Darpa trabalha na próxima geração de scanners para aeroportos

Os novos scanners substituirão os defeituosos, inúteis e perigosos scanners corporais nos que os governos gastaram milhões de dólares.


Quanto tempo levou? Hmmm … … Vamos ver … cinco anos para que o Departamento de Segurança Interna (DHS), o principal impulsionador dos scanners de corpo inteiro, admitisse que o seu brinquedo favorito é uma peça defeituosa, inútil e perigosa. Muitos de nós já sabíamos há algum tempo, é claro, e eles também. A imprecisão, a falta de eficácia e as consequências adversas para a saúde do uso de scanners de corpo inteiro foi demonstrado muitas vezes antes, mas o DHS esperou até que não podia mais esconder a fraude, para mostrar um leve interesse em “melhorar” a tecnologia.

Como relatado anteriormente, aqueles que têm mais a perder devido à adoção de scanners de corpo inteiro são os seus operadores, que têm ficado gravemente doentes depois de trabalhar em torno dos scanners por 5 ou 10 anos. Em nosso artigo de 28 de junho de 2011, foi revelado como muitos operadores de scanner de corpo inteiro, de repente começaram a descobrir vários tumores cancerígenos em seus corpos. Naquele momento, o Centro de Informação de Privacidade Eletrônica obteve documentos que mostram como os trabalhadores da Administração de Segurança de Transporte ficaram doentes com câncer, doença cardíaca e vascular cerebral após ser exposto à radiação de scanners.

Este fato foi negado pelo DHS e TSA, da mesma forma que negam a ineficácia dos scanners para detectar objetos escondidos. O perigo de se tornar doente devido à radiação, em conjunto com a explícita violação da privacidade e da incapacidade demonstrada dos scanners para detectar objetos colados a um corpo humano, reforçou as chamadas das  organizações de direitos humanos para acabar com o uso de scanners assim como a presença de trabalhadores da TSA em postos de controle inconstitucionais nos aeroportos.

Como na maioria dos casos de fraude do governo, o DHS solicitou nova tecnologia para realizar buscas e apreensões ilegais de bens pessoais em 180 aeroportos em todo os Estados Unidos. Parece que mais de 700 scanners de corpo inteiro simplesmente não estão fazendo o trabalho como deveriam. O DHS já solicitou a DARPA pesquisar e criar uma nova geração de sistemas de imagens que são menores, mais precisos e menos propensos a ser adulterados.

Como muitos leitores devem se lembrar, o DHS jurou que as imagens dos passageiros não eram armazenadas após a conclusão de uma análise, mas o público mais tarde soube que os scanners realmente gravam imagens em computadores que estão conectados a eles. Trabalhadores da TSA foram descobertos usando imagens para fazer piadas sobre os passageiros. Mas as imagens não são apenas armazenadas. Os scanners sao equipados com a tecnologia para enviar imagens para um banco de dados. Na verdade, a TSA forçou os fabricantes a produzir scanners que tivessem a capacidade de armazenar e transmitir imagens.

Algumas semanas atrás, o DHS e DARPA anunciaram que os novos scanners terão dois objetivos principais. Primeiro, o que eles chamaram de “melhoria no uso do tempo na medição de pressão.” De acordo com as duas organizações, este aspecto será melhorado para poder recolher as imagens. Os scanners também serao mais leves e terão uma capacidade de detecção mais exata e confiável, eles disseram. Isso é como dizer, “Vamos violar os direitos de privacidade de maneira um pouco mais confortável.”

“A pesquisa busca usar novas formas de identificar os passageiros que agora usam os aparelhos convencionais de raios-X e sistemas de dupla projeção de energia Multi View”, explicaram.

O segundo objectivo consiste em tornar os chips de memória menos susceptíveis de ser adulterado. Os chips devem ter níveis elevados de funcionalidade a um custo inferior, enquanto consomem menos energia e são mais fiáveis. Isto significa que os viajantes serão despojados de seus direitos constitucionais com tecnologia que funciona em harmonia com a natureza. Os scanners devem ter “alta resistência ao desgaste.”

A chegada dos scanners de corpo inteiro veio depois que um suposto terrorista tentou detonar uma bomba — o famoso bombardeiro da cueca — em um avião para Detroit, Michigan. Este suposto plano terrorista era falso e por muitos considerado um evento de bandeira falsa para justificar a adoção dos scanners. Na verdade, o suposto terrorista foi mais tarde identificado como agente duplo da CIA, que foi assistido ao abordar o avião, mesmo sem ter seu passaporte. Kurt Haskell e sua esposa, que foram testemunhas a bordo do voo 253 da Northwest Airlines viram como Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab embarcou em Amsterdã.

Sobre o uso indiscriminado de scanners, a ACLU disse que as máquinas produzem “imagens notavelmente gráficas dos corpos dos passageiros, essencialmente tirando uma foto nua da pessoa.” Tanto o DHS quanto o TSA ignoraram perguntas sobre privacidade e segurança. Como muitos leitores sabem, os scanners de raios-X de retroespalhamento literalmente realizam uma “gravação virtual nua”, que só se justifica pela Constituição se os oficiais tem causa provável.

Tanto o DHS quanto DARPA se reunirão em 18 de setembro para discutir detalhes da próxima geração de scanners. A nova estratégia vai incluir tanto o registro ilegal de passageiros, bem como uma nova maneira de rastrear bagagens. Para este fim, a DARPA apresentará o seu programa de Medição de Informação Compresionada, um sistema criado “para obter mais informações dos passageiros.”

Darpa trabaja en la próxima generación de escáneres de aeropuerto

Substituirán defectuosos, inútiles y peligrosos escáneres de cuerpo en la que los gobiernos gastaron millones de dólares.


¿Tomó cuánto tiempo? … Hmmm … A ver … 5 años para que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los EE.UU.(DHS), el impulsor principal de los escáneres de cuerpo completo, admitiera que su juguete preferido es una pieza defectuosa, inútil y peligrosa. Muchos de nosotros ya lo sabíamos desde hace un tiempo, por supuesto, y ellos también. La inexactitud, falta de efectividad y las consecuencias negativas para la salud del uso de los escáneres corporales se ha demostrado en múltiples ocasiones antes, pero el DHS esperó hasta que ya no podía ocultar el fraude, para mostrar un leve interés por “mejorar” la tecnología.

Como se informó anteriormente, las personas con más que perder debido a la adopción de los escáneres de cuerpo completo son sus operadores, que se han enfermado seriamente después de trabajar en torno a los escáneres por 5 o 10 años. En nuestro artículo del 28 de junio de 2011, se dio a conocer como numerosos operadores de escáner de cuerpo entero de repente comenzaron a descubrir múltiples tumores cancerosos en sus cuerpos. En aquel entonces, el Centro de Información sobre Privacidad Electrónica obtuvo documentos que muestran cómo los trabajadores de la Administración de Seguridad en el Transporte se enfermaron de cáncer, enfermedades del corazón y derrame cerebral después de haber sido expuestos a la radiación de los escáneres.

Este hecho fue negado por el DHS y la TSA de la misma manera que niegan la ineficacia de los escáneres para detectar lo que estaban destinados a encontrar. El peligro de enfermarse debido a la radiación, junto con la violación explícita de la privacidad y la incapacidad demostrada de los escáneres para detectar objetos adheridos a un cuerpo humano, reforzó las llamadas de las organizaciones de derechos humanos para poner fin al uso de los escáneres así como la presencia de trabajadores de la TSA en puestos de control inconstitucionales en los aeropuertos.

Al igual que en la mayoría de los casos de fraude gubernamental, el DHS solicitó nueva tecnología para llevar a cabo los registros e incautaciones ilegales de pertenencias personales en 180 aeropuertos de todo Estados Unidos. Parece que los más de 700 escáneres de cuerpo entero simplemente no están haciendo el trabajo como se quiere. El DHS ya ha solicitado a DARPA investigar y crear una nueva generación de generadores de imágenes que son más pequeños, más precisos y menos vulnerables a ser adulterados.

Como muchos lectores recuerdan, DHS juró que las imágenes de los pasajeros no se almacenaban después de completar un análisis, pero el público se enteró más tarde de que los escáneres de hecho graban las imágenes en las computadoras que estaban conectadas a ellos. Trabajadores de la TSA fueron descubiertos utilizando las imágenes para hacer bromas a los pasajeros o mirar las partes íntimas de cualquier persona. Pero no sólo los escáneres almacenan las imágenes, también se ajustaron con la tecnología necesaria para enviar las imágenes a una base de datos. De hecho, la TSA ha obligó a los fabricantes para que produjeran escáneres que tuvieran la capacidad de almacenar y transmitir imágenes.

El lunes pasado, el DHS y DARPA anunciaron que los nuevos escáneres tendrán buscarán lograr dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, lo que definieron como “tiempo real de utilización de técnicas de medición de presión.” De acuerdo con ambas entidades, este aspecto será para mejorar la recopilación de imágenes. Los escáneres también serán menos pesados y tendrán una capacidad de detección más precisa y fiable, dijeron. Eso es como decir: ‘vamos a hacer que la violación de la privacidad y los derechos constitucionales sea un poco más cómodo’.

“La investigación busca identificar nuevas formas de identificación de los pasajeros, que las convencionales que se emplean en sistemas de rayos X y escaneos de doble proyección de energía tipo doble Multi-View “, explicaron.

El segundo objetivo es hacer que los chips de memoria sean menos propensos a ser adulterados. Los chips deben tener altos niveles de funcionalidad a un coste inferior, mientras que consume menos energía y tienen más fiabilidad. Eso significa que los viajeros a ser despojados de sus derechos constitucionales serán víctimas de tal abuso con tecnología en armonía con la naturaleza. Los escáneres deben tener “alta resistencia al desgaste”.

La llegada de los escáneres de cuerpo completo se produjo después de que un supuesto terrorista intentó detonar una bomba — el famoso bombardero de ropa interior — en un avión que iba a Detroit, Michigan. Esta presunta conspiración terrorista era falsa y por muchos considerada en evento terrorista de falsa bandera para ayudar a impulsar la adopción de los escáneres. De hecho, el atacante fue identificado más tarde como un doble agente de la CIA, quien fue ayudado a subir al avión sin tener ni siquiera un pasaporte. Kurt Haskell y su esposa, quienes fueron testigos a bordo del vuelo 253 de Northwest Airlines, vieron a Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab en la puerta de embarque en Amsterdam.

En cuanto al uso de los escáneres indiscriminadamente, la ACLU dijo que las máquinas producen “imágenes sorprendentemente gráficas de los cuerpos de los pasajeros, esencialmente tomando una foto desnuda.” Tanto el DHS como la TSA ignoraron las preguntas sobre la privacidad y la seguridad. Como muchos lectores saben, la retrodispersión de rayos X de los escáneres, literalmente, llevar a cabo un “registro virtual al desnudo”, que sólo es justificada por la Constitución si los agentes tienen una causa probable.

Tanto el DHS como DARPA se reunirán el 18 de septiembre para discutir detalles sobre la próxima generación de escáneres. La nueva estrategia incluirá tanto el registro de los pasajeros, así como una nueva forma de registrar equipajes. Para ello, se espera que DARPA presente su programa de Medición Compresionada de Información, un sistema creado “para obtener aún más información de los pasajeros.”

Darpa and Homeland Security working on Next Generation Airport Scanners

Forget about those old, defective, useless, dangerous airport body scanners in which governments spent millions of dollars.


It took how long?… Hmmm… Let’s see… 5 years for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the main pusher of full body scanners, to admit that its toy of choice is a defective, useless and dangerous piece of junk. We all knew that a while ago, of course, and so did they. The inaccuracy, ineffectiveness and negative health consequences of the use of body scanners has been proven in multiple occasions before, but the DHS waited until it could no longer hide the fraud, to show a slight interest to ‘improve’ the technology.

As we reported before, the people with more to lose due to the adoption of full body scanners were their operators, who have gotten seriously ill after working around the scanners for 5 or 10 years.  On our article from June 28, 2011, we unveiled how numerous body scanner operators suddenly began discovering multiple cancerous tumors in their bodies. Back then, the Electronic Privacy Information Center obtained documents that showed how Transportation Security Administration  workers got sick with cancer, heart disease and stroke after being exposed to the radiation from the scanners.

This fact was denied by the TSA and the DHS just as they denied the ineffectiveness of the scanners in detecting whatever they were meant to find. The danger of getting sick due to the radiation together with the explicit violation of privacy and the proven incapacity of the scanners to detect objects attached to a human body, reinforced calls from the public and human rights organizations to stop the use of the scanners and the presence of TSA workers at security checkpoints in airports.

As in most cases of government fraud, the DHS is now requesting new technology to conduct the illegal searches and seizures of personal belongings in 180 airports around the United States. It seems that the more than 700 full body scanners are simply not doing the job anymore. The DHS has now asked DARPA to look into a new generation of image generators that are smaller, more precise and less vulnerable to hacking.

As many readers remember, DHS swore that images of passengers were not stored after completing a scan, but the public later learned that the scanners did in fact collect the images in computers that were connected to them. TSA workers were found to use the images to crack jokes on passengers or look at anyone’s private parts. But not only did the scanners store the images, they also were fit with the technology to send those images to a database. In fact, the TSA had required to the manufacturers that all airport scanners had to be able to store and transmit images for “testing, training, and evaluation purposes.”

Last Monday, the DHS and DARPA announced that the coming scanners will try to accomplish two main objectives. First, what they defined as “real-time utilization of compressive measurement techniques.” According to both entities, this aspect will improve the collection of images. The scanners will also be less cumbersome and will have a more precise and reliable detection capacity, they said. So that is like saying, ‘we’ll make the violation of your privacy and constitutional rights a little bit more convenient.’

“The research seeks to identify novel signatures distinct from those typically employed in conventional X-ray tomography systems and multi-view dual energy projection scans,” they explained.

The second goal is to make memory chips less prone to being hacked into. The chips will need to have high-levels of functionality at a lower cost, while consuming less energy and more reliability. That means travelers will be stripped of their constitutional rights through the use of environmentally friendly technology. The scanners must have “extremely high-endurance, near unlimited wear for write, read, and erase cycles.”

The arrival of the full body scanners occurred after s supposed terrorist attempt to light up a bomb — the famous underwear bomber — on a plane going to Detroit, Michigan. This alleged terrorist plot was fake and by many considered a false-flag to help push the adoption of the scanners. In fact, the supposed bomber was later identified as a CIA double agent, who was helped into boarding the plane without having a passport. Kurt Haskell and his wife, who were witnesses on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 saw Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab at the boarding gate in Amsterdam.

Regarding the use of the scanners to indiscriminately screen passengers, the ACLU said that the machines produce “strikingly graphic images of passengers’ bodies, essentially taking a naked picture.” Both the DHS and the TSA ignored the questions about privacy and safety. As many readers are aware, the Backscatter X-ray scanners literally carry out a “virtual strip search,” which is only warranted by the Constitution if the agents have probable cause.

Both DHS and DARPA will meet on September 18 to discuss further details about the next generation of scanners. The new strategy will include both the search of passengers as well as a new way to check baggage. For this, DARPA is expected to present his Knowledge Enhanced Compressive Measurement program, a system created “to gather even more and better quality information.”

Cyberwar 2.0: DARPA’s Plan X to Attack the Web


The Pentagon’s top research arm is unveiling a new, classified cyberwarfare project. But it’s not about building the next Stuxnet, Darpa swears. Instead, the just-introduced “Plan X” is designed to make online strikes a more routine part of U.S. military operations. That will make the son of Stuxnet easier to pull off — to, as Darpa puts it, “dominate the cyber battlespace.”

Darpa spent years backing research that could shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses. “Plan X” is part of a growing and fairly recent push into offensive online operations by the Pentagon agency largely responsible for the internet’s creation. In recent months, everyone from the director of Darpa on down has pushed the need to improve — and normalize — America’s ability to unleash cyberattacks against its foes.

That means building tools to help warplanners assemble and launch online strikes in a hurry. It means, under Plan X, figuring out ways to assess the damage caused by a new piece of friendly military malware before it’s unleashed. And it means putting together a sort of digital battlefield map that allows the generals to watch the fighting unfold, as former Darpa acting director Ken Gabriel told the Washington Post: “a rapid, high-order look of what the Internet looks like — of what the cyberspace looks like at any one point in time.”

It’s not quite the same as building the weapons themselves, as Darpa notes in its introduction to the five-year, $100 million effort, issued on Monday: “The Plan X program is explicitly not funding research and development efforts in vulnerability analysis or cyberweapon generation.” (Emphasis in the original.)

But it is certainly a complementary campaign. A classified kick-off meeting for interested researchers in scheduled for Sept. 20.

The American defense and intelligence establishment has been reluctant at times to authorize network attacks, for fear that their effects could spread far beyond the target computers. On the eve of the Iraq invasion of 2003, for instance, the Bush administration made plans for a massive online strike on Baghdad’s financial system before discarding the idea out of collateral damage concerns.

It’s not the only factor holding back such operations. U.S. military chiefs like National Security Agency director Gen. Keith Alexander have publicly expressed concern that America may not be able to properly respond to a national-level attack unless they’re given pre-defined battle plans and “standing rules of engagement” that would allow them to launch a counterstrike “at net speed.” Waiting more than a few moments might hurt the American ability to respond at all, these officers say.

“Plan X” aims to solve both problems simultaneously, by automatically constructing mission plans that are as easy to execute as “the auto-pilot function in modern aircraft,” but contain “formal methods to provably quantify the potential battle damage from each synthesized mission plan.”

Then, once the plan is launched, Darpa would like to have machines running on operating systems that can withstand the rigors of a full-blown online conflict: “hardened ‘battle units’ that can perform cyberwarfare functions such as battle damage monitoring, communication relay, weapon deployment, and adaptive defense.”

The ability to operate in dangerous areas, pull potential missions off-the-shelf, and assess the impact of attacks — these are all commonplace for air, sea, and land forces today. The goal of Plan X is to give network-warfare troops the same tools. “To get it to the point where it’s a part of routine military operations,” explains Jim Lewis, a long-time analyst of online operations at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Of course, many critics of U.S. policy believe the deployment of cyberweapons is already too routine. America’s online espionage campaign against Iran has been deeply controversial, both at home and abroad. The Russian government and its allies believe that cyberweapons ought to be banned by international treaty. Here in the U.S., there’s a fear that, by unleashing Stuxnet and other military-grade malware, the Obama administration legitimized such attacks as a tool of statecraft — and invited other nations to strike our fragile infrastructure.

The Darpa effort is being lead, fittingly, by a former hacker and defense contractor. Daniel Roelker helped start the intrusion detection company Sourcefire and the DC Black Ops unit of Raytheon SI Government Solutions. In a November 2011 presentation (.pdf), Roelker decried the current, “hacker vs. hacker” approach to online combat. It doesn’t scale well — there are only so many technically skilled people — and it’s limited in how fast it can be executed. “We don’t win wars by out-hiring an adversary, we win through technology,” he added.

Instead, Roelker continued, the U.S. needs a suite of tools to analyze the network, automate the execution of cyberattacks, and be sure of the results. At the time, he called these the “Pillars of Foundational Cyberwarfare.” Now, it’s simply known as Plan X.

The two shootings the Police and U.S. Feds Let Happen


While many of the news reports in the United States are concentrating on how legally owned weapons represent a threat to our society as a whole, and while the politicians tirelessly call for gun control policies, little attention has been given to the fact that both shooters — in Aurora Colorado and in Wisconsin — had been reported as showing suspicious behavior weeks before the attacks occurred. What happened to ‘if you see something say something’ crap? That’s right. The Feds knew that both of these men — James Holmes and Michael Page — were potential psychos, but did nothing to stop the shootings.

In the case of Holmes, his psychiatrist, who is in part responsible for prescribing dangerous medications which have been proven to turn patients into violent animals, had contacted Colorado University police to report concerns about her patient’s behavior at least a few weeks before the attack. In reporting Holmes’ strange behavior, Dr. Lynne Fenton went as far as violating the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, that resulted in no action, apparently, by university police. The officer who spoke to Ms. Fenton has now been interviewed by members of the Aurora Police Department as part of their fact-finding mission.

A few questions can be raised from the first salvo previous to the Aurora movie theater attack. For example, what kind of medication was Dr. Fenton drugging Holmes with, that may have triggered his violent behavior? The question is not rhetorical, since the use of well-known psychiatric medications has been proven to cause violent behavior in patients. Among those drugs are: Ritalin, Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc. The main reaction caused by these and other drugs is homicidal behavior. The effects of the drugs given to Holmes were seen even during his court appearance, when he was present only physically, but not mentally.

In addition to reporting Holmes’ weird behavior to university police, his psychiatrist also spoke with members of the university’s threat-assessment team. At this point, it seems that such team never met formally or informally to talk about Holmes’ potential threat or to assess the concerns presented by Ms. Fenton. After the shooting, the University of Colorado has refused to describe what kind of action was taken, if any, by the institution or the police with the information provided by Fenton. They cite the existence of a gag order issued by a court. Why would a court order be issued to prohibit them to provide information to the press about the case? Is it not this the job of the university’s legal team to gauge whether it is a good idea or not?

The last statement issued by Colorado University said that campus police often meets with the threat assessment team to discuss “safety issues including security matters, badge access, background checks, wellness checks, criminal investigations and referrals to law enforcement agencies.”

Holmes’ case is clearly one of a man who was doped with drugs that have been proven to cause violent behavior and that has certainly more to do with his attack at the Aurora movie theater than the fact that he was the legal owner of firearms. However, U.S. law enforcement agencies and politicians have taken the opportunity to call for more gun ownership legislation that would leave Americans without the possibility to legally purchase guns to defend themselves from wackos like James Holmes. As it has been shown in this case, police cannot keep everyone safe at all times, and it should be each individual’s responsibility to take care of his or her safety.

The other case that law enforcement agencies also failed to follow carefully, and that just so happens to have ended in another shooting, is the case of the Sikh Temple shooting, Wade Michael Page. In Mr. Page’s case, police had also been warned about his strange behavior previous to the attack, but again failed to stop him from carrying it out. Page had been looked into by Federal investigators because of his ties to racist extremist groups. They would later drop any investigation because they thought there wasn’t enough evidence to continue watching him.

Page’s attack has been labeled as a case of domestic terrorism by the media and some left-wing extremist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, although officially he was not being investigated by any federal law enforcement agency for any crimes whatsoever. Although the FBI is in theory prohibited from surveilling people not accused of committing a crime, government outfits like the SPLC are legally allowed to do so, and this information can be then fed to law enforcement agencies. The SPLC is well-known for calling for censorship of journalists and other people who call themselves conservatives or libertarians and who demonstrate opposition to government policies.

Page’s case is another example of how federal agents dropped the ball and were unable to uncover his plans to carry out the Sikh Temple attack.

Now to the issues that are hidden behind the fog of censorship.

Both James Holmes and Wade Michael Page had close connections to the government. In the case of Holmes, he was the recipient of a $26,000 government grant — offered to him through the National Institutes for Health — for the specific purpose of studying Neuroscience. The National Institutes of Health is a component agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This relationship makes Holmes’ mass killing a painful example of taxpayer-funded homicide. But the details about Holmes get even stranger. According to Journalist Wayne Madsen, there are more links between James Holmes and American government research, such as the the Salk Institute, a place involved with neurologically enhancing soldiers’ abilities on the battlefield, which also has connections with the US Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

From Madsen’s article James Holmes Family Tied To DARPA And Mind Manipulation Work:

In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.

The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected “neuroprosthetic” limbs for soldiers amputated or paralyzed in combat.

In the case of Wade Michael Page, his connections to government programs are also clear and very direct. Up until 1998, Page was a US Army Psy-Op specialist. Psychological Operations are an important part of the US Army. In fact, they are conducted all the time. Page held his position at Fort Bragg until he was given a less-than-honorable discharge.

How can a former army man, who has associations to racist organizations and who has deep knowledge about psy-ops, not be investigated by law enforcement agencies? How can an admittedly racist person be employed by the US Army to work on and / or conduct psy-ops? Furthermore, the first shooting in Aurora was conducted by a Neuroscience student and the latest in Wisconsin by a former psy-ops military man. What are the odds? Well, whatever the odds are, they get even more difficult to believe, because both psychological operations and neuroscience are dedicated to conduct brain manipulation. Is this just another coincidence?

There is another coincidence we will never be able to know about, and that is if after conducting psychiatric evaluations on both of the shooters they discover that Holmes and Page were under mind control. That will never be known because one of the shooters, Mr. Page, was conveniently shot dead — another coincidence — on sight by a police officer and authorities are convinced he, just as they believed in the cases of Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy Mc Veigh, was a lone wolf. So that is where the investigation ends, even though in both shootings, witnesses reported the presence of more gunmen besides Holmes and Page. But that of course is just a conspiracy theory.

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