Roleta Genética: A aposta de Nossas Vidas


Estão você e sua família do lado errado de uma aposta? Essa é uma das questões levantadas pelo novo documentário Roleta Genética: A Aposta de Nossas Vidas. O documentário foi produzido pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Responsável.

Os organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) são agora parte da comida, mas não sao devidamente rotulados para que o consumidor possa tomar uma decisão informada sobre que tipo de produtos deve levar para casa para suas famílias. Embora os OGM foram proibidos ou restritos em muitos países do mundo desenvolvido, os Estados Unidos e outros muitos países do terceiro mundo não tem emitido tais proibições ou limitações e as suas populações são expostas diariamente aos OGM.

Em os EUA, o governo tem continuamente ignorado os resultados de estudos que alertam sobre os perigos que os transgênicos representam para a saúde humana. A principal razão para sua recusa à proibição de OGM decorre do fato de que as agências governamentais que deveriam proteger os consumidores de alimentos inseguros são dirigidas por ex-chefes de Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill e Syngenta, que apesar de ter um conflito de interesses foram chamados pela Casa Branca para trabalhar como czares de segurança alimentar.

Atualmente, os EUA permite o cultivo, colheita e utilização de organismos geneticamente modificados para a produção de milhares de produtos que acabam nas mesas de toda a América e ao redor do mundo. A recusa a estudar formalmente os efeitos que os OGM têm sobre os seres humanos ou acolher os resultados de estudos realizados de forma independente, sem dúvida, beneficiou a produção e venda de produtos alimentares que contem OGM sem estes serem identificados.

Os governos que não avaliam cuidadosamente, e que, depois de verificar as ameaças apresentadas pelos OGM, recusan-se a proibir a sua produção e utilização nos  alimentos estão — como o título do documentário diz — brincando de roleta russa com a saúde das pessoas. Funcionários públicos — que na realidade trabalham para as grandes corporações bioquímicas — estão arriscando a saúde de todos e estão preparando o palco para causar doenças e morte em massa em suas populações. As conseqüências se estenderão para as futuras gerações.

“Depois de duas décadas, os médicos e os cientistas descobriram uma tendência séria. Os mesmos graves problemas de saúde encontrados em animais de laboratório, o gado e os animais domésticos que foram alimentados com organismos geneticamente modificados estão aumentando na população dos EUA e muitos outros países na Ásia, África e América. E quando as pessoas e os animais param de comer organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), a sua saúde melhora. Mas as advertências destes cientistas encontraram ouvidos surdos em órgãos do governo que supostamente são responsáveis pela segurança dos alimentos que você come.

Em 19 de Setembro, foi relatado como os cientistas de CRIIGEN descobriram como o milho OGM é responsável pela morte prematura e de causar câncer. Em um estudo publicado no “Food and Chemical Toxicology“, os pesquisadores liderados pelo professor Gilles-Eric Séralini descobriram que ratos alimentados com uma dieta contendo milho NK603 RoundupReady ou beberam água contaminada em níveis permitidos para uso em OGMs, desenvolveram câncer e morreram rapidamente, antes que os ratos alimentados com uma dieta padrão.

Anteriormente, em 14 de setembro, os cientistas da Fundação Safe Food, informaram sobre a forma como o trigo transgénico poderia potencialmente alterar o Genoma Humano para “silenciar” genes ao ser ingerido. Judy Carman, diretora de bioquímica de IHERS em Flinders University, disse em seu discurso que o transgene tinha o potencial para silenciar genes humanos, o que poderia ter sérias complicações.

O mesmo tipo de reacções observadas em estudos pela Fundação Safe Food e CRIIGEN são encontrados em estudos e histórias pessoais que aparecem no documentário Roleta Genética. O filme apresenta evidências convincentes e documentos que mostram os perigos dos OGM, bem como os depoimentos de vários médicos e cientistas. O filme explica como esses genes criados em laboratório deterioram a saúde das pessoas, especialmente as crianças, e oferece sugestões que qualquer um pode implementar para proteger-se a si mesmo e suas famílias.

Para saber mais sobre como a engenharia genética dos alimentos e produtos ameaça todas as formas de vida, leia o nosso relatório aqui. É altamente recomendado que você assista Roleta Genética: A Aposta de Nossas Vidas e dissemine a informaçao sobre os perigos dos OGM para todos que você conhece. Além disso, faca parte da nossa campanha no Facebook para apoiar a rotulagem adequada de OGM em produtos alimentares.

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Ruleta Genética: La Apuesta de Nuestras Vidas


¿Están usted y su familia en el lado equivocado de una apuesta? Esa es una de las preguntas formuladas por el nuevo documental Ruleta Genética: La Apuesta de Nuestras Vidas. El documental es una producción del Institute for Responsible Technology.

Los organismos genéticamente modificados son ahora parte de los alimentos, pero no están debidamente etiquetados para que los consumidores puedan tomar una decisión informada en cuanto a qué tipo de productos deben traer a casa a sus familias. Aunque los OGM han sido prohibidos o limitados en muchos países del mundo desarrollado, Estados Unidos y muchos países del tercer mundo no han emitido tales prohibiciones o limitaciones y sus poblaciones están expuestas a los OMG diariamente.

En los Estados Unidos, el gobierno ha ignorado continuamente los estudios cuyos resultados advierten sobre los peligros que los transgénicos representan para la salud humana. La principal razón de su rechazo a la prohibición de los OGM se deriva del hecho de que las agencias del gobierno que se supone deben proteger a los consumidores de alimentos peligrosos están encabezados por ex jefes de Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill y Syngenta, quienes a pesar de tener un conflicto de intereses fueron llamados por la Casa Blanca para trabajar como Zares de seguridad alimentaria.

En la actualidad, los EE.UU. permite el cultivo, la cosecha y el uso de organismos modificados genéticamente para la producción de miles de productos que terminan en las mesas en toda América y el resto del mundo. La negativa a estudiar oficialmente los efectos que los OMG tienen sobre los seres humanos o para revisar los resultados de los estudios realizados de forma independiente ha beneficiado indudablemente la producción y venta de productos alimenticios no etiquetados que contienen organismos genéticamente modificados peligrosos.

Los gobiernos que no evalúan cuidadosamente, y que, después de comprobar las amenazas planteadas por los OGM, se niegan a prohibir la producción y uso en los productos alimenticios están — como el título del documental dice — jugando a la ruleta rusa con la salud de las personas. Los funcionarios públicos que trabajan para las grandes corporaciones bioquímicas están arriesgando la salud de todos y están preparando el escenario para causar enfermedad y muerte en masa en sus poblaciones, cuyas consecuencias se extenderán a las generaciones venideras.

“Después de dos décadas, los médicos y los científicos han descubierto una tendencia grave. Los mismos problemas serios de salud que se encuentran en los animales de laboratorio, el ganado y los animales domésticos que han sido alimentados con organismos modificados genéticamente están en aumento en la población de los EE.UU. y muchos otros países en Asia, África y América. Y cuando las personas y los animales dejan de comer los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM), su salud mejora. Pero las advertencias de estos científicos encontraron oídos sordos en las agencias del gobierno que se supone revisan la seguridad de los alimentos que se ingieren.

El 19 de septiembre, se informó de cómo científicos de CRIIGEN encontraron que el maíz transgénico era responsable por la muerte prematura y el cáncer. En un estudio publicado en “Food and Chemical Toxicology“, los investigadores dirigidos por el Profesor Gilles-Eric Séralini encontraron que las ratas alimentadas con una dieta que contenía maíz NK603 Roundup Ready o que bebieron agua contaminada con Roundup, a niveles permitidos para usar en cultivos transgénicos, desarrollaron cánceres más rápido y murieron antes que las ratas alimentadas con una dieta estándar.

Anteriormente, el 14 de septiembre, los científicos de la Fundación Safe Food, informaron de cómo el trigo transgénico podría potencialmente cambiar el Genoma Humano al “silenciar” genes una vez que es ingerido. Judy Carman, bioquímica y directora de IHERS en Flinders University, advirtió que en sus observaciones el gen transgénico tenía el potencial para silenciar genes humanos, lo que podría tener serias complicaciones.

El mismo tipo de reacciones observadas en los estudios realizados por CRIIGEN y la Fundación Safe Food se encuentran en estudios citados y las historias personales que aparecen en el documental Ruleta Genética. El film presenta documentos que muestran evidencia incontestable sobre los peligros de los transgénicos además de incluir el testimonio de varios médicos y científicos. La película explica cómo estos organismos creados en laboratorio deterioran la salud de las personas, especialmente de los niños y ofrece sugerencias que cualquier persona puede poner en práctica para protegerse a sí mismos y a sus familias.

Para aprender más sobre la forma en que la ingeniería genética de los alimentos y los productos amenaza a todas las formas de vida, lea nuestro informe aquí. Es muy recomendable que usted vea Ruleta Genética: La Apuesta de Nuestras Vidas y difunda la información sobre los peligros de los OGM a todos sus conocidos. Asimismo, únase a nuestra campaña en Facebook para apoyar el etiquetado adecuado de los OMG en los productos alimentarios.


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Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives


Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet? That is the questions asked by the new documentary film Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives. The film is a production of the Institute for Responsible Technology.

Genetically Modified Organisms are now part of foods and those GMOs are not properly labeled so consumers can make an informed decision as to what kind of products they can bring home to their families. Although GMOs have been banned or limited in many countries in the developed world, The United States and numerous third world nations haven’t issued such bans or limitations and their populations are exposed to GMOs on a daily basis.

In the United States, the US government has continuously ignored the studies whose results warn about the dangers that GMOs present to human health. The main reason for its refusal to ban GMOs stems from the fact that government agencies that are supposed to protect consumers from dangerous foods are headed by former Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill or Syngenta employees, who despite having a conflict of interest were called by the White House to work as food safety Czars.

Currently, the US allows the cultivation, harvest and use of GMOs for the production of thousands of products that end on dinner tables all across American and many more around the world. The refusal to officially study the effects that GMOs have on humans or to review the results of independently conducted studies resulted in one outcome: the production and sale of unlabeled food products that contain dangerous genetically modified organisms.

The governments that do not properly study and upon confirming the threats posed by GMOs, refuse to ban they production and use in food products are genuinely — as the title of the film says — playing Russian Roulette with the health of the citizenry. The corporate-owned officials are taking a gamble with everyone’s health and are setting the stage to cause mass disease and death in the population and these effects will be extended to the coming generations.

“After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves.” But the warnings from these scientists found deaf ears in government agencies that are supposed to review the safety of the foods people ingest.

On September 19, we reported how scientist at CRIIGEN found that GM Maize and Roundup were linked to premature death and cancer. In a study published in “Food and Chemical Toxicology”, researchers led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize or given water containing Roundup, at levels permitted in drinking water and GM crops in the US, developed cancers faster and died earlier than rats fed on a standard diet.

Earlier, on September 14, scientists from the Safe Food Foundation, reported how GM Wheat Could Potentially change the Human Genome by ‘silencing’ genes once GMO wheat was ingested. Judy Carman, a biochemist and Director of the IHERS at Flinders University, warned that during her observations the GMO gene had the potential to silence human genes, which could have serious complications.

The same kind of reactions seen in both CRIIGEN and the Safe Food Foundation’s observations are seen in the studies and personal stories presented on Genetic Roulette. The film is complete with documents that show uncontestable evidence about the dangers of GMOs. The film explains how these laboratory-made organisms deteriorate people’s health, especially that of children and provides suggestions that anyone can implement to protect themselves and their families.

For an in-depth look at how the genetic engineering of foods and products threatens all life forms, read our report here. We highly recommend that you watch Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives and spread the information about the dangers of GMOs to everyone you know. Also, join our campaign on Facebook to support the adequate labeling of GMOs on food products.

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GM Maize and Roundup Linked to Premature Death and Cancer


Countries like Hungary have destroyed all Monsanto GMO corn Fields.

In a study published in “Food and Chemical Toxicology”, researchers led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini from CRIIGEN have found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize or given water containing Roundup, at levels permitted in drinking water and GM crops in the US, developed cancers faster and died earlier than rats fed on a standard diet. They suffered breast cancer and severe liver and kidney damage.

In the first ever study to examine the long-term effects of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide and the NK603 Roundup-resistant GM maize also developed by Monsanto, the CRIIGEN scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females, compared with 23 and 14 months respectively for a control group.

Led by Professor Seralini, the researchers studied 10 groups, each containing 10 male and 10 female rats, over their normal lifetime. Three groups were given Roundup – developed by Monstanto – in their drinking water at three different levels consistent with exposure through the food chain from crops sprayed with the herbicide. Three groups were fed diets containing different proportions of Roundup resistant maize at 11%, 22% and 33%. Three groups were given both Roundup and the GM maize at the same three dosages. The control group was fed an equivalent diet with no Roundup or NK603 containing 33% of non-GM maize.

Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist and gene expert at Kings College, London, and member of CRIIGEN stated: “This is the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats. It shows an extraordinary number of cancers developing earlier and more aggressively – particularly in female animals.  I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts.”

“The rat has long been used as a surrogate for human toxicity. All new pharmaceutical, agricultural and household substances are, prior to their approval, tested on rats. This is as good an indicator as we can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health,” Antoniou concluded.

The report states: “Similar degrees of pathological symptoms were noticed to occur from the lowest to the highest doses suggesting a threshold effect. This corresponds to levels likely to arise from consumption or environmental exposure, such as either 11% GM maize in food, or 50ng/L of glyphosate in R-formulation [the lowest concentration of Roundup in the rats’ drinking water] as can be found in some contaminated drinking tap water, and which falls within authorized limits.”

  • Up to 50% of males and 70% of females died prematurely (before deaths could be put down to normal aging) compared with only 30% and 20% in the control group.
  • Across all treatments and both sexes, researchers found treated rats developed 2-3 times more large cancers than the control group.
  • By the beginning of the 24th month 50%-80% of females in all treated groups had developed cancers, with up to three tumours per animal. Only 30% of the controls were affected.
  • The first large detectable cancers appeared after four and seven months in males and females respectively but only after 14 months in the control group. However, the majority of cancers were only detectable after 18 months.

The research findings raise serious questions about the current regulatory process for licensing industrial chemicals, pesticides and other novel crops. The scientists observe that all GM crops have been approved safe for consumption on the basis of 90-day animal feeding trials. They also point out that only Roundup’s active principle, glyphosate, has been tested rather than the commercial product, which includes ingredients that enable the glyphosate to penetrate plants more efficiently.

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Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize


The health effects of a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize (from 11% in the diet), cultivated with or without Roundup, and Roundup alone (from 0.1 ppb in water), were studied 2 years in rats. In females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible in 3 male groups fed GMOs. All results were hormone and sex dependent, and the pathological pro-files were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls, the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5 times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large palpable tumors than controls which occurred up to 600 days earlier. Biochemistry data confirmed very significant kidney chronic deficiencies; for all treatments and both sexes, 76% of the altered parameters were kidney related. These results can be explained by the non linear endocrine-disrupting effects of Roundup, but also by the over expression of the transgene in the GMO and its metabolic consequences.


Gilles-Eric Séralini, Emilie Clair, Robin Mesnage, Steeve Gress, Nicolas Defarge, Manuela Malatesta, Didier Hennequin, Joël Spiroux de Vendômois

Hungary Kicks out Monsanto and IMF


I don’t know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It’s not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn’t look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest’s status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.

The riches were not for all, though, the city center was full of beggars and panhandlers, mostly Roma. To keep up the paradox, Mercedes sold more luxury models in Hungary than just about anywhere else back then, reportedly mostly also to Roma; just not the same.

In the years since, precious little attention has been and is being devoted to the former eastern bloc countries in the Anglo press. We know most of the countries are now members of the European Union, but only a few have been allowed to enter the hallowed grounds of the eurozone.

One thing I did pick up on last year was the news that Hungary’s PM Victor Orbán had thrown chemical, food and seed giant Monsanto out of the country, going as far as to plow under 1000 acres of land. Now, I have little patience for Monsanto, infamous for many products ranging from Agent Orange to Round-Up, nor for its ilk, from DuPont to Sygenta, all former chemical companies that have at some point decided they could sell more chemicals than ever before by applying them on and inside everyone’s daily food. Patenting nature itself seems either unworthy of mankind or its grandest achievement. I don’t care much for either one. So Orbán (who has a two-thirds majority in parliament, by the way) has my tentative support on this one.

This is from July 22, 2011, International Business Times:

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields

In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto’s GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.

Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.

Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said. During their investigation, controllers have found Pioneer and Monsanto products among the seeds planted.

It’s remarkably hard to find sources on this, ironically. It’s even harder, even more ironically, to find anything that mentions the Wikileaks report on the connections between the US government and the chemical/seed industry. Which is curious, in my opinion; it’s not as if there’s nothing newsworthy in the topic. Just about the only thing I could find was this from Anthony Gucciardi at

US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops

The United States is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) crops with military-style trade wars, according to information obtained and released by the organization WikiLeaks. Nations like France, which have moved to ban one of Monsanto’s GM corn varieties, were requested to be ‘penalized’ by the United States for opposing Monsanto and genetically modified foods. The information reveals just how deep Monsanto’s roots have penetrated key positions within the United States government, with the cables reporting that many U.S. diplomats work directly for Monsanto. [..]

Perhaps the most shocking piece of information exposed by the cables is the fact that these U.S. diplomats are actually working directly for biotech corporations like Monsanto. The cables also highlight the relationship between the U.S. and Spain in their conquest to persuade other nations to allow for the expansion of GMO crops. Not only did the Spanish government secretly correspond with the U.S. government on the subject, but the U.S. government actually knew beforehand how Spain would vote before the Spanish biotech commission reported their decision regarding GMO crops.

It doesn’t look like Orbán and Hungary have a lot of support in their fight against Monsanto and GMO in general on the political front. But that still does little to explain the radio silence.

There was more international reporting earlier this year, when Orbán again faced up to two other major forces, in this instance the IMF and the EU. On January 1, the Hungarian parliament and president signed a new constitution into law. And it contains a number of things that the Troika members don’t like. In particular, they are probably at odds with taxes levied on bank transactions, and especially central bank transactions. Not the kind of thing the IMF is likely to ever agree with. It all gets clad in protesting (the EU even threatens with courts) the independence under fire of the central bank, the media and other parts of Hungarian society.

The IMF and EU, like the tandem team of Monsanto and Washington before them, act like schoolyard bullies. It’s become their standard MO, and it usually works. Portraits of Orbán as a fool, a reckless idiot and a dangerous populist, on par with that of Hugo Chavez or newly found international enemy Rafael Correa, are much easier to find than those links to Wikileaks Monsanto cables. It would be good to see Orbán continue to stand up to the IMF bullies, but he may not have that choice. They can simply financially bleed him dry, like they have so many other countries and their leaders. It’s a time tested model.

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