator, Santorum engineered a controversial land deal that robbed the military’s top veterans’ home of tens of millions of dollars and worsened the deteriorating conditions at the facility.

State of Texas air drops rabies vaccines on 7,000 square miles

The weaponization of vaccines just took another leap forward in America with the recent air-dropping of rabies vaccines by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Using a battery of small planes based out of Del Rio, Texas recently dropped 1.8 million edible vaccine packets over 7,700 square miles of rural Texas.

Thousands protest Bulgaria ‘fracking’ plans

Several thousand Bulgarians demonstrated across the country on Saturday against plans for shale gas exploration by US company Chevron that they say could harm the environment.

Scientists Expose Fraudulent Global Vaccination Policies

On January 12, 2011 the Annals of Medicine published a ground-breaking peer-reviewed paper titled, Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?, 1written by renowned researchers Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D.,and Christopher Shaw, Ph.D., with the Neural Dynamics research Group, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver.

Planned Parenthood Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions

According to its latest annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions.

Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year

This past year has not been a good one for the 99%, and the new year is likely to be even worse. This column deals with the outlook for liberty.  The next will deal with the economic outlook.

Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act

With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the New Year with their loved ones,  the “National Defense Authorization Act ” H.R. 1540 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The actual signing took place in Hawaii on the 31st of December.According to Obama’s “signing statement”, the threat of Al Qaeda to the Security of the Homeland constitutes a justification for repealing fundamental rights and freedoms, with a stroke of the pen.The controversial signing statement (see transcript below) is a smokescreen. Obama says he disagrees with the NDAA but he signs it into law.

Archives December 2011 

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