Religión Ambientalista de la ONU: La Ecomafia toma fuerza en América Latina

El valor de la vida humana debe ser igual a la de un árbol o un insecto. Ese es el objetivo de la iniciativa aprobada en Bolivia y que fue elaborada por Evo Morales.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Abril 13, 2011

Bolivia presentará este mes un proyecto a las Naciones Unidas para dar a la “Madre Tierra” los mismos derechos que los seres humanos tienen -que acaba de aprobarse como una ley nacional en Bolivia y que hace que los insectos, los árboles y todas las otras cosas naturales en el país sudamericano tengan el mismo valor al de una vida humana.

La oferta tiene como objetivo que las Naciones Unidas reconozca a la Tierra como una entidad viva que los seres humanos han tratado de “dominar y explotar” – hasta el punto que el bienestar y la existencia de muchos seres se ve ahora amenazada. ¿Se ha escuchado algo más absurdo? Primero, porque el planeta ya es considerado por la comunidad científica como una entidad viva, que cambia cada segundo, cada minuto. Ejemplo de ello son los cambios del tiempo, las erupciones volcánicas, los terremotos, las corrientes marinas y la aparición de nuevas formas de vida que se descubren anualmente en diferentes puntos del planeta. Las plantas y los árboles son seres vivos que respiran y llevan a cabo fotosíntesis que les permiten vivir y alimentar a los humanos.

El texto todavía puede evolucionar, pero la estructura general está destinada a reflejar la ley Boliviana de los Derechos de la Madre Tierra, que el presidente boliviano Evo Morales promulgó en enero.

En ese documento se habla de los recursos naturales del país como “bendiciones”, y otorga a la Tierra una serie de derechos específicos que incluyen los derechos a la vida, el agua y el aire limpio, el derecho a la reparación de los medios de vida afectados por las actividades humanas, y el derecho de estar libres de la contaminación.

También establece un Ministerio de la Madre Tierra, y proporciona el planeta con un Defensor, cuyo trabajo es escuchar las quejas de la naturaleza como la voz de activistas y otros grupos, incluyendo el Estado. Me pregunto ¿quién será ese Defensor y como se comunicará con la Madre Tierra para interpretar sus quejas?

“Si usted quiere tener equilibrio, pero cree que las únicas (entidades) que tienen derechos son las personas o empresas, entonces ¿cómo se puede alcanzar el equilibrio?”, dijo Pablo Salón, el embajador de Bolivia ante las Naciones Unidas, a Postmedia Noticias. “Pero si usted reconoce que la naturaleza también tiene derechos, y (si se proporcionan) las formas jurídicas para proteger y preservar esos derechos, entonces se puede lograr el equilibrio.” Este tipo de pensamiento, por más bien intencionado que sea, cae dentro del juego de palabras ya impulsado por las Naciones Unidas hace mucho tiempo, el cual pretende que las clases medias y bajas hagamos sacrificios ilimitados para salvar nuestro ambiente, mientras las corporaciones son excemptas de todo compromiso ambiental. Las reglas a seguir han estado escritas en documentos originados en la ONU por mucho tiempo. Entre estos documentos están los de la Agenda 21, donde se destaca la marginalización de ciertos grupos sociales y se imponen límites al acceso a los recursos naturales. En este documento, zonas protegidas, parques nacionales y áreas de conservación quedan bajo el mando de las Naciones Unidas y no de los países.

La aplicación de la ley parece destinada a plantear nuevos retos para las empresas que operan en el país, que es rico en recursos naturales, incluido el gas natural y el litio, pero sigue siendo uno de los más pobres en América Latina.

Pero mientras Salón dijo que su país sólo busca lograr la “armonía” con la naturaleza, este señaló que la las empresas mineras y otras pueden verse sometida a un mayor escrutinio. Este es el típico modus operandi cuando se busca nacionalizar el manejo de los recursos de un país los cuales quedan bajo el poder del gobierno central para después ser traspasados a las Naciones Unidas bajo el pretexto de la conservación y la sostenibilidad (en realidad son políticas de Eugenesia y control poblacional). Así ha sucedido por toda América Latina y África, en donde la ONU es dueña directa e indirecta de miles de acres de tierra en diversos países, los cuales no pueden ser utilizados para la siembra de productos agrícolas u otras actividades productivas. Mientras esto sucede, las poblaciones de esos países son azotadas con las mayores hambrunas jamás vistas.

“No estamos diciendo, por ejemplo, no se puede comer carne porque sabes que vas a ir en contra de los derechos de una vaca”, dijo. “Pero cuando la actividad humana se desarrolla a una escala determinada que causa la desaparición de una especie, entonces usted está realmente alterando los ciclos vitales de la naturaleza o de la Madre Tierra. Por supuesto, usted necesita una mina para extraer hierro o zinc, pero hay límites. ” Lo que el señor Salnón no sabe es que una vez que las áreas de conservación, parques nacionales y reservas biológicas caen en manos de la ONU, estas estarán a disposición de las grandes corporaciones -que controlan la ONU- para estas extraer los recursos naturales que en teoría se estarían protegiendo.

¿Porqué es que estos defensores de la Tierra no invierten su tiempo investigando los verdaderos peligros que enfrentamos los humanos y el planeta? ¿Porqué no exponen los peligros de los alimentos genéticamente modificados, la tiranía que representa Codex Alimentarius, el fraude que las organizaciones globalistas como la ONU, la OMC, la OMS el IMF y el Banco Mundial llevan a cabo diariamente y como estas organizaciones minan la soberanía de todas las naciones miembros? Ecuador y Bolivia junto con Chile, Argentina y Brasil abrigan hoy a algunas de las más poderosas famílias que controlan las corporaciones que estos países dicen aborrecer. ¿Porqué estos defensores de la Tierra no denuncian el crimen de la OMS y la ONU que usan a sus países como campos experimentales para probar vacunas tóxicas, químicos y pesticidas en sus poblaciones. ¿Porqué no exponen los peligros de los tóxicos que se agregan al agua potable, como el flúor (un producto de desecho industrial) y materiales radiactivos? ¿Dónde están estos defensores cuando el planeta es pulverizado diariamente con trillas químicas de aluminio, bario y cristales de fibra de vidrio que contaminan el aire, el agua y la tierra? Eso es lo que un verdadero defensor de la humanidad y la Tierra haría; exponer estos asuntos a las masas que son casi totalmente ignorantes y que viven preocupadas con temas superficiales y vacías.

Bolivia es un país con una gran población indígena, cuyos sistemas de creencias tradicionales adquirieron mayor resonancia tras la elección de Evo Morales, el primer presidente indígena de América Latina. En un panfleto de 2008 distribuido en la ONU mientras asistía a una cumbre de allí, Morales describió los 10 “mandamientos” que definen el plan de Bolivia para “salvar el planeta” – “. No es una sorpresa que el plan comience por decir que “Hay que acabar con el Capitalismo”. Señores, no ha habido capitalismo, si es que alguna vez lo hubo, por al menos 50 años.

¿Cómo se acaba con algo que no existe? ¿Ignorancia o complicidad?

Como reflejo de las creencias tradicionales indígenas, el tratado global propuesto dice que los humanos han causado “graves destrozos. . . que son ofensivos para las creencias, tradiciones y sabiduría de las culturas indígenas para quienes la Madre Tierra es sagrada. ” Esto es verdadero en parte. Pero, ¿cuáles son los humanos que causaron los destrozos? ¿Todos? ¿ Y todos por igual? No fue el Capitalismo el que causó los destrozos, pues es claro que este sistema no ha sido utilizado desde por lo menos la firma del acuerdo Bretton Woods. Probablemente solo existió en los libros. Lo que si existe es el Corporatismo, o sea gobiernos controlados por corporaciones y multinacionales que dictan las pautas a seguir, inclusive en lugares como Venezuela, Bolívia, Ecuador e Irán. Este es el sistema que debe ser eliminado para dar paso al verdadero Capitalismo y al verdadero libre mercado.

También dice que “la Madre Tierra tiene derecho a existir, persistir y continuar los ciclos vitales, estructura, funciones y procesos que sustentan todos los seres humanos.” En la cultura indígena andina, la deidad de la Tierra conocida como la Pachamama es el centro de toda la vida, y los seres humanos se consideran iguales a todas las otras entidades. Este pensamiento comulga con la teoría Gaia, donde la supervivencia de la Tierra está por encima de la de cualquier humano o grupo de humanos.

El debate de la ONU comienza dos días antes del reconocimiento en las Naciones Unidas del 22 de abril como el Segundo Día Internacional de la Madre de la Tierra – otra iniciativa liderada por Morales. El activista canadiense Maude Barlow es uno de los ambientalistas mundiales que respaldan la unidad con un libro que el grupo lanzará en Nueva York durante el debate de la ONU llamado: La Naturaleza Tiene Derechos.

“Va a tener gran resonancia en todo el mundo”, dijo Barlow, de la campaña. “Va a empezar con estos países del Sur tratando de proteger sus tierras y sus pueblos contra la explotación, pero creo que se será adoptada también en otras comunidades en nuestros países, por ejemplo, en Alberta.” Ecuador, que también tiene una gran población indígena, ha consagrado objetivos similares en su Constitución – pero la ley boliviana se dice que es “más fuerte”. Los ecuatorianos ya han mostrado su apoyo a la iniciativa de Bolivia, junto con Nicaragua, Venezuela, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Antigua y Barbuda.

Reaping What Bretton Woods Has Sown

The International Forecaster
April 2, 2011

The seeds of today’s monetary problems were laid at Bretton Woods, NH in 1944, as a combination of socialists, communists and fascists laid the groundwork for the IMF, the World Bank and the eventual elimination of gold from the monetary world. The Federal Reserve’s role was to bring that about from behind the scenes.

In the intervening years in order to move toward those goals the banking system run by the privately run Federal Reserve, allowed banks, some of which were run by the owners of the Fed, such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, were allowed to run rough shod over the system, always knowing they would be bailed out by the public. These banks have had and continue to have a license to steal under the illegal Federal Reserve Act. Over and over again these banks, Wall Street, insurance companies and transnational corporations have been bailed out of their speculations under the aegis of too big to fail. The excuse has always been that it must be done to protect the public. These entities got to keep the gains and the public got to share in the losses. The public and 95% of those working on Wall Street and banking didn’t have a clue to what was really going on. The Fed and other major central banks were not only playing this Fed game domestically, but internationally as well. Over those years the Fed had been designated the lender of last resort. We saw them in action over the last 3-1/2 years during what was termed the credit crisis. The Fed’s job was to bail out not only the US banking system rent asunder by bank speculation in the mortgage market, but to also bail out the buyers of such mortgages, known as MBS and CDOs, sold to British and European banks and other financial entities, which had purchased 60% of the toxic waste. If you notice not one of these lenders or buyers ever filed a civil or criminal suit against these purveyors of what has become to be known as toxic waste. We can only speculate, but we believe the dumping ground for this mortgage garbage was preset and that some of the buyers if not all were guaranteed by the Fed that if problems arose they would be bailed out and one way or another made whole. The Fed attempted to hide what they were doing and a lawsuit has finally forced them to divulge, who received funds created by the Fed, some $13.8 trillion, why and what collateral was accepted for such loans and have such loans been repaid. Another program called TARP was set up by the Treasury to bail out Wall Street, banking and transnational conglomerates all involved in this tight little circle of anointed corporations. This bailout program was accomplished by Treasury Secretary Paulson. He told Congress if the funds were not forthcoming for the insiders to bail themselves out via speculation based on inside information, then he would see to it that the financial system was brought down and destroyed. The high-handed ruse or extortion worked and these miscreants received their funds from the public Treasury, as well as from the Fed.

Gold backing for the US dollar was part of the result of the conference at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods in that July of 1944. We have to interject here that in 1946 or 1947 I climbed Mt. Washington and once I reached the hotel it started snowing. Yes, snowing in August. The group of us from the camp quickly raced back down through the forest to better climes, which the snow failed to reach. Thus, 2 or 3 years after that historic meeting, I briefly visited that hotel, of course, not knowing what had taken place there.


George Soros, one of the world's strongest pushers for Global Financial and Economic consolidation.

This UN Monetary and Financial Conference, which included the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, which became the World Bank, which was to make loans to the rubble that was to be Europe in 1945, and to which those economies, promote monetary cooperation and fix exchange rates, and eventually to eliminate the use of gold, as the backing and basis for international currency exchange, replacing gold with a fiat paper standard controlled by the Federal Reserve. The discipline of gold was to eventually be phased out of the system, so that the fed could create money out of thin air. This would be a perpetual tax on Americans as their currency dropped in value versus gold over the years. Currencies would no longer be exchanged in terms of their gold value. This was called a gold exchange standard. The public could not exchange US notes or Federal Reserve notes for gold, but nations could. The value of currencies versus one another, all of which were backed by gold was set by supply and demand. If a nation created too much currency the value of their currency would fall versus gold and other currencies. This method of monetary policy had previously been set into law by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The concept was to eventually have a world bank that would create a fiat currency for all nations that would supersede all other currencies. That, of course, is still underway today as elitists strive for a one-world currency and a new-world order. These concepts were promulgated and put in place by well-known Fabian socialist John Maynard Keynes, who as we reflect back was the author of an economic system that was corporatists fascist and the then Treasury Secretary, Harry Dexter White, who was a communist. It took 27 years, and on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon removed the US dollar from the gold exchange standard. That is how the fiat dollar was generally planned and that is why we have non-gold Federal Reserve notes today, instead of a gold backed currency.


The elitists’ corporatist fascist model is not working very well. The Fed, the Bank of England and Western banks have serious problems and throwing money at the problems is not working. Of course, do they want the solution to work? This depression they have deliberately created is not working the way they envisioned it would. In fact they are having trouble keeping it under control. We have just seen what is called a “black Swan” event. An earthquake, an untoward event, which ostensibly came from out of the blue. We’ll surmise that until we have empirical evidence that man did not create it. These are the kind of unplanned events that throw the elitist plans off kilter. It throws the direction of neo-liberal capitalism in several different directions. This is the system so prevalent in Europe, where profits are privatized and losses are socialized and become a debt that has to be paid by the people. This system, which we now have in America, keeps Wall Street and banking in power. This is accomplished by bailouts when the anointed corporations get themselves in trouble as we see in America today and in Europe as well. The state in our case by the privately owned Federal Reserve losses are monetized and appear in part in the form of higher inflation. It also comes in the form of public debt that has to be repaid by the taxpayer. Eventually the debt consumes the host.

As a result it is only a matter of time before the system unravels. The fractional banking system does not work and never has worked. The players who run the system know that. History is replete with instances of failure, which are well known to elitists. The collapse of the Lombard System in 1348, the year of the plague, and the collapse of the Hanseatic League in the early 1600s, are but two of scores of failures, most of which were deliberately planned. Fractional banking for those of you who do not know what it is, takes place when a lender lends more money than he can collateralize. The rule of thumb over the centuries has been to lend no more than eight times assets. Today that number is 40 times as assets. That is why most major western banks are broke. Any major untoward event could presently collapse the current system. In addition, some 10% of the basic assets of these banks are worthless. These banks are still in serious trouble in spite of receiving trillions of dollars in bailout funds of one kind or another. What happens when interest rates rise, which they must? The banks will be in trouble, as inflation rages. If that wasn’t bad enough contagion could also affect the banking system. That is when one bank borrows from another and then cannot get their funds back. That happened 3-1/2 years ago and the Fed stepped in and secretly guaranteed deposits. In this process of saving Wall Street and banking the public is put at enormous risk, which is a pattern used over and over again over the centuries.

These events naturally lead us to the dollar, which for months has had little sustainable strength either fundamental or technical. The run to 89 on the USDX ended in failure, and the recent strength at and near 75 was tepid at best. The recent intervention by the G-7 to weaken the yen, which has moved from 76 to 83, was really a backhanded attempt to stage a dollar rally, especially when you consider the absorption of Japanese Treasury sales, which is really what the exercise was all about. Needless to say, the NYC elitists needed the Japanese problem like they needed a hole in the head. The baggage the US dollar has is overwhelming. The government is being 70% to 80% financed by the Fed, which creates money and credit out of thin air. The federal deficit for the fiscal year will be $1.7 trillion. The US has two occupations and two ongoing wars costing billions of dollars a month. Municipalities and states are in dire financial straights and the economy would collapse without quantitative easing and stimulus. A rather sad state of affairs. Incidentally, we called the recent bottom on the dollar, but more importantly, we called the top at 89. Dollar and Treasury bond weakness will be exacerbated by the Middle East and North African revolutions and the ultimate result will be the demise of the petro dollar, which has always been the underlying strength to the dollar. The US, UK and France guaranteed safety for the oil producers, they denominated oil in US dollars, and they deposited their profits in NYC, London and Paris for management. The policy may well be at an end. If so that will be the end of regional purchases of US T-bonds. Thus, the loss of Chinese, Japanese and Gulf purchases will cancel out 70% of US Treasury purchases. These events could very well lead to the collapse of the Treasury bond market essentially leaving only the Fed as a buyer. As we predicted months ago the second half of 2011 will bring an implosion of US Federal debt, municipal and state debt, British debt and a collapse in EU debt and the beginning of the end for the euro. Along with 14% inflation gold and silver will rocket upwards.

The latest insult to American consciousness is a proposed cut in the budget deficit of $33 billion. That isn’t even cosmetic. In a budget with a $1.7 trillion deficit that isn’t even chump change. Can you imagine what the rest of the world is thinking? Try to sell treasuries under those conditions? The House is totally out of touch with reality. It takes its orders from Wall Street and banking. That has never been more obvious.

Hundreds of municipalities will fail in 2011 as well as some states. Austerity will continue for the average American citizen. That means GDP will fall from 70% by consumers to 68.5% with more bad news to come next year. All of these events have already, as displayed recently, begun to end the safe-haven status of the US dollar. Not only will the dollar be under pressure, but also so will the sale of Treasuries. It is possible the dollar could go to 65 on the USDX and the Treasury market could collapse. The plight of the dollar has not gone unnoticed. In 2001, the dollar’s share of official global foreign-reserves was 71.5%. At the end of 2010 it was 61.3%. Those moves do not instill confidence in the dollar.

We have contended for a year that a major meeting will be held with all countries attending to revalue and devalue currencies each against one another, there would be a multilateral default of some kind and a new devalued international world reserve currency backed by gold. That new currency could be the dollar. The status of old debt would be clear. How domestic debt would be handled remains to be seen. The collateralized gold backing would be today $6,000 and silver perhaps $300. The problem is that is now. The figures a year or two from now could be $8,000 and $400, who knows? All we know is the trend is clear.

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