Archives December 2011

← January

US Military to be under DARPA Surveillance

If there was any doubt the powers that be do not trust the US military men a women, this spying program must clear all doubts.

Internet Architects Oppose Online Anti-Piracy Bill

A group of prominent architects of the Internet added their voices Thursday to those opposing legislation in the US Congress intended to crack down on online piracy.

Fukushima Contaminated Ocean with 50 Million Times Normal Radiation

Things are suddenly heating up again with Fukushima. As we reported yesterday, the southern wall of Fukushima reactor #4 apparently collapsed over the past few days, calling into question the structural integrity of the remainder of the containment building

Monsanto’s Bt Corn Rendered Obsolete by Mother Nature

It has come to public attention that Monsanto’s corn, derived from genetically modified corn seed, once again failed to kill bugs that feed off corn plants. According to the EPA, at least four U.S. states have seen undesirable outcomes and the most common of the insects that GM corn plants are supposed to be immune to -rootworms- have managed to bypass Monsanto’s killer gene. In other words, they have become immune to it and are not dying.

Gene Patenting Causes People to Be Company-Owned Intellectual Property

While science and technology continue to exceed new levels never before reached by humankind, the chance of the human race becoming more of a scientific research project increases along with it. Over the past 30 years, over 40,000 patents were created and accepted on genes alone.

WikiLeaks Releases ‘Global Surveillance Industry’ Documents

Unregulated industry allows companies in developed countries to provide technologies to military and government agencies. This technology allows such agencies to hack into computers and telephones and come up with voiceprints and to pinpoint anyone’s whereabouts.

Researcher finds snooping smartphone software

A smartphone security researcher is shining light on a hidden program that tracks activity on Android, BlackBerry and Nokia handsets.Trevor Eckhart exposed the workings of Control IQ in a video available online Wednesday

← January

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