Media Malpractice and the New GM Human

Ethan Huff
July 20, 2011

Rupert Murdoch’s media empire News Corp., which represents the second largest media conglomerate in the world behind the Walt Disney Company, is taking a severe beating as Murdoch himself is having to address various criminal allegations, including that his News of the World tabloid illegally hacked private phone lines and committed various other crimes (…).

But Murdoch’s media malpractice runs even deeper as his strong connections to the pharmaceutical industry also fueled his media machine’s fabrication of lies against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, as well as hid from the public the true dangers of DNA vaccines that permanently corrupt human genes and cause autism.

Murdoch has built quite a reputation for himself as a scoundrel of sorts, as many Americans who identify with the “left” side of the political spectrum have accused him of pandering to the “right” by skewing the news to appeal to “conservatives” (Murdoch owns FOX News, after all).

But what Murdoch’s organization is actually doing on all fronts with its various media outlets, including FOX, is pushing much bigger agendas that supersede any alleged “right vs. left” paradigm. One such agenda is News Corp.’s routine censorship of the dangerous truth about drugs and vaccines, which include smear campaigns like those levied against Dr. Wakefield who conduct legitimate research that contradicts mainstream medical thought.

News Corp. systematically destroyed the reputation of Dr. Wakefield, lied about his work

If you are unfamiliar with the Dr. Wakefield story, you can read more about it in previous NaturalNews articles (…). But as a quick recap, Dr. Wakefield basically discovered through credible research that the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to mental and physiological health problems, and that the individual measles vaccine should be given to children instead until further research on the safety of MMR could be conducted.

The findings were credible, responsibly-derived, and honest in their assessment — but they resulted in a tirade of lies and slander against Dr. Wakefield.

The statements included false accusations that he is opposed to all vaccinations, that he had manipulated his data, and that he is basically unfit to be a doctor, despite the fact that he is arguably one of the most well-respected and highly-educated gastroenterologists in the world. In the end, though, Dr. Wakefield ended up having his study pulled from the esteemed UK journal Lancet, and his UK medical license was revoked.

And just who was responsible for the annihilation campaign against Dr. Wakefield? None other than Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which literally fabricated lies about Dr. Wakefield and disseminated them around the world via its multinational media network. News Corp.’s London Times, for instance, falsely accused Dr. Wakefield of being “callous, unethical and dishonest,” and published numerous articles saying he was a fraud, and that he “abused his position of trust.”

And why, exactly, did News Corp. feel the need to destroy the life and reputation of a man that had done so much to help children with autism and other neurological disorders?

Because Dr. Wakefield’s findings were incongruent with the multi-billion-dollar profit ring of multinational pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck Inc., both of which produce and market MMR vaccines.

Murdoch media empire, judicial system closely knit with drug companies

Did you know that Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch, who manages the UK paper Sunday Times, is on the board of GSK? Or how about Sir Nigel Davis, the High Court judge that denied parents of children treated by Dr. Wakefield the right to have their claims against vaccine manufacturers heard in a real court? Davis’ brother, who is an executive board member of Elsevier, the group that publishes the Lancet, is also on the board of GSK.An article in the COTO Report also explains that the head of the popular Reuters news service serves on the board of Merck, while a prominent writer at the UK’s Daily Mirroris married to the former chairman of GSK. And the list goes on and on.With all of these strong connections to drug companies, it is no wonder that the media at large wholly participated in the Dr. Wakefield slander campaign — after all, Dr. Wakefield’s work caused millions of people to wake up and begin questioning the safety not only of the MMR vaccine, but also of vaccines in general. And this continued awakening is taking its toll on Big Pharma’s profits.

MMR and dozens of other DNA’ vaccines essentially create genetically-modified humans

Dr. Wakefield’s work uncovered a crucial detail about certain vaccines that ultimately exposes those in this particular category as highly-dangerous, life-altering poisons. Third-generation DNA vaccines like MMR contain genetically-engineered (GE) materials that are injected directly into the body, sort of like how genetically-modified (GM) crop seeds have been injected with altered DNA that changes their genetic makeup — and these GE traits can permanently alter proper human development.

As far as DNA vaccines are concerned, the GE material they contain is included as part of an overall effort to induce “DNA uptake,” a term that is very vaguely defined, but one that appears to infer a literal adoption of altered DNA into the human genetic structure. If this is the case, then DNA vaccines like MMR are overriding normal DNA with altered DNA, which causes the untold changes in human development and health that have been observed.

Based on Dr. Wakefield’s findings, this is exactly what appears to occur with MMR vaccines in particular, and it is why he urged the public to skip the MMR vaccine and get the individual vaccines instead. His findings showed that the MMR vaccine is linked to mitochondria dysfunction caused by DNA mutations. And since no proper review of MMR has ever taken place to prove its safety, his professional conclusion was that it was best to stop using it for childrens safety.

Mitochondria, of course, are what power cells and convert energy into forms that are usable by the body. When these do not work properly, the entire human body becomes compromised. Individuals with autism demonstrate mitochondria dysfunction as well as various other problems, which may or may not be possible to cure — and this, again, is precisely why Dr. Wakefield urged the public to beware of the MMR vaccine.

According to the same COTO Report article mentioned earlier, DNA vaccines like MMR were actually derived from failed gene therapy experiments. In other words, they appear to be a type of genetic experiment that is permanently altering human gene expression and proper DNA development, which in turn lands its victims with permanent, life-altering developmental disorders like autism.

But none of this will ever be addressed by the likes of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., or by most other mainstream news outlets for that matter, because of their close alliance with the drug industry. It is in their best interests to hide the truth from the public, and to continue pushing the lie that all vaccines are safe, and have never been implicated in causing any long-term health problems.

CBS News, however, did recently report on a new review published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology that addresses the issue of third-generation DNA vaccines and autism. That review, entitled Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes — A review, admits that “[d]ocumented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination.”

Scientific Revolutions: Vaccines, viruses and evolution

In this interview, Dr Wakefield speaks at length about the interaction between human beings and infectious disease. This is perhaps the most in-depth discussion by Dr Wakefield that has ever been captured on camera about the long-term threat that vaccines pose to the future of humankind. Here’s some of what Dr Wakefield says about the importance of expanding our view of infectious disease beyond the stilted, dumbed-down conceptual framework of conventional medicine, the CDC, the WHO, etc.

I’ve grown to have a huge respect for [infectious bacteria and viruses] over the years. We are here on the Earth now because of infection. Not in spite of it, because of it. Our immune system has been fashioned, shaped, designed over millions of years, since we first emerged from the primordial soup as single-celled organisms to evolve a hugely complex immune system that is a result of its interaction, its education with infectious agents. They are the prime factor in developing our immune responsiveness.

By going from a respiratory route of infection of a natural virus to an injected form of infection… from going from a different strain, a different route, a different dose of infection and a different mean population age of exposure to infection, so kids used to get mumps at 7 to 10 years of age, now they get it at 18 months — when you change that subtle ecological balance which has evolved over such a long time, it is no wonder that you are going to have unexpected, unintended consequences.

The other thing, of course, is that we’ve now come to learn that so many infections or so many infectious agents are actually beneficial. We require them for education of our gut immune system. The exposure of the gut, the colonization of the gut, the gut flora very early on, is a major determiner of how our immune system [develops.]

I’ve become a great respecter of infectious agents and their ability to elude us, to cause problems that we did not expect, and if we believe in our exquisite arrogance that we can exploit them, manipulate them in a test tube, give them back to people and exploit them in a way we call attenuated, then the virus will laugh at us. It will simply laugh, because it has a collective intelligence that will not allow that to happen.

You’re fighting mutations that are collectively more intelligent, more adaptable, and ultimately can cause what, we don’t know. But you also create a population that now becomes dependent on vaccination. Not just the first vaccine, but the second, the third, the fourth… it never ends. You create a population that is dependent on immunization.

Watch the complete interview at:…

The dogmatic intellectual brutality of modern medical science

In this interview, Dr Wakefield also speaks about the vaccine attack dogs who use fear tactics to terrorize scientists into conforming to “accepted” views on vaccines:

I talk to many scientists, many physicians whose children are affected by autism following vaccines who say I know there is a problem, but we don’t dare step out of line. We look at what happened to you, and we don’t dare step out of line. …And I do meet these people all the time, and to me that’s unacceptable. Because the future of the world depends upon the wellbeing of our children.

[Science] has sold out to the pharmaceutical industry, and to the pharma-government complex. Medical schools are dependent upon their funding in large part from the pharmaceutical industry, or pharmaceutical industry influences, and this is dancing with the Devil in respect to the way in which science should be conducted, and the influences placed upon it.

This is what happened to me, there were constraints placed upon my valid vaccine safety research, because in the UK, the government had done a deal with the pharmaceutical industry that meant the government had picked up their liability for a knowingly dangerous Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine. They licensed a vaccine in July of 1997 which had, in that same month, been withdrawn in Canada for safety reasons. They knew it was not safe. It was cheaper. They put price before the wellbeing of children.

Now we’ve seen time and time again the corruption, the abuse of science, and it’s happening largely on one side of this equation. You are told time and time again there are 14, 17, 20, millions of papers which exonerate the vaccine, saying there’s no link between mercury thimerosal preservative and vaccinations. In fact when the data are analyzed, when the studies are looked at comprehensively, 74 percent of those studies’ published data support a link between mercury and autism.

And yet the public are being told, through this vast public relations machine, that the science is over, it’s ruled it out. And when you take the science that proposes it is ruled out and reanalyze it correctly, which Dr Desoto did from the University of Northern Iowa, it shows exactly the opposite effect, and the scientists who wrote the original papers had to change their findings and conclusions. They had not analyzed the data properly.

So science in the private interest, I’m afraid, is damaging for the people. And that’s what we’re seeing at the moment.

The future of human civilization is threatened by modern vaccines

In this interview, Dr Wakefield also speaks out how vaccines may one day threaten the long-term survivability of the human race, even while forcing the world population to become dependent on vaccines in the mean time.

Here’s what he says:

What happens to a population that becomes dependent for its very survival on vaccines? Who are we, and our children, and our grandchildren, then beholden to? And are the people we are beholden to, the pharmaceutical industry, are they actually capable of anticipating what that bacteria or virus is going to do next? No. Because they’ve never thought about it in the first place. So we are creating a marketplace; we are creating a wonderful revenue model; and we are creating a potential time bomb for the population.

You cannot sterilize the world, nor should you. This whole notion of the Germ Theory needs to be radically modified in light of what we now know, so that we have scientists who acknowledge that this fundamental and very essential ecological interaction between man and microbe, or plant and microbe, is vital… but you have a commercial imperative which pays no heed to that at all.

The dangers of vaccines are quite real

Are vaccine ingredients truly dangerous to human health? Dr Wakefield addresses that question in great detail:

You’re taking children and you’re giving them ethyl mercury from day one… indeed now in pregnant women in the influenza vaccine, and you are potentially very likely biological, plausibly, poisoning the immune system of those individuals, biasing it towards an immune response that is not protective against viral infections, and then you’re giving live viruses? What is the outcome of that going to be?

Aluminum is known to influence the immune system in the same way. Indeed, that’s why it’s there [in the vaccines]. It’s there to promote an antibody response, a response which does not bias the immune system towards protection from intracellular organisms like viruses. You are deliberately doing it. So when you then give a live viral vaccine, what is the compound effect of that? When you’re giving them all at the same time, what is the compound effect? No one knows. Why? Because no one’s looking. Why? Because no one cares enough, that’s why.

Do not take these infectious agents, these known toxins for granted. Do not make assumptions about them, particularly when you’re using them in combination because they will produce untoward effects that you don’t even expect, that you are not looking for, [that] you have not got on your list of adverse reactions that are known to be caused by this virus. You won’t find them. Because you have changed the whole interaction between the infectious agent… and the immune system. That’s what you’ve changed, something so fundamental.

Dedicated to scientific truth, regardless of the personal and political costs

Ultimately, Dr Wakefield is a truly dedicated scientist who persistently pursues the evidence without regard to any particular political agenda or corporate agenda. Unfortunately for Dr Wakefield, this pursuit of scientific truth has put him in the crosshairs of the conventional medical system, the mainstream media and virtually the entire pseudoscientific vaccine-pushing attack dogs; but this has not deterred Dr Wakefield from continuing to pursue scientific answers to important questions.

And yet, Dr Wakefield has no illusions that his contributions to these scientific revolutions in the understanding of infectious disease and vaccines may not be recognized in his own lifetime:

If you’re going to get involved in this kind of debate, then you as the scientist need to study the history of medicine, the history of science as well, and understand this is the fate of many people who go out on a limb, who make extraordinary claims. That’s what’s going to happen. You mustn’t expect to be exonerated in your lifetime… or ever.

But you must stick to the scientific principle and pursue the hypothesis until its natural conclusion, and not abandon it because you’re put under political, financial or other pressures, if you can. Now, there is an additional imperative for a physician to do it, who is looking at these children… As long as I don’t suffer from the vainglorious belief that this is all going to be resolved in my lifetime — I hope it is for the sake of these children — but I’m so far beyond that notion that I need some kind of redemption from the American Academy of Pediatrics, or The Lancet, I don’t. These are instruments of a state that I don’t really want to be associated with. I would like to stick to the principles of medical science, and that’s my job. And I won’t be deterred from that.

Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extreme to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield?

The smearing campaign against doctor Andrew Wakefield has resulted in two events.  One, he received great exposure on the alternative and main stream media, which in turn allowed for more people to learn about his important work and how vaccines poison people, especially children.  Two, it replicates the effect main stream media smearing campaigns have when an honest, professional does his job.  So instead of bringing him down, it builds him up.  Although Dr. Wakefield’s job has been found to be true by other independent studies, the corporate corrupt media and medical establishment dismiss his work as lunacy.  Below there is a fair and balanced interview with Dr. Mercola.  Dr. Wakefield explains in detail what does the MMR vaccine, among others, do to children.  Do your own research and spread the knowledge.

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