Pseudoscience: Babies drugged in the Womb for Obesity


Babies are being medicated in the womb in an attempt to prevent them from being  born obese.

In a world first, dangerously overweight mothers-to-be in four British cities have started taking a diabetes drug during their pregnancy.

The doctors behind the controversial NHS trial say that obesity among pregnant women is reaching epidemic proportions and they need to act now to protect the health of tomorrow’s children.

However, there is likely to be unease about resorting to medication in pregnancy for a problem that can be treated through changes in diet and exercise.

If the strategy is a success, the treatment could be in widespread use in as little as five years, with tens of thousands of overweight but otherwise healthy mothers-to-be drugged each year.

The Daily Mail recently revealed the rise of the ‘sumo baby’, with the number of newborns weighing more than 11lb soaring by 50 per cent over the last four years.

More than 15 per cent of pregnant women are obese. This raises their odds of dying in pregnancy, of their baby being stillborn and of a host of pregnancy complications, some of which can be fatal.

Big babies are around twice as likely to grow into overweight adults, suggesting obesity and the lifetime of ill-health it can bring is ‘programmed’ in the womb. The trial involves 400 pregnant women in Liverpool, Coventry, Sheffield and Edinburgh.

They have started taking metformin, which has been safely used by diabetics for decades and is cleared for the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. It costs just pence per tablet.

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In 27 Years 3 Million Die from Prescription Drug Use

by Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
October 5, 2011

Over the past 27 years — the complete time frame that the data has been available —  there have been 0 deaths as a result of vitamins and over 3 million deaths related to prescription drug use. In fact, going back 54 years there have only been 11 claims of vitamin-related death, all of which provided no substantial evidence to link vitamins to the cause of death. The news comes after a recent statistically analysis found that pharmaceutical drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the US.

In 2009, drugs exceeded the amount of traffic-related deaths, killing at least 37,485 people nationwide.

The findings go against the claims of mainstream medical ‘experts’  and mainstream media outlets who often push the idea that multivitamins are detrimental to your health, and that prescription drugs are the only science-backed option to improving your health. While essential nutrients like vitamin D are continually being shown to slash your risk of disease such as diabetes and cancer, prescription pharmaceuticals are continually being linked to such conditions. In fact, the top-selling therapeutic class pharmaceutical drug has been tied to the development of diabetes and even suicide, and whistleblowers are just now starting to speak out despite studies as far back as the 80s highlighting the risks.

Mainstream medical health officials were recently forced to speak out over the danger of antipsychotic drugs, which millions of children have been prescribed since 2009. U.S. pediatric health advisers blew the whistle over the fact that these pharmaceuticals can lead to diabetes and even suicide, the very thing they aim to prevent. What is even more troubling is that half of all Americans will be diagnosed with a mental condition during their lifetime thanks to lack of diagnosis guidelines currently set by the medical establishment, of which many cases will lead to the prescription of antipsychotics and other similar medications.

Covering up the side effects

In order to protect sales, the link between suicide and antipsychotic drugs was completely covered up by Eli Lilly & Co, the makers of Prozac. Despite research stretching as far back as the 1980s finding that Prozac actually leads to suicide, the company managed to hide the evidence until a Harvard psychiatrist leaked the information into the press. The psychiatrist, Martin Teicher, stated that the American people were being treated like guinea pigs in a massive pharmaceutical experiment.

Greedy and oftentimes prescription-happy doctors are handing out antipsychotic medication like candy to adults and young children alike. In 2008, antipsychotics became the top-selling therapeutic class prescription drug in the United States and grossing over $14 billion in sales.

Antipsychotic drugs are not the only dangerous pharmaceuticals. The average drug label contains 70 side effects, though many popular pharmaceuticals have been found to contain 100 to 125. Some drugs, prescribed by doctors to supposedly improve your health, come with over 525 negative reactions.

Ritalin, for example, has been linked to conditions including:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased body temperature
  • Increased alertness
  • Suppressed appetite
Perhaps the hundreds of negative side effects is part of the reason why the FDA announced last year that it is pulling more than 500 cold and allergy off the market due to health concerns. Prescription drugs kill more people than traffic accidents, and come with up to 525 negative side effects. Avoiding these drugs and utilizing high quality organic alternatives like whole food-based multivitamins and green superfoods will lead to a total health transformation without harsh side effects and an exponentially increased death risk.


Most recent year: Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Green JL, Rumack BH, Giffin SL. 2009 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 27th Annual Report. Clinical Toxicology (2010). 48, 979-1178. The full text article is available for free download at

Xarope de Milho de Alta Frutose causa Câncer, Obesidade e danos no Fígado

Este ingrediente encontra-se em refrigerantes e muitos produtos processados

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Agosto 16, 2010

Dois novos estudos têm acrescentado mais preocupações sobre o xarope de milho, frutose (High Fructose Corn Syrup), que prejudica o corpo humano muito mais do teor de açúcar simples pode sugerir.

Bebidas como Coca Cola, Pepsi, e produtos como bolachas e doces contem este ingrediente.

O xarope de milho de alta frutose contém 55 por cento de frutose e glicose 45 por cento. Ao contrário do açúcar de mesa, (aka sacarose) contém uma lista de 50-50.

Em primeiro estudo, publicado na revista Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, os investigadores da universidade de Princeton descobriram que ratos de xarope de milho de alta frutose consumir ganharam mais peso e desenvolver fatores de risco cardiovascular que mais consome ratos quantidades equivalentes de sacarose.

“Alguns argumentaram que o xarope de milho de alta frutose é diferente de outros edulcorantes, em relação ao ganho de peso e obesidade, mas os resultados deixam claro que isso não é verdade”, disse o pesquisador Bart Hoebel.

Hoebel e seus colegas deram dois grupos de ratos a mesma dieta suplementada com uma das duas bebidas açucaradas. Esteve a beber uma solução de sacarose, em concentrações semelhantes às encontradas em muitas bebidas açucaradas. A outra foi em uma solução de xarope de milho da frutose elevada em cerca de metade da concentração de uma bebida típica macio. Os pesquisadores descobriram que os ratos consumindo a solução de xarope de milho aumentou significativamente mais peso do que os ratos que consumiram a solução de sacarose.

Em uma experiência de seguimento, os investigadores compararam as alterações metabólicas em ratos alimentados com ração apenas em ratos alimentados com uma solução de xarope de milho rico em frutose. Todos os ratos consumiram a mesma quantidade de calorias.

Após seis meses, os ratos no grupo de xarope de milho ganhou 48 por cento mais peso. Também aumentou a quantidade de gordura (principalmente no abdômen) e houve uma diminuição de circulação de triglicérides. Estas alterações são consistentes com a síndrome metabólica, um conjunto de sintomas que predispõem o homem a doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes.

Cada rato consumido xarope de milho de alta frutose se tornaram obesos. Em contraste, os ratos alimentados com uma dieta rica em gordura não se tornou como obesos.

Outro estudo, realizado por pesquisadores da Duke University, uma vez envolve o xarope de milho de alta frutose em um risco maior de dano hepático.

Pesquisas anteriores já sugeriram que grandes quantidades de frutose no fígado da mesma forma que o consumo excessivo de álcool gera complicações de saúde. Um outro estudo relacionado com xarope de milho de alta frutose especificamente causou o aparecimento de lesões para a doença hepática conhecida como esteatose hepática não alcoólica (NASH).

O novo estudo, publicado no Journal of Hepatology, descobriu que o xarope de milho, frutose elevada agravou os efeitos da NASH.

“Nós descobrimos que o aumento do consumo de xarope de milho da frutose elevada está associada com feridas do fígado … entre pacientes com NASH”, disse Manal pesquisador Abdelmalek.

Os pesquisadores analisaram as dietas e os fígados de 427 adultos com NASH e descobriu que 19 por cento deles consumiram bebidas contendo frutose. 52 por cento dos indivíduos consumiram entre um e seis porções de bebidas contendo frutose por semana, enquanto outros 29 por cento consumiram pelo menos uma porção por dia. O consumo da maioria dos pacientes frutose piorou o número ea gravidade das lesões do fígado.

“Nós identificamos um fator de risco que podem contribuir para a síndrome metabólica de resistência à insulina e as complicações da síndrome metabólica, incluindo danos ao fígado”, disse Abdelmalek.

Abdelmalek notar que Nash é um problema grave que é tratável e, em alguns casos pode levar ao câncer de fígado, insuficiência hepática e da necessidade de um transplante de fígado.

Os investigadores ainda não têm certeza porque o xarope de milho de alta frutose danifica o corpo mais do que o seu conteúdo de 5 por cento de frutose pode sugerir. É a hipótese de que os efeitos negativos provenientes de enormes quantidades em que eles consomem – o xarope de milho de alta frutose é encontrada em quase todos os alimentos processados.

Outros pesquisadores descobriram que as bebidas feitas com xarope de milho de alta frutose, contendo altos níveis de carbonilas reativas que podem danificar as células. Outros sugeriram que a frutose xarope de milho de alta frutose é quimicamente modificados e, portanto, estende o corpo mais livremente do que a frutose no açúcar de mesa.

Jarábe de Maíz Alto en Fructosa causa Obesidad y daña el Hígado

Bebidas gaseosas y muchos productos procesados contienen este ingrediente.  Muchos ni siquiera los identifican es sus etiquetas.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Agosto 16, 2010

Dos nuevos estudios han añadido más motivos de preocupación sobre el jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa (High Fructose Corn Syrup) que perjudica mucho más al cuerpo humano de lo que su contenido en azúcar simple podría sugerir.

Bebidas como Coca Cola, Pepsi y productos como Galletas y dulces contienen Jarábe de Maíz alto en Fructosa.

Bebidas como Coca Cola, Pepsi y productos como Galletas y dulces contienen Jarábe de Maíz alto en Fructosa.

El jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa contiene 55 por ciento de fructuosa y 45 por ciento de glucosa. Por el contrario, el azúcar de mesa (también conocido como sacarosa) contiene una relación de 50-50.

En el primer estudio, publicado en la revista Farmacología, Bioquímica y Comportamiento, los investigadores de la Universidad de Princeton encontraron que las ratas que consumen jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa aumentaron más de peso y desarrollaron más factores de riesgo cardiovascular que las ratas que consumen cantidades equivalentes de sacarosa.

“Algunas personas han afirmado que el jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa no es diferente de otros edulcorantes en lo que respecta al aumento de peso y la obesidad, pero los resultados dejan claro que esto no es cierto”, dijo el investigador Bart Hoebel.

Hoebel y sus colegas dieron a dos grupos de ratas una dieta idéntica, complementada con una de dos bebidas azucaradas. Una bebida consistió en una solución de sacarosa en concentraciones similares a las que se encuentran en muchas bebidas azucaradas. La otra consistía en una solución de jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa en aproximadamente la mitad de la concentración de un refresco típico. Los investigadores encontraron que las ratas que consumen la solución de jarabe de maíz aumentaron de peso significativamente más que las ratas que consumieron la solución de sacarosa.

En un experimento de seguimiento, los investigadores compararon los cambios metabólicos en las ratas alimentadas con sólo rata chow con ratas alimentadas con una solución más jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa. Todas las ratas consumieron la misma cantidad de calorías.

Después de seis meses, las ratas en el grupo de jarabe de maíz habían ganado 48 por ciento más de peso. También aumentó la cantidad de grasa (especialmente en el abdomen) y hubo una disminución de los triglicéridos circulantes. Estos cambios son consistentes con el síndrome metabólico, un conjunto de síntomas que predisponen a los humanos a la enfermedad cardiovascular y la diabetes.

Cada ratón que consumió el jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa se volvió obeso. Por el contrario, las ratas alimentadas con una dieta alta en grasas no llegó a ser tan obesas.

Otro estudio, realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Duke, una vez más implica el jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa en un mayor riesgo de daño hepático.
La investigación anterior ha sugerido que grandes cantidades de fructosa en el hígado del mismo modo que el consumo excesivo de alcohol crean complicaciones de salud. Otro estudio relacionado al jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa específicamente causó la aparición de heridas del hígado conocidas como enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico (EHNA).

El nuevo estudio, publicado en el Diario de Hepatología, encuentró que el jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa empeoró los efectos de la EHNA.

“Encontramos que el aumento del consumo de jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa se asocia con cicatrices en el hígado … entre los pacientes con EHNA,” dijo el investigador Abdelmalek Manal.

Los investigadores analizaron las dietas y los hígados de 427 adultos con EHNA, y encontraron que el 19 por ciento de ellos consumía bebidas que contenían fructuosa. El 52 por ciento de los participantes consumían entre una y seis porciones de bebidas que contenían fructosa por semana, mientras que otro 29 por ciento consumía al menos una porción al día. El consumo de los pacientes de mayor ‘fructosa, empeoraba el número y severidad de las heridas del hígado.

“Hemos identificado un factor de riesgo que puede contribuir al síndrome metabólico de resistencia a la insulina y las complicaciones del síndrome metabólico, incluidos los daños del hígado”, dijo Abdelmalek.

Abdelmalek señaló que EHNA es un problema grave que no se puede tratar y puede conducir en algunos casos a cáncer de hígado, insuficiencia hepática y la necesidad de un trasplante de hígado.

Los investigadores todavía no están seguros de por qué el jarabe de maíz alto en fructuosa daña el cuerpo más de lo que su contenido de 5 por ciento de fructuosa podría sugerir. Existe la hipótesis de que los efectos negativos provienen de las cantidades masivas en las que se consume – el jarabe de maíz alto en fructuosa se encuentra en casi todos los alimentos procesados.

Otros investigadores han observado que las bebidas hechas con jarabe de maíz de alta fructuosa contienen altos niveles de carbonilos reactivos que pueden dañar las células. Otros han señalado que la fructuosa de la miel de maíz de alta fructuosa está químicamente modificada y por lo tanto se extiende por el cuerpo con más libertad que la fructuosa en azúcar de mesa.

High Fructose Corn Syrup poison promotes Obesity, Liver Damage

David Gutierrez

Two new studies have added more reason for concern that high-fructose corn syrup causes significantly more harm to the body than its mere sugar content would suggest.

All soft drinks, especially diet or light drinks contain this toxic ingredient.

High-fructose corn syrup contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose. In contrast, table sugar (also known as sucrose) contains a 50-50 split.

In the first study, published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, researchers from Princeton University found that rats consuming high fructose corn syrup gained more weight and developed more cardiovascular risk factors than rats consuming equivalent amounts of sucrose.

“Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity, but our results make it clear that this just isn’t true, ” researcher Bart Hoebel said.

Hoebel and colleagues fed two groups of rats an identical diet, supplemented with one of two sweetened beverages. One beverage consisted of a sucrose solution in concentrations similar to those found in many sweetened beverages. The other consisted of a high-fructose corn syrup solution at roughly half the concentration of a typical soda. The researchers found that the rats consuming the corn syrup solution gained significantly more weight than the rats consuming the sucrose solution.

In a followup experiment, the researchers compared metabolic changes in rats fed only rat chow with rats fed chow plus a high-fructose corn syrup solution. All the rats consumed the same amount of calories.

After six months, the rats in the corn syrup group had gained 48 percent more weight. They also underwent an increase in fat deposition (especially in the abdomen) and a drop in circulating triglycerides. These changes are consistent with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms that predispose humans to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Every rat consuming high-fructose corn syrup became obese. In contrast, rats fed a high-fat diet did not become obese in all cases.

Another study, conducted by Duke University researchers, once again implicates high-fructose corn syrup in a heightened risk of liver damage.

Previous research has suggested that large amounts of fructose liver in the same way as excessive alcohol consumption. Another study linked high-fructose corn syrup specifically with a form of liver scarring known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

The new study, published in the Journal of Hepatology, found that high-fructose corn syrup worsened the effects of NAFLD.

“We found that increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup was associated with scarring in the liver … among patients with NAFLD,” researcher Manal Abdelmalek said.

The researchers analyzed the diets and livers of 427 adults with NAFLD, and found that only 19 percent of them never consumed fructose-containing beverages. In contrast, 52 percent of participants had between one and six servings of a fructose-containing beverage per week, while another 29 percent had at least one serving per day. The higher patients’ fructose intake, the worse the scarring of their livers.

“We have identified an environmental risk factor that may contribute to the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance and the complications of the metabolic syndrome, including liver injury,” Abdelmalek said.

Abdelmalek noted that NAFLD is a severe problem that cannot be treated and may lead in some cases to liver cancer, liver failure and a need for liver transplant.

Researchers are still unsure why high-fructose corn syrup appears to damage the body more than its extra 5 percent fructose content would suggest. Some have hypothesized that the negative effects come from the massive quantities in which it is consumed — high-fructose corn syrup is found in nearly all processed foods.

Other researchers have observed that beverages made with high-fructose corn syrup contain high levels of reactive carbonyls, which can damage cells. Still others have noted that the fructose in high-fructose corn syrup is chemically unbonded and thus spreads through the body more freely than the fructose in table sugar.

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