Medios de comunicación ignoran el fraude de la ilusión Obama


Los fraudes más exitosos son los que están ocultos en plena luz del día, los que nadie ve porque son tan obvios, que son muy difíciles de distinguir. Este tipo de  actividades fraudulentas son aún más difícil de ver cuando los que han jurado ser imparciales y que dedicarían su trabajo a informar a la gente, eligen el camino de las mentiras, los engaños y encubrimientos, y se prestan para falsificar escándalos para desviar la atención del verdadero problema.

El comportamiento descrito anteriormente es el que se ve en los principales medios de comunicación en los Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo en relación con el pasado oscuro y barroso de Barack Obama, que fue fundamental para su ascenso a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos y la adopción o la perpetuación de la medidas económicas, políticas y sociales que buscan destruir a la sociedad norteamericana y el mundo como un todo.

Obama llegó aquella ilusión que se tornó realidad. El problema es que esa ilusión no era una ilusión del pueblo estadounidense, sino la de su padre, Frank Marshall Davies. Davis fue el mentor de Obama, como el propio Barack lo dice en su libro Sueños de mi Padre. Sin embargo, el actual presidente se detuvo en seco de decir que Davis era en verdad su verdadero padre. La conexión de Kenia, que algunos de los principales medios de prensa corporativa dieron algo de atención, en un esfuerzo por encubrir la realidad sobre el orígen de Obama, era una distracción para que la gente se centrara en un asunto que estaba lejos de la verdad.

Pero la mentira, como sucede más a menudo hoy en día, no duró demasiado tiempo. Esto se debe a la profundidad con la que se llevó a cabo la investigación que dio lugar a la producción de Sueños de mi Verdadero Padre, un documental que ha descubierto la realidad del pasado de Obama. No sólo el director Joel Gilbert elimina la niebla que se sentó frente a la vida anterior del vigésimo cuarto presidente de los Estados Unidos, sino que también explica en gran detalle como Obama y sus seguidores han intentado durante décadas, esconder su pasado.

Según la historia, Frank Marshall Davis no sólo fue el mentor político de Obama, sino que también era su padre biológico. Davis fue la aventura que Ann Dunham — la madre de Obama — tuvo, y de donde Barack Obama nació. El Sr. Davis era nada más y nada menos que un marxista revolucionario con profundas raíces en el Partido Comunista de los EE.UU.

Cuando se le preguntó por qué es tan importante saber quién es el padre de Barack Obama, el director Gilbert dice que es importante porque “Barack Obama se vendió a Estados Unidos como el ideal multicultural, un hombre que estaba por encima de la política.” En realidad, como hemos aprendido, Obama es el resultado de una relación afectiva y hasta el momento un secreto político perturbador, que se escondió del público por su pasado político marxista.

El 19 de julio, Joel Gilbert apareció en el National Press Club en Washington, DC, para anunciar sus descubrimientos y para desafiar a los medios de comunicación corporativos para informar sobre sus descubrimientos sobre el pasado de Barack Obama. Gilbert denunció lo que llamó la incapacidad de los medios de comunicación cobardes a reportar sobre su investigación, mientras que acusó a otros medios de censura.

Gilbert insistió en que el fenómeno Obama no fue un accidente político al azar, y tampoco un sueño de la comunidad afro-americana que se había hecho realidad. Él dijo que la llegada de Obama al cargo más alto en el país fue el final de un objetivo del movimiento socialista norteamericano iniciado por Frank Marshall Davis, quien tuvo a Obama en sus brazos para animarlo a su perseguir una agenda ideológica que Obama está llevando a cabo en la actualidad.

“Mientras yo hablo hoy aquí, en el National Press Club en Washington DC, lo que me parece más preocupante es que cualquiera de los cientos de periodistas estadounidenses en este edificio podrían ganar el Premio Pulitzer con sólo escribir acerca de la evidencia presentada en Sueños desde mi Verdadero Padre “, pero que se niegan a hacerlo, dijo Gilbert el 19 de julio.

A continuación, lanzó su llamado a la prensa para respetar su código de ética contenido en el credo del periodismo. Este credo se supone que es un código de ética con el cual se deben conducir todas las actividades de información llevadas a cabo cuando una persona ejerce la labor de periodista. El credo fue escrito por Walter Williams en 1906 después de que él fundó la Escuela de Periodismo de Missouri.

“Yo acuso a las principales redes de televisión estadounidense y la mayoría de las redes de noticias por cable de violaciones graves del Credo de los Periodistas”, destacó Gilbert en el Club de Prensa. También anunció que, dada la resistencia de los principales medios de comunicación para informar sobre el fraude de Obama y por lo menos a mirar en su investigación, él directamente enviará por correo cientos de miles de copias de su documental a los estadounidenses en todo el país, que a su juicio debería haber sido el trabajo de los medios de comunicación: para decirle a los estadounidenses sobre estos importantes hallazgos.

El texto completo del documental Sueños de mi Verdadero Padre puede ser leído aquí.

Cowardly Media Ignores Fraud Supporting Obama Illusion


The most successful frauds are the ones that are hidden in plain view, the ones no one sees because they are so obvious, that it is too hard to distinguish. These kind of ‘on your face’ fraudulent activities is even harder to see when those who have sworn to be impartial and to dedicate their work to informing the people, instead choose the path of lies, deceit and cover-ups, lending themselves to fake scandals to divert attention from the real issue.

The behaviour described above is the one seen on the main stream media in the United States and the rest of the world regarding Barack Obama’s obscure and muddy past, which was instrumental for his rise to the presidency of the United States and the adoption or perpetuation of economic, political and social measures that seek to destroy the American and the world’s society as a whole.

Obama came as the best come true illusion. The problem is that such an illusion was not the American people’s illusion, but that of his father, Frank Marshall Davies. Davis was Obama’s mentor, as Barack himself put it on his book Dreams from My Father. But the current president stopped short from saying that Davis was indeed his real father. The Kenyan connection, which some of the corporate main stream press kind of gave some attention to, in an effort to cover-up the reality of Obama’s origin, was a distraction so people would focus away from the truth.

But the lie, as it happens more often nowadays, did not last too long. That’s because deeply conducted research which resulted in the production of the film Dreams from My Real Father, has unmasked the reality of Obama’s past. Not only did director Joel Gilbert remove the fog that sat in front of Obama’s life previous to him turning into the 44th president of the United States, but also explains in painful detail why Mr. Obama and his followers have tried for decades, to hide his past from the public’s view.

As the story goes, Frank Marshall Davies wasn’t only Obama’s political mentor, he was also his biological father. Davis was Ann Dunham’s — Obama’s mother — affair from where Barack Obama was born. Mr. Davis was no one else than a committed revolutionary Marxist with deep roots at the Communist Party USA.

When asked why is it so important to know who Barack Obama’s father really is, director Gilbert says that it matters because “Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics.” In reality, as we now know, Obama is the result of an until now secret and disturbing affective and political relationship, which he hid from the public maintain his Marxist political foundation in the shadows.

On July 19, Joel Gilbert appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, to announce his discoveries and to challenge the corporate media to cover and report on his findings about Barack Obama’s past. Gilbert denounced what he called the cowardly media’s inability to look into his research while accused other outlets of censorship.

Gilbert insisted that the Obama phenomenon was not a random political accident, and neither a dream of the African American community that had come true. He said Obama’s arrival to the highest office in the country was the end of a goal of the American socialist movement initiated by Frank Marshall Davies, who took Obama in his arms to encourage his pursue of an ideological agenda which Obama is carrying out today.

“As I speak today, here at the National Press Club in Washington DC, what strikes me as most disturbing is that any one of the hundreds of American journalists in this building could win the Pulitzer Prize, just by writing about the evidence presented in Dreams from My Real Father,” said Gilbert on July 19th.

He then launched his call for the main stream press to respect their code of ethics embodied in the Journalist’s Creed. This creed is supposed to be a code of ethics under which all reporting activity must be conducted when a person exercises the work of journalism. The creed was written by Walter Williams in 1906 after he founded the Missouri School of Journalism.

“I accuse all major American Television networks and most Cable News networks of gross violations of the Journalists Creed,” emphasized Gilbert at the Press Club. He also announced that given the resistance of the main stream media to report on the Obama fraud and to at least look into his research, he would directly mail hundreds of thousands of copies of his film to Americans all over the country, which in his view should have been the job of the media: to tell Americans about such important findings.

The complete text of the script can be read here: Dreams from my Real Father.

Whose Social Security Number is Barack Obama using?


A new chapter in the unknown life of Barack Obama has been uncovered after a seasoned police investigator filed a lawsuit questioning the US president’s eligibility for the upcoming election. According to a report on World Net Daily, Susan Daniels, a private investigator from the state of Ohio filed the lawsuit in the county of Geauga, before the Common Pleas Court asking the secretary of state, Jon Husted, to remove Obama’s name from the ballot in Ohio until the current president proves that the social security number he has assigned under his name is actually his social security number.

In the article his author Jack Cashill explains how Ms. Daniels, who has access to massive amounts of data due to the nature of her job, cross referenced information obtained in the public domain with other facts that she obtained from other proprietary databases. After concluding hes investigation, Daniels found out that Barack Obama’s social security number issued back in 1986 and which has the prefix “042″, could not have been awarded to Obama at that time if one is to believe the story that he was a resident of the state of Hawaii in his early life. The prefix 042 is only assigned to social security numbers from people who live in Connecticut, which is not the case for Mr. Obama.

“When she ran 10 sequential numbers before and after Obama’s, all returned with the documentation issued 1977-1979 in CT.”, says the article written by Cashill. After Ms. Daniels ran the digits of Obama’s social security number, she confirmed that his number had been issued in March 1977 in Connecticut. The problem is that Obama never lived there. During her investigation, Daniels also found so-called ’anomalies’ while he searched records one of which had multiple dates of birth. She also concluded that the number assigned to Obama had been previously given to another person in the state of Connecticut.

This part of Obama’s shady past has also been overlooked by the main stream media, which simply announced that Obama has provided enough proof to invalidate any kind of questions and doubts regarding his origin, place of birth, date of birth and so on. Meanwhile, both World Net Daily and Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio are preparing for the publication of new revelations regarding Barack Obama’s past, which promise to create tsunami waves once the results of their investigation see the light. Sheriff Arpaio had, under a petition from a group of his constituents, initiated an investigation into possible irregularities regarding Obama’s eligibility. Mr. Arpaio organized a Posse, or a group of investigators who are working with other law enforcement officials to unveil the existence or not of such irregularities.

Separately from Arpaio’s investigation, a new documentary film entitled Dreams of my Real Father, produced and directed by Joel Gilbert, has added even more controversy to Obama scandalous past. In it, Mr. Gilbert poses that Obama’s alleged father, Barack Obama Senior, is not his real father, and that the man Obama calls his mentor in his autobiography, Frank Marshall Davies, is the US president’s real progenitor. The film, which is the result of two years of investigation, presents never before seen footage, photos and documents that Gilbert says, support his revelations.

See more details about the film in the trailer below:

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