Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility

BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans. It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.

UK Telegraph

Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.

The findings are likely to increase pressure on governments around the world to follow Canada and ban the substance from our shelves.

BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans.

It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.

It is also used in baby bottles though this is slowly being phased out.

BPA has been the subject of intense research as it is a known endocrine disruptor which in large quantities interferes with the release of hormones.

Earlier studies have linked it to low sex drive, impotence and DNA damage in sperm.

Now a new five year study claims to have found a link between levels of BPA in the blood and male fertility.

For their study of 514 workers in factories in China, researchers at Kaiser Permanente, a California-based research centre, found that men with higher urine BPA levels were two to four times more at risk of having poor semen quality, including low sperm concentration, low sperm vitality and mobility.

What is more the amount of the BPA in the blood seemed to be inversely proportional to sperm quality.

Even those with less than the national average BPA levels in America were effected, it was claimed.

“Compared with men without detectable urine BPA, those with detectable urine BPA had more than three times the risk of lowered sperm concentration and lower sperm vitality, more than four times the risk of a lower sperm count, and more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility,” said study lead author Dr De-Kun Li.

He claims the research, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, was the first human study to report an adverse association between BPA and semen quality.

Previous studies found a negative link between BPA and male reproduction in mice and rats

It was also the third study in a series by Dr Li and his colleagues examining BPA’s effect on humans.

The first study, published in November 2009, found that exposure to high levels of BPA in the workplace increases men’s risk of reduced sexual function.

Increasing BPA levels urine are also associated with worsening male sexual function, according to the second study, published in May 2010.

The latest study, funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, throws further doubt on the safety of BPA.

“The finding of the adverse BPA effect on semen quality illustrates two points: first, exposure to BPA now has been linked to changes in semen quality, an objective physiological measure,” Dr Li said.

“Second, this association shows BPA potential potency: it could lead to pathological changes of the male reproductive system in addition to the changes of sexual function.

“When you see this kind of association with semen you have to wonder what else BPA has an effect on,” said Dr Li.

As a precautionary principle, he said, “Everybody should avoid BPA as much as you can.”

The researchers noted that BPA may also affect female reproductive systems and have adverse effects on ailments such as cancer or metabolic diseases.

BPA has already been banned in Canada and three US states.

Bottles and cans containing the chemical have been linked to breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity and other disorders.

Most manufacturers of baby bottles have stopped putting it in their products but older stock containing the chemical is still on sale.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supports its removal and has stated concerns regarding the impact of the chemical on babies and young children.

It can affect disorders associated with metabolism, fertility and neural development.

Revista Scientific American: Matem mais Bebês para salvar a Terra

Versão em Português
Marilia Muller

Após o vazamento de um projeto das Nações Unidas que delineou o plano para substituir a propaganda do medo sobre o aquecimento global com a ameaça da superpopulação, um artigo da revista Scientific American aborda este mesmo tópico, forçando a noção de que programas de aborto em massa e controle de natalidade precisam ser encorajados a fim de reduzir a quantidade de seres humanos exalando dióxido de carbono no planeta.

“Em última análise, planejamento familiar por si só – como o uso de preservativos- em algumas partes do mundo com populações em crescimento, incluindo os EUA, poderia conter, de uma maneira significativa, o crescimento populacional”, escreve David Biello.

Para sustentar sua argumentação, Biello menciona um artigo escrito por Paul Ehrlich, um eugenista desacreditado que, certa vez, declarou que “todos vão desaparecer em uma nuvem de vapor azul.”

Ehrlich, que escreveu Ecoscience com John P. Holdren, o livro onde os autores defendem a colocação de drogas no abastecimento de água para esterilizar pessoas e abortos forçados, é famoso por suas previsões imprecisas e espetaculares sobre como a superpopulação iria destruir o meio ambiente.

O artigo citado por Biello defende uma campanha de relações públicas dirigidas às mulheres para incentivá-las a praticar o aborto com a finalidade de reduzir a quantidade de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera. Em outras palavras, mais bebês precisam ser mortos para evitar que eles exalem CO2. Coincidentemente, a edição da revista na qual o artigo está impresso apresenta um conjunto de crânios humanos na capa.

A verdade por trás dos temores sobre superpopulação é a redução do nível de vida global, fazendo com que o terceiro mundo nunca se torne economicamente próspero e, ao mesmo tempo, destruindo a classe média das nações ocidentais.

O objetivo das instituições globalistas é “limitar e reorientar as aspirações por uma vida melhor das classes médias em todo o mundo”, em outras palavras, reduzir o padrão de vida das classes médias na Europa Ocidental e América.

Similarmente, em seu artigo, Biello denuncia que “pessoas mais ricas” levariam a um aumento no consumo, mais uma vez revelando o fervor eugenista com que os ambientalistas querem impedir o terceiro mundo de sair da pobreza e da fome.

Na realidade, sempre que um país se desenvolve e se torna mais próspero, a população cai naturalmente, reforçando o fato de que os ambientalistas não se importam com a ameaça representada pela superpopulação, mas, sim, com o que representaria para a elite a existência de uma classe média forte.

Controles ambientais que impedem o desenvolvimento das nações do terceiro mundo e promovem fome, superpopulação e miséria, que é exatamente o que as elites querem que aconteça.

Os avisos sobre a ameaça representada pela superpopulação são fundamentalmente falhos. Na realidade, subpopulação será visto como o maior perigo para a prosperidade humana na segunda metade do século 21.

Dados da ONU indicam, claramente, que a população se estabilizará em 2020 e, em seguida, cairá dramaticamente depois de 2050. O jornal The Economist publicou que “fertilidade está caindo e as famílias estão encolhendo em alguns lugares como o Brasil, a Indonésia e até mesmo em partes da Índia (lugares onde as pessoas pensam estarem repletos de crianças). A taxa de fertilidade da metade do mundo está agora em 2,1 ou menos -o número mágico que é consistente com uma população estável e é normalmente chamado de “taxa de reposição da fertilidade”-. Em algum momento entre 2020 e 2050, a taxa de fertilidade do mundo vai cair abaixo da taxa de substituição global. “

A contagem de esperma global caiu um terço desde 1989 e pela metade nos últimos 50 anos. Este declínio está acelerarando enquanto casais encontram mais dificuldades para terem filhos. Em estudos com homens brancos europeus, a taxa de declínio de esperma é 50 por cento nos últimos 30 anos. Na Itália, isso equivale a uma redução da população em 22 por cento até 2050. A redução da população já está ocorrendo entre os habitantes nativos em muitas áreas da Europa e América.

O processo de redução da população global poderia naturalmente ocorrer aliviando a pobreza do terceiro mundo e elevando o nível de vida das pessoas em todo o mundo. Ao invés disso, globalistas querem atingir este objetico promovendo envenenamento em massa de nossos alimentos e da água.

Além disso, os governos já estão desenvolvendo bombas de nêutron que destroem humanos, mas não os edifícios, “para a limpeza étnica extrema em um mundo cada vez mais populoso”, segundo um relatório de 2007 do Ministério da Defesa Britânico , que previu que o uso de tais bombas poderia levar à aplicação de “força letal sem intervenção humana, elevando questões éticas e legais”.

Como os vídeos abaixo demonstram, a superpopulação é um mito. Globalistas e eugenistas deturparam estatísticas populacionais ao longo de décadas, a fim de justificar a sua agenda para acabar com grande parte da população. Se essa agenda genocida continuar, a humanidade vai seguir o caminho do Brontossauro. Leia aqui, a ciência por trás da questão da população do planeta.

Worldwide Food Crisis Looms

Despite abundance of food forecasters see record high prices due to artificial scarcity and use of crops to produce biofuels.

Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and floods.

Although food stocks are generally good despite much of this year’s harvests being wiped out in Pakistan and Russia, sugar and rice remain at a record price.

Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks while meat prices are at 20-year highs, according to the key Reuters-Jefferies commodity price indicator. Last week, the US predicted that global wheat harvests would be 30m tonnes lower than last year, a 5.5% fall. Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Egypt, garlic in China and bread in Pakistan are at near-record levels.

“The situation has deteriorated since September,” said Abdolreza Abbassian of the UN food and agriculture organisation. “In the last few weeks there have been signs we are heading the same way as in 2008.

“We may not get to the prices of 2008 but this time they could stay high much longer.”

Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said more protests in other developing nations appear likely. “We are going through a very serious crisis and we are going to see lots of food strikes and demonstrations,” Annan told reporters in Geneva.

However, opinions are sharply divided over whether these prices signal a world food crisis like the one in 2008 that helped cause riots in 25 countries, or simply reflect volatility in global commodity markets as countries claw their way through recession.

“A food crisis on the scale of two or three years ago is not imminent, but the underlying causes [of what happened then] are still there,” said Chris Leather, Oxfam’s food policy adviser.

“Prices are volatile and there is a lot of nervousness in the market. There are big differences between now and 2008. Harvests are generally better, global food stocks are better.”

But other analysts highlight the food riots in Mozambique that killed 12 people last month and claim that spiralling prices could promote further political turmoil.

They say this is particularly possible if the price of oil jumps, if there are further climatic shocks – such as the floods in Pakistan or the heat wave in Russia – or if speculators buy deeper into global food markets.

“There is growing concern among countries about continuing volatility and uncertainty in food markets,” said Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank. “These concerns have been compounded by recent increases in grain prices.

“World food price volatility remains significant and in some countries, the volatility is adding to already higher local food prices.”

The bank last week said that food price volatility would last a further five years, and asked governments to contribute to a crisis fund after requests for more than $1bn (£635m) from developing countries were made.

“The food riots in Mozambique can be repeated anywhere in the coming years,” said Devinder Sharma, a leading Indian food analyst.

“Unless the world encourages developing countries to become self-sufficient in food grains, the threat of impending food riots will remain hanging over nations.

“The UN has expressed concern, but there is no effort to remove the imbalances in the food management system that is responsible for the crisis.”

Mounting anger has greeted food price inflation of 21% in Egypt in the last year, along with 17% rises in India and similar amounts in many other countries. Prices in the UK have risen 22% in three years.

The governments of Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil and the Philippines have all warned of possible food shortages next year, citing floods and droughts in 2010, expected extreme weather next year, and speculation by traders who are buying up food stocks for release when prices rise.

Food prices worldwide are not yet at the same level as 2008, but the UN’s food price index rose 5% last month and now stands at its highest level in two years.

World wheat and maize prices have risen 57%, rice 45% and sugar 55% over the last six months and soybeans are at their highest price for 16 months.

UN special rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier de Schutter, says a combination of environmental degradation, urbanisation and large-scale land acquisitions by foreign investors for biofuels is squeezing land suitable for agriculture.

“Worldwide, 5m to 10m hectares of agricultural land are being lost annually due to severe degradation and another 19.5m are lost for industrial uses and urbanisation,” he says in a new report.

“But the pressure on land resulting from these factors has been boosted in recent years by policies favouring large-scale industrial plantations.

“According to the World Bank, more than one-third of large-scale land acquisitions are intended to produce agrofuels.”

But the World Development Movement (WDM) in London warned that food speculation by hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks was likely to prompt further inflation.

According to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, speculators on the trading floor of the Chicago Exchange bought futures contracts for about 40m tonnes of maize and 6m tonnes of wheat in the summer.

Longtime hedge fund manager Mike Masters, who has worked with WDM, said: “Because there is already much more capital available in the world than hard commodities, speculators can increase the price of consumable commodities, like foodstuffs or energy, much higher than traditional consumers and producers can react.

“When derivative markets are linked to commodity markets, this nearly unlimited capital from the financial sector can cause excessive price volatility.”

US government reports of much cooler-than-normal water temperatures in the Pacific, which traditionally lead to extreme weather around the world, last week added to food price uncertainties.

Jesse Ventura Calls for New 9/11 Investigation

Secretly kept NIST videos show testimony from eyewitnesses -including NYC FBI Director- who heard explosions previous to the towers being hit by planes and before they collapsed.  Other videos show explosions sequence before building 7 collapsed.

Steve Watson

Former Governor of Minnesota, ex-Navy SEAL and retired pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura has renewed the call for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 in the face of dramatic new evidence that is coming to light every week.

“You’ve got all this evidence but clearly when you look at what happened, and the results of all of it, it shows clearly that these commissions and these official government investigations are frauds.” Ventura told nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones.

“They don’t seek the truth, they are there to simply push the government’s story of whatever that may be – what they want said about what happened.” Ventura continued as he and Jones presented and analyzed previously unseen video and eyewitness accounts from September 11 2001 that suggest secondary explosions were a contributing factor to the destruction of the World Trade Center.

“When you look at the whole commission, it got run by Zelikow, who comes right out of the White House – he was the guy in charge. If they didn’t unanimously agree on something, it wasn’t even entered into it.” Ventura noted, also adding that the 9/11 Commission failed to even mention the total and symmetrical collapse of building 7, a 47 story skyscraper that was not attacked on 9/11, yet fell straight down into it’s own footprint later the same afternoon.

“Anything that doesn’t fit into their scenario, they just ignore.” Ventura added.

The former governor also noted that originally there was never even going to be an investigation into the attacks of any kind, and that it was only via pressure from the victims’ relatives that a commission was appointed.

“When pressure came from the families and they demanded an investigation, well who’s the first person they come up with to run it? Henry Kissinger. Well, there was outcry and outrage over that because of all of his contacts and everything he’s into… Then you look at it from a logical point of view, did they really and truly want to investigate?” Ventura stated.

“Well when you learn that they spent a hundred million dollars to investigate Whitewater – where ultimately in the end I guess they learned that the president cheated on his wife – and then initially for the murder of 3,000 people at 9/11, they allocate 4 million. It ended up going to 12 or 13 million in the end but that alone should cause you to say there wasn’t a real investigation going to be done here.” he added.

Ventura also commented on the recent video releases from NIST, following Freedom of Information Act requests. Yesterday we highlighted a newly discovered video in which the director of the FBI in New York is seen interviewing firefighters after the collapse of one of the trade towers, and discussing “secondary hits” being responsible.

“NIST has all this information in their possession, and yet their report chooses to ignore it and not even mention it. How much more simple can it be for someone out there to look at that and go ’something is rotten in Denmark here’.” Ventura said.

“Shouldn’t they have at least addressed it and said that ‘well we had many reports of firefighters and officials saying bombs were going off’, and then give an explanation as to why these people were wrong?”

Ventura also had harsh words for the corporate media and it’s culpability in allowing a cover up to prosper.

“You have to remember, the mainstream media is not the ally.” Ventura said.

“I’m just baffled, it’s beyond words. The mainstream media, was supposed to be our fourth branch of government, the unwritten fourth branch by our forefathers. Their job was to be the check, to be the watchdog and watch the other three branches of government and keep them honest, and now that they have sold us out we are in dire straights.” he added.

“These stories should be the lead stories on TV right now. Not do downgrade you or I, but the only place they are hearing them is on your radio show and a few other non mainstream outlets.” Ventura told Jones.

“I’m getting censored more and more. The access that I had two years ago, I had way more two years ago than what I’m getting now. I’m being cut back too, I can’t get on all the shows I’d like to get on anymore.” he added.

Ventura also vilified the media’s portrayal of 9/11 researchers, noting that “The mainstream portrays 9/11 truthers as being some fringe element and some wild crazy liberals or whatever they are out there.”

“They don’t realise that the 9/11 truth movement, the great majority of it is professionals. These are not people that are crazy, in fact they are courageous because they are putting their professional integrity on the line to ask the questions.” Ventura asserted.

Below, there is a sequence of videos.  Some previously seen others are part of the new videos released after a freedom of information lawsuit.

Halliburton and BP knew risk before spill

Gulf of Mexico well had ‘unstable’ cement

Halliburton and BP had data weeks ahead of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that showed the cement mixture the companies used to seal the well was unstable, but did not act on the information, according to a report by the US National Commission investigating the Macondo spill.

Tests performed for the investigative panel by industry experts strongly suggested that a mixture that was identical to the base cement slurry that Halliburton used on the well was not suitable. The deficiency “may have contributed” to the blow-out, which killed 11 men and pumped nearly 5m barrels of oil into the sea.

The first official finding by the federal panel raised new questions about why neither BP nor Halliburton verified the safety of the cement used before the cementing job was complete. Legal experts with knowledge of the matter say investigators at the US Department of Justice will use the commission’s probe as an important factual record.

Halliburton, which served as a contractor to BP and was responsible for cementing the well, has stated publicly that tests it performed on the cement mixture showed it was stable. But investigators on Thursday said in a letter to the commission’s board that Halliburton documents contradicted those claims. Shares in the US company fell 8 per cent.

In a press release, Halliburton said it did not believe that cement issues were the cause of the well rupture.

According to investigators, two cement tests that Halliburton conducted in February, which used a slightly different composition, showed the design was “unstable”. The result of one of the failed tests was emailed to BP on March 8 in a technical report, though investigative staff said there was no evidence that Halliburton highlighted the result.

Halliburton conducted two additional tests in April, seven days before the blow-out, which showed the cement was unstable, though the data did not appear to have been provided to BP. A final test – which may have been completed only after the cement was already poured into the well – found that the cement design was stable. The information was reported to BP after the explosion.

“The cement job may have been pumped without any lab results indicating that the foam cement slurry would be stable,” the letter said. “BP and/or Transocean personnel misinterpreted or chose not to conduct tests [to identify cementing failures] at the well.”

BP, Halliburton and Transocean, which owned the rig, did not comment.

BP’s own internal report highlighted the failure of the cement job, while Halliburton has claimed BP’s well design was principally at fault.

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