China: The New Bin Laden

Paul Craig Roberts
May 12, 2011

George Orwell, the pen name by which Eric Blair is known, had the gift of prophecy, or else blind luck. In 1949 in his novel, 1984, he described the Amerika of today and, I fear, also his native Great Britain, which is no longer great and follows Washington, licking the jackboot and submitting to Washington’s hegemony over England and Europe and exhausting itself financially and morally in order to support Amerikan hegemony over the rest of the world.

In Orwell’s prophecy, Big Brother’s government rules over unquestioning people, incapable of independent thought, who are constantly spied upon. In 1949 there was no Internet, Facebook, twitter, GPS, etc. Big Brother’s spying was done through cameras and microphones in public areas, as in England today, and through television equipped with surveillance devices in homes. As everyone thought what the government intended for them to think, it was easy to identify the few who had suspicions.

Fear and war were used to keep everyone in line, but not even Orwell anticipated Homeland Security feeling up the genitals of air travelers and shopping center customers. Every day in people’s lives, there came over the TV the Two Minutes of Hate. An image of Emmanuel Goldstein, a propaganda creation of the Ministry of Truth, who is designated as Oceania’s Number One Enemy, appeared on the screen. Goldstein was the non-existent “enemy of the state” whose non-existent organization, “The Brotherhood,” was Oceania’s terrorist enemy. The Goldstein Threat justified the “Homeland Security” that violated all known Rights of Englishmen and kept Oceania’s subjects “safe.”

Since 9/11, with some diversions into Sheik Mohammed and Mohamed Atta, the two rivals to bin Laden as the “Mastermind of 9/11,” Osama bin Laden has played the 21st century roll of Emmanuel Goldstein. Now that the Obama Regime has announced the murder of the modern-day Goldstein, a new demon must be constructed before Oceania’s wars run out of justifications.

Hillary Clinton, the low-grade moron who is US Secretary of State, is busy at work making China the new enemy of Oceania. China is Amerika’s largest creditor, but this did not inhibit the idiot Hilary from, this week in front of high Chinese officials, denouncing China for “human rights violations” and for the absence of democracy.

While Hilary was enjoying her rant and displaying unspeakable Amerkan hypocrisy, Homeland Security thugs had organized local police and sheriffs in a small town that is the home of Western Illinois University and set upon peaceful students who were enjoying their annual street party. There was no rioting, no property damage, but the riot police or Homeland Security SWAT teams showed up with sound cannons, gassed the students and beat them.

Indeed, if anyone pays any attention to what is happening in Amerika today, a militarized police and Homeland Security are destroying constitutional rights of peaceful assembly, protest, and free speech.

For practical purposes, the U.S. Constitution no longer exists. The police can beat, taser, abuse, and falsely arrest American citizens and experience no adverse consequences.

The executive branch of the federal government, to whom we used to look to protect us from abuses at the state and local level, acquired the right under the Bush regime to ignore both US and international law, along with the US Constitution and the constitutional powers of Congress and the judiciary. As long as there is a “state of war,” such as the open-ended “war on terror,” the executive branch is higher than the law and is unaccountable to law. Amerika is not a democracy, but a country ruled by an executive branch Caesar.

Hillary, of course, like the rest of the U.S. Government, is scared by the recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) report that China will be the most powerful economy in five years.

Just as the military/security complex pressured President John F. Kennedy to start a war with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missile crisis while the US still had the nuclear advantage, Hillary is now moving China into the role of Emmanuel Goldstein. Hate has to be mobilized, before Washington can move the ignorant patriotic masses to war.

How can Oceania continue if the declared enemy, Osama bin Laden, is dead. Big Brother must immediately invent another “enemy of the people.”

But Hillary, being a total idiot, has chosen a country that has other than military weapons. While the Amerikans support “dissidents” in China, who are sufficiently stupid to believe that democracy exists in Amerika, the insulted Chinese government sits on $2 trillion in US dollar-denominated assets that can be dumped, thus destroying the US dollar’s exchange value and the dollar as reserve currency, the main source of US power.

Hillary, in an unprecedented act of hypocrisy, denounced China for “human rights violations.” This from a country that has violated the human rights of millions of victims in our own time in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, secret CIA prisons dotted all over the planet, in US courts of law, and in the arrests and seizure of documents of American war protestors. There is no worst violator of human rights on the planet than the US government, and the world knows it.

The hubris and arrogance of US policymakers, and the lies that they inculcate in the American public, have exposed Washington to war with the most populous country on earth, a country that has a military alliance with Russia, which has sufficient nuclear weapons to wipe out all life on earth. The scared idiots in Washington are desperate to set up China as the new Osama bin Laden, the figure of two minutes of hate every news hour, so that the World’s Only Superpower can take out the Chinese before they surpass the US as the Number One Power.

No country on earth has a less responsible government and a less accountable government than the Americans. However, Americans will defend their own oppression, and that of the world, to the bitter end.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

Prueba de ADN no es concluyente en caso Bin Laden

Análisis de ADN solo puede determinar que la persona muerta es uno de los muchos hijos del padre de Osama Bin Laden, pero no que era Osama Bin Laden.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
03 de mayo 2011

Stephen Quake, profesor del Instituto de Física Aplicada y de bioingeniería en la Universidad de Stanford, dice que, dado el hecho que el gobierno no probablemente no tenía el ADN de Bin Laden antes de su supuesta captura, funcionarios forenses sólo pueden contar con un solo elemento de al tratar de probar su identidad: el ADN de un hermano. A pesar de que esto definitivamente ayudaría a establecer una relación entre Bin Laden y sus familiares, no es prueba suficiente cuando se trata de absolutamente comprobar que la persona asesinada en Islamabad era Bin Laden.

Votos de censura se han escuchado en todo el mundo después de que Barack Obama, afirmó que Estados Unidos había encontrado a Bin Laden y que soldados le habían disparado en la cabeza. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos, entonces procedió a decir que el cuerpo había sido enterrado 24 horas después del incidente, como se acostumbra en las prácticas islámicas. Sin embargo, los eruditos egipcios han negado este hecho y han dicho que muy por el contrario, los entierros hechos en el mar están en contradicción con las leyes islámicas. “Se trata de un humillante desprecio por la norma práctica musulmana de colocar el cuerpo en una tumba con la cabeza apuntando hacia la ciudad santa de Meca.” Esta declaración coincide con testimonios anteriores de que Bin Laden ha estado muerto por un periódo de por lo menos 9 años, y según las costumbres Islámicas, enterrado como se ha descrito por los estudiosos.

Prueba de ADN

“No es una ciencia exacta. El ADN se utilizó para demostrar que Thomas Jefferson estaba relacionado con los descendientes de su antigua esclava, Sally Hemings. En este caso el cromosoma Y, que se transmite con muy poco cambio de padres a hijos durante generaciones, se utilizó. Pero todo lo que el ADN indicó fue que los descendientes del tío paterno de Jefferson tenían el mismo cromosoma Y como los descendientes de la línea de Eston Hemings, el hijo menor de Sally Hemings. La investigación nunca podría haber apuntado a Jefferson individualmente con total exactitud “. - National Journal

La falta de evidencia ha aumentado las llamadas de los lectores y varios medios de comunicación alternativa para que el gobierno de Estados Unidos muestre prueba fidedigna de que era Osama Bin Laden quien fue muerto a tiros en un complejo habitacional en Islamabad el fín de semana pasado. Las únicas supuestas pruebas llegaron en forma de fotos falsas que han sido “retocadas” con software de edición de imágenes. Era una vieja foto de Bin Laden a la que el “doctor” había añadido la sangre, las cicatrices y de la que se había quitado el turbante de Osama.

Esta publicación ha exigido una prueba concluyente de que Bin Laden fue el hombre que murió en Islamabad el fin de semana, mientras que los principales medios de comunicación solo se han postrado ante Barack Obama y el gobierno de EE.UU. en una interminable alabanza por la operación militar que se supone que terminó en el asesinato de un de los hombres más difíciles de encontrar de la historia. Lo que el gobierno no ha dejado de hacer, es instigar el miedo en el público con el aumento gradual de seguridad en los aeropuertos, estaciones de tren y puntos de referencia importantes alrededor de los Estados Unidos, alegando que un ataque puede ser inminente. Al igual que en el caso de la muerte de Bin Laden, Estados Unidos no ha mostrado ninguna prueba de ello.


No ha tomado mucho tiempo antes de que el gobierno saliera a corregir la información errónea difundida por sus propios funcionarios. La Casa Blanca corrigió rápidamente su relato de cómo la operación se llevó a cabo en primer lugar. A pesar de que los altos funcionarios de EE.UU. dijeron que Osama tenía armas y que las había utilizado durante la lucha contra los norteamericanos, esa versión ha sido “corregida” en las últimas horas. El Asesor Adjunto de Seguridad Nacional, John Brennan, dijo que Bin Laden participó en la lucha junto con otros residentes de Abbottabad, Pakistán, y que esta lucha se prolongó durante unos 40 minutos. “Él [bin Laden] fue acorralado y participo en un tiroteo con los que entraron en la zona de la casa en la que se encontraba. Si él disparó algún tiro, yo francamente no lo sé”, dijo Brenan.

En una rueda de prensa del Pentágono a principios de ayer, un alto funcionario de defensa dijo que Bin Laden utilizó una mujer como escudo y disparó mientras la sostenía frente a él. “Estaba disparando a sus espaldas”, dijo el funcionario. Durante una segunda conferencia de prensa, fuera del alcance de las cámaras, otro alto funcionario de la Casa Blanca, dijo que Osama Bin Laden no tenía un arma cuando fue baleado por el equipo de asalto de EE.UU. al entrar en su recinto. En otra reunión de información para las cámaras de televisión, otro funcionario de la Casa Blanca dijo: “No estoy al tanto de él tuviera un arma. Lo más importante es el equipo que entró en esa habitación encontró resistencia y tomó las medidas adecuadas”, afirmó..

Teniendo en cuenta este esquema de él dijo, ella dijo, la Casa Blanca evitó la tentación de hacer más declaraciones sobre la supuesta resistencia de Bin Laden o cualquier otro detalle sobre la operación. Anteriormente, un funcionario había dicho que Bin Laden había recibido dos disparos. Uno de los disparos, según él, fue en la cabeza, y otro en el pecho.

“La esposa de un tipo diferente fue asesinado”, dijo un funcionario a los periodistas el lunes por la noche. Agregó que la esposa de Osama había sido “herido pero no muerta.”

DNA proof of identity not conclusive in Bin Laden’s case

DNA analysis will say for sure is that the dead person is one of the many sons of Osama bin Laden’s father, but not that it was Osama Bin Laden.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 3, 2011

Stephen Quake, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor of applied physics and bioengineering at Stanford University, says that given the fact the government was not likely to have Osama Bin Laden’s DNA previous to his supposed capture, forensic officials can only count on one single element to try to prove his identity: a sibling’s DNA. Although this would definitely help to match Bin Laden’s DNA with that of his father’s or his siblings, it is not enough proof when it comes absolutely believing it was Bin Laden who they caught in Islamabad.

Votes of no confidence have been heard all over the world after Barack Obama claimed Bin Laden had been found and shot on the head at his direction. The government of the United States then proceeded to say the body had been disposed of within 24 hours of the incident, as it is established in Islamic practices. However, Egyptian scholars have denied this and have also said that much to the contrary, sea burials contradict Islamic laws. “It is a humiliating disregard for the standard Muslim practice of placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.” This statement concurs with previous accounts of Bin Laden being dead already for at least 9 years according to Islamic law, and buried as described by the scholars.

“It is not an exact science, however. DNA was used to establish that Thomas Jefferson was related to the descendants of his former slave, Sally Hemings. In that case the Y chromosome, which is passed down with very little change from father to son over the generations, was used. But all that the DNA indicated in the end was that descendants of Jefferson’s paternal uncle have the same Y chromosome as a male-line descendant of Eston Hemings, the youngest son of Sally Hemings. The research could never finger Jefferson individually with complete accuracy.”  – National Journal

The lack of hard evidence has ignited calls by readers and several alternative news media for the United States government to show credible proof that it was Osama Bin Laden who was shot and killed in a house compound in Islamabad last weekend. The only alleged proof came in the form of a fake photo that had been ‘doctored’ with image editing software. It was an old photo of Bin Laden to which the ‘doctor’ had added blood, scars and from which it had taken off Osama’s  turban.

This publication has demanded conclusive proof that it was Bin Laden the man killed in Islamabad over the weekend before, while the main stream media have all but prostrated itself to praise Barack Obama and the U.S. government for the supposed operation that ended in the killing of one of the most elusive men in history. What the government has not failed to do, is to instigate fear on the public by ramping up security at airports, train stations and important landmarks around the United States, claiming an attack may be imminent. As in the case of Bin Laden’s death, it has shown no proof of it.


It has not taken too long before the government came out to correct inaccurate information put out by its own officials. The White House its account of how the operation was conducted in the first place. Although senior U.S. officials that the said Osama had weapons and used them during the fire fight inside his compound, that version has been ‘corrected’ in the last few hours. Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan said bin Laden participated in the fight along with other residents of Abbottabad, Pakistan, and that this fight went on for about 40 minutes. “He [bin Laden] was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in. And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don’t know,” said Brenan.

A Pentagon briefing early on yesterday, a senior defense official said bin Laden used a woman as a shield and fired shots while holding it in front of him. “He was firing behind her,” the official said. During a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters, another senior White House official said Osama Bin Laden did not possessed a weapon when he was shot by the U.S. team that enter his compound. In another briefing for television cameras another White House official said, “I’m not aware of him having a weapon.” “The bottom line is the team that entered that room was met with resistance and took appropriate action,” said a third American official.

Given all this he said, she said, The White House resisted the temptation to make any more statements regarding Bin Laden’s supposed resistance or any other details about the operation. Previously, an official had said Bin Laden had been shot twice. One of the shots, according to him, was delivered to his head, and another one to his chest.

“A different guy’s wife was killed,” said an official to reporters on Monday night. He added that Osama’s wife had been “injured but not killed.”

Gobierno de Estados Unidos: Históricamente Patológicamente Mentiroso

¿Se puede creer alguna cosa que sale de la boca de cualquier funcionario del gobierno de EE.UU.? Sólo un público crédulo podría.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Mayo 2, 2011

Este artículo sería un artículo de opinión si no fuera porque hay tantas pruebas de que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha mentido históricamente para construir el Imperio que ahora está colapsando. No es necesario justificar por qué hay tanta gente que no confía en nada de lo que dice el gobierno norteamericano, porque la historia es testigo fiel que los gobiernos mienten cuando tienen que hacerlo, usan el miedo cuando sus mentiras no funcionan, y el asesinato cuando el miedo ya no es eficaz.

Ayer domingo, el presidente Barack Obama interrumpió la programación regular de la televisión para anunciar la muerte de Osama Bin Laden, el fantasma que había escapado de las agencias de inteligencia militares durante una década. Obama no sólo tomó crédito por la muerte de Bin Laden, sino que también habló con arrogancia como si tuviéramos que tomar su palabra como verdadera. El anuncio se produjo en un momento sospechosamente conveniente, justo cuando Obama lo necesitaba más, pues su popularidad es la más baja desde que inició como presidente.

Así que la pregunta es, ¿podemos creerle al gobierno de los Estados Unidos? Sólo el público crédulo y podría. Sólo la minoría que aún cree que el gobierno es bueno, honesto y directo con el pueblo tiene el coraje de creer cualquier versión oficial de los hechos. Sólo los hombres y mujeres que tienen miedo de aprender los hechos y que dependen de los medios de comunicación tradicionales podrían.

El resto de nosotros sabemos mejor. El resto de nosotros, la mayoría, sabemos que cuando el gobierno controla la información que ve la luz, no hay ninguna posibilidad de esperar la verdad. Cuando el gobierno es el juez, jurado y verdugo, como sucede a menudo, no hay lugar para la confianza.

Las mentiras del gobierno norteamericano abundan y han manchado la historia por décadas. Desde el Golfo de Tonkín a la Bahía de Cochinos. De la excusa de las armas de destrucción masiva, a Al-CIA-eda. De Bin Laden a la guerra contra el terrorismo.

Un país y un gobierno que permite que su presidente (John F. Kennedy) sea asesinado en plena luz del día por el bien de la construcción del imperio no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que lleva a cabo ataques de falsa bandera (Gulfo de Tonkin) sobre sus propias tropas para llevar al país a la guerra no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que crea el boogie-men (Bin Laden) para aterrorizar a su propio pueblo y el mundo, no tiene ninguna credibilidad.

Un gobierno que asesina a un millón de personas (Iraq 1991 y Iraq 2003) en un solo país durante dos guerras, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que conduce experimentos con sus propios ciudadanos (Tuskegee) y los de otros países (Guatemala), no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que invade países por razones humanitarias, mientras que bombardea a los ciudadanos con uranio, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que dice que mató al supuesto jefe de una organización terrorista que es de su propia creación, aunque no presenten ninguna prueba de ello, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que invita terroristas a cenar en el Pentágono mientras los acusa de ser terroristas, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que opera en secreto, mientras espía a todo el mundo, no tiene credibilidad.

Nada menos que ver el cuerpo de Osama Bin Laden y llevar a cabo un análisis forense independiente sería suficientes prueba para que cualquier persona en su sano juicio pueda creer el anuncio de Estados Unidos que capturó y mató a Bin Laden. Desafortunadamente, el gobierno de Estados Unidos convenientemente se despojó de su cuerpo de modo que nadie puede saber si fue él o no -al igual que lo hizo con los escombros de las Torres Gemelas- y solamente ha presentado una foto doctorada con Photoshop para que el público crea que realmente fue asesinado. Un gobierno que ha mentido a lo largo de toda su historia quiere que creamos lo que tiene que decir con respecto a la captura y asesinato del hombre más buscado del siglo 21, aunque este nunca fue incluído en la lista de los más buscados del FBI? Yo no lo creo!

“La palabra ‘secreto’ es repugnante en una sociedad libre y abierta, y somos como un pueblo por sí e históricamente opuestos a las sociedades secretas, a juramentos secretos y procedimientos secretos. Hemos decidido hace mucho tiempo que los peligros de tener ‘secretos’ de manera excesiva e injustificada superan con creces los peligros que se citan para justificarla. Incluso hoy en día, existe poco valor para oponerse a la amenaza de una sociedad cerrada al imitar sus restricciones arbitrarias. Incluso hoy en día, hay poco valor en asegurar la supervivencia de nuestra nación si nuestras tradiciones no sobreviven con ella. Y hay un grave peligro que aquellos que dicen que tener ‘secretos’ es una necesidad se apoderen de la información y la censuren y la oculten. No tengo la intención de permitir que esto se escape de mi control. Y ningún funcionario de mi administración, ya sea su rango alto o bajo, civil o militar, debe interpretar mis palabras aquí esta noche como una excusa para censurar las noticias, para reprimir la disidencia, para encubrir nuestros errores o de ocultar a la prensa y la públicos los hechos que merecen saber. “

- John F. Kennedy

U.S. Government: Historically a Pathological Liar

Can you believe anything that comes out of any U.S. government official? Only the gullible public could.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 2, 2011

This article would be an op-ed if it wasn’t because there is so much proof that the United States government has lied its way into building the Empire that is now collapsing. I do not need to justify why there are so many people who do not trust anything the government says, because history is the most faithful witness that governments lie when they have to, use fear when their lies don’t work, and murder when fear is no longer effective.

Sunday, president Barack Obama interrupted regular television programming to announce the death of Osama Bin Laden, the ghost that had eluded intelligence and military assets for a decade. Obama didn’t only take credit for Bin Laden’s death, but he also arrogantly spoke as if we had to take his word for it. The announcement came at a suspiciously convenient time, exactly when Obama needed it the most.

So the question is, do we take the announcement at face value? Only the gullible public would and could. Only the minority that still believes government is good, honest and straightforward with the people have the guts to believe any official version of the facts. Only the men and women who are afraid of learning the facts about history and who rely on the main stream corporate media would.

The rest of us know better. The rest of us, the majority, know that when government controls the information that sees the light, there is zero chance to expect the truth. When the government is the judge, jury and executioner, as it happens often, there is no room for trust.

American government lies abound and have stained history for decades. From the Gulf of Tonkin to the Bay of Pigs. From the Weapons of Mass Destruction excuse, to Al-CIA-eda. From Bin Laden to the War on Terror.

A country and a government that allows its president to be murdered (John F. Kennedy) in plain daylight for the sake of empire building does not have credibility.

A government that false-flag attacks its own troops (Gulf de Tonkin) to take the country into war does not have credibility.

A government that creates boogie-men (Bin Laden) to terrorize its own people and the world does not have any credibility.

A government that murders a million people (Iraq 1991 y Iraq 2003) in one single country does not have credibility.

A government that experiments with foreign (Guatemala) and its own people (Tuskegee), does not have credibility.

A government that invades countries for humanitarian reasons while bombing its people with depleted uranium, does not have credibility.

A government that says it killed the supposed head of a terrorist organization that is of its creation while showing no proof of it, does not have credibility.

A government that invites terrorists to dine in the Pentagon while accuses them of being terrorists, does not have credibility.

A government that operates in secrecy while spying on everyone cannot be trusted.

Nothing short of seeing Osama Bin Laden’s body and conducting an independent forensic analysis would probe enough for anyone in their right mind to believe the United States announcement that it captured and killed Bin Laden. Unfortunately, the United States government conveniently disposed of his body so that no one can ever find out if it was him or not  -just as it did with the rubble of the World Trade Center Towers- but has only shown a doctored picture with Photoshop. A government that has lied throughout its whole history wants us to believe what it has to say regarding the capture and murder of the greatest boogie-man of the 21st century? I don’t think so!

“The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

- John F. Kennedy

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