Mitt Romney will continue Obama’s Plan to destroy the Middle East and North Africa


The Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, Mitt Romney said Tuesday  that if he wins the election next November, the United States will continue to arm the opposition in Syria to fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. This statement may be surprising for many who see Romney as an alternative to Obama’s failed ‘hope and change’ hoax. But the truth is that neither candidate seems to deviate significantly from the travesty administration of George W. Bush, who democrats blame for everything that Obama inherited; or from Bill Clinton who built carried out the same policies that Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and Obama support.

The thought that a Romney presidency will further help set up the Middle East and North Africa ablaze is not so strange. Mitt Romney himself has said it clearly in his speech at the  Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. He assured the audience that if elected on November 6, he will work with U.S. allies to “identify and organize the Syrian opposition members” who share their values “and to ensure they get the weapons they need to defeat tanks, helicopters and planes from the Assad government”. This statement is revealing indeed. Mr. Romney has confessed that his administration shares the same values of the Syrian opposition groups.

The Syrian fighters are admittedly, US and NATO supported members of Al-Qaeda and its affiliate terrorist groups, so in a sense, Romney has admitted to supporting the use of terrorism to bring about change in Syria. As The Real Agenda has reported before, the terrorist militias that attack innocent people in Syria are the same groups that operate from across right across the border on Turkish territory. These are also the same groups that launched a false-flag attack against Turkey — the weapons used belonged to NATO — to blame Syria for it, so Turkey would have an excuse to fire its weapons against Syria. The government of Turkey has officially approved legislation to attack Syria and it has been doing so for the past 7 days. The move has been praised by NATO, the UN the United States government and of course Mr. Romney himself.

During his speech in Virginia, the former governor of Massachusetts criticized the “passive policy” of President Barack Obama in the Middle East conflict, and the absence of a strong reaction to the attack on an American consulate in Libya last month that killed U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other U.S. officials. So for Romney the killing of hundreds of people by US allies and guerrilla groups that operate clandestinely in Libya and Syria, and which are funded with American taxpayer dollars is way too passive. As it has now been revealed, the attack on the American consulate was at the very least overlooked by the Obama administration after receiving multiple requests and warnings that the attack was coming.

According to Romney, Obama has failed both Israel and the Palestinians, as “what should be a negotiation process has become a series of heated disputes in the United Nations,” said Romney. “In this old conflict, as in every challenge we face in the Middle East, only a new president will bring the opportunity to start over. There is a yearning for American leadership,” said the candidate, who gave no details of his plan for the region.

Romney said that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, which incidentally happened on September 11, was probably the work of “the same forces” who bombed the US in 2001. “You can not blame this attack on a video that insulted Islam even though the government has tried to convince us of it for so long,” he added.

Regarding the Iranian threat, the Republican to occupy the White House said it would take in “new sanctions and tighten” existing ones to bring Iran to its knees. “I will restore the permanent presence of aircraft carrier task forces in both the eastern Mediterranean and in the Gulf region, and work with Israel to increase military assistance and coordination,” he added. In other words, Romney intends not only to sustain the current murderous campaign being carried out by Barack Obama, but also to increase the level of aggression against non aligned nations.

Obama is credited — wrongfully many argue — with the death of the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the end of the war in Iraq, a limited military intervention that ended the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya with intensified air attacks with drones against suspected terrorists, and the gradual reduction of troops in Afghanistan.

As a political candidate, Romney has adopted the concept of many conservatives in the United States according to which political systems of Europe, especially the French, are socialists and contrary to the “free market” American style. This is true, just as it is true what Romney said about self-entitled, government-dependent people who can never get enough welfare and who knowingly choose to support the bribery system sponsored by the central government.

But the similarities between Obama and Romney do not stop at speeches given to brainwashed supporters. Both the US president and the Republican candidate believe that government can and should Bailouts, ‘too big to fail’ entities, provide free money to banks and corporations in the form of stimulus packages, use quantitative easing and deficit spending as development policies, send troops to protect others borders and sending taxpayer money to foreign dictators, intervene in the affairs of other nations, restrict gun ownership, surveil and oppress citizens with tools such as the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretaps and so on.

Both presidential candidates also support the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, trial or legal counsel. They both support the assassinations of American citizens or anyone else without due process and socialized healthcare, among others.

Choosing the least dangerous option this time around is just not a viable way to go this time for the American people, because Romney and Obama as equally dangerous.

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Hollande Blesses Attack on Syria


French President François Hollande has said that if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, resorted to chemical weapons, it would be enough to justify an intervention by the international community.

In early August, rumors of Assad moving chemical weapons to undisclosed locations surged on the main stream media, but no facts to support such assertion were provided. This is the same kind of rhetoric presented on the media before the United States attacked Iraq. Back then, the US government and the intelligence community assured the world that Saddam Hussein was hiding and was prepared to use chemical weapons, which he transported continuously in mobile truck labs. Expect some western intelligence agency or supposed Syrian defector to “show proof” that Assad is using chemical weapons on the Syrian population, a move that will most likely mean an attack on that country.

“We remain very vigilant with our allies to prevent the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, which for the international community would be a legitimate cause for a direct intervention,” said Hollande in his opening speech of the twentieth annual conference of French ambassadors.

Hollande said he is aware of “the difficulty of the work” and the risks involved, but felt that the situation is beyond the scope Syrian security concerns in the Middle East, and “in particular the independence and stability of Lebanon”. While the US supported militias are going around Syria causing mayhem and death, Mr. Hollande has publicly given his support for war against Syria, but said nothing about the US and Turkey stirring conflict against the people of Syria.

“Assad must go. Continues with unusual violence massacring the population, destroying cities, killing women and children. It’s intolerable and unacceptable and against all human consciousness for the security and stability in the region,” he said in that speech.

Hollande also considered to be a recourse of the International Criminal Tribunal to try the perpetrators of crimes in Syria. Needless to say he wasn’t referring to the United States or its terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. He then said that Syrian people must overcome obstacles within the Security Council of the UN, whose capacity is weakened in its view blocking by Russia and China. Both countries have opposed every single unjustified attempt to approve an attack on both Syria and Iran.

“We will press as long as necessary at the Council to reach a consensus in the international community. But immediately, we must act,” he added.

Hollande went on to say that France called on the Syrian opposition to constitute a provisional and representative government, that could eventually become the legitimate government of the new Syria. He urged France’s Arab partners to help them in that way. Hollande said that France would recognize when that government was formed. Mr. Hollande again shows his lack of respect for the will of the Syrian people, even though he says the goal of a military intervention would be their benefit. As we have reported, most of the Syrians are in favor of the current government, and not the other way around. But even if that wasn’t the case, the logical way to take Assad out of office would not include the intervention of foreign invaders.

Hollande said his country also supports those who work on the field for a Free, democratic Syria, which is respectful of human rights and that guarantees the safety of all communities. Unfortunately, that is exactly what he is trying to destroy by supporting the western-led rebel groups who are killing hundreds of Syrians in the name of the country’s liberation.

United States Gauges Sending 50,000 troops to Syria


While the Obama regime actively participates in the destabilization of Bashar al-Assad’s government, by aiding rebel groups and proxy governments to carry out a shadow war against Syria, the US government is also considering invading the country by putting 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers on the ground to “safeguard” the chemical weapons stockpile.

Main stream media accused the Syrian government of illegally moving chemical weapons to publicly undisclosed locations in the country, while the US allies on Syrian soil attack government forces in a struggle to gain control of the most important cities. The movement of the weapons, say corporate news outlets, is being done in preparation to carry out attacks on the Syrian people, should the country get attacked by western nations or their allies in the region. As expected, no media outlet has shown any proof that the Assad-led government has used or intends to use such weapons on its own people.

The discussion to invade Syria at any point, should the western invaders think that the chemical stockpiles “are in danger” has been extended to United States allies, who are debating their answer to the fall of the government of Bashar al-Assad, if the country’s security forces were to disintegrate. This exact scenario is what the rebel groups supported financially and militarily by the US government intend to carry out, the destabilization of the government in order to take the country over. The non invasion of US or other foreign forces would mean that the rebels would get a hold of the chemical and biological weapons that Damascus has, as reported by official sources. Isn’t that a win win situation? You cause the fall of a country to have an excuse to invade it and to keep everything in it.

Ultimately, the US is not even interested in the chemical or biological weapons in Assad’s hands, but on the existent resources the country has. In the worst case scenario, the US is considering the deployment of 50,000 to 60,000 troops to secure the stockpiles. The hypothesis that part in the talks is that, in the event that the security forces disintegrated, those stockpiles would be subjected to pillage and plunder.

The US is saying that the sites where Syria now keeps its weapons would not be bombed due to the danger that the chemicals represent for the people and the environment. That is another good excuse to promote the invasion as a better idea than to bomb the country from above while the rebels do the dirty work on the ground. It sure wasn’t the same kind of thinking when the same people in control of the US government today decided to bomb Vietnam with Agent Orange, or to use depleted uranium in Iraq. No worries about the people or the environment there.

Sources have said the United States still does not have among its plans to deploy troops in Syria and that the Pentagon has rejected the possibility of implementing a no-fly zone in the near future. The same information was reported by the Israeli daily Haaretz. “There is no imminent plan to deploy ground troops. This is, in fact, a much worse scenario,” added an official source, while he pointed out that U.S. troops probably would play a role in the mission if it came to an invasion.

In addition, two U.S. diplomatic sources have said that a force of 60,000 troops would not be enough for a peacekeeping mission and would be only the number of troops needed to secure the stockpiles. Therefore, it would have added the deployment of troops needed to support that effort.

Finally, the Diplomats have said that several European countries have already said they would not join such action if it were the case. Meanwhile, neither the White House nor the Pentagon have commented on this information, although the White House spokesman, Tommy Vietor, said the United States believes that chemical weapons are under government control.

He said that “due to the escalating violence in Syria and the increasing attacks of the regime against the population, there is concern about these weapons.” In addition to monitoring the arsenals, we are consulting with Syrian neighbors — and with our friends in the international community — to underscore our common concern about the safety of these weapons and the Syrian Government’s obligation to ensure their safety,” he concluded.

U.S. Troops that Abandoned Iraq Moved into Syrian Border

Iraq (check), Afghanistan (check), Libya (check), Syria (  ), Iran (  )…

Paul Joseph Watson
December 13, 2011

Following similar reports by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, Israeli intelligence sources confirm that US Special Forces are massing in Jordan on the Syrian border having been transferred from Iraq.

On Sunday Edmonds reported that hundreds of foreign troops were witnessed near the Jordanian border village of Al-Mafraq, having moved back and forth between King Hussein Air Base of al-Mafraq and villages adjacent to the Syrian border.

After interviewing an employee in the London-based office of Royal Jordanian Airlines, Nizar Nayouf also reported that, “At least one US aircraft carrying military personnel landed in the Prince Hassan Air base located about 100 km to the east of the city of Al-Mafraq.”

According to Edmonds, the mainstream media has been eager to keep the movement of the troops under wraps, with one journalist from a major publication being told by his editor that there would be no coverage of the story.

The Israeli intelligence outlet DebkaFile has now backed these reports, stating that, “American special forces troops have been diverted to positions in Jordan opposite a Syrian tank concentration building up across the kingdom’s northern border.”

US troops were airlifted out of the Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq to take up positions in Jordan from Thursday onwards, according to the report.

Instead of returning to military bases in Europe or the Persian Gulf, the troops have lined up directly opposite Assad’s forces 10 kilometers from the Syrian border and have constructed “surveillance towers and army posts in the Jordanian villages of Albaej, Zubaydiah and al-Nahdah.”

NATO powers are preparing a new “humanitarian intervention” on the back of disputed reports that the Assad regime has killed 5,000 pro-democracy demonstrators. Skeptical voices have pointed out that, just like Libya, the so-called protesters are in fact militants attempting to overthrow the government in the course of a civil war.

Just as Al-Qaeda terrorists were used to oust Gaddafi, hundreds of Libyan rebels were airlifted into Syria to aid the opposition in carrying out attacks against government forces.

As we reported last week, the United States has deployed a total of three warships to the Middle East, along with several other attack boats, as tensions in the region escalate. Russia has denied reports that warships it sent to Syrian territorial waters last month were for the purpose of discouraging any potential military strike on the country.

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