Archives March 2011
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EU to ban cars from cities by 2050
Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU master plan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years.
Japan prepares to restart work at nuclear plant
Japan ordered emergency workers to withdraw from its stricken nuclear complex Wednesday amid a surge in radiation, temporarily suspending efforts to cool the overheating reactors. Hours later, officials said they were preparing to send the team back in.
USAToday Advertises Chemtrailing as a tool to stop “global warming”
Suddenly spraying people with aluminum, barium and other deadly chemicals is a great way to end an inexistant emergency. One more main stream loud speaker concedes to the “conspiracy theories” about people being sprayed on like cockroaches
German Computer Expert: U.S., Israel Behind Stuxnet
A German computer security expert said Thursday he believes the United States and Israel’s Mossad unleashed the malicious Stuxnet worm on Iran’s nuclear program.
Australians Get Ready to be Heavily Irradiated
The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones.
Company Research On Genetically Modified Foods Is Rigged
In 2004, four advocates of genetically modified (GM) foods published a study in the British Food Journal that was sure to boost their cause. According to the peer-reviewed papin a Canadian farm store were confronted with an informed and unbiased choice between GM corn and non-GM corn, most purchased the GM variety.
Genetically Modified Corn Study Reveals Health Damage and Cover-up
When a German court ordered Monsanto to make public a controversial 90-day rat study on June 20, 2005, the data upheld claims by prominent scientists who said that animals fed the genetically modified (GM) corn developed extensive health effects in the blood, kidneys and liver and that humans eating the corn might be at risk.
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