U.S. FDA calling for Genetically Modified Salmon to be released into the Environment


While you were likely resting or enjoying time with friends and family over the Christmas break, the United States Food and Drug Administration was hard at work ramming through genetically modified salmon towards the final acceptance process. Despite the frankenfish actually being blocked by Congress last year over serious health and environmental concerns, the FDA is making a massive push to release the genetically modified salmon into the world as the FDA-backed biotech giant and creator of the fish AquaAdvantage screams for profits.

These fish of course threaten the very genetic integrity of the food chain when considering the fact that they will ultimately be unleashed into waters with other salmon and likely even the ocean at large. The AquaAdvantage genetically modified salmon have been engineered through genetic manipulation to grow double the size and weight of the average salmon. Hitting 24 inches instead of 13 and weighing in at 6.6 pounds instead of 2.8, the GM fish contains both a gene from another salmon known as the  Pacific Chinook as well as an eel-like fish.

This unnatural genetic infusion allows the fish to generate a growth hormone 24/7, making it a massively mutated ball of growth hormones and disease.

Genetically Modified Salmon Threaten Genetic Stability of Food Chain

In the event that awareness is not spread and Congress allows the FDA to approve AquaAdvantage’ GM salmon, it will become the first approved GM animal for growth and human consumption.

 Modified salmon will mate with regular breeds, creating hybrid mutations that may likely never be tracked. Hybrid families that may continue to repopulate for generations, all containing modified genes. After being consumed by predators like sharks or others, the sharks are then affected by the genetically modified fish through the development of various health conditions conditions. In mice trials alone it was found that eating GMOs triggered mass tumors and early death in the animals — and that’s just crops. Genetically modified crops are concerning enough, but are much less complex than animals.

The fact of the matter is that no one truly knows the long term effects of GM crops, let alone GM animals. But hey, why not test it out on the public? After all, who cares? It’s not like the FDA will do anything to Monsanto despite the numerous studies linking GMOs to disease. Instead, they just say it’s pseudo science and that only FDA-backed ‘science’ is worth anything. Forget the fact that the only lifelong rat study done on GMOs found it led to tumor development.

So what can we do?

There are a number of methods here, but first and foremost the word needs to be spread far and wide that genetically modified salmon is being pushed through by the FDA. People despise GM products on average, with 90 plus percent in favor of at least labeling. In addition, there is a petition going around to send to politicians to ask them to stop this approval as they did in 2011.

Ultimately, it comes down to opposition. If enough people know this is coming and are very upset about it, they will have trouble ramming it through. That’s why they announce these things over Christmas weekend. They don’t want anyone to even hear about it — they want to make it harder to popularize since hardly anyone saw it.

We can beat this as we did back in 2011, and the FDA knows it. Their dirty tactics are not effective in the technological age in which the transfer of information is more powerful than ever. Share this news and spread the word. Block genetically modified salmon from getting put on your dinner table without any labels.


Doctors’ psychological triggers to make you vaccinate your children


If you’ve ever been in a doctor’s office with a child, you know what I mean.

Doctors are well known for applying psychological pressure to parents questioning vaccines. Maybe you’ve experienced this pressure?

Here are five psychological triggers doctors use against you, the parent, and some of the suggestions you can use to overcome them.


This is one of the most powerful psychological triggers, as you will see.

Doctors are in a position of authority – they went to medical school. (You didn’t.) This fact alone puts them in a unique position and you are paying for their advice.

Society in general makes assumptions that doctors know the absolute best information for your health relating to all topics – especially vaccines. Often, doctors repeat the information given to them by the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration.

The doctor’s assumption is this: if the FDA approves a drug and the CDC recommends it, it must be safe. Maybe they haven’t heard of 100,000 DEATHS yearly from adverse (FDA-approved) drug reactions? [1]

Taken to the extreme, some doctors abuse their power in a predatory fashion. The nature of their authority takes on a bully-like quality.

Should you listen to them about vaccines? After all, they are wearing a white coat.

Examples of the Power of Authority:

  • Stanley Milgram devised experiments suggesting people are merely following orders, despite violating their deepest moral beliefs. [2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcvSNg0HZwk
  • “According to Professor [Michael] Cohen, “in case after case, patients, nurses, pharmacists, and other physicians do not question the prescription.” “A physician ordered ear drops to be administered to the right ear of a patient suffering pain and infection there. But instead of writing out completely the location “right ear” on the prescription, the doctor abbreviated it so that the instructions read “place in R ear.” Upon receiving the prescription, the duty nurse promptly put the required number of ear drops into the patient’s anus…Yet neither the patient nor the nurse questioned it.” [3]

What You Can Do…

Realize the doctor may not have as much knowledge or training on vaccines as you think. The Latin word for doctor is “docere,” meaning to teach. Is your doctor teaching you how to build better health, or are they using their position to convince you to get your child injected?

Doctors only have as much power as you give them – he or she cannot make a guarantee that a vaccine will work, nor can they guarantee that it will be safe.

Recognize the power rests in YOU! The choice is yours to say “YES” or “NO!”


Another common tactic is to make a parent feel bad for even questioning vaccines.

It takes the form of bluntly insulting the parent. It could also be underhanded remarks or comments (passive-aggressive behavior). The predictable result? It fills the parent with guilt or shame for questioning the doctor.

In turn, the parent may have unanswered questions but reluctantly goes along with the doctor’s orders and vaccinates their child.

This is a very powerful psychological trigger when combined with the power of authority in a one-on-one setting.

Examples of Guilt Tripping and Shaming:

Doctors (and nurses) have been reported as saying very cruel things to parents who question vaccines or do not vaccinate, such as:

  • You are a parasite to society.
  • You are being irresponsible.
  • You are a bad parent.
  • You are not a doctor.
  • Your child cannot go to school without vaccines.
  • Your child will die without “life-saving” vaccines.
  • You are free-loading off of society’s herd immunity.
  • You are getting the benefits of vaccination without paying the price.
  • You are an “Internet Mom.”
  • You don’t understand science.
  • You do not care about your child’s health or future.
  • Your ignorance is causing diseases to come back.

What You Can Do…

Recognize this behavior for what it is: a form of passive-aggressive behavior coming from the insecurities of the doctor. It’s pure emotion.

Most mothers attend the well-baby checkups by themselves. Have your husband or a good friend who supports your decision come with you to the doctor’s office.

Here are some suggested questions you can ask your pediatrician. Naturally, use your own discernment:

  • Will you read out loud and review with me the ingredients of the vaccine you intend to inject into my child?
  • How will the combined ingredients in vaccines make my child healthier?
  • If vaccines work, how is my child a threat to vaccinated children?
  • If vaccines work, what is the point of booster shots?
  • Since every child is different biologically, how do you know when a vaccine works and when it does not? How do you test that?
  • What scientific tests do you perform before and after vaccination to rule out my child is having an adverse reaction?
  • If you inject my child with multiple vaccines at once, if there is an adverse reaction, how do you know which vaccine is the culprit?
  • Can you show me the safety studies showing me the effects of injecting multiple vaccines at once?

Note: Your doctor will not likely know the answers to these questions and get angry with you. If they get angry, you may experience psychological trigger #4 immediately!!!


If you are not prepared, this particular psychological trigger will catch you by surprise. Here’s how…

When you are in a medical setting – doctor’s office, birth room at the hospital, emergency room, etc. — doctors will use this setting with emotionally charged language to get your child vaccinated.

One caveat: Nurses can be very aggressive in this manner as well.

Nurses may inject a baby at any opportunity after birth – in the mother arms without asking (happened to me), while the baby is being “washed up,” or while the baby is being circumcised.

Example of Sense of Urgency:

One of the most outrageous examples I have been told is from an acquaintance of mine. Let’s call her Angie.

Angie’s child almost had his finger cut off in a freak accident at home. With the child’s finger dangling and needing to be addressed, the emergency room doctor started to pressure the mother into getting her child vaccinated on the spot!

If he didn’t get vaccinated right then and there, he was in imminent danger of getting a “life-threatening disease!” Can you believe it?

She stood her ground and told the doctor her son has already been through enough.

What You Can Do…

Why do you have to get a vaccine right on the spot? If you ask questions and want to find out more information about the toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents a doctor injects into your child, you should have that right.

Recognize your doctor may use emotionally charged language. Here are some of the psychological keyword triggers to be aware of when your doctor refers to vaccines:

  • Referring to vaccines as being “life-saving.”
  • Referring to vaccines as being “safe and effective.”
  • Referring to vaccines as being “no-risk” or “very little risk.”
  • Using “death,” “debilitating,” and “deadly diseases” while referring to “vaccine-preventable diseases.”
  • Using the terms “vaccines” and “immunization” interchangeably as if they had the same meaning.


Fear of loss has recently become a hot favorite for pediatricians.

This relatively new tactic is called “Firing Your Patient,” originating from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Here’s how this psychological trigger works.

If a parent questions vaccines or what the doctor says regarding vaccination, the doctor simply tells the parent he/she will no longer be the family’s doctor.

This method works extremely well because it puts the mother into a stressful fear-based state. She is being told to vaccinate her child on the spot or lose her doctor. Fortunately, there are answers and this is just another manipulation tactic.

Example of Fear of Loss:

This mock conversation between a doctor and patient is inspired by a comment left by Shawn Siegel on a recent article and illustrates the point beautifully.

Pediatrician: We’re done measuring and weighing your son. The nurse will be in shortly with the vaccines.

Jenny: Before she comes in, can I ask you a few questions about the vaccines? I’m a little nervous.

Pediatrician: Of course. What are you worried about?

Jenny: I’ve been doing research on the ingredients in vaccines and…

Pediatrician: Where did you look for this information?

Jenny: On the Internet …

Pediatrician: You can’t trust everything you read on the Internet. There’s a lot of bad information out there. The ingredients in vaccines are in such small amounts, you have nothing to worry about. Do you think the FDA or Centers for Disease Control would allow anything dangerous to be put into the vaccines?

Jenny: I don’t know – my neighbor’s son became autistic right after being vaccinated. She swears it was the vaccine and…

Pediatrician: Vaccines do not cause autism! It has been scientifically refuted. Life-saving vaccines are protective. Not vaccinating your child is irresponsible. Now if you have no further questions, I’ll send in the nurse.

Jenny: But all of these vaccines at once? Can’t my son just have one today? I’d like to investigate these other vaccines a little more before he has all of them at once. I’ve heard we can do an alternative schedule.

Pediatrician: There is nothing else to talk about. If you do not protect your son according to the recommended guidelines, I am going to ask you to leave my office right now. If your son dies from a deadly, vaccine-preventable disease, I will not have that on my conscience.

What You Can Do…

First, be aware of your options!

What do pediatricians do? They measure and weigh your baby – and vaccinate them! Do they teach you about nutrition or good health practices? Have you ever tried to ask a pediatrician to give you sound advice on nutrition? If not or you don’t think so … read on.

We “fired” our pediatrician when we realized what they actually did. Now we see a “friendly” family doctor, a chiropractor, nutritionist, naturopath, and even a doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.).

Dr. Robert Medelsohn has written a fantastic book to help you overcome many of your fears and worries, entitled How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor. [4]


Doctors frame vaccines as a ‘preventative measure’ for disease while completely ignoring the major roles better nutrition, food storage and handling, sanitation, and hygiene have played in decreasing disease in society.

They want you to believe injecting vaccines laced with formaldehyde, aluminum, MSG, and viruses cultured off of animal tissue will protect your child from disease.

It really is a promise of false hope. Here’s why …

Doctors apply the same “answer” (vaccines) to every child expecting the same result. Parents know not every child is biologically the same – do doctors?

Example of The Promise of Hope:

You may hear analogies to how vaccines work. One of the recent favorites is comparing vaccines to seat belts. Doctors will tell you that if you get vaccinated it will be like protecting yourself as if you were wearing a seat belt and got into a car crash.

They say vaccines work in the same way – they protect you from any future “crash.” After your child is vaccinated, they are protected.

Here’s the rest of the story …

What You Can Do…

It seems like common sense and deserves repeating: good health does not come through the end of needle!

Let’s go with the seat belt analogy from above. Seat belts are not worn just once or twice. To be effective, you must wear them every time you get into the car. Similarly, good health requires your regular attention.

Here are some common sense suggestions you can take right now and “wear your seat belt” every day:

  • Wash your hands 5-6 times a day – especially after going to the bathroom or before preparing food.
  • Drink clean water
  • Eat or juice organic raw foods
  • Properly store and prepare your food

Here are some of my favorite resources regarding the topic:

  • Research the effect diet has on disease. Two names to look up are Francis Pottenger and Weston Price.
  • Look into how important hand washing is in reducing disease. The importance of this fact was discovered in 1847 by Ignaz Semmelweis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis
  • Recognize food ill-prepared or stored can be a large source of disease.
  • Read articles on NaturalNews.com and Mercola.com. Listen to the Robert Scott Bell Show.
  • I recommend books about vaccines by Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Tim O’Shea, and Neil Z. Miller. There is a comprehensive link to over 97 book titles about vaccines here: http://vactruth.com/vaccine-books
  • Lastly, know your rights and your state’s vaccine exemption laws. You can find more information at http://nvic.org.


Doctors push vaccines – and many do use a combination or all of the five psychological triggers mentioned above. Some are unaware of their manipulation – and unsuspecting parents are even more vulnerable to this pressure.

Lastly, the only way not to be affected by these psychological triggers is to be an informed parent – read books and vaccine package inserts. This information will give you the confidence and courage you need to stand up to an emotional doctor.

I haven’t covered every single psychological trigger used – so if you know of more or have a story to tell, share it in the comments section below.


  1. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/DrugInteractionsLabeling/ucm114848.htm
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
  3. Cialdini, Robert (2007). Influence. The Psychology of Persuasion. HarperCollins Publishers. Pg. 219-220.
  4. Mendelsohn, Robert (1987). How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor. Random House Publishing.

Merck Baldness Drugs cause Sexual Side Effects and Destroy Sperm

Labels changed for drugs for baldness, enlarged prostate. Proscar, Propecia effects continued after use was ended-FDA

REUTERS | APRIL 16, 2012

(Reuters) – Prescribing labels for Merck & Co’s drugs for baldness and enlarged prostate will add reports of sexual side effects that continued after use of the medicines was stopped, U.S. health regulators said.

Labels will be revised for Proscar, which treats symptoms of enlarged prostate, and hair-loss treatment Propecia, the Food and Drug Administration said. The active ingredient in both drugs is finasteride.

The Propecia label will now include notification of problems with libido, ejaculation and orgasms that continued after use of the drug was ended. Proscar’s label will include notification of decreased libido.

The labels of both drugs will also include a description of reports of male infertility and poor semen quality that normalized or improved after use of the drugs was stopped.

In announcing the label changes, FDA cited events reported to the agency.

“The cases suggest a broader range of adverse effects than previously reported in patients taking these drugs,” FDA said in a notification posted on its website. But it also said no clear causal links between finasteride and sexual adverse events had been established.

FDA said sexual side effects were included in the labels of both drugs when they were approved in the 1990s. But in subsequent clinical trials, the side effects were resolved in patients who stopped using the drugs as well as in most patients who continued therapy, the agency said.

Last year, the labels of both drugs were revised to include erectile dysfunction that continued after patients stopped using the drugs, the FDA said.

Only a small percentage of men who use the drugs have experienced sexual side effects, the agency added. For example, it said, an analysis of clinical trials showed 3.8 percent of men taking Propecia reported one or more of the sexual side effects, compared with 2.1 percent of those who received a placebo.

FDA said it believes that finasteride remains safe and effective for its approved uses and that patients on Proscar and Propecia should contact their doctors if they have concerns.

In a statement, Merck said it believes both drugs are generally well tolerated and effective for their intended uses and that it supports efforts to ensure patient safety through monitoring of reported side effects.

The drugs are relatively modest-sized products for the U.S. drugmaker. Merck reported $447 million in Propecia sales last year, and $223 million for Proscar.

Merck shares were down 0.5 percent to $38.27 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

TSA Puts Off Safety Study of X-ray Body Scanners

Previous independent observations  and studies have signaled how the body scanners do cause cancer due to the radiation. Furthermore, airport scanner operators have been diagnosed with cancer a few years after working next to the machines.

by Michael Grabell
November 16, 2011

The head of the Transportation Security Administration has backed off a public commitment to conduct a new independent study of X-ray body scanners used at airport security lanes around the country.

Earlier this month, a ProPublica/PBS NewsHour investigation found that the TSA had glossed over research [1] that the X-ray scanners could lead to a small number of cancer cases. The scanners emit low levels of ionizing radiation, which has been shown to damage DNA. In addition, several safety reviewers who initially advised the government on the scanners said they had concerns about the machines being used, as they are today, on millions of airline passengers.

At a Senate hearing after the story ran, TSA Administrator John Pistole agreed to a request by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to conduct a new independent study [2] of the health effects of the X-ray scanners, also known as backscatters.

But at a Senate hearing [3] of a different committee last week, Pistole said he had since received a draft report on the machines by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general, or IG, that might render the independent study unnecessary.

“My strong belief is those types of machines are still completely safe,” Pistole said. “If the determination is that this IG study is not sufficient, then I will look at still yet another additional study.”

According to a summary obtained by ProPublica, the inspector general concluded the machines are within industry standards for radiation exposure limits. But the summary also suggests the report focuses mostly on how the TSA monitors and maintains the machines. The full report won’t be released for several weeks.

“I hope the Obama administration is not backing away from an independent study of the health effects of these radiation-emitting machines,” Collins said in a statement to ProPublica. “What I asked for — and what the administrator committed to — was an independent study on the health effects of [the] machines, not just a study on whether TSA is doing an adequate job of inspecting, maintaining and operating” them.

The inspector general’s report calls on the TSA to ensure that radiation surveys are conducted for unintended emissions, that calibrations are consistently documented and that airport screeners complete annual radiation safety training. The inspector general also advised the agency to determine how much on-the-job training is needed for screeners who operate the backscatters and to ensure that accidental radiation overdoses are properly reported.

It’s unclear whether the recommendations resulted from any problems found during the investigation, or are general reminders about best practices. It’s also unclear whether investigators measured the radiation doses from the machines themselves or relied on inspections conducted by the manufacturer.

The TSA uses two types of body scanners [4]. With the backscatter machines that have been the focus of health concerns, a passenger stands between two large blue boxes and is scanned with a pencil X-ray beam that moves rapidly left to right and up and down the body. With the other kind of scanner, called a millimeter-wave machine, a passenger enters a chamber that looks like a round phone booth and is scanned with a form of low-energy radio waves, which do not strip electrons from atoms and have not been shown to cause cancer.

In recent years, the TSA has commissioned tests of the X-ray scanners by the Food and Drug Administration and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. In addition, survey teams from the Army Public Health Command visit airports to check the machines.

Those tests have all shown that the X-ray scanners emit extremely low levels of radiation, equivalent to the radiation received in a few minutes of flying. But the tests haven’t doused questions from some outside radiation experts about why the TSA doesn’t use only the millimeter-wave machines, which the agency also deems highly effective.

The European Union on Monday prohibited the use of X-ray body scanners [5] in European airports “in order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety.”

But others have pointed to problems with millimeter-wave machines. Germany announced earlier this year that it would forgo the machines after concluding that they produced too many false positives.

There are currently 500 body scanners, split about evenly between the two technologies, deployed in airports. The TSA plans to deploy 1,275 backscatter and millimeter-wave scanners covering more than half its security lanes by the end of 2012 and 1,800 covering nearly all lanes by 2014.

U.S. Universities and Big Pharma Conduct Illegal Human Experiments in Africa

People’s Constitution
November 9, 2011

A new policy brief faults prominent institutions and drug companies like Pfizer, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, and Population Council, for their involvement in unethical and illegal human experimentation in Africa.

The report is titled “Non-Consensual Research in Africa: The Outsourcing of Tuskegee” in reference to the illegal human experiment conducted in Tuskegee, Alabama, between 1932 and 1972 by the US Public Health Service. In that experiment, some 600 impoverished African-American men were observed in a study on the progression of untreated syphilis. Some of the men were intentionally infected with the disease and all of them were denied the cure. Regrettably, the report notes, no one was held accountable for this crime against humanity.

The new report details human experiments led by US researchers and drug companies on Africans who are typically undereducated, poor, and lack full understanding of their rights. The human subjects often are led to believe that they are receiving medical treatment from governmental health services or health ministries.

These practices hearken back to the appalling experiments carried out by US researchers in Guatemala in the 1940s where hundreds of Guatemalans were deliberately infected with sexually transmitted diseases without information or consent. President Obama formally apologized to Guatemala for these experiments last year.

Human experimentation in the United States is regulated by the Office of Research Integrity and various Ethical Research Institutional Boards. Many African countries lack these institutions. Even when they exist, they lack independence and are controlled by corrupt government officials.

In one experiment on HIV sponsored by Gilead Sciences, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and operated by Family Health International, Cameroonian subjects were given details about the experiment in English even though many spoke only French and were illiterate. Five women were allegedly infected with HIV in the experiment but were not given antiretroviral drugs.

In another experiment in Nigeria led by Pfizer physicians, researchers injected children with an antibiotic called Trovan during a meningitis outbreak without providing their families with informed consent forms that fully disclose the side effects and purpose of the experiment. Eleven children died and many were left paralyzed.

In South Africa and Namibia, mothers with HIV/AIDS are routinely sterilized without their informed consent. Countries that perform these procedures are known to receive funding in the form of grants and incentives from USAID and other aid organizations.

The report explains that US researchers and drug companies violate the laws and protocols of the Declaration at Helsinki (1964) and the Belmont Report which provide ethical guidelines on human experimentation.

Moreover, the results of unethical and fraudulent experiments are laundered in the United States and Europe through the peer-review system. Many of the “peers” who review these experiments are themselves involved in the same unethical conduct. Others are concerned about the possibility of professional alienation if they speak out.

The authors make several demands so that these practices are ended. They include holding congressional hearings so that the matter is brought to the public’s attention and enacting new legislation to ensure that drugs are not approved by the FDA unless the research on which they are based comply with ethical research principles.

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