9/11: The Controlled Demolition of America


While remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families and anyone who directly suffered from the terrible events of that day, I realized that the attacks went far beyond demolishing 3 buildings. They demolished a whole country.

It takes time to find the truth when the world is governed by lies. It takes time to heal when the truth is hidden from the public and people are too afraid of what truth may reveal, so they choose to avoid it or discount it.

The worst tragedy of 9/11 is that more than a decade after the terror attacks that killed thousands of people in New York, Washington, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world, there are those who still refuse to accept reality for what it is.

Finding and understanding truth is easier if the facts are explained through tangible, real and countable means.

When deception — from government or anywhere else — is rampant, Science is one of the best instruments to combat it. Science is the worst enemy of those who seek to hide the truth or to deceive the people.

May science and the hard work of thousands of people who dedicate their lives to uncover government lies and deception help those who still can’t see.

Support the dedicated work of Architect, Richard Gage, AIA, and 1,600 Architects and Engineers. — Show the DVD to your friends and family so they know the pretext for 2 wars is based on a LIE!

New York’s Mandatory Sex Education Curriculum Includes Porn and Bestiality

October 24, 2011

Details about the new sex education curriculum in New York City public schools are out — and some are concerned the lessons are too racy.

The New York Post obtained workbooks that will be used for the new recommended curriculum, which begins in middle schools and high schools around the city next spring. Parents, they say, may be shocked by details of the work.

Middle school students will be assigned “risk cards” that rate the safety of different activities, the paper says, from French kissing to oral sex.

The workbooks for older students direct them to a website run by Columbia University, which explores topics such as sexual positions, porn stars, and bestiality. The lessons explain risky sexual behavior and suggest students go to stores to jot condom brands and prices.

The Department of Education says the curriculum “stresses that abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy and STD/HIV” and reminded the Post that parents have the option to exclude their kids from lessons on “methods of prevention.”

When given details of the new programs, one Manhattan mom — who has a child in middle-school — was surprised.

“I didn’t know how much detail they would get,” she said.

In August, Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs commended the return of mandatory sex ed, saying the DOE wants to give students the correct information about sexual activity if they do choose to engage in it.

“We want to help kids to delay the onset of sexual activity, and if they choose to engage in sexual activity, to do it in a healthy way,” she said.

The classes will be coeducational, and can be incorporated into existing health education courses.

Um Novo Reichstag norte-americano Está Chegando

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
18 agosto de 2011

Isso é o que os comentários do governo dos Estados Unidos parecem sugerir. Algumas semanas atrás, informamos sobre como um vídeo do Departmento de Seguranca Nacional(DHS) incitava o medo sobre os terroristas brancos de Al-Qaeda. Apenas um dia após a publicação, Anders Breivik explodiu um prédio do governo em Oslo, Noruega.

O governo dos EUA está pregando a idéia de que um novo ataque ao estilo de Oklahoma City está chegando.

Depois de Oslo, o mesmo Departamento de Segurança Nacional lançou um anúncio em que os suspeitos são, mais uma vez, cidadãos brancos. O Americano branco é uma ameaça. De alguma forma o Governo dos Estados Unidos encontrou uma maneira de mover a ameaça dos fundamentalistas islâmicos aos cidadãos que apoiam o constitucionalismo.

No anúncio, o DHS mostra “rostos brancos” e pede ao mesmo tempo um alto grau de vigilância do público para reportar qualquer atividade “suspeita” ou “incomum”. Como antes, não existe uma definição clara de atividade “suspeita” ou “fora do comum”. Esta técnica, como já relatado anteriormente, é uma operação psicológica para fomentar o medo e a desconfiança do público, não só para aceitar a mensagem do governo, mas para que o público espie nos seus vizinhos e membros da família e acusem seu questionamento das políticas governamentais.

No passado, o infame Partido Nazista, liderado por Adolf Hitler, usou a falsa ameaça de uma força estrangeira que planejava atacar a Alemanha a fim de que o público aceitasse a sua tomada do poder, a qual terminou com a morte de judeus, cristãos e qualquer outro membro de grupos que se opunham a suas políticas. Hitler só não conseguiu amassar poder em toda Europa e o mundo, porque os seus controladores já tinham alcançado seu objetivo de criar o movimento que produziu o conflito entre Hitler e as forças militares estrangeiras.

A ameaça de um ataque no estilo “lobo solitário” como aconteceu em Oklahoma City é então a solução para salvar a presidência. Se você acha que isso é loucura, confira este artigo no Financial Times de Londres, onde Robert Shapiro, ex-conselheiro da Casa Branca com Bill Clinton sugere que a menos que um ataque terrorista aconteça, a administração Obama está fadada ao fracasso. Devemos acrescentar a própria avaliação de Barack Obama, incluindo seu pensamento de que os EUA poderia absorver um novo ataque terrorista da magnitude do 11 de setembro.

Ontem, Barack Obama reforçou ainda mais a alegada ameaça de terrorismo doméstico durante uma entrevista na CNN. Em resposta a um comentário de Wolf Blitzer, Obama identificou a possibilidade de que uma pessoa possa causar um grande ataque terrorista. “Estamos em alerta e monitorando constantemente a ameaça de um ataque terrorista … O risco está sempre lá … O risco que nos interessa agora é um ataque estilo “lobo solitário”, uma única pessoa com uma arma, alguém que é capaz de realizar o tipo de ataque que vimos recentemente na Noruega.” Obama mentiu mais uma vez, porque já foi demonstrado que Anders Breivik não agiu sozinho. Na verdade, inclusive a mídia corporativa informou que Breivik chamou a polícia para se render antes de realizar os ataques.

Alguns dias atrás, o escritor do New York Times, Paul Krugman, sugeriu que os EUA se beneficiaria muito se uma nova ameaça, como uma invasão alienígena acontecesse porque permitiria que o governo lançasse uma nova guerra, e assim, reviver a economia. Esta linha de pensamento seria engraçada se não fosse porque o que sugere Krugman é exatamente o programa realizado durante a Primeira e Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após a crise econômica, os Globalistas decidiram enfrentar as nações umas contra as outras para esconder a verdadeira razão da crise e estimular a produção de máquinas de guerra, criar empregos no complexo militar-industrial e começar do zero após o fim da guerra. Mas a que custo humano?

O que faz o novo anúncio DHS significa?

Continuando onde tinham deixado no seu discurso há algumas semanas, o Departamento de Segurança Nacional, dirigido pela Secretária Janet Napolitano, continua sua campanha de alarmismo para que as pessoas aceitem o grande ataque terrorista e as medidas de Estado Policia que virão.

No vídeo, o DHS mostra um homem branco e jovem dirigindo um táxi. Ele para na frente do que parece ser uma estação de ônibus ou trem, abre o porta-malas do táxi e ativa o que parece ser um dispositivo explosivo. Ao mesmo tempo, dois passageiros dentro da estação vêem uma mulher de aparência suspeita caminhando pela estação. E adivinhem? Ela é branca, também. Um homem branco que observa o motorista do táxi, em seguida, aparece conversando com um policial em uma suposta tentativa de avisar sobre as atividades suspeitas.

O que podemos deduzir? Quando você olha em mais de uma dimensão, é claro que mais uma vez, o DHS pretende retratar brancos como pessoas perigosas, especialmente a classe média branca. Para entender este truque, conecte o anúncio para a atual situação financeira, onde os mais afetados são em sua maioria de classe média e os pobres (taxistas e passageiros de transporte público) quem foram roubados do seu futuro. Em todo o mundo, é a classe média e os pobres que estão se levantando contra a tentativa dos Globalistas de consolidar ainda mais o poder econômico e militar. Após que Anders Breivik supostamente atacara o prédio federal em Oslo, as autoridades reforçaram a segurança na capital e outras cidades na Noruega. Após os motins em Londres, em um outro esquema Problema, Reação, Solução, um grupo de criminosos atacou negócios e residências. O governo britânico decidiu usar a tecnologia de reconhecimento facial nas ruas para digitalizar e armazenar imagens de qualquer pessoa que “agir de forma suspeita.” Antes dos ataques, a polícia deixou os saqueadores fazer o que queriam e agora querem fazer coletar imagens dos rostos de aqueles que eles achem suspeitos.

Voltando para EUA a mídia prostituta está ecoando o discurso de Obama sobre a ameaça de um ataque estilo “lobo solitário”. Na terça-feira, CBS disse que o próximo ataque não viria de terroristas islâmicos, mas um membro do movimento de “cidadãos soberanos” nos Estados Unidos, ou cidadãos que estão exigindo o fim da Reserva Federal, as guerras, a recuperação econômica, a adoção de políticas fiscais e monetárias sanas e o fim da intervenção e manutenção do império americano. A julgar pelas pesquisas recentes, este grupo de pessoas sendo agora rotulado como “perigoso” pelo governo federal, inclui uma minoria poderosa que está armado e pronta para defender seu direito à liberdade de expressão, a possuir e portar armas para se proteger e suas famílias do aumento do crime, o seu direito ao protesto público contra as políticas do governo, etc. O grupo identificado por agências como o FBI como “perigoso” também inclui qualquer um que apoia o candidato presidencial Ron Paul, que está liderando a maioria das pesquisas de intenção de voto, e qualquer um ou qualquer coisa que cheira a Constitucionalismo.

Naturalmente, o governo sabe que não é necessaria uma maioria para retornar o governo de volta para as pessoas, mas uma minoria bem educada e armada para expulsar os invasores que tomaram o governo dos Estados Unidos da América, bem como todos os outros países do mundo ocidental. É por isso que o governo está avançando discretamente iniciativas para proibir o direito constitucional de possuir armas e realizam operações em feiras de armas e invadem propriedade privada em busca de armas de fogo legalmente possuídas. O próprio Obama é um protetor falso do direito de estar armado. Também sao Rick Perry, e Mitt Romney. Em abril, o jornal Star-Tribune informou que o FBI está espionando os cidadãos em Wyoming para monitorar o uso de armas de fogo. A agente do FBI Kathy Wright disse que “o escritório tem mantido um olho sobre o movimento, porque alguns soberanos acreditam na ilegitimidade do sistema atual e podem agir violentamente contra ele.”

O que poderia resultar de uma situação em que uma sociedade desarmada é incapaz de proteger-se de crime e o abuso do governo? Peca uma explicação para as famílias de pessoas que sobreviveram as atrocidades nazistas, pergunte ao povo de Oklahoma City, os alunos da Virginia Tech, o povo de Nova York e, mais recentemente, na Noruega. O que poderia resultar de uma sociedade educada que livremente têm armas de fogo para se defender? Peca uma opinião aos cidadãos da Suíça e Texas.


Is a New American Reichstag in the Works?

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
August 17, 2011

That is what chatter coming from the United States government seems to suggest. A few weeks ago, we reported on how a video from the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) incited fear of ‘white Al-Qaeda’ terrorists and just a day after publication, Anders Breivik blew up a government building in Oslo, Norway.

The U.S. government is preaching the idea that a new Oklahoma City style attack is coming.

Since Oslo, the very same Department of Homeland Security has put out a new Public Service Announcement where they go at it again. The white American is the threat. Somehow the U.S. Government found a way to move the threat from Islamic fundamentalists to Americans who support Constitutionalism.

In the new ad, DHS presents new ‘white faces’ while calling for a high state of vigilance from the part of the citizenry to report any ‘suspicious’ or ‘out of the ordinary’ activity. As in previous occasions, no clear definition of ‘suspicious’ or ‘out of the ordinary’ is given. This technique, as we reported before, is a psychological operation to instigate fear and distrust on the public so that they not only accept the government’s message of fear, but also turn against their neighbors and family members and tattle tale about their questioning of government policies.

Back in the days of the infamous Nazi party, Adolf Hitler used the false threat of a foreign force planning to attack Germany in order to push the public to accept his insane power grab, that ended in the death of Jews, Christians, and any other members of groups that opposed his policies. Hitler only failed on his attempt to take over Europe and the world, because his handlers had already achieved their goal to ramp up the war movement by playing Hitler against other military forces.

The threat of a ‘lone wolf’ style terror attack in the United States then is the solution to save the drastically faded Obama presidency. If you think this is insane, take a look at this article on the Financial Times of London, where Robert Shapiro, a former White House aide to Bill Clinton suggested that barring a terror attack, the Obama administration was doomed. We must add to this Barack Obama’s own assessment which included his thought that the United States could absorb another terror attack of the size of 9/11.

Yesterday, Barack Obama came out to reinforce even more the supposed threat of homegrown terrorism during an interview on CNN. While responding to a comment from Wolf Blitzer, Obama identified the possibility that a single person could cause a major terror attack. “We are vigilant and constantly monitoring the threat of a terrorist attack… The risk is always there… The risk we are concerned now is the ‘lone wolf’ threat, a single person with a weapon, someone being able to carry out the type of massacre we saw in Norway recently.” Of course, it has been proven that Anders Breivik did not act alone. In fact, even main stream media reports confirm that Breivik called police several times to turn himself in before the attacks.

A couple of days ago, New York Times writer Paul Krugman came out and suggested the United States would benefit greatly if a new threat such as the invasion of aliens happened because it would allow the government to launch wars and therefore revive the economy. This train of thought would be funny if it wasn’t because what Krugman suggested was exactly the agenda carried out in World Wars I and II. Upon the evident economic crisis, the Globalists decided to play nations against nations in order to spur manufacturing of war machinery, create jobs within the military industrial complex and start fresh again after the wars were over. But at what human cost?

What does the new DHS Ad say?

Picking up where they left off a few weeks ago, the Department of Homeland Security headed by Secretary Janet Napolitano, continues its fear mongering campaign to get people to accept the next big terrorist attack and the Police State measures that will stem from it.

In the video, DHS shows a white young man driving a cab. He stops by what seems to be a bus or train station, opens the trunk of the cab and activates what appears to be an explosive device. At the same time, two passengers inside the station see a suspicious looking woman walking inside the station as she flies by them. And guess what, she’s white, too. A white man who observes the white taxi driver walking away from the cab is then shown talking to a police officer in a supposed attempt to denounce the suspicious activity.

What can we get from this? When looked at it in more than one dimension, it is clear that once again the DHS intends to portray whites as dangerous, especially white middle class people. In order to understand this trick, one needs to connect the ad to the current financial situation, where mostly middle class and the poor (taxi drivers and public transportation users) are being robbed of their future. Everywhere in the world, it is the middle and poor class the ones rising up against the Globalist attempt to further consolidate economic and military power. After Anders Breivik allegedly attacked the federal building in Oslo, authorities beefed up security in the capital and other cities in Norway. After the last riots in London, in another Problem, Reaction, Solution scheme, a crowd of criminals attacked local businesses and homes. The British government decided to use face recognition technology on the streets to scan and store imagery from anyone who “may be or act suspicious”. Previous to the attacks, police stood down and let the looters do whatever they wanted and now they want to scan everyone’s faces.

Back in the United States the corporate prostitute media continues to eco Obama’s speech about the threat of a ‘lone wolf’ attack. On Tuesday, CBS News said the next attack would not come from Islamic terrorists, but from a member of the “Sovereign Citizen” movement in the United States, that is everyone calling for the end of the Federal Reserve, the end of the wars, the reactivation of the economy, the adoption of sound fiscal and monetary policies and the end of interventionism and empire building. Going by the recent polls, this group of people now labeled as “dangerous” by the federal government, includes a powerful minority who is armed and ready to defend their rights to speak freely, own and carry weapons to protect themselves and their families from rising crime, public protest against insane government policies and anyone who supports Ron Paul and anyone and anything that smells like Constitutionalism.

Naturally, the government knows that it does not take a majority to get the government back to the people, but a really well-educated and armed minority to eject the current invaders who occupy the United States of America, or for that matter every other country in the western world. That is why the government continues to move initiatives to discretely ban the second amendment carrying out stings in gun shows and invading private property to look for legally held fire arms. Obama himself is an “in the closet” gun grabber. So are Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. In April, the newspaper the Star-Tribune reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is spying on citizens in Wyoming to keep tabs on their use of fire arms. FBI agent Kathy Wright said that “the bureau has kept an eye on the movement because some sovereigns have taken the logical step from belief in the illegitimacy of the current system to acting violently against it.”

What could come from a situation where a disarmed society is unable to protect itself from crime and the abuses of government? Ask relatives of people who survived the Nazi atrocities, ask the people of Oklahoma City, the people from Virginia Tech, from New York, and more recently from Norway. What could stem from an educated society that freely carries fire arms to defend itself? Ask the citizens of Switzerland and Texas.

Salmonella Outbreak: Cargill recalls Turkey Meat

36 million pounds of Turkey meat, to be exact. Some 50 million Americans get sick every year from food poisoning.

Associated Press
August 4, 2011

Meat giant Cargill is recalling 36 million pounds of ground turkey linked to a nationwide salmonella outbreak that has killed one person in California and sickened at least 76 others.

Illnesses in the outbreak date back to March and have been reported in 26 states coast to coast.

Cargill said Wednesday that it is recalling fresh and frozen ground turkey products produced at the company’s Springdale, Ark., plant from Feb. 20 through Aug. 2 due to possible contamination from the strain of salmonella linked to the illnesses.

Company officials said that all ground turkey production has been suspended at the plant until the company is able to determine the source of the outbreak.

“Given our concern for what has happened, and our desire to do what is right for our consumers and customers, we are voluntarily removing our ground turkey products from the marketplace,” said Steve Willardsen, president of Cargill’s turkey processing business.

The Minnesota-based company said it was initiating the recall after its own internal investigation, an Agriculture Department investigation and information about the illnesses released by the CDC this week.

All of the packages recalled include the code “Est. P-963” on the label, according to Cargill. The packages were labeled with many different brands, including Cargill’s Honeysuckle White.

The CDC said this week that cultures of ground turkey from four retail locations between March 7 and June 27 showed contamination with the same strain of salmonella, though those samples had not been specifically linked to the illnesses. The CDC said preliminary information showed that three of those samples were linked to the same production establishment, but it did not name that plant.

A chart on the CDC’s website shows cases have occurred every month since early March, with spikes in May and early June. The latest reported cases were in mid-July, although the CDC said some recent cases may not have been reported yet.

The CDC said the strain is resistant to many commonly prescribed antibiotics, which can make treatment more difficult. The agency said 38 percent of those sickened were hospitalized.

The states with the highest number sickened were Michigan and Ohio, 10 illnesses each, while nine illnesses were reported in Texas. Illinois had seven, California six and Pennsylvania five.

The remaining states have between one and three reported illnesses linked to the outbreak, according to the CDC: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

The CDC estimates that 50 million Americans each year get sick from food poisoning, including about 3,000 who die. Salmonella causes most of these cases and federal health officials say they’ve made virtually no progress against it.

Government officials say that even contaminated ground turkey is safe to eat if it is cooked to 165 degrees. But it’s also important that raw meat be handled properly before it is cooked and that people wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling the meat. Turkey and other meats should also be properly refrigerated or frozen and leftovers heated.

The most common symptoms of salmonella are diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever within eight hours to 72 hours of eating a contaminated product. It can be life-threatening to some with weakened immune systems.

Cargill executive Willardsen said, “Public health and the safety of consumers cannot be compromised.”

“It is regrettable that people may have become ill from eating one of our ground turkey products,” he said, “and, for anyone who did, we are truly sorry.”

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