The Federal Reserve Cartel: A Financial Parasite

by Dean Henderson
June 20, 2011

Final Part

United World Federalists founder James Warburg’s father was Paul Warburg, who financed Hitler with help from Brown Brothers Harriman partner Prescott Bush. [1]

Colonel Ely Garrison was a close friend of both President Teddy Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson.  Garrison wrote in Roosevelt, Wilson and the Federal Reserve, “Paul Warburg was the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition.  The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred Rothschild of London.”

The Aldrich Plan was hatched at a secret 1910 meeting at JP Morgan’s private resort on Jekyl Island, SC between Rockefeller lieutenant Nelson Aldrich and Paul Warburg of the German Warburg banking dynasty.  Aldrich, a New York congressman, later married into the Rockefeller family.  His son Winthrop Aldrich chaired Chase Manhattan Bank.  While the bankers met, Colonel Edward House, another Rockefeller stooge and close confidant of President Woodrow Wilson, was busy convincing Wilson of the importance of a private central bank and the introduction of a national income tax. A member of House’s staff was British MI6 Permindex insider General Julius Klein. [2]

Wilson didn’t need much convincing, since he was beholden to copper magnate Cleveland Dodge, whose namesake Phelps Dodge became one of the biggest mining companies in the world.  Dodge bankrolled Wilson’s political career. Wilson even wrote his inaugural speech on Dodge’s yacht. [3]

Wilson was a classmate of both Dodge and Cyrus McCormick at Princeton.  Both were directors at Rockefeller’s National City Bank (now Citigroup).  Wilson’s main focus was on overcoming public distrust of the bankers, which New York City Mayor John Hylan echoed in 1911 when he argued, “The real menace to our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation.  At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as the international bankers”. [4]

But the Eight Families prevailed.  In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was born, with Paul Warburg its first Governor.  Four years later the US entered World War I, after a secret society known as the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his Hapsburg wife.  The Archduke’s friend Count Czerin later said, “A year before the war he informed me that the Masons had resolved upon his death.”[5]

That same year, Bolsheviks overthrew the Hohehzollern monarchy in Russia with help from Max Warburg and Jacob Schiff, while the Balfour Declaration leading to the creation of Israel was penned to Zionist Second Lord Rothschild.

In the 1920’s Baron Edmund de Rothschild founded the Palestine Economics Commission, while Kuhn Loeb’s Manhattan offices helped Rothschild form a network to smuggle weapons to Zionist death squads bent on seizing Palestinian lands.  General Julius Klein oversaw the operation and headed the US Army Counterintelligence Corps, which later produced Henry Kissinger.  Klein diverted Marshall Plan aid to Europe to Zionist terror cells in Palestine after WWII, channeling the funds through the Sonneborn Institute, which was controlled by Baltimore chemical magnate Rudolph Sonneborn.  His wife Dorothy Schiff is related to the Warburgs. [6]

The Kuhn Loebs came to Manhattan with the Warburgs. At the same time the Bronfmans came to Canada as part of the Moses Montefiore Jewish Colonization Committee.  The Montefiores have carried out the dirty work of Genoese nobility since the 13th Century.  The di Spadaforas served that function for the Italian House of Savoy, which was bankrolled by the Israel Moses Seif family for which Israel is named.  Lord Harold Sebag Montefiore is current head of the Jerusalem Foundation, the Zionist wing of the Knights of St. John’s Jerusalem.  The Bronfmans (the name means “liquorman” in Yiddish) tied up with Arnold Rothstein, a product of the Rothschild’s dry goods empire, to found organized crime in New York City.  Rothstein was succeeded by Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Robert Vesco and Santos Trafficante.  The Bronfmans are intermarried with the Rothschilds, Loebs and Lamberts. [7]

The year 1917 also saw the 16th Amendment added to the US Constitution, levying a national income tax, though it was ratified by only two of the required 36 states.  The IRS is a private corporation registered in Delaware. [8]  Four years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation was launched, to shield family wealth from the new income tax provisions, while steering public opinion through social engineering.  One of its tentacles was the General Education Board.

In Occasional Letter #1 the Board states, “In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds and, unhampered by tradition, we will work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.  We shall try not to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science…of whom we have ample supply.”[9]

Though most Americans think of the Federal Reserve as a government institution, it is privately held by the Eight Families.  The Secret Service is employed, not by the Executive Branch, but by the Federal Reserve. [10]

An exchange between Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Fed Chairman Paul Volcker at Senate hearings in 1982 is instructive.  Kennedy must have thought of his older brother John when he told Volcker that if he were before the committee as a member of US Treasury things would be much different.  Volcker, puffing on a cigar, responded cavalierly, “That’s probably true. But I believe it was intentionally designed this way”. [11]  Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN) put it to Volcker that, “People realize that what that board of yours does has a very profound impact on their pocketbooks, and yet it is a group of people basically inaccessible to them and unaccountable to them.”

President Wilson spoke of, “a power so organized, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breaths when they speak in condemnation of it.” Rep. Charles Lindberg (D-NY) was more blunt, railing against Wilson’s Federal Reserve Act, which had cleverly been dubbed the “People’s Bill”.  Lindberg declared that the Act would, “…establish the most gigantic trust on earth…When the president signs this act, the invisible government by the money power will be legitimized.  The law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation.  From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.  The invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized.  The whole central bank concept was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of power”. [12]

The Fed is made up of most every bank in the US, but the New York Federal Reserve Bank controls the Fed by virtue of its enormous capital resources.  The true center of power within the Fed is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), on which only the NY Fed President holds a permanent voting seat.  The FOMC issues directives on monetary policy which are implemented from the 8th Floor of the NY Fed, a fortress modeled after the Bank of England. [13]

In the fifth sub-basement of the 14-story stone hulk lie 10,300 tons of mostly non-US gold, 1/3 of the world’s gold reserves and by far the largest gold stock in the world. [14]

The world of money is increasingly computerized.  With the introduction by the Eight Families of complicated financial instruments like derivatives, options, puts and futures; the volume of inter-bank transactions took a quantum leap.  To handle this the fed built a superhighway eerily known as CHIPS (Clearing Interbank Payment System), which is based in New York and modeled after Morgan’s Belgium-based Euro-Clear – also known as The Beast.

When the Fed was created five New York banks- Citibank, Chase, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover and Bankers Trust- held a 43% stake in the New York Fed.  By 1983 these same five banks owned 53% of the NY Fed.  By year 2000, the newly merged Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank combines owned even bigger chunks, as did the European faction of the Eight Families. Collectively they own majority stock in every Fortune 500 corporation and do the bulk of stock and bond trading.  In 1955 the above five banks accounted for 15% of all stock trades.  By 1985 they were involved in 85% of all stock transactions. [15]

Still more powerful are the investment banks which bear the names of many of the Eight Families. In 1982, while Morgan bankers presided over negotiations between Britain and Argentina after the Falklands War, President Reagan pushed through SEC Rule 415, which helped consolidate securities underwriting in the hands of six large investment houses owned by the Eight Families: Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Brothers, First Boston and Lehman Brothers.  These banks further consolidated their power via the merger mania of 1980s and 1990s.

American Express swallowed up both Lehman Brothers-Kuhn Loeb – which had merged in 1977 – and Shearson Lehman-Rhoades.  The Israel Moses Seif’s Banca de la Svizzera Italiana bought a 7% stake in Lehman Brothers. [16]  Salomon Brothers nabbed Philbro from the South African Oppenheimer family, then bought Smith Barney. All three then became part of Traveler’s Group, headed by Sandy Weill of the David-Weill family, which controls Lazard Freres through senior partner Michel David-Weill.  Citibank then bought Travelers to form Citigroup. S.G. Warburg, of which Oppenheimer’s Chartered Consolidated owns a 9% stake, joined the old money Banque Paribas- which merged into Merrill Lynch in 1984.  Union Bank of Switzerland acquired Paine Webber, while Morgan Stanley ate up Dean Witter and purchased Discover credit card operations from Sears.

Kuhn Loeb-controlled First Boston merged with Credit Suisse, which had already absorbed White-Weld, to become CS First Boston- the major player in the dirty London Eurobond market.  Merrill Lynch – merged into Bank of America in 2008 – is the major player on the US side of this trade.  Swiss Banking Corporation merged with London’s biggest investment house S.G. Warburg to create SBC Warburg, while Warburg became more intertwined with Merrill Lynch through their 1998 Mercury Assets tie up.  The Warburg’s formed another venture with Union Bank of Switzerland, creating powerhouse UBS Warburg.  Deutsche Bank bought Banker’s Trust and Alex Brown to briefly become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets.  With repeal of Glass-Steagal, the line between investment, commercial and private banking disappeared.

This handful of investment banks exerts an enormous amount of control over the global economy.  Their activities include advising Third World debt negotiations, handling mergers and breakups, creating companies to fill a perceived economic void through the launching of initial public stock offerings (IPOs), underwriting all stocks, underwriting all corporate and government bond issuance, and pulling the bandwagon down the road of privatization and globalization of the world economy.

A recent president of the World Bank was James Wolfensohn of Salomon Smith Barney.  Merrill Lynch had $435 billion in assets in 1994, before the merger frenzy had really even gotten under way.  The biggest commercial bank at the time, Citibank, could claim only $249 billion in assets.

In 1991 Merrill Lynch handled 26.8% of all global bank mergers.  Morgan Stanley did 16.8%, Goldman Sachs 16.3%, Lehman Brothers 16.1% and Credit Suisse First Boston 14.5%.  Morgan Stanley did $60 billion in corporate mergers in 1989.  By 2007, reflecting the repeal of Glass-Steagel, the top ten NMA advisers in order were: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, UBS Warburg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and Lazard. In the IPO stock underwriting field for 1991 the top four were Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and CS First Boston.  In the arena of global privatization for years 1985-1995, Goldman Sachs led the way doing $13.3 billion worth of deals.  UBS Warburg did $8.2 billion, BNP Paribas $6.8 billion, CS First Boston $4.9 billion and Paribas-owner Merrill Lynch $4.4 billion. [17]

In 2006 BNP Paribas bought the notorious Banca Nacionale de Lavoro (BNL), which led the charge in arming Saddam Hussein. According to Global Finance, it is now the world’s largest bank with nearly $3 trillion in assets.

The leading US debt underwriters for the first nine months of 1995 bore the same familiar names.  Merrill Lynch underwrote $74.2 billion in the US debt markets, or 15.3% of the total.  Lehman Brothers handled $52.5 billion, Morgan Stanley $47.4 billion, Salomon Smith Barney $45.6 billion.  CS First Boston, Chase Manhattan and Goldman Sachs rounded out the top seven.  The top three municipal debt underwriters that year were Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and UBS Paine Webber.  In the euro-market the top four underwriters in 1995 were UBS Warburg, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs. [18]  Deutsche Bank’s Morgan Grenfell branch engineered the corporate takeover binge in Europe.

The dominant players in the oil futures markets at both the New York Mercantile Exchange and the London Petroleum Exchange are Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Goldman Sachs (through its J. Aron & Company subsidiary), Citigroup (through its Philbro unit) and Deutsche Bank (through its Banker’s Trust acquisition).  In 2002 Enron Online was auctioned off by a bankruptcy court to UBS Warburg for $0.  UBS was to share monopoly Enron Online profits with Lehman Brothers after the first two years of the deal. [19] With Lehman’s 2008 demise, its new owner Barclays will get their cut.

Following the Lehman Brothers fiasco and the ensuing financial meltdown of 2008, the Four Horsemen of Banking got even bigger. For pennies on the dollar, JP Morgan Chase was handed Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual. Bank of America commandeered Merrill Lynch and Countrywide. And Wells Fargo seized control over the reeling #5 US bank Wachovia. Barclays got a sweetheart deal for the remains of Lehman Brothers.

Former House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman (D-TX), declared of Federal Reserve Eight Families owners, “The United States today has in effect two governments.  We are the duly constituted government.  Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution”. [20]

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, US debt (mostly owed to the Eight Families) has skyrocketed from $1 billion to nearly $14 trillion today.  This far surpasses the total of all Third World country debt combined, debt which is mostly owed to these same Eight Families, who own most all the world’s central banks.

As Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) pointed out, “International bankers make money by extending credit to governments.  The greater the debt of the political state, the larger the interest returned to lenders.  The national banks of Europe are (also) owned and controlled by private interests.  We recognize in a hazy sort of way that the Rothschilds and the Warburgs of Europe and the houses of JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb & Co., Schiff, Lehman and Rockefeller possess and control vast wealth.  How they acquire this vast financial power and employ it is a mystery to most of us.”[21]

[1] Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology Press. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.81

[2] Dope Inc.: The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992.

[3] Democracy for the Few. Michael Parenti. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1977. p.67

[4] Descent into Slavery. Des Griffin. Emissary Publications. Pasadena 1991

[5] The Robot’s Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.158

[6] The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. p.504

[7] Ibid

[8] Ibid

[9] Ibid. p.77

[10] “Secrets of the Federal Reserve”. Discovery Channel. January 2002

[11] The Confidence Game: How Un-Elected Central Bankers are Governing the Changed World Economy. Steven Solomon. Simon & Schuster. New York. 1995. p.26

[12] Icke. p.178

[13] Solomon. p.63

[14] Ibid. p.27

[15] The Corporate Reapers: The Book of Agribusiness. A.V. Krebs. Essential Books. Washington, DC. 1992. p.166

[16] The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. p.79

[17] “Playing the Middle”. Anita Raghavan and Bridget O’Brian. Wall Street Journal. 10-2-95

[18] Securities Data Corporation. 1995

[19] CNN Headline News. 1-11-02

[20] The Rockefeller File. Gary Allen. ’76 Press. Seal Beach, CA. 1977. p.156

[21] Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.77

Experimentation with Minorities

The Deliberate Dumbing Down for the Planned Economy

By Charlotte Iserbyt

Location of Some Important Entries Documenting the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America and especially the Use of Minorities to Restructure Education from Academics to Perfomance-Based Education … taken from “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America…A Chronological Paper Trail” — Charlotte Iserbyt The following information (partial list of entries taken from 700+ page book!) will help the reader locate those key entries which document the experimentation on minorities over the past century in order to restructure education from academics to global work force training. Such training has been planned ultimately for all Americans, with exception of 10% elite (future world leaders) who will receive
a traditional academic education, with a global government brainwash orientation. The change agents knew they could get away with using the minorities who were not in a position to successfully challenge their activities.Planned Economy

While reading these entries please keep in mind the endless promises to the minorities, the multi billions of tax dollars geared to “help” minorities, the use of Skinnerian mastery learning/OBE/direct instruction on minorities, and the resulting decline in test scores for those inner city children upon whom the change agents experimented. It becomes obvious that
academic success was never intended for the minorities. The minorities were experimented on (used) very simply in order to change the traditional system, the fundamental structure of American education, from one based on content which stressed academics, competition, excellence, and a focus on the importance of the individual’s pursuit of knowledge for his own sake, thereby allowing him upward mobility, to one based on performance/outcomes… what is good for the group/state/global economy (the corporate fascist partnership between the corporations and the public schools to benefit the global economy.

This radical change focuses on individualized “training”, not education, in narrow work force skills … “limited learning for lifelong labor.” … commonly known as the performance-based School to Work Agenda. It is important to remember
that while animals can be trained, only human beings can be educated. Aristotle said “Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead.” (384-322 B.C.)

Although many Americans consider the past 100 years of reform/restructuring to have resulted in moral and academic chaos, those change agents at the United Nations/national/state/university level, whose goal is to implement a global planned economy (world government) are pleased with their success in turning our once superb system of education
on its head by making it outcome/performance based. In order to restructure, one must first destructure (destroy). Kentucky and Philadelphia are good examples with the lead change agent, Carnegie Corp.’s David Hornbeck, at the helm.
It is also important to keep in mind that when the present U.S. Department of Education speaks of scientific research based education it is referring to the controversial Pavlovian aninmal training mastery learning method, the label of which has changed frequently, in order to cover up its disasters… from mastery learning to outcomes based education to the
present “direct instruction”, all of which reside under the umbrella of Effective Schools Research which was first piloted in Jackson, Mississippi schools.  The following entries relate primarily to experimentation on minority children. They represent but a small percent of entries related to the larger subject of the deliberate dumbing down and creation of moral chaos which has effected all children in the nation’s public schools and which is extensively covered in my book. The author plans on writing a separate paper documenting the deliberate creation of moral chaos played by change agents associated with the United Nations, the U.S. Dept. of Education, universities and in our state and local governments.  Page numbers are in bold print. PAGE 9, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.’s Director of Charity for the Rockefeller Foundation,
Frederick T. Gates, set up the Southern Education Board in 1913 (later known as the General Education Board.) Excerpts from “The Country School of Tomorrow” are most revealing and include one in particular: “In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational
conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our good will upon a grateful and responsive

Mr. O.A. Nelson, an educator, was informed at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
that math instruction would be changed so it couldn’t be applied to life situations when students get out of school. This was the New Math which was introduced much later in 1952.  Nelson related that this discussion took place at a private meeting at which Dr. Zeigler, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. John Dewey, and Edward Thorndike, who
experimented with chickens, were present, and that the aforementioned persons were paid members of the Communist Party.

PAGE 20, THE EIGHT-YEAR STUDY, 1932, with funding from the Carnegie Corporation and the General Education Board (former Southern Education Board), was foundational to outcome-based education and proposals to remove
the Carnegie Unit ( number of credits in math, science, English, history, etc. required to graduate), all necessary requirements for the present school to work agenda.

Carnegie Corporation, and carried out by the American Historical Association. Prof. Harold Laski, a philosopher of British socialism, said of this report: “At bottom, and stripped of its carefully neutral phrases, the report is an educational program for a ‘Socialist America’.”

This report said in part: “Cumulative evidence supports the conclusion that in the United States as in other countries, the age of laissez faire in economy and government is closing and a new age of collectivism [socialism/communism] is emerging. The implications for education are clear and imperative: (a) the efficient functioning of the emerging economy and the full utilization of its potentialities require profound changes in the attitudes and outlook of the American people,
especially the rising generation—a complete and frank recognition that the old order is passing, that the new order is emerging. Organized public education in the United States, much more than ever before, is now compelled, if it is to fullfill its social obligations, to adjust its curriculum, its methods of instruction, and its administrative procedures to the requirements of the emerging integrated order.”

PAGE 34, UNITED NATIONS CHARTER BECAME EFFECTIVE ON OCTOBER 24, 1945. Playing an important role in the creation of the United Nations was the United States Chamber of Commerce which would assist in moving the member
states’ education systems from classical academicoriented subjects to work force training using the performance-based Skinner/Pavlovian mastery learning/direct instruction method.

PAGE 72, ELEMENTARY AND SECONDAY EDUCATION ACT (ESEA) OF 1965 WAS PASSED BY CONGRESS, marking the end of local control and the beginning of the nationalization and internationalization of education in the United States. Use of goal setting, and systems management, PBS and MBO for accountability purposes would be totally funded by and directed from the federal level. ESEA targeted low income/minority students for experimentation with Skinnerian
“basic skills’ programs; i.e., Follow Through (mastery learning/direct instruction), Right-to-Read, Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction, etc. The Behavior Science Teacher Education Program was also funded which initiated the change of teacher from instructor of content to facilitator/behavior modifier (performance-based education). Professor Bloom defines good teaching as “challenging the students’ fixed beliefs.”

1968, deals with one of first mastery learning experiments. See especially quote on page 79 starting with “The following is an excerpt from an article published in Education Week, March 6, 1985 entitled’Half of Chicago Students Drop Out, Study Finds: Problem Called Enormous Human Tragedy’.”

PAGE 82-83, “THE FOUNDATION MACHINE” BY EDITH KERMIT ROOSEVELT, December 26, 1968 issue of The Wanderer. An excerpt from this entry says: Even now the Carnegie Corporation is facing protests from parents whose
children are exposed to the textbooks financed by the foundation under its “Project Read.” This project provides
programmed textbooks for schools, particularly in ‘culturally deprived areas.’ An estimated five million children throughout the nation are using the material in the programmed textbooks produced by the Behavioral Research
Laboratories, Palo Alto, California. These foundation-funded books reveal a fire pattern that amounts to an incitement to the sort of arson and guerilla warfare that took place in Watts, Washington, D.C. and elsewhere.  On one page in the series we find a torch next to a white porch. The caption reads invitingly, “a torch, a porch”. Further along there is a picture
of a man smiling while he holds a torch aloft. The caption beneath it reads: “This man has a t_rch in his hand.” The
children are required as an exercise to insert the missing letter to fill in the word torch.

The next picture shows the burning torch touching the porch, with a caption, “a torch on a porch.” Thus, the children
are led in stages to the final act that suggests itself quite naturally…Tragically these young chidlren are being indoctrinated with a pattern of anti-social ideas that will completely and violently alienate them from the mainstream of American middle-class values.”

APPENDIX VII, A-32-34, Excerpts from article in Phi Delta Kappan entitled “Performance-Based Teacher Education”, by Stanley Elam. 1971, especially para. 2, 3 and 4. Elam says in part: “The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is pleased to offer to the teacher education community the Committee’s first state-of-the-art paper on performance-based programs.”  He also says: “Probaby the roots of Performancebased Teacher Education lie in general
societal conditions and the institutional responses to them characteristic of the Sixties. For example, the realization
that little or no progress was being made in narrowing wide inequality gaps led to increasing governmental
attention to racial, ethnic, and socio socioeconomic minority needs, particularlyeducational ones.”

Iserbyt comment: Thus the change agents whose primary goal was to change our system from academics to work force training, using mastery learning/OBE/direct instruction, found their justification to do just that. They laid the reason for this important change in teaching method at the feet of the minorities since there was no other way to get approval for such
a radical change from the population at large!

PAGE 134-134, PROJECT INSTRUCT, ANOTHER MASTERY LEARNING PROGRAM, was approved for dissemination throughout the nation by the U.S. Office of Education, May 14, 1975. The final evaluation stated that “The intent and emphasis in 1970 was on behavioral indices and concrete ways of showing accountability; and the data would suggest that the reading of the students themselves may not have increased, but the impact of Project INSTRUCT in the Lincoln, Nebraska Public Schools seems to be very extensive and influential.”

CURRICULUM SHIFTS TEACHING METHODS IN DISTRICT”. This entry regarding the wholesale experimentation
on the District of Columbia’s children is shocking. The Assistant Superintendent involved in this experiment, Guines, said
in part “The new curriculum is based on the work in behavioral psychology of Harvard University’s B.F.Skinner who developed teaching machines and even trained pigeons during World War II to pilot and detonate bombs and torpedoes.”

PAGE 155-156, EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP, NOVEMBER 1979, “MASTERY LEARNING: THE CURRENT STATE OF THE CRAFT”, BY PROF. JAMES BLOCK in which he says: “Entire school districts throughout North America (Chicago, Denver, D.C., New Orleans, Vancouver) are actively testing the value of Mastery Learning for their particular educational

PAGE 171, ALL OUR CHILDREN LEARNING, PROF. BENJAMIN BLOOM, 1981.  “In an attempt to maximize curriculum
effectiveness…curriculum centers throughout the world have begun to incorporate learning for mastery instructional strategies into the redesign of curriculum.”  Iserbyt comment: This is proof that mastery learning is international (UNESCO)) training system.  In this book Bloom also stated “The purpose of education is to change the thoughts, feelings, and actions of students.”

PAGE 183, “REGULATED COMPETITION IN THE UNITED STATES”, 1981, speech delivered by Harvard Professor and Council on Foreign Relations member Anthony Oettinger before a Northern Telecom Worldwide Corp. meeting. Prof.
Oettinger said, in part: “The present ‘traditional’ concept of literacy has to do with the ability to read and write. But the real question that confronts us today is: How do we help citizens function well in their society? How can they acquire the
skills necessary to solve their problems?…It is the traditional idea that says certain forms of communication, such as comic books, are ‘bad.’ But in the modern context of functionalism they may not be all that bad.”

PAGE 182, WILLIAM SPADY, “THE FATHER OF OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION” made the following statement during a conference held at the U.S. Department of Education in 1982 (attended by this writer).  “Two of the four functions of Mastery Learning are: Extra: whole agenda of acculturation, social roles, social integraton, get the kids to participate
in social unit, affective (attitudes, values and beliefs, ed.); and Hidden: a system of supervision and control which restrains behavior of kids; the outcome of the hidden agenda should be the fostering of social responsibility or compliance.”

1984, produced under U.S. Dept. of Education contract, in which Rowan states: “The ritual is particularly suited to
application in urban or low performing school systems where successful instructional outcomes among disadvantaged students are highly uncertain but where mobilized publics demand immediate demonstrations of success. The uncertainties faced by practitioners in this situation can easily be alleviated by what scholars have begun to call ‘curriculum alignment.’ Also, “Student variability in performance can be reduced, and relative performance increased, not by changing instructional objectives or practices, but simply by changing tests and testing procedures.”

Iserbyt comment: This is Teach to Test which is being implemented nationwide under the Leave No Child Behind legislation. Rowan was also involved in the infamous 1984 Spady Utah OBE grant.)

the U.S. Department of Education for “Excellence in Instructional Delivery Systems: Research and Dissemination of Exemplary Outcome-Based Programs”, was approved by Secretary T.H. Bell. William Spady and Brian Rowan (above) carried out this project the intent of which was “to put outcome-based education in place, not only in Utah but in all schools of the nation.”

PAGE 227, Education Week, August 28, 1985, “Proponents of Mastery Learning Defend Method after Its Rejection by Chicago” in which Prof. James Block states “he doesn’t know of any major urban school system in the United States that has not adopted some kind of mastery learning program.” (Iserbyt comment: This proves that urban schools were targeted
for implementation of the failed mastery learning method.)

PAGE 229, U.S. President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev signed an agreement in 1985 calling for cooperation in the field of science and technology and additional agreements in other specific fields, incuding the humanities and social sciences; the facilitation of the exchange by appropriate organizations of educational and teaching materials, incuding textbooks, syllabi and curricula, materials on methodology, samples of teaching instruments and audiovisual aids, and the exchange of primary and secondary school textbooks and other teaching materials…the conducting of joint studies on textbooks between appropriate organizations in the United States and the Ministry of Education of the USSR.” At
the same time Carnegie Corporation signed agreements with the Soviet Academy of Sciences which resulted in “joint research on the application of computers in early elementary education,focusing especially on the teaching of higher level skills and complex subjects to younger children.”

Iserbyt comment: This agreement, still in effect, carved in stone the necessary changes in education, i.e., from academics to the failed Soviet performance-based polytech system using Pavlovian methods for workforce training and brainwashing. These agreements are a direct result of Carnegie Corporation’s earlier plans (1933 and 1934 above) and the tax exempt foundations’ efforts to merge the United States with the Soviet Union (international socialism). See page 46, Reece Committee Congressional Hearings, 1953, regarding White House recommendations to foundations to spend their money so that United States could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union (Lenin’s international socialism
being implemented right now with the blessing of U.S. Congress).

APPENDIX XXV, A150-156, “THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW WE ALL HAVE BEEN HAD”, Charlotte Iserbyt. See especially Washington Post, August 17, 1987 article on A-155 which quotes Thomas Sticht, close associate of William Spady, both
of whom were involved in D.C. mastery learning disaster, as saying: “Many companies have moved operations to places with cheap, relatively poorly educated labor. What may be crucial, they say, is the dependability of a labor force and how well it can be managed and trained—not its general educational level, although a small cadre of highly educated creative
people is essential to innovation and growth. Ending discrimination and changing values are probably more important than reading in moving low income families into the middle class.”

1991 EDITED BY DAVID HORNBECK AND LESTER M SALAMON, which states in part “Employer beliefs about the superior capabilities of educated people turned out NOT to be confirmed in practice (emphasis in original); educated
employees have higher turn-over rates, lower job satisfaction, and poorer promotion records than less educated employees. (p.7)

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.

Daftar Akun Bandar Togel Resmi dengan Hadiah 4D 10 Juta Tahun 2024

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