The Insane States of America?
February 3, 2012 1 Comment
The American Dream
February 3, 2012

News or Entertainment?
Do you ever get the feeling that the world around you is going crazy? If you live in America today and you are not in a television-induced coma, then you have probably had that feeling. It seems like almost everywhere you turn these days, there is someone that is seriously losing it. It is not just our politicians either. In every profession and on every level of society there are lots of people that appear to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
So what do you do when the country where you live is literally going insane? When paranoia, fear and delusional thinking are commonplace, it is very difficult for a society to function normally. And unfortunately, some of the craziest people out there are working for the federal government. These days you literally do not know who you can count on. If you contact someone in a position of authority, that person may help you or that person may turn out to be a raving lunatic. Once upon a time, there was a feeling that most people in America shared a set of common values, but those days are long gone. These days, it seems like nearly everyone has their own idea of what “right and wrong” are, and so when you meet someone you never know what you are going to get. What may seem “totally insane” to you may seem perfectly normal to the person that you are trying to interact with.
Yes, of course part of the problem is that the U.S. population has been very much “dumbed-down” over the years. Our government schools are pumping out millions upon millions of kids that are dumb as a rock, and our entertainment industry is slowly turning the American people into a bunch of gibbering idiots.
But our problems go way beyond the fact that a large percentage of our population is uneducated. The truth is that some of the most paranoid and irrational Americans you will meet are actually very highly educated.
For example, it really does take someone extremely paranoid to believe that we need to strip-search 80-year-old women at our airports for the sake of national security.
Have you ever met someone that is truly paranoid? Everyone and everything is a threat to them.
Well, it is the same thing with those running the Department of Homeland Security. The size of the “no fly list” in the U.S. has more than doubled over the past 12 months. A year ago, there were about 10,000 names on it, and today there are approximately 21,000 names on it.
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i wish this site got more attention, too many glued to their CNN/FOX/MSNBC not realizing they’re all controlled by billionaires. but the truth is hard to grasp, most would rather bury their heads in acid than look reality in the eye.