Bilderberg Gives Green Light to Attack Iran

The 2010 Bilderberg agenda has been revealed by veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker and it paints a picture of crisis for the

War with Iran may be around the corner now that Bilderberg has given the official approval.

globalists, who are furious at the increased exposure their gatherings have received in recent years, as well as being dismayed at their failure to rescue both the euro and the failing carbon tax agenda, but more alarmingly according to Tucker, the majority of Bilderberg members are now in favor of military air strikes on Iran.

American Free Press muckraker Tucker has proven routinely accurate with the information he obtains from sources inside Bilderberg, which makes this year’s revelations all the more intriguing.

According to Tucker, Bilderberg luminaries are dismayed at the fact that “many important people” are not attending this year because, due to increasing exposure, invitees are “getting in trouble at home” and constituents are embarrassing them by asking irate questions such as “what are you doing with these monsters?”

“All these people are exposing us, we get all this mail and calls,” Tucker paraphrased Bilderberg members as complaining.

This dovetails with the revelations overheard by Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton at the Hotel Dolce Sitges before the meeting began when he heard conference organizers lamenting the fact that protest numbers are growing at Bilderberg events each year and that they represent a “threat” to Bilderberg’s agenda.

In addition, prominent Bilderberg Zbigniew Brzezinski, the man who warned recently that a “global political awakening” was threatening to derail the move towards global government, was expected to be in attendance at this year’s meeting.

Tucker named his source as an international financial consultant who personally knows Bilderberg members and has done business with them for the past 20 years.

Turning to Iran, Tucker said that many Bilderberg members, including Brzezinski, were in favor of U.S. air strikes on Iran and were “leaning towards war,” although 100 per cent of members were not supportive of an attack.

“Some of them in Europe are saying no we shouldn’t do it but most of them are in favor of American air strikes on Iran,” said Tucker, adding, “They’re tilting heavily towards green lighting a U.S. attack on Iran.”

An attack on Iran would provide a welcome distraction to the globalists’ failings in other areas and would also allow them to war profiteer, pointed out Tucker.

On the subject of the euro, Tucker said that the Bilderberg elitists were determined to save the single currency even as it collapsed to a new 4-year-low at $1.19 against the dollar yesterday afternoon. As we have highlighted, the globalists are panicking at the euro’s fall and the ECB keeps intervening to try and hasten its decline. If the euro were to cease to exist, it would all but derail the ultimate agenda for a global currency because the perceived stability of using one currency for a plethora of nations would be discredited.

“The euro is important because it’s part of their world government program, they’re very downbeat because they’ve fallen so far behind,” said Tucker, explaining that the globalists had planned by now to have the European Union, the American Union and the Asia-Pacific Union already up and running.

With regard to the climate change agenda, on which subject Microsoft founder Bill Gates was personally invited to the conference to discuss, Tucker said that Bilderberg were still intent on pushing it in pursuit of a carbon tax despite the fact that the whole move was massively eviscerated in the aftermath of the Climategate scandal.

Tucker quoted one Bilderberg member as all but admitting defeat on the mission to hoodwink the public into paying taxes in the name of fighting global warming.

“On climate change, we’re about whipped,” said one of the elitists in attendance.

However, Tucker said that the globalists were working on putting out more climate change propaganda “even as we speak”.

On the issue of the BP oil spill, the Bilderbergers made it clear that President Obama’s apparent “outrage” at BP and his threat of criminal procedures against the company was an little more than an act and that British Petroleum, who have been represented at Bilderberg meetings in the past by people like Peter Sutherland, former non-executive chairman of BP, were still “one of our brothers,” according to the elitists.

The future of oil prices are always an important topic to Bilderberg and the leaks Tucker and other investigators relayed from previous Bilderberg meetings were proven accurate when oil prices hit $150 a barrel in 2008, which was precisely what Bilderberg had called for.

“Gas prices are going to be nice and cheap this summer,” said Tucker, adding that they would start to rise again to the $4 a gallon level around November when artificial scarcity is created.

On the march towards anti-democratic global government, Bilderberg members stated that America must be “Europeanized” and turned into a giant socialist welfare state with health rationing and higher income taxes.

Tucker said hat Bilderberg were intent on mandating a bank tax paid directly to the IMF to fund global governance and a global treasury department under the IMF, and that this would then merely be passed on to the consumer.

In summary, Tucker said that this year’s conference was the most downbeat and pessimistic Bilderberg meeting in history, with massive exposure of their agenda acting as a roadblock to the ultimate goal of an authoritarian world government run by the elite, for the elite.

Bilderberg drena cofres públicos en España

Sindicato policial denuncia el “despilfarro” en seguridad que conlleva el Club Bilderberg

El Sindicat de Mossos d’Esquadra (SME-CCOO) ha denunciado el ‘gran despilfarro’ que ha supuesto las medidas de seguridad para la reunión del Club Bilderberg, un grupo privado del que forman parte mandatarios, grandes empresarios o monarcas, y que ha movilizado a centenares de agentes autonómicos.

En un comunicado, el SME ha expresado públicamente “su desacuerdo hacia lo que supone un injustificado despilfarro de dinero público destinado a preservar la seguridad de un acto privado”, cantidad que cifra en “centenares de miles de euros”

Revela este sindicato que, para garantizar la seguridad del encuentro anual del Club Bilderberg, que este año se celebra en un hotel de Sitges (Barcelona), “el Departamento de Interior ha montado un dispositivo de seguridad formado por centenares de mossos d’esquadra de diferentes especialidades (USC, BRIMO, Tráfico, Tedax, Subsuelo, Guías Caninos, ARRO, Información), así como la activación del helicóptero de Mossos”.

“No se entiende que en plena crisis, cuando los gobiernos han impuesto un recorte salarial a todos los funcionarios escudándose en la crisis económica, ahora se dedique a enviar centenares de mossos a cubrir un acto no oficial y a generar un gasto cifrado en centenares de miles de euros que deberán pagar los fondos públicos”, indica la nota del SME.

El sindicato policial también denuncia que, para garantizar la seguridad de este acto, “se hayan tenido que enviar patrullas de otras demarcaciones policiales, con la consiguiente desprotección de sus territorios“, y que “se haya forzado a algunos agentes a trabajar 8 fines de semana seguidos” o que se hayan programado “servicios continuados de más de 12 horas”.

El SME-CCOO entiende que al ser un club privado, el Club Bilderberg, al que también se conoce como el “gobierno del mundo en la sombra“, se debería “hacer cargo de los costes que genera la seguridad de este acontecimiento, y más teniendo en cuenta las cifras millonarias que aglutinan algunos de sus miembros, y no derrochar el dinero público de todos los ciudadanos”.

International Action to arrest Henry Kissinger

Sovereign Independent

Henry Kissinger has an International Arrest Warrant out for him and an attempt is made to enforce it in Four Seasons Hotel DublinkissingerIreland where he was staying 8th May 2010.

The annual Trilateral conference headed up and attended by David Rockefeller was held in the hotel on the 7th and 8th May.

This secretive group prepare the way for the major (also secretive) Bilderberg meeting in Barcelona Spain June 2010.

It seems that Henry Kissinger as Rockefeller’s right hand man had to be at the meeting even though there existed an International arrest warrant from France and Spain who wish to charge him with war crimes from the Chile war. The Spanish and French say Henry Kissinger is implicated in the death of French and Spanish in the war in Chile.

A delegation of Irish and some other nationalities asked the Irish Police force (Garda) to arrest Henry Kissinger who was resident in the hotel on foot of the warrant.

Later the Police/Garda forces lame excuse as they processed the arrest warrant was they were blocked due to the fact the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs were required to process the arrest warrant and that office is closed on weekends.

International Criminals have free reign on weekends in Ireland.

Therefore Henry Kissinger escaped Sunday morning at 11am probably with a police escort to the airport.

The Special Branch (political police of the Irish state) followed some of this group of protesters to a pub and later that night harassed them for the cameras they had. No cameras or film was lost but it shows that the Irish government conspired to protect Henry Kissinger from arrest breaking all EU laws of extradition.

The good news is that the protest group were able to use loud speakers to project shows like Alex Jones and Mike Riveros into the hotel nearby thereby letting the NWO know the world including Ireland has woken up to the NWO.

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