BPA Levels Skyrocket after Consuming Canned Foods

by Elizabeth Walling
Natural News
February 1, 2012

A Harvard study suggests that avoiding BPA packagingmostof the time isn’t enough to avoid its toxic side effects. Even a daily bowl of canned soup is enough to spike your BPA levels by more than 1,200 percent.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health studied levels of the chemical BPA (bisphenol A) in 75 volunteers who ate 12 ounces of soup each day for five days. One group ate fresh soup, while the other ate canned. When BPA levels were measured, the results were no less than shocking: eating canned soup on a daily basis raised urinary BPA levels by a whopping 1,221 percent.

“The magnitude of the rise in urinary BPA we observed after just one serving of soup was unexpected and may be of concern among individuals who regularly consume foods from cans or drink several canned beverages daily,” said Karin Michels, senior author of the study.

She adds, “It may be advisable for manufacturers to consider eliminating BPA from can linings.”

Researchers say more studies need to be done to determine how long these elevated BPA levels can last.

BPA has many dangerous side effects

Why is this so concerning? Study after study has linked high BPA levels to serious health risks. Just glancing through a small portion of BPA studies is like walking through a health house of horrors. Believe it or not, the following are just a few of the problems caused by BPA:

- High urinary BPA levels have been strongly linked with heart disease and diabetes risk. (http://www.naturalnews.com/024207_BPA_health_plastics.html)

- Prenatal BPA exposure is connected with a higher breast cancer risk later in life. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033782_BPA_exposure_breast_cancer.html

- New findings say prenatal BPA exposure can cause aggressiveness in toddlers (http://www.naturalnews.com/034288_BPA_prenatal_exposure.html) and asthma in babies (http://www.naturalnews.com/032304_BPA_asthma.html).

- BPA can also impact fertility by damaging sperm health. (http://www.naturalnews.com/031161_BPA_sperm.html)

While some organic food suppliers have taken the hint and removed BPA from their packaging, most food manufacturers blatantly ignore BPA risks and package their foods in materials that contain BPA. This is one more important reason to choose fresh foods whenever possible.

Sources for this article include:




Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/034811_BPA_canned_food_soup.html#ixzz1l4qXZ11S

BPA linked to behavior problems in girls: study

October 24, 2011

Girls who were exposed to the industrial chemical bisphenol A while in the womb showed more behavioral problems at age three than those whose moms had lower BPA levels, said a study released Monday.

Anxiety, depression and hyperactivity were seen more often in toddler girls whose mothers had high levels of the chemical in their urine while pregnant, said the research led by the Harvard School of Public Health.

“This pattern was more pronounced for girls, which suggests that they might be more vulnerable to gestational BPA exposure than boys,” said the study in the October 24 issue of the journal Pediatrics.

BPA is used in the manufacture of plastics and adhesives, and can be found in the lining of canned foods, some plastic bottles and containers, cashier receipts and dental fillings.

The analysis was done using data from 244 mothers and their children up to age three in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. The mothers’ urine samples were tested while pregnant at 16 and 26 weeks, and again at birth.

The children’s urine was tested at age one, two and three. BPA was found in 85 percent of the mothers’ urine and in 96 percent of the samples from the children.

The higher the BPA levels were while the mother was pregnant, the more likely the daughters were to experience behavioral problems by age three.

The same correlation was not seen in boys, nor was there any apparent link between behavior and levels of BPA in the children’s urine, said the data derived from questionnaires on child behavior filled out by the parents.

“None of the children had clinically abnormal behavior, but some children had more behavior problems than others,” said lead author Joe Braun, research fellow in environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The study reported that “increasing gestational BPA concentrations were associated with more hyperactive, aggressive, anxious, and depressed behavior and poorer emotional control and inhibition in the girls.”

The research appeared to support previous studies that have suggested a link between BPA exposure in the womb and child behavior, but is the first to show that in utero exposure is the critical window when altering effects may occur.

However, due to the small size of the sample, the study authors — who also included scientists at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia — said more research is needed.

“There is considerable debate regarding the toxicity of low-level BPA exposure, and the findings presented here warrant additional research,” said the study.

Funding for the study came from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences training.

Death by Plastic: BPA is changing Sexual Orientation

Nightly News
September 5, 2011

Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogen compound in plastic drinking bottles and food containers is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance.

Bisfenol A causa Infertilidad Masculina

BPA se utiliza extensamente para fabricar plástico más duro y latas herméticas. Se encuentra en la mayoría de las latas de alimentos y bebidas – incluyendo latas de leche para lactantes – envases plásticos de alimentos, los teléfonos móviles y otros aparatos electrónicos.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Noviembre 4, 2010

El Bisfenol A (BPA), conocido como el “flexor de género”, ha sido relacionado ahora a la impotencia masculina, se ha demostrado que disminuye la movilidad y la calidad de los espermatozoides. Los resultados, es probable, que aumenten la presión sobre los gobiernos de todo el mundo a seguir los pasos de Canadá que prohibió el uso de la sustancia.

BPA se utiliza extensamente para fabricar plástico más duro y almacenar productos enlatados. Algunos de los recipientes que son fabricados con este tóxico están: la mayoría de alimentos no perecibles como atún, frijoles, maíz, etc. Pero más importante que estos alimentos está la formula en polvo que es dada a los niños pequeños, la cual es distribuida a gran parte de la población a través de programas gubernamentales de alimentación. Otros artículos como teléfonos, radios, tocadores de CD y DVD, así como otros electrónicos también están cubiertos o hechos con Bisfenol A.

También se utiliza en los biberones aunque el uso en estos está siendo eliminado poco a poco. BPA ha sido objeto de intensa investigación, ya que es un disruptor endocrino que interfiere con los niveles normales y el funcionamiento de las hormonas corporales. Estudios anteriores han relacionado al BPA con bajo deseo sexual, impotencia y daño del ADN en el esperma.

Ahora un nuevo estudio de cinco años afirma haber encontrado un vínculo entre los niveles de BPA en la sangre y la fertilidad masculina.

Para el estudio de 514 trabajadores de las fábricas en China, los investigadores de Kaiser Permanente, un centro de investigación con sede en California, encontraron que los hombres con mayores niveles de BPA en la orina tenían de dos a cuatro veces más riesgo de tener baja calidad del semen, incluida la concentración de espermatozoides, baja vitalidad y movilidad del esperma.

Lo que es más el importante es que, entre más alta sea la concentración de BPA en la sangre menor es la calidad del esperma. Incluso aquellos con niveles menores de BPA en los Estados Unidos, también presentaron bajos niveles de calidad del esperma.

“En comparación con los hombres sin niveles detectables de BPA en la orina, las personas con niveles detectables tenían más de tres veces el riesgo de concentración de esperma baja y menos vitalidad de los espermatozoides, así como más de cuatro veces el riesgo de un menor recuento de espermatozoides, y más del doble del riesgo de menor motilidad del esperma “, dijo el autor principal del estudio el Dr. De-Kun Li.

Afirma la investigación, publicada en la revista Fertility and Sterility, que este fue el primer estudio humano que mostró una asociación adversa entre el BPA y la calidad del semen. Estudios previos hallaron una relación negativa entre el BPA y la reproducción masculina en ratones y ratas, así como el hecho que el BPA cambiaba la sexualidad de los sujetos masculinos quienes presentaban tendencias femeninas y hacían que los sujetos femeninos desarrollaran enfermedades neurológicas.

También fue el tercer estudio de una serie por el Dr. Li y sus colegas que examinaron el efecto de BPA en los seres humanos. El primer estudio, publicado en noviembre de 2009, encontró que la exposición a altos niveles de BPA, o la exposición prolongada o continua a bajos niveles de este tóxico, aumenta el riesgo de los hombres tengan menos apetito sexual y virilidad reducida.

La alta concentración de BPA en la orina, también se asocia con el deterioro de la función sexual masculina, según el segundo estudio, publicado en mayo de 2010. El último estudio, financiado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional de EE.UU. arroja más dudas sobre la seguridad del BPA.

“El hallazgo de los efectos adversos de BPA en la calidad del semen ilustra dos puntos: la primera exposición al BPA ahora se ha relacionado con cambios en la calidad del semen, una medida fisiológica objetiva”, dijo el doctor Li. “En segundo lugar, esta asociación muestra la realidad de que el BPA puede dar lugar a cambios patológicos del sistema reproductivo masculino, además de los cambios de la función sexual.

“Cuando uno ve este tipo de asociación, usted tiene que preguntarse qué más efectos el BPA tiene”, dijo el Dr. Li. Como un principio de precaución, dijo, “Todo el mundo debe evitar BPA tanto como sea posible.” Los investigadores observaron que el BPA puede afectar también a los sistemas reproductivos femeninos y tienen efectos adversos sobre dolencias como el cáncer o enfermedades metabólicas.

BPA ha sido ya prohibida en Canadá y tres estados de EE.UU..

Botellas y latas que contienen el producto químico se han vinculado al cáncer de mama, enfermedades del corazón, obesidad, hiperactividad y otros trastornos.

La mayoría de los fabricantes de biberones han dejado usar BPA en sus productos, pero cantidades grandes de productos más antiguos que contiene el producto químico aún están a la venta.

La Administración de Alimentación y Medicamentos de EE.UU. (FDA) apoya su retirada y ha manifestado preocupación por el impacto de la sustancia química en los bebés y niños pequeños. Puede causar trastornos asociados con el metabolismo, la fertilidad y el desarrollo neuronal.

Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility

BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans. It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.

UK Telegraph

Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.

The findings are likely to increase pressure on governments around the world to follow Canada and ban the substance from our shelves.

BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans.

It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.

It is also used in baby bottles though this is slowly being phased out.

BPA has been the subject of intense research as it is a known endocrine disruptor which in large quantities interferes with the release of hormones.

Earlier studies have linked it to low sex drive, impotence and DNA damage in sperm.

Now a new five year study claims to have found a link between levels of BPA in the blood and male fertility.

For their study of 514 workers in factories in China, researchers at Kaiser Permanente, a California-based research centre, found that men with higher urine BPA levels were two to four times more at risk of having poor semen quality, including low sperm concentration, low sperm vitality and mobility.

What is more the amount of the BPA in the blood seemed to be inversely proportional to sperm quality.

Even those with less than the national average BPA levels in America were effected, it was claimed.

“Compared with men without detectable urine BPA, those with detectable urine BPA had more than three times the risk of lowered sperm concentration and lower sperm vitality, more than four times the risk of a lower sperm count, and more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility,” said study lead author Dr De-Kun Li.

He claims the research, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, was the first human study to report an adverse association between BPA and semen quality.

Previous studies found a negative link between BPA and male reproduction in mice and rats

It was also the third study in a series by Dr Li and his colleagues examining BPA’s effect on humans.

The first study, published in November 2009, found that exposure to high levels of BPA in the workplace increases men’s risk of reduced sexual function.

Increasing BPA levels urine are also associated with worsening male sexual function, according to the second study, published in May 2010.

The latest study, funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, throws further doubt on the safety of BPA.

“The finding of the adverse BPA effect on semen quality illustrates two points: first, exposure to BPA now has been linked to changes in semen quality, an objective physiological measure,” Dr Li said.

“Second, this association shows BPA potential potency: it could lead to pathological changes of the male reproductive system in addition to the changes of sexual function.

“When you see this kind of association with semen you have to wonder what else BPA has an effect on,” said Dr Li.

As a precautionary principle, he said, “Everybody should avoid BPA as much as you can.”

The researchers noted that BPA may also affect female reproductive systems and have adverse effects on ailments such as cancer or metabolic diseases.

BPA has already been banned in Canada and three US states.

Bottles and cans containing the chemical have been linked to breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity and other disorders.

Most manufacturers of baby bottles have stopped putting it in their products but older stock containing the chemical is still on sale.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supports its removal and has stated concerns regarding the impact of the chemical on babies and young children.

It can affect disorders associated with metabolism, fertility and neural development.

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