Spain’s Bailout in mid-September says Goldman Sachs


The Spanish government will wait at least until mid-September before requesting help from its European partners in order to properly assess what offers and under what conditions the European Central Bank (ECB), intends to use. This is what analysts at Goldman Sachs pointed to their clients.

“We continue to see Spain as the first in line in this respect (ask for help and accept the conditions), although we expect that there will be a request in mid-September at the earliest,” say analysts at the Wall Street bank.

So, consider that “the Spanish authorities will probably wait until they have clear what offers the ECB Council will present during the September 6 meeting, before deciding whether to make a request for support to the EFSF and, if so, how and when.”

In fact, the report from Goldman Sachs bets that Mario Draghi will unveiled a strategy at the next Council meeting with a plan to ‘guard the euro’ which will intend to curb the escalating sovereign debt interest rates of the countries of the euro zone.

In this sense, analysts expect the ECB to perform interventions “opportunistically” in debt maturities of the one to three years kind in order to prevent interest rate peaks required on short-term debt in countries where their obligations have paralyzed the debt markets several times.

However, the report from Goldman Sachs is more cautious about the possibility that the ECB will announce the purchase of large amounts of sovereign debt and believes that the institution will first attempt to reactivate private markets through sporadic interventions, instead of immediately replacing the private sector with its own balance sheet. That means the ECB may have to buy debt itself, in order to bring some peace to the markets and confidence to private debt buyers.

The possibility that Spain finally requests financial assistance by mid-September is best handled in the markets, as the country will face the maturity 26,351,000 (6,085,000 bonds and 20,266,000 in bonds and notes) in October.

In fact, the Treasury will have to attract about 79,968,000 from markets for the remainder of the year to fund outstanding maturities and the deficit, according to the primary market which has had access to Europa Press.

The maturities from August to December amounted to 45.968 million euros, to which must be added about half of the deficit forecast for this year (6.3%), which is about 30,000 million and 4,000 million that has been pledged to regional liquidity fund.

S&P will not slash Spain’s credit rating after request for bailout

S & P said today that it will probably keep Spain’s credit rating intact, even though the Spanish government may request a total rescue of the economy from Brussels and the International Monetary Fund.

In a statement, the Anglo-saxon agency notes that it maintains the negative outlook for Spain, whose long-term debt rate remains at BBB +, after the country sought a grant of up to 100,000 million for its banking system.

However, S&P warned that the credit worthiness will not fall any lower if the government of Spain requested a bailout of the total economy because the agency thinks it would be easier to successfully complete what Mariano Rajoy has called ‘the ambitious economic reform agenda’.

European Stability Mechanism Spreads to Italy


The European technocracy has set its firm feet in Spain and now the bankers that control the financial institutions that Spain just surrendered to are moving to their next prize: Italy. By accepting the rules set in the latest rescue agreement, Spain, France, Italy and Germany turned into pawn waiting in line to be absorbed by the bankers and now, it is Italy’s time. One only has to read some of the most revealing articles and sections of the financial rescue package to realize what Europe will look time in a not too distant future.

While the media concentrates their commentary and uninformed reports on how Angela Merkel succumbed to Italian and Spanish requirements to sign on to the bankers plans, they ignore other more important details included in the agreement. Article 8, for example, authorizes the bankers to fix capital stock at 700,000 billion euros, for now. Article 9 obligates members of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to  ”irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay on demand any capital call made on them . . . such demand to be paid within seven days of receipt.” Members of the ESM include not only the four big Euro nations, but also the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Finland.

Article 10 gives the complete power to the ESMs Board of Governors — the real controllers — to ”change the authorised capital and amend Article 8 . . . accordingly.” Further ahead on article 32, paragraph 3 says that the ESM, its property, funding, and assets . . . shall enjoy immunity from every form of judicial process . . . .” This assures the bankers that none of them will ever have to be accountable for any nation or any individual, because the countries agreed to such immunity. On paragraph 4 the power grab continues: “The property, funding and assets of the ESM shall . . . be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation, or any other form of seizure, taking or foreclosure by executive, judicial, administrative or legislative action.”

Additionally, Article 30 says that the Governors, Directors and others ”shall be immune from legal proceedings with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity and shall enjoy inviolability in respect of their official papers and documents.” Bankers and their servants are now officially free from all responsibility, no matter how badly they behave, whether they do it purposely or not.

Now that four of the biggest countries in Europe have accepted the bankers’ requests, the wave of so-called financial bailouts and rescue packages now will begin to spread over to Italy. Before the negotiations were completed last week, Mario Draghi, the former head of the Italian Central Bank had been named as the replacement for Jean-Claude Trichet at the European Central Bank. Before getting to the ECB, Draghi was the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International, which definitely facilitated the adoption of the bankers’ measures in Italy.

Back in 2011, Draghi confessed to the Financial Times that the goal of the ECB was to facilitate funding to the banks and that it would the banks who would decide what to do with those funds. He also said that he had no idea what the banks would do with the money. When asked about the destination of the money, Draghi said: “we don’t know exactly, but the important thing was to relax the funding pressures.” So, governments got their citizens in deeper debt without holding the bankers accountable for the use of that money. It was all about bringing about relief to the bankers who seemed not to have enough cash bonuses in their bank accounts.

Previously, when governments actually received bailouts from the European central bankers, they did have to “invest” the funds in whatever the lenders decided what was useful. They were not only told how to spend the money, but also to impose austerity in order to impose punishments to the lower and middle classes. The countries, differently from the bankers, had to commit to paying exorbitant interests rates, while the banks got their money at zero or near zero percent. While the bankers reported larger earnings and as a consequence amassing more cash in bonuses, the populations of Greece, Italy, Spain and others had their social fabric destroyed by design. While people got strangled, the bankers that caused the crisis got relaxed.

Before last weeks agreement between the European bankers and the European leaders, Draghi had explained that the ECB wanted to “restore confidence” and that the ECB would do whatever it took to achieve such a goal. What Draghi did not say was where that restoration of confidence would be pointed towards. It was directed to the bankers, as we now know, and that confidence was based on the fact that the banks, as the ESM says, will not be held accountable and will be completely immune against any and all courts. The bankers have now legalized whatever they want to do in the present and in the future. They are now confident again. Draghi also said the countries needed to have “comprehensive structural reform and accept fiscal discipline”. Those two goals have been achieved and together with them the bankers’ ability to impose a process of fiscal consolidation, which is not completely in their hands.

The banker acquisition of Italy, though, could not be complete without another significant partner: Mr. Mario Monti. The arrival of Monti to the highest office in Italy was done as smoothly as possible for someone who was not even elected. Monti was the trojan horse the European bankers had prepared to take Italy over. Mario Monti became Italian Prime Minister after Silvio Berlusconi resigned under popular pressure. Where did Monti come from? Before he became the Italian Prime Minister, he was a senior advisor to Goldman Sachs and a leader in the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Is there a need to say anything else about his arrival to Italy’s supreme office? There should is.

The Trilateral Commission was created by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski back in 1973. The organization was created supposedly to organize the creation of policy between the powerful nations to impose a global system of control that would be brought about to “heal economic inequality”. The banks had in their mind plans to end the so-called inequality and create a new system of equality, and they have been very successful. They have managed to turn most people in the world equally poor. The creation of groups like Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission achieved what previous globalist organizations had failed to do: create and enforce globalist policies while destroying sovereignty without being stopped by national legal systems. That also allowed them to remain hidden in the shadows, while their frontmen — presidents and prime ministers — did they work for them.

The continuation of the technocratic system of control has now entered a new level with the legitimization of the European Stability Mechanism. Whatever the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group achieved from the shadows will now be multiplied by a legalized financial control system to which all of Europe has bowed to by accepting the banker run ESM. The bankers and their frontmen aren’t apologetic neither apologetic nor secretive about what they’re doing anymore. Perhaps the most revealing proof of this is David Rockefeller’s statement that he was proud to be part of  the cabal in charge of conspiring to impose a global political and economic government. “If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it,” he once said.

The work that began with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others is now being continued by men like Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde, and Jose Manuel Barroso. The arrival of the “rule of the banks” was announced by Draghi, who said the time was ripe to end the traditional social contract. “There is no escape from tough austerity measures,” he added. Mario Draghi said only austerity combined with structural change would change the economic outlook for the best.  In an interview with the WSJ, Draghi said that the changes agreed upon by the bankers and the European governments  had resulted in what he called positive change, but that this change was only the beginning. ”We have a fiscal compact where the European governments are starting to release national sovereignty for the common intent of being together.” He later said that in the eyes of the bankers there was no alternative to fiscal consolidation.

During the same interview, Draghi appointed what he believed were two important changes the bankers needed to achieve. The first is product and service market reform. The second is labor market reform. In layman’s terms, this means the globalists want more easily accessible working markets which will be supported by the legalization of illegal immigration to ensure plenty of cheap labor — as it happens in Asia — and the ability to flood markets all around the world with those very same cheaply made products. This is the model that has been tested in China and other Asian nations for decades and will now be imposed on European countries.

The bankers have not only gotten a blank cheque to create money out of thin air and deposit it in ghost bank accounts, which has been going on for decades, but also obtained an unlimited permit to manage the world’s economic and financial systems under which they are completely immune to any unaccountability. Under this new scheme, they will continue to impose austerity as a condition to bring “relief” to indebted nations, that in turn will become more and more in debt until collapsing the way Greece did. The make-believe economy now moves on to Italy, Portugal, France and Germany before coming to North America. Expect an accelerating race to the Second Great Depression in the next two and a half to three years.

Less Sovereignty is the Central Bankers Solution for the Crisis


Everyone on the main stream seems to believe that the continuous meetings between European central bankers and government officials are seeking to save the Euro and to help the governments deal with their sovereign debts. It is common to hear on television how journalists and so-called analysts explain that their expectations include the proposal of real solutions to the crisis which immediately produce jobs and bring stability to the markets.

They just don’t get it. These meetings between central bankers and European leaders are nothing about stability, a solution to the debt problem or the creation of jobs around the euro zone. The latest agreement between the EU Council and the Prime Ministers of Italy and Spain is an example of how the bankers are in complete control. Although the media has painted the bailout of the Spanish and Italian banks as a triumph for both governments, which according to the reports “had their way” when negotiating with the bankers, the reality is they are simply following orders. It wasn’t the Spanish and Italian governments the ones who imposed the conditions that will rule the bailout, but the banks.

The rescue of the banking system in those countries is indeed a result of Italy and Spain submitting, accepting and supporting the idea that the European Central Bank will officially turn into the manager of all Euro economies. Only after Mariano Rajoy and Mario Monti accepted that condition, was that the central bankers gave the green light to ‘lend the money’ to the Spanish and Italian banks, not the other way around. The main stream media is portraying an outcome that is completely the opposite to reality by saying that Mr. Rajoy and Mr. Monti twisted German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s arm into accepting their conditions. The truth is that Merkel herself had to accept the centralization of economic planning sought by the banks as a condition not to let the EU zone collapse before the expected time, and with it drag every single nation including Germany into the rabbit hole they are all going towards in a controlled fashion.

Less sovereignty in exchange for solidarity; this is the latest talking point that emerged from European leaders to justify the loss of self-rule and the intervention of European bankers in the decision making process at the national level. Governments have publicly adopted what seems to be a socialist standing to try to sell their fiscal irresponsibility and to deviate attention from the acquisition of European nations by the central bankers who are the origin of the current financial crisis. But it is not socialism you see, it’s fascism. Countries must get more debt and surrender their sovereignty in order to solve a crisis that is not supposed to get solved, but that was created and planned to further centralize power in the hands of the bankers themselves.

Everyone who is well-informed is familiar with the World Bank and IMF’s plans to cause the current crisis, — and all the other ones that came before — how they’ve applied the same neo-feudal model throughout history to destroy economies and artificially recreate them using models for growth based on the acquisition of debt and the never-ending payments of interests on that debt. It needs to be said: This crisis is not accidental or unexpected. It was planned and executed for decades to seek a justification for a central government just as it has been promoted by the bankers and the media for the past 12 months. The result of the current negotiations in not to seek an exit to the debt problem or to encourage economic growth, but to hand even more power to the bankers.

The meeting held today where European Prime Ministers pose as the saviors is nothing else than window dressing. There is no solidarity on a proposal that intends to make nations less independent and more enslaved to the central bankers. The result that will came from the meeting held by Mariano Rajoy, Angela Merkel Mario Monti and François Hollande is further consolidation of financial power; nothing else. As explained by Joseph Stiglitz, the World Bank and the IMF pursue a policy of financial enslavement against every country by following four simple steps.

Privatization, which is more like ‘Briberization’, he told Greg Palast. Under this scheme, economies are collapsed from the inside while consolidating national assets for pennies on the dollar. Briberization yields then to the second step,  a one-size-fits-all rescue-your-economy plan, which in theory intends to rescue a country’s economy by using  capital market liberalization. This, again in theory, would allow the free flow of investment in and out of the country, but in reality it is the process through which the bankers complete the theft of resources and send them out every time a country buys into the “rescue your economy’ non-sense. As explained by Palast in his article The Globalizer who came in from the Cold, foreign monies come in to the countries for speculative acquisitions in various sectors of the economy and then leaves just as suddenly as it came. The result is the literal disappearance of a nation’s reserves in a matter of days. In order to get back some of those monies, entities like the IMF and the World Bank immediately demand that the country raise interest rates to anywhere between 30% and 80%.

Next, on step three, the bankers mandate that the government impose steep increases in the prices of basic needs such as food, water and gas. In the mid-term, the unexpected increases cause what Stiglitz calls the “The IMF riot.” During this time the bankers “turn up the heat until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up,” said Stiglitz. The bankers simply cut any and all subsidies to food and fuel for the poorest people as it happened in Argentina at the turn of the century and in Indonesia in 1998. Other examples of these riots were the ones in Bolivian riots over water prices last year and this February, the riots in Ecuador over the rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank.

Secret documents were also obtained by the BBC and The Observer which showed that the banks wanted to make the US dollar the official currency of Ecuador and by doing that, they would submit more than half of the population there under the poverty line. This is something similar to what was done in Argentina and what is being tried now in Europe. According to Stiglitz, although millions of people end up as losers under this system, there are indeed a handful of winners: The Banks. The western banks and the US Treasury make gigantic amounts of cash by infliction pain over developing nations. He cited the case of Ethiopia, where the World Bank and IMF ordered the government to ‘invest’ money on the Federal Reserve’s Treasuries which pays only 4 percent interest, while the country had to borrow money at 12 percent. Ethiopia was looted by the banks.

On step four of the bankers propose and impose the so-called Free Trade, as they did through NAFTA, CAFTA and other trade agreements. They call these programs “poverty reduction strategies”. However, all they do is open markets for a one way flow of products from powerful nations like the United States and China to the poor countries, while closing their own markets to foreign products. The almost automatic consequence of this free trade agreements is the destruction of the local production and farming since they cannot compete with the ridiculous low prices offered by corporations that have their products manufactured by slave labor in Asia and Africa.

As Greg Palast puts it, let there be no confusion about the role of the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization in the destruction of nation-states, private property and sovereignty, because they are just three masks that hide the faces of the monopoly men who seek to impose a centralized government model based on absolutist conditions.The results of the negotiations to supposedly save the euro zone are not such, they are just another step into the creeping arrival of world tyranny being sold as the only possible solution to deliver all of us from the consequences of “unbalanced economies”. The plans for the creation and implosion of economies were drafted long ago and the result of those practices is one and only one: World Government. This outcome, by the way, is not a solution or the solution to the current economic crisis.

When you have leaches sucking you dry, the only possible solution is to remove the leaches. The bleeding is the collapsing economy, the leaches are the central bankers, the solution is to remove them from our bodies. Nothing else has worked, nothing else will work.

Spain Officially under Brussels Rule

By requesting a financial bailout of its banking system and accepting all measures recommended by Brussels, Spain has effectively walked into the wolf’s den.


The reaction to Spain’s decision to accept a financial bailout for its banking system had immediate reactions everywhere in that country and abroad. First, the decision to request over $100 billion dollars to Brussels to rescue what the country’s Prime Minister says is 30 percent of the banks caused the collapse of the stock market. Second, by the mid afternoon, the adoption of new rules from the European bankers caused Moody’s to downgrade 28 Spanish banks and left Spain’s credit rating just above junk status. Third, The European Union will, as it did with other countries that were rescued, assumed complete power of the budgetary policy of the Spanish government.

On Thursday, European finance ministers will meet to discuss the details of the latest European rescue which implies that Spain will have to adopt every single recommendations originated in Brussels. Any violation to such rules will consequently bring harsh penalties against the peninsular nation. Another issue that will be discussed on Thursday and Friday will be the guidelines that the European government will give each nation that requested a bailout in regards to the supervision that the euro zone leaders will exercise over the banking system and the amount that each government will spend, how and when they will spend it.

Now that Spain is in the bag, European leaders like Herman Van Rompuy, Jose Manuel Barroso, Jean-Claude Juncker and Mario Draghi are proposing to establish a system where there is complete centralized control over the financial sector in each of the countries which will include the economic and budgetary matters. In Spain, economists and TV commentators are already analysing the implications of such a decision, since Spain has no longer anything to say about what is done with its finances. The Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said on national television that new and more difficult measures are still to come. Those measures include a 10 percent increase in the sales taxes, which will reach 18 percent. This increase is surely to affect the prices and food and other basic needs.

After the increase in the sales tax or IVA, Spain will have to ‘reform’ its pension system, which will mean that Brussels will also take control over the retirement of millions of Spanish people. Those who have contributed into the retirement system, will have to retire later and take a significant haircut to their benefits once they decide to stop working. That is if they receive any retirement benefits at all. Additionally, the government will also propose a cut in the salaries it pays to workers in the public sector and a considerable reduction in the number of people it will employ once Brussels recommendations are effective.

Although the details of Spain’s bailout are not fully disclosed to the public or the media, leaks provided to some economists in that country detail that the country will have to take care of the bankers’ debt for at least the next quarter of a century while paying an interest rate of between 3 and 5 percent. Spain’s incapacity to meet its obligations was the caused cited by Moody’s for its most recent downgrade, Meanwhile, and as a consequence of such downgrade, Spain will have to continue paying higher interest rates at bond auctions. This situation would get even worse of Spain needed another financial bailout in the near future.

French junior budget minister Jerome Cahuzac, one of the people who meets today with the rest of his European colleagues to work out the details of Brussels meeting on Thursday, has said that it is only fair that Spain also submits its sovereignty just as his own country and many others in the euro zone have done it as a condition to receive so-called rescue packages. “This is what we are talking about, budget solidarity in Europe which implies that not only that the French budget, but also the German, Italian and Spanish budgets be subjected to a review by all our partners,” Cahuzac said.

As we reported yesterday, Spain is now finalizing a memorandum of understanding which will be presented before the Eurogroup on July 9, where the final decisions will be made by the 17 finance ministers who work on behalf of the European bankers. The Spanish economy minister explained that the money loaned to Spain will be managed through the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB), which is supposed to be a state-backed cashier, but that in reality is a banker-controlled window that dictates where will the funds recently requested by Spain will be directed.

As it has happened throughout Europe, most of the measures adopted by governments to supposedly deal with the economic crisis have only tightened the belt of the working class, the people who always take on the heaviest burden when banks decide to collapse a country’s financial and economic system. In the case of Spain, as we have said, the financial rescue of its banks means prices going through the roof, later retirement, less or no retirement benefits, a reduction in the purchasing power for the middle and lower classes and a perpetual state of indebtedness for the next 2 or 3 generations of Spanish people, who will have to work all of their lives to pay the debt incurred into by the Spanish banking system.

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