Illegal Immigrants’ Free Ride to Legalization Closer than Ever

California probes the idea of state-wide amnesty.

Arizone Daily Star
December 3, 2011

Nearly 1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work openly in California with little or no fear of deportation under an initiative unveiled Friday by a state legislator and others.

Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, is helping spearhead the measure, called the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act.

The proposal was filed Friday with the state Attorney General’s Office, marking a first step toward a drive to collect the 504,760 voter signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.

Fuentes called the measure a “moderate, common-sense approach” necessitated by the federal government’s inability to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

“I hope this shows Washington, D.C., that if they fail to act, California will take the lead on this critical issue,” Fuentes said in a written statement.

Supporters say the initiative could generate up to $325 million in new tax revenue from undocumented workers that could assist education, public safety and other state programs.

Regardless whether Californians would support such a measure, implementation would depend upon the federal government agreeing not to prosecute participants.

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican, blasted the proposal as an attempt to sidestep immigration law. He predicted that it wouldn’t have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of winning voter approval.

“There’s a proper process for coming to this country,” Donnelly said. “Why don’t you respect that?”

The proposed initiative would apply to illegal immigrants who have lived in California for four years, have no felony convictions, are not suspected terrorists, pay a fee to administer the program, and can speak English or are learning it.

Internet Dictatorship Begins in Singapore

A “new” system that records every move, stores all passwords and homogenizes software and that will control the net from 3 major hubs.

by John Markoff
June 25, 2011

A small group of Internet security specialists gathered in Singapore this week to start up a global system to make e-mail and e-commerce more secure, end the proliferation of passwords and raise the bar significantly for Internet scam artists, spies and troublemakers.

“It won’t matter where you are in the world or who you are in the world, you’re going to be able to authenticate everyone and everything,” said Dan Kaminsky, an independent network security researcher who is one of the engineers involved in the project.

The Singapore event included an elaborate technical ceremony to create and then securely store numerical keys that will be kept in three hardened data centers there, in Zurich and in San Jose, Calif. The keys and data centers are working parts of a technology known as Secure DNS, or DNSSEC. DNS refers to the Domain Name System, which is a directory that connects names to numerical Internet addresses. Preliminary work on the security system had been going on for more than a year, but this was the first time the system went into operation, even though it is not quite complete.

The three centers are fortresses made up of five layers of physical, electronic and cryptographic security, making it virtually impossible to tamper with the system. Four layers are active now. The fifth, a physical barrier, is being built inside the data center.

The technology is viewed by many computer security specialists as a ray of hope amid the recent cascade of data thefts, attacks, disruptions and scandals, including break-ins at Citibank, Sony, Lockheed Martin, RSA Security and elsewhere. It allows users to communicate via the Internet with high confidence that the identity of the person or organization they are communicating with is not being spoofed or forged.

Internet engineers like Mr. Kaminsky want to counteract three major deficiencies in today’s Internet. There is no mechanism for ensuring trust, the quality of software is uneven, and it is difficult to track down bad actors.

One reason for these flaws is that from the 1960s through the 1980s the engineers who designed the network’s underlying technology were concerned about reliable, rather than secure, communications. That is starting to change with the introduction of Secure DNS by governments and other organizations.

The event in Singapore capped a process that began more than a year ago and is expected to be complete after 300 so-called top-level domains have been digitally signed, around the end of the year. Before the Singapore event, 70 countries had adopted the technology, and 14 more were added as part of the event. While large countries are generally doing the technical work to include their own domains in the system, the consortium of Internet security specialists is helping smaller countries and organizations with the process.

The United States government was initially divided over the technology. The Department of Homeland Security included the .gov domain early in 2009, while the Department of Commerce initially resisted including the .us domain because some large Internet corporations opposed the deployment of the technology, which is incompatible with some older security protocols.

Internet security specialists said the new security protocol would initially affect Web traffic and e-mail. Most users should be mostly protected by the end of the year, but the effectiveness for a user depends on the participation of the government, Internet providers and organizations and businesses visited online. Eventually the system is expected to have a broad effect on all kinds of communications, including voice calls that travel over the Internet, known as voice-over-Internet protocol.

“In the very long term it will be voice-over-I.P. that will benefit the most,” said Bill Woodcock, research director at the Packet Clearing House, a group based in Berkeley, Calif., that is assisting Icann, the Internet governance organization, in deploying Secure DNS.

Secure DNS makes it possible to make phone calls over the Internet secure from eavesdropping and other kinds of snooping, he said.

Security specialists are hopeful that the new Secure DNS system will enable a global authentication scheme that will be more impenetrable and less expensive than an earlier system of commercial digital certificates that proved vulnerable in a series of prominent compromises.

The first notable case of a compromise of the digital certificates — electronic documents that establish a user’s credentials in business or other transactions on the Web — occurred a decade ago when VeriSign, a prominent vendor of the certificates, mistakenly issued two of them to a person who falsely claimed to represent Microsoft.

Last year, the authors of the Stuxnet computer worm that was used to attack the Iranian uranium processing facility at Natanz were able to steal authentic digital certificates from Taiwanese technology companies. The certificates were used to help the worm evade digital defenses intended to block malware.

In March, Comodo, a firm that markets digital certificates, said it had been attacked by a hacker based in Iran who was trying to use the stolen documents to masquerade as companies like Google, Microsoft, Skype and Yahoo.

“At some point the trust gets diluted, and it’s just not as good as it used to be,” said Rick Lamb, the manager of Icann’s Secure DNS program.

The deployment of Secure DNS will significantly lower the cost of adding a layer of security, making it more likely that services built on the technology will be widely available, according to computer network security specialists. It will also potentially serve as a foundation technology for an ambitious United States government effort begun this spring to create a system to ensure “trusted identities” in cyberspace.

U.S. Customs Officer May Have Prevented a ‘WMD’ attack

Mail Online

A port official has admitted that a ‘weapon of mass effect’  has been found by ‘partner agencies’ in the U.S., raising major questions over a possible government cover-up.

The disturbing revelation came in an interview with San Diego’s assistant port director screened by a television channel in the city.

The Customs and Border Protection Department tried to dampen speculation over his remarks, but doubts remained over whether he had inadvertently revealed a dirty bomb plot to attack the U.S. mainland.

Concern over a secret WMD bust came after U.S. cables made public by the Wikileaks whistleblower website revealed terror groups were plotting a ‘nuclear 911.’

In the interview screened by San Diego’s 10News, Al Hallor, assistant San Diego port director, said ‘weapons of mass effect’ had been found, although he did not specify exactly where or what they were.

Reporter Mitch Blacher asked Mr Hallor: ‘Do you ever find things that are dangerous like a chemical agent or a weaponised device?’

‘At the airport, seaport, at our port of entry we have not this past fiscal year, but our partner agencies have found those things,’ the customs official replied.

‘So, specifically, you’re looking for the dirty bomb? You’re looking for the nuclear device?’ asked Mr Blacher.

‘Correct. Weapons of mass effect,’ said Mr Hallor.

‘You ever found one?’ asked Mr Blacher.

‘Not at this location,’ Mr Hallor said.

‘But they have found them?’ asked Mr Blacher.

‘Yes,’ said Mr Hallor.

‘You never found one in San Diego though?’ Mr Blacher asked.

‘I would say at the port of San Diego we have not,’ Mr Hallor said.

‘Have you found one in San Diego?’ Mr Blacher asked.

The interview was then interrupted and cut short by a public relations official before Mr Hallor was able to answer the question.

San Diego’s Customs and Border Protection agency was unavailable for comment today.

Earlier, Mr Hallor told Mr Blacher: ‘Potentially every city in America is a target. Given the waterways and the access to the Navy fleet here, I’d say, absolutely, San Diego is a target.

‘Our overall arching mission is to protect the American homeland against terrorists and from weapons of mass effect from entering the country. We are the guardians of America’s borders.’

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Testing waters for False-flag Terror Attack?

Fake Laptop Bomb goes undetected as Germany warned about possible attack.


Germany’s interior minister said Friday that a laptop case rigged with wires, a clock and a detonator found at a Namibian airport was really a mock bomb built in the United States to test airport security.

The minister, Thomas de Maizière, said it was “highly unlikely” that a German security agency had planted the case as part of a drill, and an angry Namibian official said no one from Namibia, Germany or the United States had been involved in conducting an authorized test.

“It will be determined who deposited it,” said Lt. Gen. Sebastian Ndeitunga of Namibia’s national police. “The governments of the U.S., Germany and Namibia were not aware of the parcel.”

The discovery that the device was made in California by a security firm — and was not a bomb designed to destroy a passenger plane — was a welcome relief at a time when many European nations and the United States have said there is a serious danger of a terrorist attack from Islamist extremists.

But the announcement also raised a troubling concern: On Friday, two days after the parcel was discovered, the authorities on three continents said they were at a loss to explain how a mock bomb got mixed in with passenger luggage for a flight to Munich, or even whom it belonged to.

Mr. de Maizière could not even rule out for certain that a German agency was not behind the episode. “I consider that highly unlikely, but that is one of the things we are looking into,” he said.

The bomb scare arose at a time of increased anxiety in Germany and across Europe of a potential terrorist strike. There is concern that teams of terrorists may have been dispatched from Pakistan or Afghanistan to stage Mumbai-style attacks in Europe. German officials said this week that there was concrete evidence of plans to strike their nation by the end of the year.

With heavily armed police officers at central gathering places, and officers patrolling trains, a vigilant public has called in a flurry of false alarms in Germany.

The police closed off several tracks at the Hanover central train station on Friday to investigate an abandoned plastic bag, which turned out to be empty. In Berlin, police officers sealed off a post office after a package was found on top of a mailbox; it turned out to be a printer cartridge. And a train traveling from Kiel to Basel was stopped to allow the police to investigate a suspicious package, which turned out to be innocuous.

The interior minister tried to use the bomb scare in Namibia to calm the public — noting that even if there had been a real bomb, it did not make it to the plane.

“The important thing for all of us is that no explosives were found in the luggage and that, as far as we know at this point in the investigation, there was at no point a danger to passengers posed by this luggage,” Mr. de Maizière said.

The African authorities disclosed that the device was produced by Larry Copello of Sonora, Calif. Mr. Copello, 64, could not explain in a telephone interview how it had ended up intended for an Air Berlin flight for Munich, but he said he suspected that someone was traveling with it and that it was found by accident, a theory that has not yet been addressed by the authorities.

Mr. Copello said that he had talked to the F.B.I. on Thursday, and that while he could not divulge all the details, he said he did not know who had possession of it this week, nor how it ended up in Africa.

He said that he had sold the device four or five years ago, adding that his mother-in-law had assembled the simulated bomb.

He said he believed that the device was not being used in a training exercise when it was discovered. If it had been an authorized test, he said, it would have been better secured and the Namibian authorities would have been made aware of the test.

“Somebody dropped the ball,” he said. “I’m just happy nothing happened.”

Mr. Copello said he sold the device to government agencies and corporate security companies in and outside the United States, like the Transportation Security Administration or airport authorities.

“It’s not the first time this has happened,” he said. “Sometimes it pops up where it’s not supposed to. It’s done thousands of times a day and you never hear anything about it.”

The mock bomb was found Wednesday morning, a few hours before Mr. de Maizière, the German interior minister, warned his nation of a concrete threat of a terrorist strike, reversing a previous and long-held position that the threat was abstract. When news of the security alarm in Namibia, a former German colony, became public on Thursday, fears mounted of a possible bomb attack.

German security experts and F.B.I. agents were sent to the airport outside Windhoek, the Namibian capital, to investigate the device, according to German and Namibian officials.

“The outcome is that the luggage turned out to be a so-called real-test suitcase made by a company in the United States,” Mr. de Maizière said at a news conference in Hamburg on Friday.

However, General Ndeitunga, of Namibia’s national police, said that German and American authorities had told Namibia that they were not conducting a test. Nor was Namibia. “The Namibian police want to send out a stern warning to people with ill intentions that it will not allow Namibia to be used as a testing ground by anyone,” he said.

General Ndeitunga said the device, which is about a foot long, was discovered in the bag during the last screening before it was to be loaded onto the airplane. He added that, while intended for training purposes, it could easily have been converted into a bomb with the addition of 500 grams, about 18 ounces, of explosives.

Gobierno de Obama gastó $10 millones para abortos en Kenia

Un congresista de EE.UU. que investiga gastos posiblemente ilegales hacia la promoción del aborto en Kenia dice que ha recibido información que indica que la administración Obama puede tener canalizado más de $ 10 millones en fondos de los contribuyentes para el proyecto.

A principios de este mes el representante Chris Smith (R, NJ), escribió al Departamento de Estado, pidiendo una investigación federal para determinar si el gasto del gobierno en apoyo de una constitución a favor del aborto en Kenia contravenía las leyes de EE.UU.

Smith, el republicano de más alto rango en el Subcomité de Asuntos de Salud Globales, junto con Darrell Issa, de California, el republicano de mayor rango en el Comité de Supervisión de la Cámara, y la representante Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, de Florida, la republicana de mayor rango en el Comité de Asuntos Exteriores , se refirió a su preocupación de que la Administración Obama, dio la promesa de gastar US $ 2 millones para fomentar el apoyo a la constitución propuesta, podría constituir una grave violación de la Enmienda Siljander y, como tal, puede estar sujeto a sanciones civiles y penales en el marco de la Ley Antideficiencia.

La Enmienda Siljander, parte del Estado, la Ley de Asignaciones para Operaciones Exteriores dice: “Ninguno de los fondos disponibles en virtud de la presente ley podrá ser utilizado para presionar a favor o en contra del aborto,” y “violaciónes están sujetas a sanciones civiles y penales en virtud de la Ley de Antideficiencia , 31 USC § 1341. “

Ahora el representate Smith dice que los investigadores le han proporcionado nuevos datos:

“Esta semana me enteré de que los gastos de EE.UU. en apoyo de la constitución propuesta podría ser superior a 10.000.000 dólares -cinco veces el nivel original que se sospechaba”, dijo Smith a la prensa independiente pro-vida en su página web.

“Este gasto masivo, sin duda, será dirigido a aquellas entidades que están presionando por la ratificación de la constitución propuesta. Ese apoyo también permitirá la aprobación de una constitución que es opuesta por muchos líderes pro-vida en Kenia, ya que consagra nuevos derechos al aborto. Como tal, la financiación es una clara violación de la ley federal contra el uso de fondos de los contribuyentes para abogar a favor o en contra del aborto “, explicó Smith.

Y añadió: “Saber de importantes donaciones adicionales de EE.UU. da urgencia aún mayor a nuestra petición de una investigación exhaustiva y objetiva de todos los Departamento de Estado y USAID sobre actividades financiadas relacionados con propuestas de constitución de Kenia. Espero que todos los organismos de investigación tomen nuestra petición en serio y actuen con rapidez en este asunto. “

A pesar de que hasta 300.000 abortos se realizan cada año, la práctica no está permitida en Kenia, salvo en los casos donde la vida de la madre está en riesgo. El nuevo proyecto de Constitución, programado para someterse a un referéndum en agosto, significaría legislar para abortos sin límite durante todo el embarazo por cualquier razón.

Según Human Life International (HLI) hasta 20 grupos extranjeros pro-aborto están gastando dinero en el país africano para conseguir la aprobación pública de la constitución propuesta.

El mes pasado, el embajador de EE.UU. en Kenia, Michael Ranneberger instó al presidente keniano, Mwai Kibaki y el primer ministro Raila Odinga para conseguir apoyo popular para la constitución, e indicó que el gobierno de Obama podría ayudar a financiar una campaña nacional en un esfuerzo por persuadir al público a ratificar el documento .

Cualquier investigación oficial sobre el gasto del gobierno de EE.UU. en Kenia es probable que apunte hacia una de las primeras acciones de Obama en su cargo, la emisión de una orden ejecutiva levantando la prohibición de usar dinero de los contribuyentes para financiar “planificación familiar” a nivel internacional con grupos que asesoran a las mujeres y llevan a cabo abortos en todo el mundo, pero principalmente en África.

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