Governments tighten rules on Vaccine exemptions

“Against the body of a healthy man, Parliament has no right of assault whatever, under pretence of the public health.” – Professor F.W. Newman of Oxford.

“Vaccination is a delusion, its penal enforcement a crime!” – Professor Alfred Russel Wallace in “The Wonderful Century”


Despite the fact that vaccines are only supported by unscientific pseudoscience, governments around the world continue to push the envelope so people are literally forced to use the toxic cocktails produced by the large pharmaceutical manufacturers. The United States is always the clearest example of how even when there is no law that mandates people to take vaccines — even if there was one, it would be unconstitutional — government ‘officials’ do their best to poke people against their will.

Through the years, people who are educated enough to know that vaccines are dangerous to human health avoided taking vaccines by using religion and other means to stay away from these pharmaceutical products. But lately, the states have resorted to all kinds of legal; or should I say illegal, resources to obligate children and adults to take the vaccines.

Over the years, the number of people — many of them doctors — who have become educated and have written about the threats posed by vaccines increased, so the main stream media and the health ‘authorities’ have found new ways to scare people and to build strawmen to hurt the reputation of those who are out to educate the public about the dangers and the outrageous increase in the use of vaccinations. While those trying to prevent mass disease caused by vaccines get attacked, this document shows how the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid children and their families for injuries presumed to have been caused or aggravated by the vaccine. According to official book keeping, 2,100 families and individuals have received compensation.

Unfortunately for the pharmaceutical establishment and its accomplice health practitioners, the increasing number of educated people includes many physicians who have taken the veil off their faces. The testimony of these honest MD’s is more valuable than ever with states like California forcing children to take vaccinations in order to have access to school.

Along with Washington and Vermont, California began a campaign to make it nearly impossible to refuse vaccinations, by limiting services to children and adults who are against vaccinations. The state of New Jersey is now studying ways to require more parents to vaccinate their children in order to be in school and other community programs.

Although in theory each US state has the prerogative to set its own vaccination policy, the truth is that the federal government managed to impose its own rules on states so the bureaucrats give the green light to initiatives that seek to make the opt out option much harder to utilize. Note again that in the United States there is not a state or federal law that requires anyone to take a vaccine. In fact, parents or guardians are the sole deciders when it comes to medicating their children.

With more parents deciding to educate their children at home, the government has found it even more difficult to force parents to vaccinate their kids, so the ‘officials’ and the main stream press have also sought to denounce home schooling as an archaic, crazy way to raise a child. Today, before children get to the tender age of 10, they must have been vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, hepatitis B; the Haemophilus influenzae bacterium, measles, mumps and rubella, polio, and varicella. In total, a child may receive over 30 shots before he reaches 11 years of age.

The main stream media usually portrays the existence of exemptions as a great favor, but forget to point out that it is an individual’s own business to decide what to do with his or her body. Neither the government nor school officials have any authority whatsoever to force anyone to inject toxic chemicals into a child or themselves. The usual excuse is that someone who has not been vaccinated endangers the health of others, although this argument does not make any sense. The idea that one or more unvaccinated persons threaten the health of the rest is originated from the collectivist point of view that argues for the benefit of the masses which in some people’s minds surpasses that of the individual.

So far, the success of the forceful vaccination campaigns relies on the ignorance of parents who are afraid of not having a school where to drop their children off every morning. These parents do not understand that by leaving their children at the mercy of the State, they are effectively waiving their rights as parents as they hand their children to the government. That is why states like California have sought to create laws that disable parents as the responsible guardians of the their own children, making the youngsters ‘responsible’ for decisions that range from giving consent for the acceptance of vaccines to using contraceptive methods.

Politicians and the media like to swindle the public by blaming the spread of disease on the lack of vaccination, even though reality shows exactly the opposite. Vaccines have never prevented the massive spread of disease, but helped spread it. Behind government vaccination policy stand the powerful pharmaceutical companies that make a kill every year by selling government bureaucrats the idea that not vaccinating can help spread disease to a point where infection can go out of control.

Recently, a California man named Kevin Barret, posted this comment on a so-called scientific magazine article that attempted to push the goodness of vaccinations on its readers:

“The California Health Department used extreme coercion to convince us to vaccinate our three-week-old son for Hepatitis B (a sexually transmitted disease – not much of a risk for infants). Immediately after the shot, he entered a near coma of crying and emotional withdrawal – obvious extreme trauma – that lasted about three days. He was later diagnosed with autism. The suffering we’ve experienced due to our bad decision is indescribable. After studying the issue (I’m a Ph.D. with three M.A.s, so I know how to do research) I think we need a revolution in this country for many reasons, one of which is to stop the medical industry from injecting formaldehyde, mercury and other extreme toxins into our children. My friend the late Lynn Margulis, the greatest biological scientist of the century, said on my radio show that as a general rule, you should NEVER INJECT ANYTHING, EVER – certainly not the stuff in vaccines!!! The skin barrier is there for a reason.”

As it happens often, he was quickly attacked by people who limited themselves to regurgitating main stream media-fed talking points but who failed to provide a single link to a document or independently conducted study that demonstrates whether or not vaccines treat or cure disease. I myself haven’t found one in 9 years of research.

Still, the outfits that promote vaccinations as the solution to each and every disease don’t even hide the fraud behind the fear mongering campaigns that seek to scare people into compliance. Most doctors who knowingly or otherwise push vaccines as the best way to treat or cure disease believe that people will eventually succumb to vaccinations given the fear factor behind outbreaks. That is the opinion of Paul Offit, chief of the division of infectious diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who says “people will be more compelled by the fear than by the reason.”

I would say that he is about right, except that the fear comes from the dangers that vaccines pose. People continue to seek second and third opinions regarding the dangers of vaccinations and today more than ever before, adults and parents are more likely to avoid injecting their children with toxins contained in vaccines. Last month, Healthcare Finance News reported on how vaccine sales decline for the first time in decades. “There was a 30 percent drop in the influenza vaccine market in 2011,” which is attributed to a mild flu season. That fact doesn’t decrease revenue for the pharmaceutical companies because government purchase giant amounts of vaccines to stockpile in the event of what officials call ‘dangerous outbreaks’.

The real reason behind of it all is the realization by millions of people who the scare mongering coming from governments and pharmaceutical conglomerates in 2009 was at the very least an attempt to make a quick buck through the sale of vaccines whose effectiveness and safety have always been questionable.

As explained by doctor James Garth Wilkinson in 1876, “compulsory vaccination is an instance of law, which inflicts disease and possible death on the human body and propagates and disseminates deadly infection upon animals and humanity. This is surely an instance of a law which is not based on wisdom or sanity and is a menace to the health and security of humanity and the State. This amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession. This is blood assassination.”

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Bill Gates Favors Death Panels and Vaccines for Depopulation

by Theodora Filis
UK Progressive
February 16, 2012

When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides vaccines to third world countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people. Bill Gates believes that “instead of spending millions of dollars on old people who just have months to live, the money should be spent elsewhere, where it can actually benefit people”.

Two years ago, the Microsoft billionaire, unveiled his mission to reduce the world’s population through vaccines during a TEDx presentation. As Gates rambles on about CO2 emissions, and its effects on climate change, he injects without pause, that in order to get CO2 to zero, “probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero.” He then goes on to describe how the first number, P (for People) might be reduced.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people”, said Gates, “that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

In January 2010, at the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion (€7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.

For those who haven’t figured it out, the primary focus of the Gates Foundation is vaccinations, especially in Africa and other underdeveloped countries. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and the vaccine industry. The goal of GAVI is to vaccinate every newborn child in the developing world.

How could that be a bad thing? Sounds like noble philanthropic work, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught forcing dangerous (unsafe, untested or proven harmful) vaccines onto Third World populations – vaccines they cannot get rid of in the West. Some organizations have suggested that the true aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible to disease and premature death.


Back in May of 2009, The London Times reported that some of the “richest people in the world met in New York to discuss their favorite causes”. The group, which included such notables as Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, decided, during that meeting, their money would best be spent on reducing the world’s population.

Read Full Article…

Australian Medical Establishment Offers Money to Poor in Exchange for Vaccinations
November 28, 2011

Australia has a very high percentage of children fully vaccinated by age five. Only 11% are not fully vaccinated by five years of age. The Australian government has created financial incentives to almost force parents into vaccinating. Still, the Australian government isn’t happy with what they have.

Australia’s medical mafia

In Australia, parents receive $726 per child as Family Tax Benefit (FTB) at year’s end. In order to receive those benefits now, parents will have to provide proof of vaccinations for each child at one, two, and five years of age. So if a parent refuses to consent to their child’s vaccinations to the full schedule, that family would be minus $2,178.

Already, non-vaccinating families were prohibited from child care benefits and rebates. The benefits program offered assistance to lower income families. Rebates are available for any income level family to pay half of out of pocket children’s annual medical expenses up to a maximum $7500.

This latest ruling replaces the bribe of $129 for meeting the full vaccination schedule at the ages of two and five. The bribe and the two benefit restrictions seemed to have worked with most parents. Yet, the government is not satisfied with this high percentage.

This last financial blackmail mandate comes at the same time the childhood vaccination schedule was made more severe. The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) three in one shot will be a four in one with a chickenpox vaccine added. And it will be administered at 18 months instead of the MMR’s previous schedule at four years of age.

So 89% of Australian children have received all their required vaccinations by age five, and a quick survey poll in Australia’s Herald Sun shows 60% favor penalizing parents who don’t fully vaccinate their kids. Is Australia setting the pace for a world of “vaccine zombies”? (…).

Herd protection fiction

Convincing concerned citizens that diseases are stopped only by vaccinating 90% of a given population is a major guilt producer among vaccine advocates. It serves to ostracize those who do not wish to be vaccinated and make them feel guilty for refusing. And it’s bogus on at least three points.

The first point is that there have been several instances, internationally, of measles and mumps outbreaks within schools or other groups that were vaccinated against them at or over 90%. Here’s one example. (…).

The second point is this: If vaccines truly immunize, what is there to worry about? It would seem that a vaccinated child should remain unharmed among kids with any disease for which he or she has been vaccinated. But in fact, the reverse is often the case.

A child vaccinated with attenuated live viruses may shed some of those viruses for up to 20 days. That child becomes an unwitting virtual virus bomb terrorist! In 1976, Jonas Salk the creator of the original polio vaccine with killed virus strains, testified that a live virus oral polio vaccine had been the source of most polio occurrences since 1961.

Thirdly, in 1976 USA President Gerald Ford publicly launched a Swine Flu vaccination program and took a jab (really?) on camera. That year’s swine flu epidemic scare was based mostly on one soldier who had dropped dead during a forced march while he was flu ridden.

Several thousand Americans took FDA and CDC advice and got vaccinated to “stop the swine flu from spreading.” There were so many adverse reactions, including Guillain-Barre syndrome, that the vaccination program had to be halted, leaving most Americans without the vaccination.

Yet, the swine flu did not spread to the millions of those not vaccinated after the “immunization” program was halted in 1976.

Sources for this article include:…………

Bill Gates wants to vaccinate 90 percent of the world
May 22, 2011

The infamous Bill Gates is on a crusade to vaccinate the entire world. In a recent speech, the Microsoft guru-turned-humanitarian put pressure on the governments of the world to “prevent four million deaths by 2015, [and] … ten million deaths” by 2020. He believes this will happen by vaccinating at least 90 percent of the world’s population.

Gates has been an outspoken proponent of vaccinations for years. His organization, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is constantly promoting vaccines anywhere and everywhere it can. The group’s website, in fact, says one of its goals is to vaccinate every single child on the planet, claiming that vaccines are “one of the most effective health interventions ever developed” (…).

Among his many speeches, however, Gates has given conflicting information concerning the agenda behind his vaccination push. In his most recent speech, he claims vaccines will save lives. But in a speech he gave at a TED conference last year, Gates clearly stated that vaccines and health care were part of an equation to reduce the world’s population by 15 percent (…).

“The world today has 6.8 billion people … that’s headed up to about nine billion,” he said to his audience. “Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or 15 percent.”

You can watch the actual clip of Gates saying this at the following link:…

So which is it? Do vaccines help to save lives or end lives? When considering that vaccines are loaded with toxic adjuvants and chemical preservatives, many of which are known to cause serious health problems, sterility, and even death, the latter conclusion makes a lot more sense (…).

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Use Cellphones to force Vaccinations

Bill Gates says cellphones are useful to control births and assure the system that everyone will be vaccinated.

Prevent Disease

On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on improving health care through mobile technology.

Is this guy insane? Bright and insane?

Gates told an audience of more than 2,000 that if we could register every worldwide birth on a cell phone, we could ensure that children receive the proper vaccines. He also said the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5; and the next big thing in technology is robots.

Gates said computing technology has been great for health care, and there are plenty of opportunities to use the cell phone in clinic settings. Although he noted that some places which need mhealth technology the most may not be able to fully benefit from it.

“We have to approach these things with some humility,” he said. “There’s not Internet connections back there. Often [patients are too sick] for some cell phone thing to do something for them.”

Gates said the key health care metric that we as a society should be trying to improve is one that is in the front of his mind all the time–the number of children who die before age 5. Today, he said the number is 8.5 million; in 1960 it was 20 million.

“About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income,” he said. “The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone—get fingerprints, get a location—then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.”

Gates said he’d like to see a birth registration system, and because it’s a new technology, “we should let 1,000 new ideas blossom.”

He said vaccination rates in poorer areas, such as northern Nigeria and northern India, are below 50 percent, and mobile technology could make a significant difference.

“When I think about the biggest impacts, I think about patient reminders,” Gates said. He explained that technology could help remind people to take the TB drugs regularly or remind mothers to do certain things in their child’s first year of life.

He also said technology will be important in monitoring the supply chain (i.e. making sure there aren’t counterfeits among vaccinations and medications) as well as saving lives on the ground. “Malaria and TB are going to be the first things where you say, ‘Wow, without this mobile application, all these people would have died.”

Gates told the audience that there is no such thing as a healthy, high-population growth country. “If you’re healthy, you’re low-population growth,” he said.

While most of us assume that saving the lives of children will contribute to overpopulation, Gates said the contrary is true.

“The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth. That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children.

“As the world grows from 6 billion to 9 billion, all of that population growth is in urban slums,” he said. “Slums is a growing businesses. It’s a very interesting problem.”

He said no matter what we care about—the environment, schools, nutrition, conflict—the issues are insoluble at 3 percent population growth per year. “Nobody can handle that type of situation, so the best thing you can do is avoid those deaths.”

He said we are in a tough time for foreign aid, and governments are cutting their budgets in response to the financial climate. “The U.K. is quite exemplary,” he said. “They set aside their aid budget and are on track to keep their commitment. It will grow while they cut the rest of their budget. I hope it doesn’t get cut here in the U.S., but I’ll say I’m quite concerned that it will be.”

Gates said he has resorted to pleading for money. “I’m a beggar now,” he said. “I go around and beg governments for the final [millions of dollars] needed to eradicate polio. The financial component may be why it doesn’t get done.”

When asked what’s next in our technological advancement, Gates said there’s no doubt it’s robots. “If you don’t want to go to a convention,” he said, “just send a robot. “When we look at something like infant mortality, there’s a certain level you can’t get below if you can’t do C-sections.” He said doing a caesarean section delivery requires a sterile environment, but Gates said it’s fairly routine, so it could be done by a robot.

He said that we are moving from computers sitting idle while we type; to those that can see us and have high-end applications; to computers that allow us to move and connect with other users in applications like Xbox.

“Computers are learning to see, learning to talk ,learning to listen, learning to move around,” Gates said. “The dexterity things are maybe five years behind.” But he said once a robot learns a task, “it doesn’t forget how to do it. It can do it 24 hours a day.”

Gates used an example in South Africa to illustrate how health education doesn’t always lead to behavior change. He said the Gates Foundation partnered with the Kaiser Family Foundation to educate young people about HIV, with several types of outreach, including billboards. When interviewed, there was no question that the young people understood what caused HIV, but there were not significant behavior changes, because in their minds, the disease was in the distant future.

“If AIDS killed you immediately, things would be better because you’d see these piles of bodies outside bars [and think], ‘I don’t want to go in there… looks suspicious.’ It’s these discontinuities that are the problem,” Gates said. “If all the poor people lived in your neighborhood we wouldn’t have problems with foreign aid.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with David Rockefeller’s Rockefeller Foundation, the creators of the GMO biotechnology, are also financing a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) headed by former UN chief, Kofi Annan. Accepting the role as AGRA head in June 2007 Annan expressed his “gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.” The AGRA board is dominated by people from both the Gates’ and Rockefeller foundations.

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