Obama autorizou guerra com a Síria sem a aprovação do Congresso

O presidente dos EUA violou a Constituição ao autorizar novamente suporte para os guerrilheiros que lutam contra o exército sírio. Tendo feito isso, Obama declarou guerra ao país.


O presidente Barack Obama assinou uma ordem secreta que autoriza o apoio de Washington para os rebeldes sírios, em sua luta contra as forças do governo, informou uma fonte dos EUA familiarizada com o assunto.

A ordem, que foi assinada este ano – embora não esteja claro quando foi assinada – permite que a CIA e outras agências de inteligência dos Estados Unidos realizem operações de apoio a rebeldes que tentam derrubar o presidente Bashar al Assad. Além disso, a ordem presidencial reflete a colaboração dos EUA com um centro de comando secreto liderado pela Turquia, em colaboração com Qatar e Arábia Saudita.

O quadro geral da assistência dos EUA para os rebeldes não foi claramente estabelecido, mas os dados sugerem um passo à frente pelo governo dos EUA para ajudar os rebeldes, que até agora tinham ferramentas não-letais, de acordo com Washington.

Na verdade, os Estados Unidos aumentou para US $ 15 milhões os fundos para a ajuda não-letal a ser entregue à oposição síria.

O porta-voz do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, Victoria Nuland, disse que Washington “tem dito o tempo todo que está pronto e disposto a entregar ajuda não letal à oposição síria.”

“Dado que este apoio tem sido utilizado, decidimos aumentar o montante do apoio dado a ajuda não-letal”, disse ela. “Além disso, vamos ampliar a nossa coordenação e cooperação com outros países que optaram por outras formas de apoio”, acrescentou, referindo-se à entrega de armas por outros, presumivelmente a Arábia Saudita, Qatar e Turquia.

Quanto ao centro de comando secreto, a agência Reuters sugeriu que esta poderia ser a base secreta criada pela Turquia, em colaboração com Qatar e Arábia Saudita, perto da fronteira síria, um fato que veio à tona na semana passada. Aparentemente, o propósito é o controle das operações militares e de comunicações que ocorrem na Síria para ajudar as forças rebeldes.

Este exemplo de uma decisão secreta entre o Oriente Médio é um exemplo de como os líderes desses países “querem derrubar o presidente sírio, Bashar al-Assad, juntamente com os países ocidentais, como fizeram em 2011 com o líder líbio Muammar Gaddafi. Turquia tem desempenhado um papel cada vez mais importante na Síria, incluindo relatos de que Ancara pode estar por trás do ataque aos líderes da Síria no dia 18 de julho.

No entanto, o governo turco negou qualquer apoio a tais ações. Um oficial sênior do exército de reserva na região disse que pelo menos 20 generais sírios que fugiram para a Turquia estão coordenando as forças rebeldes. As autoridades israelenses declararam que pelo menos 20.000 tropas sírias deixaram a batalha.

De acordo com novos relatórios, a base da Turquia, perto da fronteira síria, está na cidade turca de Adana (sul), cerca de 60 quilômetros da fronteira com a Síria, que também abriga a Base Aérea de Incirlik.

No final de dezembro de 2011, “Vatan” o jornal turco disse que o Exército dos EUA tem armazenado 70 ogivas nucleares do tipo B61-12, das quais 50 são reservadas para uso dos EUA. O jornal observou que entre 10 e 20 das ogivas restantes serão transportadas e lançadas por aviões turcos.

Além disso, o Departamento do Tesouro dos EUA confirmou na quarta-feira que havia autorizado o representante do exército guerrilheiro sírio (SLA) – que inclui muitos dos grupos armados de oposição para realizar transações financeiras em nome dessas organizações rebeldes.

Informações sobre a autorização de Obama para oferecer apoio aos rebeldes ocorre em meio a combates entre as forças de segurança e rebeldes para recuperar o controle de Aleppo, a segunda maior cidade do país.

Obama autorizó guerra contra Siria sin la aprobación del Congreso

El Presidente de los EE.UU. ha violado la Constitución una vez más al autorizar el apoyo a as guerrillas que luchan contra el ejército sirio. Habiendo hecho esto, Obama efectivamente ha declarado la guerra al país.


El presidente Barack Obama firmó una orden secreta autorizando apoyo de Washington a los rebeldes sirios en su lucha contra las fuerzas del gobierno, según lo informó una fuente de los EE.UU. familiarizada con el asunto.

La orden, aprobada este año — aunque no se sabe cuando se firmó — permite a la CIA y otras agencias de inteligencia estadounidenses llevar a cabo operaciones de apoyo a los rebeldes para intentar derrocar al presidente Bashar al Assad. Además, la orden presidencial refleja la colaboración de los EE.UU. desde un centro de comando secreto dirigido por Turquía, con la colaboración de Qatar y Arabia Saudita.

El marco general de asistencia en EE.UU. para los rebeldes no se ha determinado con claridad, pero los datos apuntan a un paso adelante por el gobierno de EE.UU. para ayudar a los rebeldes, que hasta ahora se había limitado a ayuda con herramientas no letales, según Washington.

De hecho, los Estados Unidos aumentó a $ 15 millones los fondos para la ayuda no letal para ser entregada a la oposición siria.

La portavoz del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., Victoria Nuland, dijo que Washington “ha dicho todo el tiempo que está listo y dispuesto a entregar apoyo no letal a la oposición siria.”

“Teniendo en cuenta que este apoyo se ha utilizado, hemos decidido aumentar la cantidad de apoyo dado a la ayuda no letal”, dijo. “Además, vamos a ampliar nuestra coordinación y cooperación con otros países que han optado por otras formas de apoyo”, añadió, refiriéndose a la entrega de armas por parte de terceros, presumiblemente Arabia Saudita, Qatar y Turquía.

En cuanto al centro de mando secreto, la agencia británica Reuters ha sugerido que esto podría ser la base secreta establecida por Turquía, en colaboración con Qatar y Arabia Saudita, cerca de la frontera con Siria, un hecho que salió a la luz la semana pasada. Al parecer, el propósito de la misma es el control de las operaciones militares y de comunicación que tienen lugar en Siria para ayudar a las fuerzas rebeldes.

Este ejemplo de una decisión secreta entre los países de Oriente Medio es un ejemplo de como los líderes de esos países “quieren derrocar al presidente sirio Bashar al Assad junto con los países occidentales, tal como lo hicieron en 2011 con el líder libio Muammar Gaddafi. Turquía ha desempeñado un papel cada vez más importante en Siria, incluidos los informes que dicen que Ankara podría estar detrás del atentado contra los líderes sirios del 18 de julio.

Sin embargo, el gobierno turco ha negado cualquier apoyo a dichas acciones. Un oficial de alto rango en la reserva del ejército en la región, indicó que por lo menos 20 generales sirios que han desertado en Turquía están coordinando las fuerzas rebeldes. Las autoridades israelíes han indicado que al menos 20.000 soldados sirios han abandonado el combate.

Según nuevos informes, la base de Turquía, cerca de la frontera con Siria, se encuentra en la localidad turca de Adana (sur), a unos 60 kilómetros de la frontera con Siria, que también alberga la base aérea de Incirlik.

A finales de diciembre de 2011, ‘Vatan’ el diario turco, dijo que el Ejército de los EE.UU. ha almacenado 70 ojivas táctias nucleares del tipo B61-12, de las cuales 50 se reservan para uso de EE.UU.. Señaló que entre diez y 20 de las cabezas restantes están diseñadas para ser transportadas y lanzadas por aviones de combate turcos.

Por otra parte, el Departamento del Tesoro de EE.UU. confirmó el miércoles que ha autorizado al representante del Ejército guerrillero sirio (SLA) – que incluye muchos de los grupos armados de oposición, para llevar a cabo transacciones financieras en nombre de esas organizaciones rebeldes.

La información sobre la autorización de Obama para ofrecer apoyo a los rebeldes llega en medio de los combates entre las fuerzas de seguridad y los rebeldes para recuperar el control de Alepo, la segunda ciudad más grande del país.

Obama Authorizes War Against Syria Without Congressional Approval

The US President has violated the Constitution once again by authorizing support for the Syrian rebel groups that fight against the Syrian Army. Having done so, he has effectively declared war on the country.


President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing Washington’s support for Syrian rebels in their fight against government forces, as reported by a U.S. source familiar with the matter.

The order, approved this year — although it is not known when it was signed — allows the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies to conduct support operations to get the rebels to overthrow President Bashar al Assad. In addition, the presidential order reflects the collaboration of U.S. a secret command center led by Turkey with the collaboration of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The comprehensive framework of U.S. assistance to the rebels has not been determined clearly, but the data points to a step forward by the U.S. government to aid the rebels, which until now had been limited to non-lethal aid, according to Washington.

In fact, the United States increased to $ 15 million the funds for non-lethal aid to be delivered to the Syrian opposition.
The spokesman for the U.S. State Department, Victoria Nuland, said that Washington “has said all along that is ready and willing to deliver non-lethal support to the Syrian opposition.”

“Given that this support has been utilized, we have decided to increase the amount of support given for non-lethal aid” she said. “Also, we will expand our coordination and cooperation with other countries that have chosen other forms of support,” she added, referring to the delivery of weapons by third countries, presumably Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Regarding the secret command center, the British agency Reuters has suggested that this could be the secret base established by Turkey in collaboration with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, near the Syrian border, a fact that came to light last week. Apparently, the purpose of it is to control military operations and communication taking place in Syria and thus to help the rebel forces.

This example of a secret decision among Middle East countries is an example of the leaders of those countries’ wish to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad after together with Western countries, just as they did in 2011 with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Turkey has played an increasing role in Syria, including reports that have Ankara could be behind the bombing of Syrian military leaders on 18 July.

However, the Turkish government has denied any support for such actions. A senior officer in the reserve of an army in the region, indicated that at least 20 Syrian generals who have defected in Turkey are coordinating the rebel forces.
The Israeli authorities have indicated that at least 20,000 Syrian soldiers have deserted.

According to new reports, the Turkish base, near the border with Syria, is located in the Turkish resort of Adana (south), about 60 kilometers from the border with Syria, which also houses the U.S. airbase at Incirlik.

In late December 2011, the Turkish newspaper ‘Vatan’ said the U.S. Army has stored 70 tactical nuclear warheads of the B61-12 type, 50 of which would be reserved for U.S. use. He noted that between ten and 20 of the remaining warheads are designed to be carried and launched by Turkish warplanes.

Moreover, the U.S. Treasury Department confirmed Wednesday that it has authorized the representative of the Syrian Free Army (SLA) — which brings includes many of the armed opposition groups, to conduct financial transactions on behalf of those rebel organizations.

The information about Obama’s authorization to deliver support to the rebels comes amid fighting between security forces and the rebels themselves to regain control of Aleppo, the second largest city in the country.

CIA “Manages” Drug Trade, Mexican Official Says


The Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement in drug trafficking is back in the media spotlight after a spokesman for the violence-plagued Mexican state of Chihuahua became the latest high-profile individual to accuse the CIA, which has been linked to narcotics trafficking for decades, of ongoing efforts to “manage the drug trade.” The infamous American spy agency refused to comment.

In a recent interview, Chihuahua state spokesman Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva told Al Jazeera that the CIA and other international “security” outfits “don’t fight drug traffickers.” Instead, Villanueva argued, they try to control and manage the illegal drug market for their own benefit.

“It’s like pest control companies, they only control,” Villanueva told the Qatar-based media outlet last month at his office in Juarez. “If you finish off the pests, you are out of a job. If they finish the drug business, they finish their jobs.”

Another Mexican official, apparently a mid-level officer with Mexico’s equivalent of the U.S. Department of “Homeland Security,” echoed those remarks, saying he knew that the allegations against the CIA were correct based on talks with American agents in Mexico. “It’s true, they want to control it,” the official told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity.

Credibility issues with employees of the notoriously corrupt Mexican government aside, the latest accusations were hardly earth shattering — the American espionage agency has been implicated in drug trafficking from Afghanistan to Vietnam to Latin America and everywhere in between. Similar allegations of drug running have been made against the CIA for decades by former agents, American officials, lawmakers, investigators, and even drug traffickers themselves.

Some of the most prominent officials to level charges of CIA drug trafficking include the former head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Robert Bonner. During an interview with CBS, Bonner accused the American “intelligence” outfit of unlawfully importing a ton of cocaine into the U.S. in collaboration with the Venezuelan government.

Even the New York Times eventually covered part of the scandal in a piece entitled “Anti-Drug Unit of C.I.A. Sent Ton of Cocaine to U.S. in 1990.” And the agency’s Inspector General, Frederick Hitz, was eventually forced to concede to a congressional committee that the CIA has indeed worked with drug traffickers and obtained a waiver from the Department of Justice in the 1980s allowing it to conceal its contractors’ illicit dealings.

An explosive investigation by reporter Gary Webb dubbed the “Dark Alliance” also uncovered a vast CIA machine to ship illegal drugs into the U.S. to fund clandestine and unconstitutional activities abroad, including the financing of armed groups. Webb eventually died under highly suspicious circumstances — two gunshots to the head, officially ruled a “suicide.”

Responding to Webb’s discoveries, top officials and even lawmakers eventually acknowledged that the CIA almost certainly had a role in illegal drug trafficking. “There is no question in my mind that people affiliated with, or on the payroll of, the CIA were involved in drug trafficking,” explained U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) after the Dark Alliance series.

Top-level Mexican officials have suggested complicity by U.S. officials in drug trafficking as well — even recently. “It is impossible to pass tons of drugs or cocaine to U.S. without some grade of complicity of some American authorities,” observed Mexican President Felipe Calderon in a 2009 interview with the BBC.

Last year, an explosive report in the Washington Times, citing a CIA source, speculated that the agency may be deliberately helping certain Mexican cartels to beat out others for geopolitical purposes. According to the sources, the intelligence outfit might have also played a key role in the now-infamous Fast and Furious scandal, which saw the federal government providing thousands of high-powered weapons to Mexican cartels.

Shortly before that, The New American reported on federal court filings by a top Sinaloa Cartel operative that shed even more insight on the U.S. government’s role in drug trafficking. The accused “logistical coordinator” for the cartel, Jesus Vicente “El Vicentillo” Zambada-Niebla, claimed that he had an agreement with top American officials: In exchange for information on rival cartels, the deal supposedly gave him and his associates immunity to import multi-ton quantities of drugs across the border.

“Indeed, United States government agents aided the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel,” the court filing states. Zambada-Niebla is currently being held in federal prison, but he argues that he is innocent because he had approval from — and collaborated with — U.S. agencies in his illegal drug-trafficking operations.

Another expert who spoke with Al Jazeera, a university professor, also indicated that the American federal government was deeply involved in the drug trafficking business. He said the drug war was an “illusion” aimed at justifying control of populations and intervention in Latin America. As evidence, he pointed to the fact that one of the top drug kingpins in the world — billionaire “El Chapo” of the Sinaloa cartel — operates openly and with impunity.

Numerous drug bosses and American officials have made similar claims, alleging that the U.S. government in essence controls at least some of the cartels. According to former DEA operative and whistleblower Celerino Castillo, American federal authorities have even been training members of the brutal Los Zetas cartel in Texas.

CIA and DEA insider Phil Jordan, meanwhile, publicly claimed last year that the Obama administration was selling military-grade weaponry to the deadly organization through a front company in Mexico. And with the Fast and Furious scandal, it emerged that the Obama administration was using tax money to arm Mexican cartels, then exploiting the ensuing violence to attack the Second Amendment.

The President and his Department of Justice have been engaged in a cover-up since whistleblowers first exposed the scheme more than a year ago, leading Congress to hold disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. Another congressional investigation being obstructed by the Justice Department surrounds DEA drug-money laundering operations revealed in an explosive New York Times article late last year.

“While the quality of the involvement of the CIA and other security agencies may be debatable, it is impossible to excise the blame from America,” noted an analysis about the latest allegations published by Catholic Online. “If the CIA is part of the problem, then it will only be one more sign of the corruption and evil that pervades American and Mexican politics and holds hostage millions of innocents.”

Some 50,000 people have died just in recent years as part of Mexico’s U.S. government-backed “war on drugs,” and anger south of the border continues to build. But even as Latin American leaders openly debate legalization and threaten to defect from the controversial “war,” the Obama administration has promised to continue showering taxpayer money on regimes that expand the battle.

Meanwhile, as the bloodshed continues to spiral out of control, the U.S. border remains virtually wide open on purpose, according to experts. And despite tens of billions spent on the endless “war,” numerous analyses indicate that the flow of illegal drugs into America is actually growing — not to mention consumption. By contrast, Portugal, which legalized all drugs about a decade ago, has seen declining rates of addiction, drug abuse, and crime.

In the United States, pressure is still growing on both sides of the aisle to reform or end the unconstitutional federal drug war once and for all, with polls showing rapidly declining support among voters. Over a dozen states have already nullified some unconstitutional federal statutes on marijuana as well. How long the “war” will go on, however, may depend on the federal government’s ability to continue borrowing funds to wage it.

Fear Narrative Heightened Weeks Before Olympics


The prospect of a terror attack before or during the London 2012 Olympic games have been raised today as British police stopped and held a bus that traveled from Birmingham to London due to a report that suspicious behavior had been observed in the bus. Police closed both directions of highway M6 motorway and illegally searched all passengers, reported CNN International.

Soon after police checked the bus and its passengers, fears of a supposed terror threat was dismissed. This event is an example of how heightened the fear narrative is despite the fact that most of the supposed potential terror threats are nothing else than wild guesses by civilians, passengers on a bus or a train moving in or out of the the British capital, where the Olympic games will be held this summer.

In another event that has not been confirmed to be related to the bus incident, police arrested six people in a London apartment, who were held as suspects of terror. Although the identities of the supposed suspects were not revealed and it’s not clear whether the operation that led to the capture of the six people has concluded, police have said that such arrests are not related to measures to keep the city of London safe in anticipation to the Olympic games. An muslim activist confirmed that all of the arrested were British-muslim.

While no one was directly labeled as a suspect of strange behavior, much less arrested or charged with a crime in the bus incident, police took the liberty of searching through people’s possessions, in an attempt to show that security previous to the London games is aware even of the least important detail in order to prevent what authorities security experts and some authorities say could be an imminent terror attack on London, without showing any proof of it.

“We are assisting police with their inquiries into an allegation made against a passenger,” the spokeswoman said as the dramatic incident unfolded. “Importantly, we are not treating this as a counterterrorism incident,” Staffordshire police said in a statement. “Given the nature of the report we responded swiftly and proportionately, treating the information as credible and extremely (serious). Our utmost priority was the safety and security of those people on the coach and those traveling on the motorway,” it said.

In the case of the apartment searches, a neighbor of one of the raided apartments told AP that police entered a property located near Abbey Road, just a mile away from the Olympic Park. ”Five loud bangs in quick succession were head as police destroyed the front door to let themselves in. ”One young man taken on foot to a waiting ambulance.” said John Smallshaw, who lives across the street. None of the police actions that occurred Thursday rendered anything worthwhile to be reported on as the main stream media concludes that the operations were preventive, isolated incidents.

The Terror that is being let loose

While police in London and in cities around the capital parade their preparedness to keep people safe during the Olympic games, statements from a more reliable source is alerting of possible staged terror events in London during the Olympic games. “A number of preliminary indications point to the possibility of a staged false flag event being carried out at this year’s London 2012 Olympics,” says Patrick Henningsen whose media outlet, Infowars.com received testimony this week of the potential for a false-flag terror event in London this summer.

Film producer Ben Fellows, who had kept his real identity secret up until this point, revealed that G4S, a private security firm operating in London and that is supposed to help guarantee security during the games. Fellows first appeared on the Lou Collins Radio Show where he said that the current geopolitical environment lends itself to the execution of another false-flag event in London, just as it happened back on July 7, 2005. Mr. Fellows, who up until last week was know as Lee Hazeldean, infiltrated G4S in order to learn how the security firm worked and prepared to provide security for the Olympics.

From his work at G4S, Mr. Fellows found out about an existent plan to evacuate London that ran parallel to what he said were poor security preparations to prevent a possible terror attack in case someone or some group were actually preparing one. Ben Fellows is a film and television producer, and has worked with people like Stanley Kubric, the re-known film producer. According to him, the operations of G4S were a complete disaster, with telephone operators not knowing what they had to do or what to say, the use of metal detectors that failed to find metallic objects when they were tested, and personnel saying that they would turn off the metal detectors at peak times during the Olympics.

“They told us about the evacuation of London, and that if this were to happen, we would be responsible for looking after the public,” added Fellows during a radio interview. Fellows also spoke about the purchase of 200,000 casket linings, that are used to fit coffins in cases of mass death. “That to me got me thinking, why would you have that?” Mr. Fellows then contacted a man named Andy Davis from channel 4, who after having a talk with him said a report regarding G4S preparations and shortcomings before the Olympic games would be negative news and that they were not interested. Davis later said publicly that he did not know Fellows, despite the fact that he had met him months before their meeting.

Days after Ben Fellows went public on national radio in the UK and in the US, reports began to pop out about possible security problems just weeks before the opening of the Olympics in London. During one of his training sessions at G4S, Ben Fellows heard a trainer say that London would go through a defining moment in its history and that G4S and its personnel would be involved in the developments of such event.

Whether the small suspicious events or the defining event mentioned by Ben Fellows will actually translate into a terror attack is unclear at this point, but the fact that it’s been revealed that preparations are being made to participate in a significant, earth shaking event could help avoid such outcome. The only tangible result of the heightened terror threat alerts, including Thursday’s arrests and the detention and search of a bus on highway M6 is that British authorities are taking advantage of such events to justify the installation of a totalitarian style security grid which will not go away after the Olympic games are over.

In London, police and other law enforcement agencies are carrying out an unlawful power grab that includes the use of techniques such as behavioral profiling, under which anyone is a suspect if a police officer thinks he is, and nothing else. London has been surrounded by a missile shield system that is aimed at detecting and destroying a missile, should one be launched against the city during the games. Proof that there is the potential for such an event to occur is zero. London and most of the western world has been converted into a test field for psychological warfare in the wake of the 9/11 and 7/7 false-flag terror attacks that were used by governments to turn cities into prison grids.

London alone is today a militarized zone that is not only baseless but also exaggerated. Both British and foreign military men are distributed over London and locations around the city without a single valid justification. Foreign law enforcement includes 500 FBI agents as well as members of the  CIA, the secret service and MI6.

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