Governments tighten rules on Vaccine exemptions

“Against the body of a healthy man, Parliament has no right of assault whatever, under pretence of the public health.” – Professor F.W. Newman of Oxford.

“Vaccination is a delusion, its penal enforcement a crime!” – Professor Alfred Russel Wallace in “The Wonderful Century”


Despite the fact that vaccines are only supported by unscientific pseudoscience, governments around the world continue to push the envelope so people are literally forced to use the toxic cocktails produced by the large pharmaceutical manufacturers. The United States is always the clearest example of how even when there is no law that mandates people to take vaccines — even if there was one, it would be unconstitutional — government ‘officials’ do their best to poke people against their will.

Through the years, people who are educated enough to know that vaccines are dangerous to human health avoided taking vaccines by using religion and other means to stay away from these pharmaceutical products. But lately, the states have resorted to all kinds of legal; or should I say illegal, resources to obligate children and adults to take the vaccines.

Over the years, the number of people — many of them doctors — who have become educated and have written about the threats posed by vaccines increased, so the main stream media and the health ‘authorities’ have found new ways to scare people and to build strawmen to hurt the reputation of those who are out to educate the public about the dangers and the outrageous increase in the use of vaccinations. While those trying to prevent mass disease caused by vaccines get attacked, this document shows how the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid children and their families for injuries presumed to have been caused or aggravated by the vaccine. According to official book keeping, 2,100 families and individuals have received compensation.

Unfortunately for the pharmaceutical establishment and its accomplice health practitioners, the increasing number of educated people includes many physicians who have taken the veil off their faces. The testimony of these honest MD’s is more valuable than ever with states like California forcing children to take vaccinations in order to have access to school.

Along with Washington and Vermont, California began a campaign to make it nearly impossible to refuse vaccinations, by limiting services to children and adults who are against vaccinations. The state of New Jersey is now studying ways to require more parents to vaccinate their children in order to be in school and other community programs.

Although in theory each US state has the prerogative to set its own vaccination policy, the truth is that the federal government managed to impose its own rules on states so the bureaucrats give the green light to initiatives that seek to make the opt out option much harder to utilize. Note again that in the United States there is not a state or federal law that requires anyone to take a vaccine. In fact, parents or guardians are the sole deciders when it comes to medicating their children.

With more parents deciding to educate their children at home, the government has found it even more difficult to force parents to vaccinate their kids, so the ‘officials’ and the main stream press have also sought to denounce home schooling as an archaic, crazy way to raise a child. Today, before children get to the tender age of 10, they must have been vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, hepatitis B; the Haemophilus influenzae bacterium, measles, mumps and rubella, polio, and varicella. In total, a child may receive over 30 shots before he reaches 11 years of age.

The main stream media usually portrays the existence of exemptions as a great favor, but forget to point out that it is an individual’s own business to decide what to do with his or her body. Neither the government nor school officials have any authority whatsoever to force anyone to inject toxic chemicals into a child or themselves. The usual excuse is that someone who has not been vaccinated endangers the health of others, although this argument does not make any sense. The idea that one or more unvaccinated persons threaten the health of the rest is originated from the collectivist point of view that argues for the benefit of the masses which in some people’s minds surpasses that of the individual.

So far, the success of the forceful vaccination campaigns relies on the ignorance of parents who are afraid of not having a school where to drop their children off every morning. These parents do not understand that by leaving their children at the mercy of the State, they are effectively waiving their rights as parents as they hand their children to the government. That is why states like California have sought to create laws that disable parents as the responsible guardians of the their own children, making the youngsters ‘responsible’ for decisions that range from giving consent for the acceptance of vaccines to using contraceptive methods.

Politicians and the media like to swindle the public by blaming the spread of disease on the lack of vaccination, even though reality shows exactly the opposite. Vaccines have never prevented the massive spread of disease, but helped spread it. Behind government vaccination policy stand the powerful pharmaceutical companies that make a kill every year by selling government bureaucrats the idea that not vaccinating can help spread disease to a point where infection can go out of control.

Recently, a California man named Kevin Barret, posted this comment on a so-called scientific magazine article that attempted to push the goodness of vaccinations on its readers:

“The California Health Department used extreme coercion to convince us to vaccinate our three-week-old son for Hepatitis B (a sexually transmitted disease – not much of a risk for infants). Immediately after the shot, he entered a near coma of crying and emotional withdrawal – obvious extreme trauma – that lasted about three days. He was later diagnosed with autism. The suffering we’ve experienced due to our bad decision is indescribable. After studying the issue (I’m a Ph.D. with three M.A.s, so I know how to do research) I think we need a revolution in this country for many reasons, one of which is to stop the medical industry from injecting formaldehyde, mercury and other extreme toxins into our children. My friend the late Lynn Margulis, the greatest biological scientist of the century, said on my radio show that as a general rule, you should NEVER INJECT ANYTHING, EVER – certainly not the stuff in vaccines!!! The skin barrier is there for a reason.”

As it happens often, he was quickly attacked by people who limited themselves to regurgitating main stream media-fed talking points but who failed to provide a single link to a document or independently conducted study that demonstrates whether or not vaccines treat or cure disease. I myself haven’t found one in 9 years of research.

Still, the outfits that promote vaccinations as the solution to each and every disease don’t even hide the fraud behind the fear mongering campaigns that seek to scare people into compliance. Most doctors who knowingly or otherwise push vaccines as the best way to treat or cure disease believe that people will eventually succumb to vaccinations given the fear factor behind outbreaks. That is the opinion of Paul Offit, chief of the division of infectious diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who says “people will be more compelled by the fear than by the reason.”

I would say that he is about right, except that the fear comes from the dangers that vaccines pose. People continue to seek second and third opinions regarding the dangers of vaccinations and today more than ever before, adults and parents are more likely to avoid injecting their children with toxins contained in vaccines. Last month, Healthcare Finance News reported on how vaccine sales decline for the first time in decades. “There was a 30 percent drop in the influenza vaccine market in 2011,” which is attributed to a mild flu season. That fact doesn’t decrease revenue for the pharmaceutical companies because government purchase giant amounts of vaccines to stockpile in the event of what officials call ‘dangerous outbreaks’.

The real reason behind of it all is the realization by millions of people who the scare mongering coming from governments and pharmaceutical conglomerates in 2009 was at the very least an attempt to make a quick buck through the sale of vaccines whose effectiveness and safety have always been questionable.

As explained by doctor James Garth Wilkinson in 1876, “compulsory vaccination is an instance of law, which inflicts disease and possible death on the human body and propagates and disseminates deadly infection upon animals and humanity. This is surely an instance of a law which is not based on wisdom or sanity and is a menace to the health and security of humanity and the State. This amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession. This is blood assassination.”

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U.S. Congress requests ban on Chinese Tech Companies

Despite the warning from Congress, the United States allows Chinese companies to manufacture military and computer technologies which are equipped with back doors for spying purposes.


Chinese telecom firms Huawei and ZTE are a threat to American security. That’s the conclusion of a report completed by the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. Congress after a year of research.

According to the commission, it is impossible to ensure that the two groups are independent of the Chinese government and therefore can be used to undermine U.S. security. “On the basis of classified and unclassified information, Huawei and ZTE can not guarantee their independence from the influence of a foreign state, so it poses a threat to U.S. security,” says the report.

The commission believes that the Chinese government could use these two groups for the rapid growth of economic and military espionage, or cyber attacks. Huawei has answered that 70% of its business is in China. The company works in 150 countries and in none of those it has had any problems. Of course, the United States is not any country and the behind the stage war between these two foes has not stopped.

According to U.S. research commission, the two groups did not provide satisfactory answers to parliamentary questions on their relations with the Chinese government. “China has the means, the opportunity and the motivation to use telecommunications companies for malicious purposes,” according to the report to be released Monday.

In conclusion, the commission said that the U.S. “should block acquisitions and mergers involving Huawei and ZTE because they would pose a threat to the national security interests of the United States. “U.S. government systems of communication,” the commission concludes , “especially in sensitive areas should not include equipment or components from Huawei and ZTE.”

But the Backdoor is left Open

Whether the commission’s concern is legitimate or not, the truth is that the report comes too late and too short about the way the Chinese have been able to infiltrate the U.S. Huawei and ZTE are not the only two companies manufacturing equipment for the U.S. government and its military. According to current and former intelligence sources in the United States, the Chinese have now have the capacity to access much of the equipment produced in China and that is being used on American territory.

The Chinese do so by utilizing previously installed components that allow them to remotely access the equipment from abroad. This revelation was first presented by Lignet, an intelligence company that detailed how communications equipment can potentially be disabled by the Chinese. The devices installed in the machines are popularly knows as backdoors because they provide hidden access to anyone who knows how to use them.

Mundane technologies fabricated in China and other Asian countries have already been demonstrated to have secret access points which can be used by technology companies, at the request of government agencies to spy on users. The same situation occurs with military grade equipment, for example, which is manufactured abroad for the United States government. Both hardware and software can be set up to enable outsiders to get into communication and weapons systems just as government agencies use the cameras built in computers and cellphones or GPS technology to monitor people’s every move.

Backdoors installed in communication devices for consumers or government use can be exploited for spying purposes to gain control of information, movement and habits, for example. Both Huawei and ZTE have been informally accused of installing microchips and stealth circuitry to enable remote control of devices manufactured in their factories. Huawei is a Chinese corporation that occupies its resources to offer networking and communication equipment and services. This company is only second to technology giant Ericsson as a provider of mobile telecommunications equipment and software.

But Huawei’s reach goes beyond American territory. It is a key provider of equipment and services that have to do with almost everything to other developed nations. It is similar to what USAID represents for the United States. The organization is an American funded front to infiltrate other countries under the auspices of humanitarian aid. Suspicion about USAID’s activities in several countries had gotten it kicked out of several countries. The most recent one is Russia.

Well known technology companies such as Symantec held partnerships with Huawei in the past, but the security software enterprise apparently ended that relationship due to the security concerns posed by the U.S. government. Another notable client of the Chinese company is the government of Iran, which has prompted some people to think that the Iranians themselves could use the backdoors to infiltrate American infrastructure. So far, however, it’s been the Americans and Israelis who have attacked Iran in several occasions with computer bugs known as Trapwire, Stuxnet and others.

Given this scenario, it sounds logical to hear the American government talking about strengthening internet security for the sake of protecting its infrastructure. The part that is not so logical is that the U.S. government allows the same technology companies to continue manufacturing sensible portions of that infrastructure, which is what opens the door to internet insecurity. Another issue is that the Americans also intend to clamp down on internet freedom by using cyber threats as a justification to ban certain portions of the world wide web.

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Will the United States follow the same path as the USSR?

By MAC SLAVO | | OCTOBER 2, 2012

In the following video commentary Russian General Konstantin P. Petrov (Ret.) asks some interesting questions and includes his own thoughts (perhaps the non-official Russian position) about a variety of topics that include the end of US dollar hegemony, the orchestration of the 9-11 attacks to engage America in a mid-east war, the puppeteers behind the politicians and the coming premeditated collapse of the United States of America as we know it.

While here in the United States we remain enclosed in a propaganda bubble controlled by western multi-billion dollar media conglomerates, business interests and political alliances, there can be no doubt that other schools of thought exist throughout the world. What may seem like reality to our populace is perhaps nothing more than illusion.

The United States does not exist in a vacuum. As such, we simply cannot ignore the assessments, outlook and opinions of foreign leadership as they pertain to the global implications of current events.

How did they ruin the USSR? They called the Soviet Union a ‘prison for people’ and an ‘evil empire’.

The same thing is being done to the United States.

We also intervened in Afghanistan and do you remember how that ended? It’s the same thing with the United States, and the American can’t do anything there. Now the entire muslim world hates the United States.

And when the global mafia dumps the dollar the entire world will think that the Americans deserved this. But this won’t benefit people in our country, especially those who’ve been saving up dollars.

There’s another thing that we should take into account.

In the United States lives 5% of the world’s population, but Americans consume 50% of the world’s energy resources. The global mafia sees this as a problem.

…Some of our people who fled to the US, and now live there on welfare, live better there unemployed than they would have lived in Russia even if they were employed.

The slave masters think that this situation in the US is unacceptable because even the slaves live relatively well there. so the United States is doomed too in this sense.

Even if you’re the head of a mighty state and you don’t understand global politics and don’t understand the methods of global politics you’re still a hostage of the global mafia. The leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the USA carried out internal and external politics, but the global mafia carries out global politics.

The USSR collapsed and the same fate has been prepared for the USA.

Forbidden Education


If you often wonder what did the traditional educational system do for you, let me say that you are asking the wrong question.How about asking what did the traditional educational system prevented me from doing? or What did the traditional educational system prevented me from becoming? The current educational system was invented and imposed on society since the times of the industrial revolution, following the model created in Prussia.

The main goal of that educational system was to deplete human minds and to simply prepare people to become effective factory workers who completed tasks in the most expeditious way possible without costing much to the land or factory owner. It was designed in a way that  prepared people to be obedient servants; and it still does so today.

The school system is considered by teachers, academics and students an obsolete and outdated method of instruction, but what many of those teachers, academics or students don’t know or recognize, is that such characteristics were purposely embedded into the educational system.

Obsolescence and ineffectiveness are not consequences of an outdated educational system, but fundamental parts of a control scheme that meant to turn people into dumbed down, obedient cows who could be milked throughout their whole lives for the fruits of their labor. This fact is documented by Charlotte Iserbyt in her book Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

All traditional public and private schools functioning under government-created policy are designed to teach people how to repeat concepts and ideas born in government which are not only useless, but also not prepared by actual teachers.

The film College Conspiracy does a great job exposing the negative results of the current educational system because it explains how it directly affects the lives of millions of people who are born into a defective form of education. However, a new documentary called Educación Prohibida — Forbidden Education — takes an even deeper look at the roots of the current educational system and provides a historical perspective on how the government-sponsored method of ‘educating’ us has been destroying minds for hundreds of years.

The film is narrated in Spanish but it also provides English and Portuguese subtitles. Please watch it below and pass it to as many people as possible.


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United Nations Precipitously Falls into Irrelevance


How Corrupt Is the World Food Program? Click and learn more.

How do you know when an organization has lived beyond its days? When even its minion members do not attend what is portrayed as the most relevant meeting of the year. The decay of the United Nations is not new. The globalist-founded entity lost its credibility pretty much since it was created by ignoring crime and corruption all over the planet.

On its charter, the United Nations fancies itself as an organization that was founded to: maintain world peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation in solving international problems and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.

One fact that the Charter does not say is who really founded the U.N. and how its founders never mean to achieve any of the goals listed above, which is why this irrelevant entity has never come even close to achieving anything positive. So, even though we’ve reported tirelessly about the real origin of the United Nations, let’s review it quickly again.

The United Nations was created back in 1945. The key proponent of the U.N. was Alger Hiss, an American lawyer and communist spy for the Stalin regime, as testified in Congress under oath by Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist Party member. Other founders of the U.N. include the Rockefeller family, and some other 30 or 40 members of the Council on Foreign Relations members, among others. Rockefeller himself donated the land on which the U.N. building sits today.

Upon its creation, the U.N. attempted to become relevant by producing a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is only valid as long as those rights “do not oppose the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” This Declaration though, was not created to bring freedom and liberty. It has the purpose of giving people the right “to a social and international order”, as explained on article 28 of the U.N. document.

Anyone mildly informed about current events is pretty well aware of the United Nations actions and its core globalist principles, so let’s  review a number of ‘accomplishments’ that the U.N. has accumulated throughout the years. Going from the most recent to oldest of its actions, the U.N. works hard to convince people that they and their governments need to be disarmed.

The U.N. is also a champion pusher of a global tax to finance its illegitimate operations. An initiative presented by the U.N.’s President of the Economic and Social Council, Milos Koterec, calls for the imposition of a global tax in an attempt to globally institutionalize socialism as a way to solve every single problem there is. His plan was presented at a forum whose main focus was the non-existent right of people to have “universal access to basic social protection and social services.” This is not to say that people in need should be left to die, but that an international institution without legitimacy like the U.N. does not have the legal standing to do such a thing.

The United Nations is known for financing eugenics programs all over the world with the monies it already receives from developed nations from across the planet as well as fake philanthropists such as John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Edward Harriman, Andrew Carnegie, William Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Prince Charles and many others. Bill Gates and Ted Turner have publicly expressed their desire to depopulate the planet and they use their tax exempted foundations to finance their eugenics programs.

“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion  people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on  new vaccines, health care, reproductive health  services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15  percent.”  - Bill Gates at California TED 2010 Conference.

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”  – Ted Turner

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”  – Prince Philipe quote from Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988.

Prince Philip helped start the World Wildlife Fund in 1961 with former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who is closely affiliated with the founders of the Bilderberg Group, and Sir Julian Huxley, who was also the President of the British Eugenics Society.

The U.N. is also a promoter of government-controlled access to health and medicine, pushing a global set of rules to manage what people eat and don’t eat. This initiative is known as Codex Alimentarius, a set of policies that let’s the U.N. govern over nutrition and access to traditional or alternative medical treatments and food.

Instead of actually dedicating its efforts to ending poverty and bringing health and services to the neediest, the U.N. has used its budget to push for a socialist agenda which includes taking possession of government-owned lands as well as privately kept properties all around the world. Through its proposed Agenda 21 initiative, the U.N. intends to socialize land ownership not to give it to the poorest, but to hoard it. As explained in a recent article, the United Nations is infiltrating developing nations to convince its leaders and citizens that they should not aspire to enjoy the benefits of the land and the industry. Instead, U.N. accomplices say, people should seek to be in peace with themselves while letting their countries and their people live in denigrating conditions.

For these and many other reasons, the United Nations has become increasingly irrelevant even for people like Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel, who missed the 2012 meeting happening now in New York City. “The concept of a world of nation-states, which dates to the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, and the idea that they have a monopoly on international relations and on the conduct of war, is no longer valid,” said Max Manwaring, a professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, to the Wall Street Journal.

While the globalist organizations tell us that independent nation-states are obsolete, it seems that the only antique entity around here is their main instrument to centralize power and control — the U.N.. Despite the fact that their sham is falling in pieces, globalist minions like Barack Obama attempt to challenge real constitutional rights and freedoms by saying that “at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.” Do you see the double speech?

The appearance of social media that helped democratize information, and although they remain in the hands of corporations, these media now threaten to destroy the ‘monopoly of truth’ in the hands of the establishment. That is why the U.N. is also attacking the right of people to say what they think. The United Nations is one of the strongest pushers of internet censorship and bans on free speech.

But don’t forget about the United Nations push for the Nazi inspired Environmentalist movement. The Nazi environmental program was the base for the creation of the U.N.’s Global Biodiversity Assessment Report. The complete program of sustainability is based on an effort to change human behavior to states that ordinarily humans would not approve or enjoy. This changes in human behavior are mostly brought upon by instigating fear. Fear of global warming, climate change, natural disasters, wars, famine, droughts and so on. This is a technique used throughout history by establishment globalists to ease people into their deadly social, political and economic models.

The United Nations is not a scapegoat as suggested by Flavia Krause-Jackson of the Wall Street Journal. She implies that the fact only 5 countries make all the decisions in the security council has somehow handicapped the U.N.. There is a reason why the United Nations was never opened to more nations to participate of the decision-making process: The U.N. was never meant to be what Ms. Jackson and those she interviewed for her article think. It was meant to be just another globalist-controlled entity that serves as a tool to torture the planet into a super concentrated state of tyranny.

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