Integrating Human Tissue and Circuits

Technology promises to fuse human cells and computers


The Chemical Circuit, a chemical chip can deliver a neurotransmitter like acetylcholine, which enables chemical control of muscles. Linköping University, Sweden

The human body isn’t a metal machine, but it’s still plenty complicated, and regulating it like a machine is tough to pull off. That’s why a new discovery by Klas Tybrandt, a doctoral student in Organic Electronics at Linköping University, Sweden, is exciting: he’s developed the first integrated chemical chip, similar to silicon-based electronics, but for biologic material.

A chemical circuit made from it lets chemical substances—different types with different purposes—travel through the body, but still keeps them under control. Send a certain chemical to muscle synapses that aren’t signaling, for example, and guide it via the circuit. (The big chemical contender in this seems to be the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which enables control of muscles.) Before this, the Organic Electronics research group at Linköping University had already developed transistors for transporting molecules, but this circuit offers a lot more flexibility—what was once delivery to single cells is now entire pathways.

Researchers are hoping this opens the gate for a whole new field of circuit technology based on ions and molecules instead of electrons and holes.

El Secreto Mundo de Google y su Irresponsabilidad Crecen sin Control

El fascismo se produce cuando una sociedad pierde el control de su gobierno y las corporaciones no son responsables de sus acciones.


Alguien dijo alguna vez que llegaría un momento en que la gente disfrutaría de un estado de cosas que normalmente no disfrutaría, un momento en que las personas se arrodillarían para pedir más, incluso si ese estado de cosas significase el comienzo de una experiencia dolorosa, porque las personas no sentirían ese dolor, el dolor se diluiría, se dijo, porque los incentivos para seguir sintiéndolo serían mayores y esto haría que el dolor se convirtiera en placer.

El actual estado de cosas, donde el gobierno no muestra ninguna intención de poner freno a la avaricia corporativa dejando que las empresas hagan lo que quieran sin encontrar mucha oposición es precisamente ese estado de cosas del que se habló hace mucho tiempo. Bancos saquean las cuentas de sus clientes, como sucedió con MF Global, las empresas farmacéuticas como Merck explícitamente usan a los pacientes como ratas de laboratorio que consumen sus productos de por vida y las empresas de biotecnología como Monsanto utilizan a la gente como conejillos de indias en experimentos al aire libre en todo el mundo con sus organismos modificados genéticamente.

Pero incluso Monsanto y Merck han sentido la ira de la gente algunas veces, perdiendo juicios aquí y allá. A veces fueron humillados públicamente a medida que los consumidores se enteraron y denunciaron sus planes. En algunos casos, estas empresas inclusive tuvieron que pagar multas. En el caso de Google, sin embargo, ha sido una historia completamente diferente. Google ha conseguido negar todas las solicitudes de acceso a su modelo operativo secreto, incluso a las autoridades que directamente pidieron que se mostraran cómo la compañía utiliza la información recolectada legalmente o de otra manera. En respuesta a dicha negativa, la única cosa que los reguladores hacen es reconocer que el gigante de la tecnología opera por encima de la ley cuando se trata de la recopilación de información y gestión de esos datos. Incluso lo admiten públicamente, diciendo que esto es sólo la forma en que las cosas funcionan. “La industria se ha vuelto más poderosa, la tecnología se ha vuelto más generalizada y está llegando a un punto donde no podemos hacer mucho al respecto”, dice Michael Copps, ex comisionado de la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones de Estados Unidos, FCC.

Los expertos en tecnología como Christian Sandvig, un investigador en tecnología de comunicaciones, dice que “no tenemos más remedio que confiar en Google.” ¿Es su declaración un ejemplo de la indefensión aprendida? Yo diría que sí. Un protocolo común que los reguladores siguen después de hablar de su impotencia, es que el marco legal no ha evolucionado a la misma velocidad que Google lo ha hecho. Esta es una excusa conveniente, aunque no útil para dar pues la compañía ha existido por mucho tiempo. Tal vez las regulaciones que protegen la privacidad, el más engorroso aspecto de las infracciones continuas de Google en todo el mundo, no fueron actualizadas por estos reguladores. Pero incluso si se compra esa premisa. es sorprendente que en una época donde las empresas de tecnología aparecen en cada esquina, reguladores de la industria y las agencias de vigilancia no previeron la necesidad de reglas claras para esta nueva era. ¿Qué estaban haciendo? ¿Durmiendo al volante?

El más razonable de los pecados de Google, que sigue sin respuesta es su programa Street View, a través del cual la empresa recoge innumerables cantidades de información privada de las redes inalámbricas. La compañía atribuyó este comportamiento a un error humano diciendo que un ingeniero que trabaja para Google Street View había incluido accidentalmente software que recogió tal información de las redes. Google también dijo que la información recogida no fue de ninguna utilidad para la empresa. La compañía ha cometido el mismo error en varios países, donde aquellos cuya privacidad fue violada han visto poca o ninguna acción tomada por las autoridades para hacer que Google sea responsable por su ”error” recurrente.

En Alemania Google le cerró la puerta en la cara a los reguladores de protección de datos después que estos intentaron obligar a Google a mostrar detalles de su programa Street View. “Fue una de los mayores violaciónes de las leyes de protección de datos que habíamos visto”, dijo Johannes Caspar, un funcionario de protección de datos. La mayor parte de las acciones legales tomadas por los reguladores han sido hasta ahora limitadas a advertencias y ultimátums que Google simplemente descarta. En Australia, un reciente intento de intenta obligar a Google a presentar cuentas después de su última violación de la privacidad dio lugar a lo mismo: nada. El ministro de Comunicación de Australia, Stephen Conroy describió violación de la privacidad de Google como “probablemente la violación más grande en la historia de la privacidad”.

Un hecho que parece ser el más abominable del éxito de Google para cumplir con los estándares mínimos de privacidad en muchos países es que sus clientes y usuarios son los mayores partidarios de tales violaciones. “La gente de buena gana, a veces con entusiasmo, entrega esta información. Pero hay un precio: la pérdida de control, o incluso el conocimiento del lugar en que la información personal que está siendo colectada y cómo se está reconfigurando en una identidad en línea que puede parecerse a su verdadero dueño, pero que no lo es”, dice Peter Streitfeld en su artículo Google: Preguntas de Privacidad Obtienen Poca Cooperación. Recuerdan el escenario donde a la gente no le importa más el dolor? Esta situación no se limita a Google por supuesto. Esto sucede con los otros gigantes de la minería de datos, como Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft y todas y cada una compañía de comunicaciones por ahí que a sabiendas o no sirven a los planes corporativos para aprender todo acerca de todos en todas partes.

Bajo los ojos de todos, Google se ha convertido en un gran éxito en lo que hace, la recopilación de información, manteniendo sus registros fuera de los ojos y las manos de los reguladores y el público, en parte, al ofrecer una Política de Privacidad que poco importante y que nadie lee, pero que tampoco es un reflejo de las operaciones que la  compañía realiza. A pesar de un acceso continuo injustificado a la información personal de la gente, que es una violación directa del derecho a la intimidad, en los Estados Unidos la FCC dijo en un caso que Google no había infringido ninguna ley estadounidense y el resultado de su investigación fue una simple multa de $ 25,000 para lo que la agencia etiquetó como una obstrucción de su investigación. En Europa, los reguladores han sido un poco más enfáticos acerca de las violaciónes de Google, condenando su  programas Street View por su parecido con el programa de la colección de datos sensibles llevado a cabo por la Alemania nazi y que más tarde sirvió como la principal herramienta para capturar Judios y otras personas consideradas como indeseables por el gobierno .

Si la Alemania nazi tenía la capacidad — con la ayuda de IBM – para recopilar eficazmente la información de los ciudadanos y usarla en su contra para matar a 6 millones de Judios y millones de otras personas que para ellos eran repugnantes, ¿qué podría ser el resultado de una corporación con el poder de superar a los nazis, pero a nivel mundial y sin necesidad de rendir cuentas a los gobiernos establecidos? De repente, las afirmaciones sobre la la existencia de un gobierno en la sombra no parecen tan descabelladas en absoluto. Google es hoy en día exponencialmente más poderoso que los nazis jamás podrían haber soñado ser, cuando se trata de colectar, mantener y diseminar información. La compañía, de hecho, explica su mala acción diciendo que sus coches de Street View recopilan información con el propósito de mejorar los servicios de localización, por lo que de forma ilegal espía a la gente a través de la tecnología de conexión inalámbrica a Internet sin su consentimiento.

Para Google no parece haber ningún problema con el espionaje. Peter Fleischer, consejero de privacidad mundial de Google, dijo que la compañía no le dijo a nadie acerca de la minería de información hecha con Street View, porque no creía que fuera necesario. Ahora es bien sabido que Google recoge no sólo información técnica acerca de las redes móviles en sí, sino también el contenido de los correos electrónicos, nombres de usuarios, direcciones, etc. Durante un proceso de revisión en Alemania, Google aceptó que la revelación de su programa de recolección de información podría poner en peligro a la empresa debido a su violación de las leyes de telecomunicaciones. La compañía, sin embargo, no muestra remordimiento ni acepta ningún delito cuando los representantes piden que la corporación responda a las preguntas acerca de las prácticas ilegales.

Hasta el día de hoy, la mayoría de los casos en contra de Google han sido rechazados. La única esperanza para frenar al gigante de la tecnología es una investigación que se completará este verano en Europa. Se trata de un caso antimonopolio contra Google, que algunos expertos creen que podría ser el comienzo de los tiempos difíciles para la compañía. En cuanto a la mayoría de las personas preocupadas por su privacidad, es poco probable que Google será de alguna manera amarrado en su intento de colectar grandes cantidades de información. La sospecha surge del hecho de que las reuniones que se celebrarán en Bruselas tendrán lugar a puerta cerrada, lo que evitará que la gente se entere de los detalles reales del caso antimonopólico contra Google.

The Next Genetic Assembly Line


The analogy of how children are grown as vegetables and indoctrinated through the traditional school system is a useful tool to understand what society is like today. One could think of the planet as a gigantic production line, where people are born, allegedly educated, grown into families and neighborhoods, where they work and live. But what if there was an actual way to literally ‘make’ people in a mass scale, just as humans make cars and other machinery or even spare parts for those machines? Well, the prospects definitely exist right now to have a people assembly line from where the military industrial complex will be able to produce people.

The Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) has partnered with Venter Launch Assembly Line for Genetic Engineering to begin what could be called the next generation of smart beings. I will refrain from calling them humans, because it is unclear at this point how is it that a being born in a lab will resemble one of us. Instead, it seems, the adventure DARPA is envisioning appears to be all about using biology and genetic engineering to produce living cells which will then be turned into some kind of living beings; perhaps humans.

The program is called Living Foundries, and it is not anything that hasn’t been spoken about before. However, the actual application of techniques previously reported or projected is what has made many people’s jaws drop. The announcement that a group of well-financed scientists intend to have a factory of man-made organisms should be shocking, unless people do not fully understand it. As in most cases, this new technological advancement has the potential for good and bad. It depends who manages it. Unfortunately, in the case of the creation of living organisms, those who have the science and the resources to manage the project are the same people who in the past have shown they operate on behalf of groups that do not necessarily have the best of the intentions.

The Living Foundries program is not new. It was announced last year by DARPA after providing some $15 million in research money to a handful of institutions to initiate the work. Among these institutions is the  J. Craig Venter Institute. Its head, Dr. Craig Venter, was one of the first to sequence the human genome, which then turned into a successful adventure to create synthetic human DNA. The fields of biology and genetic engineering are responsible, among other things, for producing super resistant spider web, but it are also the same people who have made it possible for humans to get contaminated with genetically engineered miniscule crystals which have been shown to develop electrical wire-like filaments. This phenomenon is better know as Morgellons Disease. Biology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are the creators of what seems to be a campaign to rewire humanity and get us all on the way to becoming transcendent people. Read more about the findings on the secretive ongoing human re-engineering in our article Chemtrails: Beyond Geo-engineering Planetary Weather, where we explain how Morgellons is not a mental derangement, as many physicians like to call it.

According to DARPA, Living Foundries “seeks to create the engineering framework for biology, speeding the biological design-build-test cycle and expanding the complexity of systems that can be engineered. The Program aims to develop new tools, technologies and methodologies to decouple biological design from fabrication, yield design rules and tools, and manage biological complexity through abstraction and standardization.” Please pay close attention to the “standardization” part of the matter. As in many of its projects, DARPA presents this new adventure as a challenge to make current technology into a more productive and efficient tool from where new and better results will be obtained. From this perspective, DARPA expresses its need to get a host of disciplines involved, as supposed to only one.

In the article we referenced above, we explain how several disciplines need to be involved in the creation of such technological advancements. Among those are Nanotechnology, Biology, Genetic Engineering and others. Back on March 20, we even presented what seems to be the current delivery system — aerosol spraying — by which the military industrial complex is already implementing the Living Foundries technology to change humans from the inside. The announcement from the US Department of Defense simply confirms what we have reported on regarding human engineering. An important question about the involvement of the above mentioned disciplines is why them? How do they help create new forms of life, or for that matter to re-engineered existent life forms? I will explain that in a little bit; but perhaps it is equally important to understand ask and understand whether re-engineering of current living organisms — including humans — will require to re-engineer the environment where we live and where those new organisms will live. The answer is YES, and it is also on its way.

Enter a new field of study and application known as Transbiology. This is the manipulation of naturally occurring biological beings through nanotechnology or biotechnology as well as the creation of new living things using advanced techniques from genetic engineering. Nowadays, we have scientific advancements that not only allow knowledgeable people to sequence human DNA, from which they can begin to ‘innovate’ , but who also the proven applications to turn such knowledge into products. As in the case of Morgellons Disease, scientists developed  crystals which develop filaments or fibers that create their own red blood cells capable of resisting extreme conditions such as heat, high levels of chemicals, cold, acid, and so on. These fibers even have the capacity to grow outside the human body in a laboratory environment. Similar fibers are found in patients with Morgellons Disease.

Accomplishing this vision requires an approach that is more than multidisciplinary – it requires a new engineering discipline built upon the integration of new ideas, approaches and tools from fields spanning computer science and electrical engineering to chemistry and the biological sciences.  The best innovations will introduce new architectures and tools into an open technology platform to rapidly move new designs from conception to execution.” This is perhaps the best statement to confirm what DARPA is up to, except that it is not a project that will be completed in the future, but one that is well underway. Note the involvement the project requires and how the application of different techniques confirms what Morgellons researchers have found to be genetically engineered, human-like products. Please try to mentally attach the bold words to the following: In the nano-tech industry, scientists use what they call the nano-tech pyramid in order to show and organize the process that is followed to create new materials or elements. That pyramid starts at the bottom with simple materials which are then turned into structures. Those structures aid in the completion of processes which finally create “devices”.

If you don’t see enough proof here that DARPA has been working on this and has developed products as a consequence of their experiments, please be aware of the agency’s own statement. The official announcement of the search for and advanced group of tools and capabilities was made back in 2011. Those tools and capabilities, DARPA said, had to produce a technology platform that quickly, safely and predictably created biological production systems. “The goals of these advanced tools and capabilities are to compress the biological design-build-test cycle by at least 10x in both time and cost while increasing the complexity of the systems that can be designed and executed by orders of magnitude. These advancements should enable the ability to rapidly design and build new systems to create novel capabilities and to address complex challenges.”

Since the military industrial complex has already tested some of their creation in open air experiments, both to change humans from the inside and alter the environment where we humans live, the next logical step is to create living organisms from scratch. This effort will most likely begin by building a stock of parts that will be made based on human DNA or a combination of DNA and GNA, which is the DNA’s synthetic twin. This stock of parts will, in a very near future, guarantee the existence of what DARPA ultimately seeks: a never ending source of human-synthetic replacement parts to rapidly advance the transformation of humanity and the world where we live into a new environment that is sufficiently mature and adequate for the merger of human and genetically engineered machines. In a not too distant future, the people in charge of the military industry will no longer need actual humans since they will be able to create their own.

Synthetic biology, also known as Transbiology, as we demonstrated before has the capacity to produce new materials with new capabilities which will be available the same way we access satellite television today: On-demand. Note also that this technology is being pursued to satisfy military needs, not consumer or human needs. The genetic engineering field has already produced advanced organisms such as violent viruses and pathogens of the kind created by Dr. Kawaoka’s research team, which is also financed by the military industrial complex. They managed to produce a fast and easily spreading H5N1 flu virus by genetically implementing three changes on the virus’ genes.

According the DARPA’s plan, the course of its new program is supposed to go through the creation of “parts, regulators, devices and circuits” that can be used to produce genetic systems. Those systems will then serve as testing grounds for the creation of new materials which will enable their ‘assembly line’.

The Bilderberg Group: Origins


Just a few days from now, the world’s economic, political and scientific elites (not to mention top media kingpins) will gather near Chantilly, Virginia to fine-tune an agenda that’s been long in the making. Its roots reach so far down in the soil of history, we’ll have to roll up our sleeves before we descend.

An Unholy Alliance

In 1943, while Europe was blindfolded by terror and death, a book was published by Charles Scribner’s Sons which carried the title The Thousand Year Conspiracy (part I & part II). In the book, the author Paul Winkler offers a fascinating insight into the people who are in the business of engineering financial crises and wars in Prussia from its very conception way back in the dark ages. In order to acquire at least some understanding about the origin and significance of this “Prusso-Teutonic” establishment, as Winkler calls it, let us follow the author down the ladder into his deep research. You may argue that the hour is late, producing a “review” of a book published well over 65 years ago, but the obscurity in which the book lay hidden all that time and its relevance to our own day, I think justifies an attempt. Pulled from underneath a large stack of wartime literature, cleared from a thick layer of dust, The Thousand Year Conspiracy should raise some eyebrows- not to say make you fall from your chair in sheer amazement. Around the time the book hit the stores in the U.S., few people understood the full implication of this manuscript. At that time all eyes were transfixed on the Fuhrer, who was barking a continuous stream of orders at trembling generals.

As one of the instruments in their well-planned push for world domination, the German aristocratic elite (Winkler calls them ‘Junkers’ throughout the book) created the biggest bully of them all, Adolf Hitler, to antagonize the world- and consequently clear the brushes for a two-man race between the East and the West in the decades thereafter. As far as the Junkers were concerned, Hitler was a dream come true as he was reaping havoc around the globe, thereby forcing his enemies to commence with a world government rising from the ruins of the War that ensued. Empires come and go, Winkler argues, tyrants rise and fall- but an unholy alliance holds firm throughout history, guiding the course of events as the world turns. The real controllers seldom appear out from the shadows. They rather stay out of sight: promoting, funding and supervising certain individuals who will do their bidding in the full light of day. As the muffled sound of planes was heard snoring overhead, Winkler set out to identify what he calls “the forces behind the forces”: an alignment of two powers that have dominated Germany from the 13th century onward.

Rise of the Hanseatic League

Around the year 1175, somewhere in the vast forests of Northern Germany, several Germanic merchants and noblemen were gathered in secret to discuss an idea that was already brewing for some time past. Although initially the plan was probably still as shapeless as the forest deities they praised, it slowly grew into more than just a plan that would eventually have great implications for Northern Europe in the centuries to come. Ancient trading guilds from all over Germany, Hansas as they were called, set out to build a great unified trade organization. This new organization was out to gather as many European towns under its wing as possible, offering all kinds of trading privileges along the Baltic and North Sea and in return demanding free access through all ports along the great inland rivers. Good news, it seemed, for the impoverished forts of the Low Countries in the west, for now they were able to trade more goods over longer distances. But the local riverside lords had unknowingly entered into an agreement with a cunning serpent. Over the next three centuries the League would dictate economic policy in Western Europe and therefore exert influence on the everyday politics of those days. Playing cities and counties off against each other, the organization held medieval North-West Europe in a tight economic stranglehold that would last for the better part of the Middle Ages. In the course of this time the number of towns that swore (or were forced to swear) allegiance to the League rose to a staggering 200. A bewildering number when we take into account we are still in the dirty depths of the Dark Ages. The League realized however that controlling and expanding her monopoly would require more than just relying on the weapon of economic boycott. The new trade organization would enforce its rule with the help of an industrious military arm, clearing the way for hanseatic settlements in the remotest of areas.

The Teutonic Order

Founded in 1189 on the shores of the Holy Land, the Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s hospital in Jerusalem was forced into being under the sails of the seafaring tradesmen. In order to legitimize this new military arm it was cleverly streamlined with the lucrative crusades in the Holy Land that were already in full swing around the time of its founding. To have taken part in the Holy War meant an enormous boost in prestige back home in Europe; and besides, conducting operations under the papal seal enabled the Teutonic swordsmen to go ahead with their real business of interest: setting up a military system not in pagan-infested Outremer, but in North-West Europe along the trading routes of their sister organization, the Hanseatic League. But first they had to present themselves on the battlefield, though somewhat reluctantly and not exactly in solidarity with the Holy War or with the armies waging it (Teutonic Knights were not very idealistic, nor were they particularly religiously motivated). After receiving the required stripes the “fighting monks” quickly lowered their flag and scurried off back to Germany, leaving the doomed Templars to do the fighting in their stead. Back in the heimat the Order wasted no time doing what it had intended to do from the very start: to become the Hanseatic League’s iron hand, enforcing its trading monopoly wherever it was needed and effectively setting up a military dictatorship to suppress potential rivals lurking in the background. This time, the Teutonic knights were summoned to secure important strategic areas in the east, where unyielding Prussian tribes blocked the trading routes that the League had set its sights on. The Order contrived a great converting with the bloody sword of Christendom as a pretext to go in- which they did as soon as the approval from Rome came through. Without having to worry about overzealous cardinals interfering, the slaughter began. In a series of heavily subsidized manhunts, the Teutonic knights butchered thousands of Prussians and installed themselves as sovereign rulers. At the same time the Order gave a heads-up to the Hanseatic League in their wake to sail on in and trade away. The continent had not seen such a coordinated and confident effort of a military and economic order since the Roman Empire had evaporated almost a millennium earlier.

To capture the true meaning of this medieval order of “fighting monks”, the author convincingly points out that the Teutonic knights have very early on in history aligned themselves with the  other dominant power – the Hanseatic League- consisting of ancient European- especially German nobility. The historic significance of this partnership can hardly be exaggerated. Winkler asserts that the original intentions of the German crusaders to the Holy Land had nothing whatsoever to do with some vague ideology to liberate the Holy Land, but rather with a hidden agenda the German aristocratic elite had prepared long before it even considered taking up the sword to drive out the evil pagans:

“The Order itself had among its secret aims that of serving as a “Hospital” for German nobility.(…) The Knights used the term “Hospital” in a symbolic sense (…) and concealed behind it one of the aims of the Order- “conspiracy to promote the interests of a caste.”’

The Order State

To project its confidence to their enemies and adequately install fear into their hearts, both the Order and the League printed a black double headed eagle firmly on their respective banners. The chosen symbol could not have been more fitting: one body, symbolizing a common purpose, from which two heads peered greedily eastward and westward, depicting the two divisions with which to accomplish that purpose. The eagle would later evolve into the black cross of the Prussian Order state- a symbol that would ultimately survive as the black swastika within a white circle: the black sun of the Nazis. It is no coincidence that the failed architect from Braunau often invoked the lebensraum-philosophy of his Teutonic predecessors to explain his ambitious policies to a mesmerized German people.

At the beginning of the 15th century the lands formerly inhabited by the conquered Prussian tribes were ruthlessly transformed into the Teutonic Order State, better known as Prussia. Looking at a map of Northern Europe around that time, we see a red stain filling up the space, expanding in all directions with blood dripping off the edges. Although the Holy Roman Empire was not at all generous when it came to competing forces rising up in the neighborhood, the new Order State was clearly the exception to the rule as it was feared like a snake but treated like a king. Whenever the Order State required a favor, the Empire granted it without debate. Several royal families such as the Hohenzollerns- long time members of both the League and the Order- were appointed by the double headed eagle to rule the new Order State in the east and rule it mercilessly. The west was brought under the control of the German house of Nassau and the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s. It is no coincidence that these very same families appear prominently on the membership list of Bilderberg. Needless to say they rarely miss a meeting.

Consolidating Power

In short: while the German aristocracy spun an economic web around Northern Europe with the help of the German Hanseatic League, the Teutonic Order consolidated power militarily. When these two forces joined, the tectonic energy that was released created the “Prusso-Teutonic” alliance.

“Under the protection of the Order, Winkler writes, “a cast of nobles, enjoying the favour and complicity of the Knights, settled in the conquered countries. These “Junkers” in turn tried to appropriate for their exclusive advantage the very aims and traditions which the Order itself had carried down from the Germano-Roman emperors.”

Under the header “The “New Order” is an Old Order”, the author expands further on this strange no-man’s-land between light and shadow in which the “Junkers” usually operate. Winkler:

“The Prusso-Teutonics know that military occupation of France cannot last forever. Besides, they have probably considered the possibility of a German defeat which would bring about the fall of the Nazi regime.”

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Bone Loss Drugs Linked to Femure Fractures

UPI | MAY 29, 2012

Treatment with bisphosphonates — drugs that offset bone loss  associated with menopause — may be linked to femur fractures, Swiss researchers  say.

Dr. Raphael P. H. Meier and colleagues from University Hospitals of  Geneva and Faculty of Medicine in  Switzerland evaluated the association between  bisphosphonate treatment and atypical femoral fractures in 477 patients age 50  and older who were hospitalized with a subtrochanteric or femoral shaft fracture  at a single university medical center.

A control group of 200 healthy individuals without femoral  fractures was also identified.

The study authors identified 39 patients with atypical fractures  and 438 patients with a classic — a more common fracture with a typical pattern  — fracture. Among the 39 patients in the atypical group, 82.1 percent had been  treated with bisphosphonates, compared with 6.4 percent in the classic  group.

However, compared with patients without fractures, use of  bisphosphonates was associated with a 47 percent reduction in the risk of  classic fracture.

“We have demonstrated that the association between bisphosphonate  treatment and the occurrence of atypical fractures of the femur is highly likely  and that the duration of such treatment significantly correlates with augmented  risk,” the authors said in a statement.

The findings were published online in Archives of Internal  Medicine.

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