False flags are used to stop the rise of liberty

Although this article applies mostly to North America and Europe, the truth is that the model used to bring down liberty there will soon be utilized all over the world.


In the tragic aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting which has all the earmarks of a staged “false flag” event, a follow-up false flag now appears imminent. To be effective in achieving its political aim, it will have to be orders of magnitude larger and more deadly than what took place in Colorado. This article is largely focused on the safety solutions for you and your family, because above all I want people to be safe. But before we get that part, let’s explore the logical reasoning behind why another false flag attack appears imminent.

For starters, the Batman movie theater shooting was obviously staged (http://www.naturalnews.com/036536_James_Holmes_shooting_false_flag.ht…).

The evidence of this includes eyewitness reports of multiple shooters, James Holmes being drugged out of his mind in court (a common tactic used against patsies), his work as a graduate student in a government-funded neuroscience program that specifically researched altered perception of time and reality, and Holmes having somehow obtained the skill set to build a highly complex maze of makeshift grenades, binary liquid explosives, intricate flammable devices, trip wires and booby traps. The attack in Aurora, Colorado was not a run-of-the-mill random violent act by a graduate student; it was a carefully planned, plotted, funded, and well-trained attack carried out for a specific purpose.

This fact is now obvious to well-informed NaturalNews readers, who, compared to the general public, tend to have far more in-depth knowledge of the way the world works. But as our stories have recently received unprecedented readership — NaturalNews.com recently surged beyond the web traffic of the BBC (source: Alexa.com) — it has unfortunately reached the “dumbed-down masses” who aren’t regular alternative news readers and therefore have very little knowledge of reality.

So for those who don’t believe any of this, simply go back to sleep and change the channel. It is not mandatory for you to understand reality in order to experience it. But for those who seek understanding and knowledge of the real forces at work in our world, keep reading.

What was the purpose of the attack?

Once you realize the attack was planned, funded and carried out for a deliberate purpose, the obvious question becomes: For what purpose was it carried out?

The answer to that question is found in many places, including the novel 1984 by George Orwell, in which the nation state is locked in a perpetual state of fabricated war in order for the government to maintain total control over its population. It is now well established that the Oklahoma City bombing was conducted for much the same purpose, as it explained in the outstanding documentary “A Noble Lie” (http://www.anoblelie.com). Do not make the mistake of thinking you know the true history of Oklahoma City unless you’ve seen this documentary. Had the Oklahoma City bombing been carried out today, during the time of the ubiquitous internet, it would have been almost instantly revealed to be a staged false flag attack. The official explanation of the event is so self-contradictory — and the cover-up so sloppy — that it only succeeded due to a mainstream media monopoly which existed at the time but has since been shattered by the rise of the alternative, independent media like NaturalNews.

The real history of the world — not the fairy tale history you were taught in government-run schools — is a history of government groups and leaders staging events to blame them on their enemies. The “false flag” tactic is so remarkably effective that it has been used since the time of the Romans and continues to this day. Anyone who does not yet realize this truth is simply ignorant of factual history. America’s public school system, of course, is run by the government itself which selectively alters accounts of history to fit its present-day political fairy tale. This altered history is also depicted in great detail in the novel 1984. (http://www.amazon.com/Nineteen-Eighty-Four-Centennial-Edition-George/…)

A similarly fresh look at actual history is also described in the outstanding book by the progressive author Howard Zinn entitled, “A People’s History of American Empire.” (http://www.amazon.com/A-Peoples-History-American-Empire/dp/0805087443) This book reveals the imperialist side of American history that’s almost never taught in public school. An even more interesting read, by the way, is A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror (http://www.amazon.com/Patriots-History-United-States-Columbuss/dp/159…). And I highly recommend “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins (http://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Economic-Hit-John-Perkins/dp/045228…) as well as “The Secret History of the American Empire,” also by Perkins (http://www.amazon.com/The-Secret-History-American-Empire/dp/045228957…).

What we learn from the open-minded study of history often shatters whatever youthful illusions we may have been taught in school. As it turns out, individuals in government who insatiably seek power are not just cruel and inhumane; they’re often sociopathic. They have a disease, and that disease makes them think they can create a perfect world if everybody else would simply do as they’re told. This disease quickly festers into tyranny; and tyranny into genocide.

Once this disease takes hold of their minds — as it routinely does with Senators, Presidents, dictators and others who incessantly seek power — there is absolutely nothing they won’t do in order to feed their desire for yet more power. Tactics used by these tyrants throughout the history of the world include stuffing ballot boxes, conducting assassinations, blackmailing enemies and of course staging false flag attacks to justify an expansion of power. See Operation Northwoods for an open admission that the U.S. government carefully plotted, planned and was about to carry out its own false flag terror attack in order to justify war: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

The real question to ask yourself in all this is, historically speaking, how did the 9/11 attacks help President Bush, for example? If you recall, he used the tragedy to boost his own ratings in the polls to an astonishing 80% support level, then staged a “heroic bull-horning event” by climbing a heap of rubble and ground zero and delivering a supposedly impromptu — but actually well prepared — speech that helped lay the groundwork for the liberty-crushing Patriot Act that still haunts the ghost of a free America to this day.

President Clinton reportedly credited the Oklahoma City bombings for strengthening his reelection in 1996. One well-placed bomb, it seems, can alter the fortunes of major political players. Never mind the fact that, in retrospect, all the evidence available today clearly and irrefutably points to the event having been staged by rogue elements within the U.S. government itself. Again, see the film “A Noble Lie” for a full review of the stunning evidence.

Similarly, President Reagan has the staged embassy hostage crisis in 1980 to thank for his victory over President Carter. Those hostages were released the very same day Reagan was sworn in as President. “The hostages were formally released into United States custody the following day, just minutes after the new American president Ronald Reagan was sworn into office,” reports Wikipedia. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis)

The point of all this is that crisis always concentrates power into the hands of the government. Therefore, staging crisis accelerates that concentration of power. Because power is what all ambitious government operatives ultimately seek, this is the primary purpose of staging a false flag attack in the first place.

The lower Obama gets in the polls, the greater the risk of a large-scale staged event

If Obama were high in the polls right now, with no risk of losing his re-election bid in November, the risk of a large-scale false flag attack in the months ahead would be minimal. It is the risk of him losing the election that creates the high risk of a false flag operation. Curiously, Obama himself may have absolutely no knowledge of any of this.

Most likely, the kind of dirty work that results in false flag attacks is carried out by “handlers” and unelected power brokers who control much of what transpires on the world stage. As long as these power brokers see Obama’s second term as a positive thing for shoring up their global control, they will pull out all the stops to make sure he gets reelected, including (but not limited to) staging a false flag event that Obama himself may not even be aware of until the last minute. It’s easier for his reaction to the tragedy to appear sufficiently authentic, after all, if he’s actually not in the loop.

Why the next false flag may be orders of magnitude larger

If the Aurora Colorado shooting was just a warm-up, a truly paradigm-altering false flag event would have to be something orders of magnitude larger and more horrifying. To really tip the scales in favor of total government control and the complete annihilation of all remaining liberties in America, a truly massive event would have to be staged (or allowed to transpire) such as:

• The release of a nuclear “dirty bomb” in a major U.S. city.
• The ICBM nuking of a major U.S. city.
• Nuclear power plant sabotage leading to meltdown.
• The mass poisoning of Americans via a water supply chemical attack.
• The release of a deadly biological weapon.
• A large-scale bombing on the scale of 9/11.

For the purposes of seizing control over the nation, the more visually horrifying the attack, the better. This provides video footage that can be played over and over again on the evening news, searing into the minds of the public the visual horror of an attack which is blamed on a selected political enemy or even an entire political movement.

Because of this, you can expect the next false flag to be:

• Very large, killing not just a dozen people but thousands.

• Very bloody, for the purpose of showing such images on the news.

• Timed to support the election of whichever President the global controllers want in office. Let’s analyze this briefly:

False flag timing: Before the election or after the election?

If an attack happens before the November election, it would support Obama and help him get reelected. If Romney wins, on the other hand, and an attack happens after the election but before the inauguration, it would support Obama declaring Martial Law and seizing control of the country under emergency powers. If Romney wins and an attack happens after the inauguration in January, it would support Romney’s and make him appear heroic much like Bush in 2001. This would soon be followed by a Romney-led push for more restrictions on whatever freedoms or liberties could be conceivably tied to the attack by the mainstream (lying) media.

So the TIMING of these events tells you a wealth of information about the PURPOSE behind them. If no false flag events are witnessed between now and early 2013, it would indicate that the global controllers feel power is trending in their direction anyway and no special intervention is necessary.

False flags are used to stop the rise of liberty

False flags also tend to take place when the global controllers detect a “wave of liberty” starting to gain traction among the populace. When talk of liberty or the Bill of Rights begins to rise above the usual drone of infobabble, a false flag is often staged and then blamed on so-called “extremist” speech, which inevitably boils down to any speech that questions the credibility of Big Government. If you listen carefully to the rhetoric of any White House, you’ll discover that “extremism” means anything that does not agree with that particular administration’s political agenda. In 1943, growing your own food and even selling fresh milk was considered an act of patriotism — victory gardens! But in 2012, selling fresh milk is considered a criminal activity associated with the “sovereign” movement which, itself, is linked to so-called “extremism.”

This, itself, should be a red alert warning that tyranny has arrived. When the simple pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is equated with extremism by the government, it’s a sign that we’ve all fallen deeper down the rabbit hole of tyranny than you might have suspected.

As further evidence of false flags being used to stifle the rise of liberty, consider this: The Oklahoma City bombing was staged just as “right wing” ideas were gaining audience share on talk radio. Regardless of whether you prefer the adrenaline jolt of Alex Jones or the hypnotic drone of NPR, the attempted blaming of Rush Limbaugh following the Oklahoma City bombing was one of the most cowardly and absurd political attempts to censor free speech that our nation has ever witnessed. We may or may not agree with Rush, but if we are true Americans, we must at least agree that the man has the right to speak his mind.

Similarly, in 2001 as the “patriot movement” was gaining steam, the 9/11 attacks turned the tables on the freedom movement and resulted in the suffocating “Patriot Act” being passed that gave the government vast new police powers for surveillance, arrest, detention and more. Never mind the fact that building 7 was never even hit by airplanes and yet was quite obviously brought down by an expert demolition team using a highly engineered maze of intricately-timed explosive charges that had to have been placed in the building weeks in advance (http://www.naturalnews.com/033684_911_truth_WTC_7.html).

Whatever next false flag event is being planned could be the final nail in the coffin for American liberty. Obama has already put in place the NDAA that denies Americans due process (http://www.naturalnews.com/034537_NDAA_Bill_of_Rights_Obama.html). He promised to never use it, but that promise will, of course, be instantly revoked once a sufficiently large attack takes place. One nuclear explosion, placed not only in the right city, but more importantly in the right narrative context via the media and government, could condemn an entire generation of Americans to suffocating under the boot of tyranny, stripped of all rights, enslaved by a dictatorial police state regime that they falsely believe is protecting them from the very terrorism it initiated.

One attack away from total surrender

Today, America is just one large false flag event away from surrendering to total government dictatorship… assuming the horrifying event can be properly blamed on the right parties — in this case, anyone who believes in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights, or even someone who is a supporter of the ACLU and the concept of “civil rights.”

In the footsteps of a sufficiently large false flag attack — something on the scale of a nuclear attack on a major U.S. city, for example — you can expect all the following to be rolled out:

• TSA on street corners, in shopping malls, movie theaters, a total police state rollout.

• Domestic units of the U.S. military running patrols, going door to door and demanding everyone’s firearms. (Already happened in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina.)

• Frequent roadside checkpoints run either by the TSA or the military, complete with bulletproof checkpoint booths, strip searches and frequent sexual molestation by TSA pedophiles and perverts. (http://www.naturalnews.com/035607_government_checkpoints_Martial_Law….)

• The activation of FEMA camps and the hustling of “economic refugees” into those camps to be starved to death or exterminated, all in secret. Watch the “lost” episode of Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” show on FEMA camps right here: http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=C67234C7049D2AB2F3D897B805FEFEC2

• The abolishment of the Second Amendment and the forced confiscation — at gunpoint — of all guns from private citizens, thereby concentrating control of those guns in the hands of the government. This imbalance of power is always necessary right before governments commit mass genocide.

• Total government control over the internet. An outlawing of all online speech that criticizes the government or reports the truth about anything. Only the White House version of events (fairy tales) will be allowed. All else will be censored or shut down.

• The “secret disappearance” of journalists, activists or anyone who dares to ask legitimate questions about what’s going on.

• The inevitable rise of an underground railroad information network which seeks to expose the lies of government and the real story behind the false flag attacks.

• A massive, nationwide rollout of spy drones to surveil all Americans from the sky.

• The recruitment and deployment of at least 500,000 new “citizen spies” who work as informants for the Department of Homeland Security and are given cash rewards for calling in accusatory reports about their neighbors, family members or even their own parents. “My daddy said he didn’t like the government!” “Don’t worry, little boy, agents are on their way to make an arrest…” Watch for the rolling out of thought crimes enforcers like those depicted in the sci-fi movie Minority Report.

• The complete abolition of freedom. No home gardens, no weapons in the hands of citizens, no public protests, no banking privacy, no choice in anything that really matters. This is what’s coming if another sufficiently large false flag attack is rolled out in America.

How to protect yourself from the next false flag attack

Here’s the really important part of this article. First there is the question of how to protect yourself from the attack itself. And then, secondly, there’s the question of how to protect yourself from the rise of the police state which follows the attack.

Protecting yourself from the initial attack is fairly straightforward:

#1) Don’t live in a major U.S. city. All the likely targets are, of course, high population density areas. They include Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Houston and Chicago. Each day that you live in a large U.S. city is a day of risk that you will be caught in a false flag attack.

#2) Have your preparedness pack ready. Make sure you cover all the basics: Stored food, water, water filters, communications, first aid, self defense and so on. (See resources, below.)

#3) Have a bug-out location ready. Whether it’s a family member’s house in the country or a cabin in the woods, have a bug-out location picked out and ready in advance. Read the book “Patriots” by James Wesley Rawles. (http://www.amazon.com/Patriots-Surviving-James-Wesley-Rawles/dp/15697…)

#3) Practice bugging out without using the major roads or highways. Remember, all major roads will either be clogged with traffic or held to a standstill due to TSA checkpoints. You’ll need an alternate route.

#4) Have radiation pills and pandemic defense pills ready. Radiation pills are, of course, KI pills (potassium iodide). “Pandemic defense pills” are, above all, high-dose vitamin D supplements but may also include upper respiratory defensive herbal tinctures such as Lomatium or star anise. Radiation detection stickers — “Rad Stickers” — are available atwww.SupplySource.com

The false flag depopulation strategy via a staged biological attack

Understand, importantly, that in the case of a biological attack, the higher the fatality of a biological weapon, the faster it burns out through the population. It would be a tactical mistake for an enemy of the People to develop and release a biological weapon with, for example, a fast-acting “98% kill rate” because its overall fatality would be low due to the fact that its carrierswould die before they could spread it to others.

The most “effective” biological weapon to deploy in terms of an enemy attack or a false flag staged attack is one with a fatality rate under five percent. This way, 95% of the population becomes “carriers” while even a five percent death rate is enough to spread mass fear and terror and therefore accomplish the desired political aim.

A biological attack is very, very easy to blame on anyone you wish. All the evidence needed to convict someone of, for example, breaking into a laboratory, stealing biological weapons samples, then releasing them in a major airport can simply be fabricated at will. We’ve all seen, for example, Forrest Gump shaking hands with President Nixon (http://www.ugo.com/tv/guide-to-green-screens-forrest-gump), even though such an event never took place. Today’s video engineering technology makes it ridiculously easy for a government to fabricate convincing evidence and thereby blame anyone they wish.

Should a biological attack actually unfold, expect to see the CDC spearheading calls for mandatory “gunpoint” vaccinations of the entire population. Anyone who resists will be condemned a “threat to public health,” arrested, quarantined and forcibly vaccines. All the vaccines, of course, will be laced with infertility chemicals or stealth viruses (http://www.naturalnews.com/033584_Dr_Maurice_Hilleman_SV40.html). This is the ultimate goal of the globalists: to get the population to voluntarily line up to be injected with what are essentially infertility chemicals and thereby remove those individuals from the future of the human gene pool.

For review, here’s how a biological false flag would likely be structured:

Development of biological weapon with under 5% mortality but high spread rate –> False flag biological weapons release –> Blame framed on convenient enemy –> Outbreak of fear multiplied by the media –> CDC calls for mandatory vaccines –> People line up for vaccines –> Vaccines are laced with stealth infertility viruses –> Population reduction goal accomplished.

Bill Gates declares history and the human gene pool collapses by 50 – 90 percent, removing from the gene pool the DNA of people who are foolish enough to follow government medical instructions. In globalist circles, this is probably referred to as “natural selection,” and they may actually be right about that point.

Learn more details about surviving any false flag attack in my course, “How to protect and defend yourself, your family and your property during the coming collapse” at: www.HealthRangerLive.com

How to protect yourself AFTER the attack

This is where things get tricky. Surviving the initial attack is relatively straightforward, but making it through the subsequent police state will be nothing short of a nightmare.

Before every revolution of liberty, it seems, there must be a period of great suffering before awakening achieves a critical mass. People don’t realize what’s going on, in other words, until the situation gets really, really bad. And usually by that time the police state tyranny is deeply entrenched and the secret arrests (or mass murders) have already begun. (Read your history, folks, if this doesn’t already ring a bell for you.)

The ultimate answer to surviving the situation after the attack is to help defend and restore liberty in your country. During that effort, surviving means laying low and avoiding direct confrontation with the oppressive government while working to restore Democracy and defend the Republic.

You cannot individually achieve victory against a tyrannical police state by using force. No one person — or even a small group of people — can out-gun the military, for example. The real victory is achieved through information that ultimately educates the masses to the point where the military refuses to support an oppressive regime; hence the name “info war” to describe the process by which victory is achieved through education and the spread of liberating information.

Becoming part of the info war, even in the form of being an advocate of the “underground information railroad,” is crucial to restoring Democracy and the Republic. The laborious process of achieving an overthrow of any given tyranny may take years of dedication and suffering. During this time, all the basic supplies you need to live will be in short supply because they will be controlled by the government: food, medicine, electricity, gasoline, heating fuel, precious metals and probably even garden seeds. A large underground economy will spring up, and people will begin to engage in new crimes such as “seed smuggling” or “selling home-grown vegetables” — both of which will be felony crimes because they express a level of freedom that the tyrannical government will not tolerate. (See the movie “Hunger Games” for a dystopian futuristic depiction of this.)

Because of this, the more you take action TODAY to store food, medicine, seeds, silver, ammo and other basic necessities (even pencils and toilet paper), the better you’ll be able to cushion yourself against the starvation, disease and destitution put in place by the government itself. Governments gone bad inevitably do this because every tyrant drives his own population into poverty in order to create vast wealth gaps between the enslaved masses and the government rulers. North Korea is perhaps the best example of this today, but other examples abound across the span of history (Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc).

Thus, once again, your best defense against the aftermath of a false flag attack is to have street smarts about avoiding arrest and staying out of trouble while also having a hidden store of essential goods that can keep you healthy, alive and “wealthy” in the barter sense. Meanwhile, fight to protect and defend the Constitution (if you’re an American) against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Restore liberty, resist tyranny and stay alive.

Survival nutrition

Among all the topics I cover, I have perhaps become best known as a “survival nutritionist,” meaning I specialize in survival nutrition strategies. In the Middle Ages, kings maintained power over their enslaved populations by, in part, starving them to the point of stunted growth. This is why kings, knights and royal families were physically larger and intimidating: the peons were starved into small stature while the royal families consumed an excess of calories that simply were not allowed to the working poor.

The crucial point to understand here is that if the government can separate you from real food, they can eventually control you. So one of the best defenses against tyranny is to have your own stores of highly nutritious foods – superfoods are best. As a side note, Monsanto seeks corporate control over the world’s food supply through intellectual property claims over genetically modified seeds. This, too, is a form of corporate tyranny that parallels the aims of many governments.

Importantly, getting squared away with emergency preparedness nutrition does not, in my opinion, mean rush out and buy the cheap, low-cost “survival” foods commonly sold everywhere. Most of these foods are highly processed, nutritionally depleted, laced with MSG (yeast extract) and manufactured using GMOs. The absolute best source of emergency survival nutrition is none other than sprouting seeds and a sprouting tray kit.

These are all sold at Green PolkaDot Box, a supplier of mostly organic and non-GMO foods and groceries. Their supply of sprouting seeds is perfect for emergency preparedness.

The next best thing to store is superfood powders which include several ideal brands: Boku Superfood, Living Fuel, Enerfood, Healthforce, Vega, Rejuvenate and so on. I strongly recommend only high-end brands and to avoid cheap superfoods with a lot of filler such as soy lecithin. It’s also a good idea to store high nutrient density powders such as Camu Camu powder or Pomegranate powder, both of which deliver a storehouse of disease-preventing nutrition. (Pomegranate powder is available at Green PolkaDot Box. Camu Camu powder is available at health food stores or Amazon.com.)

The emergency food miracle: chia seeds

In terms of storable nutrition, chia seeds are simply one of the best all-around solutions:

• They can be easily sprouted and consumed as living sprouts.

• They can be soaked in water and mixed with almost any other smoothie, baking recipe, salad dressings, etc.

• They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids which will be difficult to acquire during hard times.

• They have a remarkably long shelf life.

• They’re high in magnesium, a mineral that’s often difficult to acquire.

• They contain amino acids, vitamins, fiber and other valuable plant-based nutrients.

• They’re delicious and easy to use in all sorts of foods.

• They can be planted to grow more chia seeds. They grow best in hot, dry climates such as Southern California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, but will also do well in places like Texas and Florida if well-drained soils are available.

For this reason, I’m including some chia seed sources for you below. If you’re copying this story and pasting it on your own website, feel free to snip off that section of this story (but please give a link and credit to NaturalNews).

Best storable food staples

Beyond chia seeds, some of the best storable foods for fundamental nutrition include:

• Sardines packed in olive oil. (Very high RNA, calcium, omega-3s, etc.)

• Coconut oil (very high calories, very healthy)

• Sea salt (contains essential trace minerals)

• Raw honey (stores practically forever, useful as food and medicine, antibacterial)

• Garden seeds (for growing your own food) for an organic open-pollinated survival seed selection.

• Organic raisins (good shelf life, high nutrition, portable calories)

• Quinoa (complete protein, stores for a decade, cooks with just water)

These food staples are crucial for staying alive during a time when the government may be trying to “thin the herd” through a policy of starvation and forced immune suppression. You’ll also, of course, need a source of common carbohydrates such as wheat, kamut, rice, dried fruits, and so on. Contact your local Mormon cannery for free help on getting squared away with stored foods (Mormons are, without question, the best-prepared religious group in North America). For the record, I’m not affiliated with the Mormon church or any particular church for that matter. I just know the Mormons are the best at this particular skill set.

Estigmatización de la Resistencia a la Autoridad

La medicalización de la Rebelión


En 1861 Samuel A. Cartwright, un médico americano, describió una enfermedad mental que él llamó “drapetomanía.” Como señala Wikipedia, el término deriva de drapetes, del griego “fuera de control [de esclavos],” y la manía de la locura o la locura.

Así, Cartwright define drapetomanía como “la enfermedad que causa que los negros huyan [del cautiverio]“.

“Sus síntoma de diagnóstico, el huir del trabajo, es bien conocido por los hacendados y capataces”, escribió Cartwright en un documento muy distribuida y presentado ante la Asociación Médica de Louisiana. Sin embargo, este trastorno era “desconocido para nuestras autoridades médicas”.

Cartwright pensó que los dueños de esclavos causaron la enfermedad por querer “relacionarse mucho con [los esclavos], tratándolos como iguales”. Drapetomanía también puede ser inducida “si [el dueño] abusa de los poderes que Dios le ha dado sobre su prójimo, por ser cruel con él, o castigarlo con ira, o por no protegerlo de los abusos injustificables de sus compañeros de servicio y todos los demás, o al negarle las comodidades habituales y necesarias para la vida. “

Tenía ideas acerca de la prevención y el tratamiento:

[S] i el dueño o supervisor es amable y cortés hacia su esclavo, sin condescendencia, y al mismo tiempo brinda opciones y tiempo a sus necesidades físicas, y lo protege de los abusos, el negro es hechizado, y no puede huir. . . .

Si alguno o varios de ellos, en cualquier momento, están dispuestos a levantar la cabeza a un nivel con su dueño o supervisor, la humanidad y su propio bien exige que deben ser castigados hasta que caigan en ese estado de sumisión que se pretende que ellos a ocupen en todo momento. . . . Sólo tienen que mantenerse en ese estado, y ser tratados como niños, con la atención, la amabilidad, la atención y la humanidad, para prevenir y curar la idea de huir.

También Dysaethesia

La identificación de drapetomanía no es el único logro de Cartwright. Asimismo, “descubrió” la dysaethesia aethiopica o embotamiento de la mente y la sensibilidad obtusa del cuerpo, una enfermedad propia de los negros –llamada por los supervisores como ’bellaquería’. “A diferencia de drapetomanía, dysaetheisa afecta principalmente a los negros libres. La enfermedad es el fruto natural de la libertad del negro; la libertad de estar inactivo, a revolcarse en la inmundicia, y de disfrutar de una alimentación inadecuada y las bebidas.”

Cartwright, me atrevo a decir, era un charlatán, siempre dispuesto a atribuir cualquier comportamiento inquietante a una enfermedad ficticia. Una discusión mucho más informativa de la conducta de los esclavos se pueden encontrar en el fascinante libro de Tadeo de Russell, Una Historia Renegada de los Estados Unidos.

¿Han cambiado mucho las cosas desde los días de Cartwright? Usted decida.

La actual edición del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-IV) incluye el trastorno de oposición desafiante (ODD) en la lista de “Trastornos de la infancia, la niñez o la adolescencia.” (Me quito el sombrero. Bryan Hyde). De acuerdo con el manual:

La característica esencial del trastorno negativista desafiante es un patrón recurrente de conducta negativista, desafiante, desobediente y hostil hacia las figuras de autoridad que persisten durante al menos seis meses. Se caracteriza por la frecuente aparición de por lo menos cuatro de los siguientes comportamientos: perder los estribos, discutir con los adultos, desafiar de forma activa o negarse a cumplir con las peticiones o reglas de los adultos, deliberadamente hacer cosas que molestan a los demás, culpar a otros por sus propios errores o mala conducta, al ser susceptible o fácilmente molestado por otros, estar enojado y resentido, o ser rencoroso y vengativo.

Marcado en una curva

En el diagnóstico de este trastorno, los niños están marcados en una curva. “Para ser diagnosticado como enfermo con [ODD], las conductas deben ocurrir con más frecuencia de lo que se observa típicamente en individuos de la misma edad y nivel de desarrollo” (énfasis añadido). Los comportamientos también deben considerarse un impedimento “, en el funcionamiento social, académico y profesional.”

El paralelo con drapetomanía es de mal agüero. Los niños, después de todo, están en una forma de cautiverio, y a medida que envejecen naturalmente, pueden resentirse con las decisiones tomadas por ellos. Sobre todo puede no gustarle que se les limite casi todos los días y se les sofoque en las instituciones gubernamentales supuestamente dedicadas a la educación (“escuelas públicas”). Algunos pueden rebelarse, convirtiéndose en un fastidio para las autoridades.

¿Es eso realmente un trastorno mental, o del cerebro,? PubMed, un sitio web de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, analiza el tratamiento y la prevención de formas que sugieren que la respuesta es no. “El mejor tratamiento para el niño es hablar con un profesional de salud mental en terapia individual y familiar si es posible. Los padres también deben aprender a manejar el comportamiento del niño “(énfasis añadido), se dice, y agrega:” Los medicamentos también pueden ser útiles. “

En cuanto a la prevención, dice, “Sea consecuente con las reglas y las consecuencias en el hogar. No se deben aplicar castigos muy severos o incongruentes. Modelar los comportamientos adecuados para su hijo. Malos tratos y abandono aumentan las posibilidades de que se presente este trastorno “.

Extraña enfermedad

Parece extraño que una enfermedad puede ser tratada por la charla y prevenida por la buena crianza. ¿Y cómo se llegó a cuatro el número mínimo de las conductas antes del diagnóstico? O seis meses el período mínimo? Extraño, no es cierto?

Mientras que ODD se discute con referencia a los niños, uno sospecha que no se necesita mucho para hacerla extensiva a los adultos que “tienen problemas con la autoridad.” Sin duda, uno no se cura sólo con el paso de la adolescencia. Los adultos son cada vez más sujetos a un gobierno opresor que toma decisiones casi tanto como los adultos lo hacen con los niños. La psiquiatría soviética encontró fácilmente este trastorno en los disidentes. No hay que olvidar que la alianza de la psiquiatría y el Estado permite que personas inocentes de un delito sean medicadas y puestas en prisión contra su voluntad.

Así que debemos preguntarnos: ¿Tenemos una enfermedad aquí o más bien es lo que Thomas Szasz, el crítico liberal del “Estado terapéutico“, (la principal preocupación de Szasz, se dice,  es la psiquiatría, pero en realidad es  la libertad y la auto-responsabilidad. Ver mi lección sobre Szasz aquí)

Parece que el denominador común de lo que se llaman trastornos mentales (o del cerebro) es cualquier cosa que le molesta a otros, que los otros desean controlar. ¿Por qué asumir que tal comportamiento es una enfermedad? ¿No es esto más bien un error de categoría? ¿Por qué estigmatizar a un niño rebelde con un extraño “diagnóstico”? (No nos olvidemos de lo que la psiquiatría no hace mucho tiempo consideraba como una enfermedad y quería  controlar.)

El Cientificismo

En nuestra era científica, muchas personas encuentran el cientificismo, la aplicación de los conceptos y técnicas de las ciencias en las personas y los fenómenos económicos / sociales. En verdad, es la deshumanización en nombre de la salud.

Szasz, un autor prolífico que celebró su cumpleaños número 92 a principios de esta semana, escribe:

A la gente no se le tiene que decir que la malaria y el melanoma son enfermedades. Ellos saben que lo son. Pero a la gente se le tiene que decir, una y otra vez, que el alcoholismo y la depresión son enfermedades. ¿Por qué? Debido a que la gente sabe que no son enfermedades, que las enfermedades mentales no son “como otras enfermedades,” que los hospitales mentales no son como los otros hospitales, que el negocio de la psiquiatría es el control y la coerción, no el cuidado o la atención. En consecuencia, los médicos participan en una tarea de nunca acabar para “educar” a la gente con la idea que enfermedades fictícias son enfermedades reales.

Nadie cree que la drapetomanía es una enfermedad real. Los esclavos tenían una buena razón para huir. Todos tenemos razones, no enfermedades, para “huir”.

Traducido del artículo original: Stigmatizing Resistance to Authority

Biocombustibles Emiten 400 por ciento más CO2 que los Fósiles

Aunque el CO2 no es el contaminante que los ambientalistas locos retratan, ¿dónde está la solución medioambiental sobre el uso actual de los biocarburantes si estos emiten más que que la gasolina o el diésel? No hay ninguna. Se trata de mantener un monopolio y control.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Agosto 16, 2010

Un informe reciente publicado por la Unión Europea ha puesto de manifiesto que los biocombustibles o combustibles elaborados con organismos vivos, de fuentes renovables, no son realmente tan beneficiosos para el medio ambiente. En lugar de reducir las emisiones de carbono neto según lo previsto, los biocombustibles producen cuatro veces más contaminación de dióxido de carbono que los combustibles fósiles. De nuevo, el CO2 no es un elemento contaminante como se mal informa, pero aún si lo fuese, los biocombustibles actuales están lejos de ser la solución. Desde luego esto es sabido por los controladores del monopolio de combustibles.

Los biocombustibles como el etanol de maíz común, que se ha convertido en un aditivo popular en la gasolina, y el biodiesel de soja, que está siendo utilizado en camiones comerciales y otros vehículos a diésel, a menudo se consideran beneficiosos para el medio ambiente porque son renovables. Sin embargo, el uso de alimentos para producir combustibles y comida ha resultado primeramente en el uso de grandes franjas de tierra en todo el mundo para el cultivo de maíz, soya y caña de azúcar que se usan en biocombustibles.

En otras palabras, millones de acres de exuberantes bosques tropicales se están convirtiendo en campos de maíz y soja a fin de proporcionar suficiente de estos recursos para sus nuevos usos. La emisión neta de carbono por la producción de combustibles es mucho mayor que lo que se emite por el uso de combustibles fósiles.

Según el informe, la soja estadounidense tiene una ‘huella de carbono‘ indirecta de 340kg de CO2 por gigajulio (GJ), mientras que el diésel y la gasolina crear sólo 85kg/GJ. Del mismo modo, la colza, una planta similar a la canola en América del Norte, de manera indirecta crea ‘huella’ mayor a los combustibles fósiles porque el uso de la tierra produce 150kg/GJ adicionales. En otras naciones, las tierras han sido convertidas para el cultivo de colza para la alimentación a fin de sustituir los cultivos nativos que ahora se cultivan para el combustible.

Irónicamente, la cantidad de recursos directos e indirectos utilizados para cultivar alimentos para la producción de combustible es bastante alta comparada con el de los combustibles fósiles convencionales. Los biocarburantes también no se queman tan eficientemente y pueden ser destructivos para los motores de los vehículos. La gasolina de etanol-enriquecido también puede reducir la eficiencia del kilometraje por más de 25 por ciento, dependiendo del vehículo.

El cultivo de alimentos para producir combustibles acaba por incrementar el precio de los alimentos para los consumidores. También ejerce una presión adicional para las familias, muchas de las cuales ya están teniendo dificultades para soportar las actuales condiciones económicas.

Cuando todo está dicho y hecho, los biocombustibles parecen ser un montón de propaganda, sin muchos beneficios. Ambientalmente, el fiscalmente y en la práctica, los biocombustibles son un desastre. Los combustibles fósiles no puede ser una forma ideal de energía limpia, pero en este momento hacen mucho más sentido que los biocombustibles.

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Biofuels Emit 400 percent more CO2 than Regular Fuels

Although CO2 is not the pollutant crazy environmentalists portray it to be, where is the environmental solution on the current use of biofuels if they emit more of that ‘pollutant’ than gasoline or diesel?  There isn’t any.  It’s all about monopoly and control.

By Ethan A. Huff

A recent report issued by the European Union has revealed that biofuels, or fuel made from living, renewable sources, is not really all that beneficial to the environment. Rather than reduce the net carbon footprint as intended, biofuels can produce four times more carbon dioxide pollution than conventional fossil fuels do.

Common biofuels like corn ethanol, which has become a popular additive in gasoline, and soy biodiesel, which is being used in commercial trucks and other diesel-fueled vehicles, are often considered to be environmentally-friendly because they are renewable. But in order to grow enough of these crops to use for both food and fuel, large swaths of land around the world are being converted into crop fields for growing biofuels.

In other words, millions of acres of lush rainforests are becoming corn and soy fields in order to provide enough of these resources for their new uses. The net carbon footprint of growing crops for fuel is far higher than what is emitted from simple fossil fuel usage.

According to the report, American soybeans have an indirect carbon footprint of 340kg of CO2 per gigajoule (GJ), while conventional diesel and gasoline create only 85kg/GJ. Similarly, the European rapeseed, a plant similar to the North American canola, indirectly produces 150kg/GJ because additional land in other nations has been converted to grow rapeseed for food in order to replace the native crops that are now being grown for fuel.

Ironically, the amount of direct and indirect resources used to grow food for fuel is quite high compared to that of conventional fossil fuels. Biofuels also do not burn as efficiently and can be rough on the engines they fuel. Ethanol-enriched gasoline can also reduce gas mileage efficiency by upwards of 25 percent, depending on the vehicle.

Growing food for fuel ends up increasing the price of food for consumers. It also puts additional strain on families, many of whom are already having difficulties making ends meet in current economic conditions.

When all is said and done, biofuels seem to be a whole lot of hype with not a lot of benefit. Environmentally, fiscally and practically, biofuels are a disaster. Fossil fuels may not be an ideal form of clean energy, but at this point in time, they make a lot more sense than biofuels.

Oxford Professor: Poison water to medicate population

Oxford professor Julian Savulescu says fluoridation demonstrates how populations of the future could be mass-medicated through pharmacological ‘cognitive enhancements’ added to the water supply.

Aaron Dykes

In a 2008 paper titled, “Fluoride and the Future: Population Level Cognitive Enhancement,” Oxford bioethics professor Julian Savulescu claims that water fluoridation may be key to the “future of humanity.” He argues that “fluoridation may not merely be about tooth decay… [but] the drive to be better.”

Drugging the population’s water supply, Savulescu claims, is a form of “enhancement” that can pave the way to a future where mental abilities and other functions could be improved with drugs. Savulescu writes:

“Fluoridation is the tip of the enhancement iceberg. Science is progressing fast to develop safe and effective cognitive enhancers, drugs which will improve our mental abilities. For years, people have used crude enhancers, usually to promote wakefulness, like nicotine, caffeine and amphetamines. A new generation of more effective enhancers is emerging modafenil, ritalin, Adderral and ampakines and the piracetam family of memory improvers.”

But once highly safe and effective cognitive enhancers are developed – as they almost surely will be – the question will arise whether they should be added to the water, like fluoride, or our cereals, like folate. It seems likely that widespread population level cognitive enhancement will be irresistible.

The dream Savulescu argues for is based upon the lie that fluoridation of the public water supply has been a tremendous human advancement. Supporting that lie is the boasted claim by the Center for Disease Control that water fluoridation ranks among the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th Century. Instead, fluoride has been linked with neurological effects, thyroid problems, bone cancer and even crippling-blindness. What’s more, much of it is not even the common-but-toxic sodium fluoride, but an industrial waste derivative known as hydrofluosilicic acid– in an estimated 2/3 of the fluoridated public water in the U.S. and known to be very deadly.


Savulescu is flawed to hope fluoride can pave the way to an alchemically-”improved” society, especially where forced-medication is involved. The vision is distinctly like that of Brave New World, wherein author Aldous Huxley predicts a future dictatorship where people “learn to love their servitude.” What Huxley terms in the novel “Soma” would most likely come in reality in the form of numerous drugs that would tackle individual happiness, and the larger complacency of the masses at large. Solidified by a Scientific Dictatorship, a pharmacologically-treated population would be rendered very unlikely to ever revolt against the regime in power.

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

A ‘scientific’ form of control doesn’t necessarily imply the rise of enlightenment or technological innovation, but rather the guaranteed control of its population through a tested understanding of human behavior– including breaking point, resistance, anger– and the the ability to systematically stay one-step or many more ahead of what anyone might do.


So could “cognitive enhancers” like Ritalin, Prozac and other chemically-engineered drugs be added to the water supply in the future to make humans better, smarter or faster? Or could they make humans docile, complacent and dangerously subservient?

Such proposals are already underway, and what’s more, whether intentional or not, spiked water supplies are already affecting populations in the U.S. and across the globe.

Huxley stated:

Kurt Nimmo reported in December 2009 on a newspiece advocating adding lithium to the water supply as a mood stabilizer:

Japanese researchers, according to Georgiou, are “investigating whether trace amounts of lithium can just change the mood in a community enough — in a really positive way without having the bad effects of lithium — to really affect the mood and decrease the suicide rate.”

Moreover, the AP exposed in 2008 that pharmaceutical drugs were found in the majority of the United States’ water supply. According to the AP, at least 46 million people are affected by the issue.

The New York Times sums in ‘There are drugs in the drinking water. Now what?‘ that: “There are traces of sedatives in New York City’s water. Ibuprofen and naproxen in Washington, D.C. Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety drugs in southern California… But how bad is it, exactly?”

The U.S. Geological Survey lists the “emerging contaminants in the environment” and specifically notes what is affecting the water supply. Contaminating compounds range from herbicides to pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and household chemicals.

New research has also uncovered the presence of chemicals known as Antiandrogens that are finding their way into the water supply. Paul Joseph Watson writes:

Antiandrogens used in pesticides sprayed on our food have also been identified as “endocrine disruptors” that have been “demonstrated to induce demasculinization in rats.”

More shockingly, population control advocates like White House Science Advisor John P. Holdren have advocated adding sterilants to the water supply. He wrote about it alongside Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich in their 1977 book Ecoscience.

“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control.”

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.”

Spreading disease, like “enhancements” or sterilization, could be the intention of food or water additives. In 2002, The Melbourne Age reported on Nobel Peace Prize winning microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet’s plan to help the Australian government develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other “overpopulated” countries of South-East Asia. From the article:

Sir Macfarlane recommended in a secret report in 1947 that biological and chemical weapons should be developed to target food crops and spread infectious diseases. His key advisory role on biological warfare was uncovered by Canberra historian Philip Dorling in the National Archives in 1998.

“Specifically to the Australian situation, the most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease capable of spreading in tropical but not under Australian conditions,” Sir Macfarlane said.

Alex Jones recently exposed the fact that all the adulterated and dangerous chemical additives in our food and water are put there intentionally as put of a larger eugenics program.

The potential to use food and water as a weapon of mass-medication has long been used in times of war, under the principle of attrition and destabilization. Lord Bertrand Russell has underscored this concept rather bluntly in how it applies to societies living under the scientific age:

“Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. . . It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” - The Impact of Science on Society, 1953

“Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play. - Education in a Scientific Society p.251


It’s a brave new world indeed where Oxford professor Julian Savulescu argues for the “Ethics of Enhancement.” In his 2002 paper, “Genetic interventions and the ethics of enhancement of human beings,” Savulesco argues for using gene therapy and drug therapy to make “happier, healthier people.” It could mean adding both mental-boosting and mood-enhancing chemicals to the things everyone eats or drinks.

It is interesting that Savulescu mentions fluoride alongside “cognitive enhancements,” as many critics have pointed towards the use of fluoride in Nazi concentration camps to keep the inmates passive, and questioned whether a docile population is a hidden purpose of the water fluoridation campaigns in the United States and post-war Western world. Further, fluoride is a basic ingredient in both Prozac, which is the leading brand-name for Fluoxetine (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) as well as Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride), which are fundamentally mind-altering substances.

Fluoride isn’t the only controversial substance Savulescu terms as an advance in human civilization. He touts the widespread use of Prozac and points to the use of Modafenil, an amphetamine, to keep Air Force pilots alert during missions in Iraq. Savulescu is also a proponent of most types of genetic-enhancement that have been proposed. He sees experiments like the genetically-engineered “supermouse” as a model for the potential supermen of the future.

However, all of these “enhancements” come with risks. Genetically-engineered foods have proved deadly and dangerous; gene-splicing has proved to have unforeseeable consequences; fluorides and pharmaceutical chemicals pose dangers of addiction, brain damage, cancer or other problems.

Savulescu poses the potential to “enhance” a.k.a. “control” behavior: “If the results of recent animal studies into hard work and monogamy apply to humans, it may be possible in the future to genetically change how we are predisposed to behave. This raises a new question: should we try to engineer better, happier people?” p. 7-8


He goes on to argue that while many have raised questions about the moral and ethical dilemmas of biological enhancement, NOT enhancing could be most wrong. In this scenario, not feeding offspring “enhanced” food additives could be considered as an offense:

First Argument for Enhancement: Choosing Not to Enhance Is Wrong – Consider the case of the Neglectful Parents. The Neglectful parents give birth to a child with a special condition. The child has a stunning intellect but requires a simple, readily available, cheap dietary supplement to sustain his intellect. But they neglect the diet of this child and this results in a child with a stunning intellect becoming normal. This is clearly wrong.”

“But now consider the case of the Lazy Parents. They have a child who has a normal intellect but if they introduced the same dietary supplement, the child’s intellect would rise to the same level as the child of the Neglectful Parent. They can’t be bothered with improving the child’s diet so the child remains with a normal intellect. Failure to institute dietary supplementation means a normal child fails to achieve a stunning intellect. The inaction of the Lazy Parents is as wrong as the inaction of the Neglectful parents. It has exactly the same consequence: a child exists who could have had a stunning intellect but is instead normal. Some argue that it is not wrong to fail to bring about” p. 10

Savulescu’s vision is distinctly “transhumanist” a branch of the eugenics movement which seeks to improve the human species to the point that highly-gifted individuals would transcend into a new & improved proto-human species– becoming godlike creatures with unique creative potential and abilities. Transhumanism was first termed by UNESCO founder Julian Huxley in 1952, the grandson of Charles Darwin’s partner at the Royal Society of Science, T.H. Huxley.

“I believe in transhumanism”: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Pekin man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.
-Julian Huxley, 1957


That philosophy of Transhumanism, moreover, is necessarily rooted in the Eugenics movement of the early 20th Century that was led by the scientific elite of the Royal Society, which included Charles Darwin, his cousin Francis Galton and Thomas H. Huxley. This circle and their allies floated Utopian visions for a scientifically- and eugenically- engineered society that would be progressive and even transformative, theoretically producing a ‘better’, albeit tightly-authoritarian society (science demands control, in that sense).

Savulescu identifies with much of this “liberal Eugenics,” defensibly separate from Nazi eugenics because there is ‘no belief in only one gene-type’ and because its measures remain “voluntary.”

“What was objectionable about the eugenics movement, besides its shoddy scientific basis, was that it involved the imposition of a State vision for a healthy population and aimed to achieve this through coercion.” p. 21

However, proposals to add medication to the population’s water supply are involuntary, and would violate individual rights. It would be mass-medication, and avoiding the substances treated with it would be costly, burdensome and difficult to do with any finality. Savulescu apparently views compulsory water treatment in the same vein as compulsory vaccinations, and anything else that can be justified on a public health care basis, even when such treatments prove not to be healthy at all.

“Some interventions, however, may still be clearly enhancements for our children and so just like vaccinations or other preventative health care.” p. 27

Additionally, while the figures of “liberal eugenics” which Savulescu looked up to often espoused semi-tolerant “voluntary” proposals, it was always clear that the long-term vision encompassed measures of control ‘for the betterment of all’ that could not function under voluntary or ‘democratic’ conditions. What’s more, eugenical laws passed in the 1920s and 1930s in the United States and Britain– some of which weren’t repealed until the late 1970s– gave the State authority over forcible sterilization and beyond. Thus, these “voluntary” enhancement-visionaries have already crossed the line of trust and betrayed the fact that they mean to control with force.

Advancements and innovations in science, technology and health have obvious potential benefits, but with kind of dangerous ideology driving the science policy, public health is at a serious risk. Worse still, driving the population into that system has been an intentional scheme by certain ideologues. We cannot flirt with ushering a Brave New World knowing its sweet poison is certain despotism.

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