A new article published by Popular Science adds more fuel to the fire about the existence of outer space technology capable of showering the Earth with space microwave beams of the type used to carry out experiments to influence human mental capacity. The reach of Project Blue Beam — a child of NASA — isn’t even kept secret anymore, as millions of people have heard strange loud noises coming from the skies all over the planet in the last couple of months. In a recent article, we updated readers about the history and future plans to use microwave technology to communicate direct messages to people in different languages in an attempt to swindle the world’s population into believing a Second Coming was happening in order to further consolidate the New Age movement and its religion.
Of course, space microwave beam technology is disguised as a project to beam down solar energy that is caught in space by large solar panel mirrors. The energy captured by those mirrors is then launched to Earth in the form of microwave energy beams. This same technology was played with back in the 70s to conduct experiments with humans where through a microwave beam, scientists were able to send messages to individuals without saying a single word. According to our investigation, the Soviet Union developed computer technology that allows for the broadcast of audio on a planetary basis. This audio and holographic technology, now in the hands of NASA, is intended to create a celestial hologram and audio show that includes the appearance of all gods humanity believes in, speaking to their earthly followers which will then fuse into one creature that will call for the eradication of all world religions and the adoption of the New World Order New Age religion.
Although Popular Science’s articles presents the use of such a technology as a future project in which NASA has decided to invest time and resources, the core of the plan is already pretty much complete. The article says that the project was recently unveiled by a NASA contractor who works for the company Artemis. However, our previous investigation shows that Project Blue Beam Microwave technology has been in the works for decades and its details have been presented in several conferences before. For example, there is the Staff Memorandum to Members of Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, mentions the use of microwave technology in humans for the purposes of studying the effects of beaming microwave on people, just as the Soviets did in their experiments. Secondly, we found that the type of technology used to supposedly send energy back to Earth is similar to the one used in the direct energy weapons and weather modification programs. The CIA itself utilized a microwave weapon created by Lockheed-Sanders in order to perform voice synthesis. This is understood as the remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any person.
The kind of technology used to carry out these experiments, is known as synthetic telepathy. NASA’s personnel involved in the testing and execution of projects like the space energy harvesting and Project Blue Beam, call it Space Electronic Telepathic Two way Communications. As we mentioned before, the plans detailed by former NASA engineer, John Mankins are not new. In 1993, Dr. David Morgan showed and demonstrated the use of this weapon during a classified symposium on Non Lethal Defense sponsored by the Los Alamos National Laboratories. Therefore, this technology isn’t neither new nor cutting edge. According to Popular Science’s disinformation piece, “the concept is called called Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily Large PHased Array (SPS-ALPHA), and it would harvest solar energy from a perch in high Earth orbit.”
Our own investigation reveals that the space electronic telepathic two way communication is capable of using deep perspective 3D imagery together with ELF, VLF and LF waves to create a massive mind controlling operation that can make or break any human mind. According to journalist and researcher Serge Monast, the University of Arizona hosted an event called the ‘The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena and Biomolecular Systems,‘ where scientists themselves warned about the potential for the mind control technology to become a weapon, if the results of the experiments were abused by those empowered by them.
The few details provided by the Popular Science article do coincide with the type of technology that Monast and other scientists have talked about. That is, low frequency, low-intensity waves microwave rays would be sent towards Earth. The discrepancy between the article and our research is that Popular Science claims the collected energy would be fed into “power plants that would convert the microwave energy into electricity, adding it to the power grid.”
While this may be possible, we know that the expressed intention is not to fulfill the planet’s energy needs — otherwise this would have been done a long time ago, given the fact the technology has existed for many decades — but to use it to affect human brain activity. In a 1970′s issue of Psychology Today, James V. McConnell said on an article titled Criminals can be Brainwashed, that ‘The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drug hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual’s behavior. It should then be possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic changes in a person’s behavior and personality.’
According to a 1999 article written by Hans Sherrer, many of the experiments with Project Blue Beam technology were conducted using US prisoners in Vietnam as well as alleged criminals within the United States Prison System. The CIA itself utilized a microwave weapon created by Lockheed-Sanders in order to perform voice synthesis. This is understood as the remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any person. Part of equipment needed to broadcast an audio or message that is understandable to everyone, which is sent out at the same frequency than the human nervous system in order to exercise control can be achieved by a transmitter produced by defense contractor Loral Electro-Optical System, a company located in Pasadena, California. Loral has already used this technology to conduct experiments for the US Airforce that intended to insert messages in the minds of people in order to defeat them in the battle field.
“In July 1972, prisoners at Marion Federal Penitentiary smuggled out details to U. N. emissaries of psychological experiments that were being conducted on them. The use of psychological torture techniques in prisons was already widespread enough in the early 1970′s, that Jessica Mitford wrote about them in a remarkable August 1973, Harper’s magazine article entitled: The Torture Cure: In Some, American Prisons, It Is Already 1984.”
The conceptual project presented by Mr. Mankins, as NASA’s newest undertaking is called The Innovative Advanced Concepts Project, and it is carried out under the responsibility of the Office of the Chief Technologist. A one-year study is ongoing. This also contradicts our research which shows that the kind of technology associated with wireless long distance electromagnetic communication was spoken about back in 1978 by James C. Lynn in his book “Microwave Auditory Effect and Application“, which talks about how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain.According to Serge Monast, the U.S. military financed the development of non-lethal microwave weapons that create sound inside your head. The project was named MEDUSA, an acronym for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio.
Noises coming from the sky. What to make of them? If I had to bet, I would bet that it is not a sign of the end times, or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In fact, without any fear of being wrong — although there is a chance of that — I would put all my chips on Project Blue Beam technology. If you’ve never heard about Project Blue Beam, or have not heard the noises from the sky yourself, I’d like to show you a good compilation. The noises range from heavenly choirs, to trumpets to rumbles to Transformers sounding special effects. They’ve been recorded all over the world, but mostly in Northern Europe, North America and Latin America. So, please take a listen and if you are interested in learning more about what I believe is the cause, please continue reading.
Scary, is it not?
Fortunately, I think there is a good explanation for the strange noises and their origin. That explanation resides on Earth, not Heaven. As I said, I firmly believe there is only one way to explain this phenomenon: Project Blue Beam. I, of course, welcome suggestions and alternative explanations so after you finish reading, please make sure to leave your comments.
So, what is Project Blue Beam? There is a lot about it on the Internet. I first came across it back in 2002 while doing research about some technology-related article. I read some information back then and never again did I look it up. To be honest, it sounded far fetched, even while looking at documents that explain how the technology works. Most of the research comes from two journalists, who conveniently suffered heart attacks while investigating NASA’s dealings in this project. As it turns out, Project Blue Beam is a production of NASA itself. One of the researchers, Mr. Serge Monast, wrote an article back in 1994 where he revealed many details about the intention to create and implement the new age religion.
Mr. Monast wrote about how the new age religion is the base of the New World Order, which is why Project Blue Beam was kept secret for such a long time. The ultimate goal Project Blue Beam intends to achieve is to fake the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in order to support the birth of the new age religion. For this, the Project has been perfecting the creation of holograms that will be displayed globally and voices people will hear in their native language which will seem to be coming from the skies. The preparations for such scenario have been carried for years through popular culture. Mr. Monast mentioned movies like Star Trek, Independence Day and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
“The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, ’2001: A Space Odyssey;’ the StarTrek series, and ‘Independence Day;’ all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders,” wrote Monast. Through these psychological operations and fake new discoveries, the powers that be are preparing the masses for the overturn of all traditional religious beliefs. These fake discoveries include the finding of ‘new information’ that will support their claim that humanity has had religious principles completely misunderstood.
The part where earthquakes reveal the new information, along with the kind of phenomena heard throughout the skies of the planet, are just the first part of the plan. These kind of events are setting the table for the ‘heavenly show’. What NASA has in store, according to Monast, is a “three-dimensional optical performance with holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith.” The voices will try to fake the voice of ‘God’. Monast asserts that the Soviet Union possessed computer technology to carry this event out, and that such a technology was based on the deep study of the “electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain.”
The way NASA will pull off this show is through space satellites that will project the holograms from outside Earth (about 60 miles away). This explanation also clears up the frequent appearance of holographic UFOs, whose existence is hard to fathom and it is commonly associated with all shapes and forms of space ships. The goal of the space show is to legitimize the arrival of the new age god, Matraia, the god of the new world religion. According to Mr. Monast, the project will have the ability to show as if people are being lifted as portrayed in the Rapture. The computers operating the show will show a 3D image all over the sky that will resemble holograms with deep perspective to make it more realistic. If the floating holographic UFOs are the visual rehearsals, the noises you heard on the video above are the audio tests that will complete the show. The audio part of it will equal applications of acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. “With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiah in convincing lifelike reality,” said Monast. The sounds will be followed by the ‘miraculous’ appearance of all the known gods: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., that will then merge into one being. This merger will consolidate that from that point on, there will be only one god, the god of the new age, New World Order religion. Old religions will be deemed as the culprit of all division among humanity and there will be a call to abolish them all.
Although the Soviets were the ones who developed the so-called computer that will control the show, the ones in charge of pulling off the show is, you guessed it, the United Nations.
If everything you’ve read so far seems too far fetched, believe me, it sounded unbelievable to me too. It sounded like a conspiracy theory; something kooky. But so did the murder of JFK, the private Federal Reserve, the existence of the Bilderberg Group and the ceremonies at Bohemian Grove. As we all know, all of those turned out to be true, even though those who reported and continue to report on them are labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’, an adjective used to attack the messengers and dismiss his information when it is not fully understood or not understood at all.
So how about we present some information that may — depending on your understanding — support the claims above?
A footnote on page 4 of the Staff Memorandum to Members of Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, mentions the use of microwave technology in humans for the purposes of studying the effects of beaming microwave on people, just as the Soviets did in their experiments. Keep in mind this is a document on human experimentation with various types of radiation, which supports the claim that governments throughout history have used their own citizens to carry out open ended experiments in order to detect how certain technologies can affect their physical or mental health.
The creation and use of directed energy weapons currently for missile defense and weather modification is another example that this technology — space beams — is available and ready to be used. The CIA itself utilized a microwave weapon created by Lockheed-Sanders in order to perform voice synthesis. This is understood as the remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any person. This technology is also known as synthetic telepathy. By NASA’s standards, it is labeled as Space Electronic Telepathic Two way Communications. In 1993, Dr. David Morgan showed and demonstrated the use of this weapon during a classified symposium on Non Lethal Defense sponsored by the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The meeting took place at the Kossiakoff Center of Applied Physics Laboratories., at Johns Hopkins University. The capability of communicating information in a one-way manner was also demonstrated by Dr. Nick Begich on the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura show when the program reported on HAARP technology.
As it happens most of the time, today’s technology was created decades ago. Internet, computers, wireless communication, satellite GPS, the stealth fighter jet, NASA’s Space Shuttles and many other examples of human advancement, the tools the new world order wants to use to fake the Second Coming is old as well. Scientists behind the technology to telepathically communicate with people have been researching about it for ages, and have been experimenting with it at least since the 1970s. The computers being used now to set up the ‘show’ are so advanced that no one but the military and its contractors know about them. These computers have been fed all kinds of information related to human nature, sounds, speech, languages, you name it. According to Serge Monast, the University of Arizona hosted an event called the ‘The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena and Biomolecular Systems.‘ During this conference, scientists themselves warned about the potential for the mind control technology to become a weapon, if the results of the experiments were abused by those empowered by them.
During the workshop, speakers explained that the United States had developed communication equipment that allowed blind people to see, deaf people to hear and paraplegics to walk again. This technology also had the ability to eliminate pain without the need for pharmaceuticals or surgery. The studies that supported such capability were based on a whole new analysis of the human brain and its neurological system. Experiments included using radiation pulses at very low frequencies in order to analyze the reactions. This experiments are similar to the effect that television sets do to human brains today. Much of this equipment is now being used by the CIA and the FBI to conduct their own mind games. The pieces of equipment described during the NATO conference are now used to torture and murder people, mainly citizens who are related to organizations that call for peace and tolerance as well as members of organizations that oppose the end of development, the creation of nuclear weapons and even scientists who refused to work on projects to create what is popularly known as ‘Manchurian Candidates.’ Many of the prisons that the CIA has abroad are experimental sites where this kind of technology is applied without restriction. Countries where those experiments are conducted include but are not limited to Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and France.
In a 1970′s issue of Psychology Today, James V. McConnell said that ‘The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drug hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual’s behavior. It should then be possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic changes in a person’s behavior and personality.’ We now know that part of this plan has already been completed. The sensory deprivation is in the works, probably in very advanced stages, since we are already hearing noises coming from the sky that so far no one authority has been able to explain. However, technology such as the one described above is more than real in our world today. The kind of equipment needed to broadcast an audio or message that is understandable to everyone, which is sent out at the same frequency than the human nervous system in order to exercise control can be achieved by a transmitter produced by defense contractor Loral Electro-Optical System, a company located in Pasadena, California. Loral has already used this technology to conduct experiments for the US Airforce that intended to insert messages in the minds of people in order to defeat them in the battle field. Although specifics on the device are rare, it is known by documents, that the machine uses electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies pulsed at very low frequencies to achieve such control. It has been used to torture people who are located far away, both physically and mentally.
From Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam article:
“The process employed by such ELF technology is described in various U. S. Defense Department publications, including one entitled, ‘ The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict,‘ by Captain Paul E. Tyler, Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy, which is included in a collection entitled, ‘Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology Edict,’ by Lt. Col David G. Dean, USAF. The paper was delivered in 1984 and the collection published 1986 by Air University Press, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama. Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while remaining undetectable to anyone else. The technology is very simple and can be built by using an ordinary police radar gun. The microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies and can broadcast messages directly into the brain. Now here we come to the NASA Blue Beam Project. The broadcasting of subliminal two-way communication and images from the depths of space correspond directly to that kind of technology.”
Mr. Monast goes even further to say that the kind of technology associated with wireless long distance electromagnetic communication was revealed in James C. Lynn’s 1978 book, “Microwave Auditory Effect and Application“, which talks about how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. Again, this was explained by Dr. Begich in the video clip cited earlier. In case you missed the link, watch the whole episode and especially the part where Dr. Begich shows the piece of technology and the process of sending such transmission. Wired magazine published an article on this subject back in July, 2008, that explains the state of technology such as microwave generated audio that is ‘heard’ in your skull.
“The U.S. military bankrolled early development of a non-lethal microwave weapon that creates sound inside your head. But in the end, the gadget may be just as likely to wind up in shopping malls as on battlefields, as I report in New Scientist.
The project is known as MEDUSA – a contrived acronym for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio. And it should not be confused with the Long Range Acoustic Device and similar gadgets which simply project sound. This one uses the so-called “microwave auditory effect”: a beam of microwaves is turned into sound by the interaction with your head. Nobody else can hear it unless they are in the beam as well.”
So when the time comes for you to hear this heavenly sounds, or the trumpets, or the rumbles, be sure it is not the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However, be sure to take any measures you deem necessary to protect yourself from the chaos that such an event will cause among the masses. Mr. Monast believes that the level of public hysteria and social mayhem will hit places never seen before.
Sadly, it appears that this kind of technology is not only useful to create freak shows like the one described throughout this article. As reported by Allen Frie, the same microwave synthetic communication can be utilized to speed up, slow down or stop the hearts of animals. This is achieved by emitting those frequency waves at the same pulse rate than the heart’s own. You may now realize that this can also be used on people, for example to cause heart attacks even on people who do not have any history of heart problems. According to Dr. Robert Becker, experiments to obtain this kind of results have been going on for a long, long time. In his 1985 book “Power Electric“, Dr. Becker says that “It is technically feasible to produce heart attacks with rays designed to penetrate the human chest.” The possibility to kill people from long distances without even having to touch them or send someone who could be caught and reveal the names of those who sent them seems handy for the globalists. They could, for example, use this technology against politicians who do not play ball or people who do not align themselves with their decisions. The United States has put this technology on the street already during crowd control operations. It is known as a sound canyon.
So there you have it. I hope to have shined a light on the issue of not so paranormal sky noises. Of course, alternative explanations are welcomed. Make sure to post them on the comment section below.
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