Operadores de Scanners de Aeroportos sofrem de Câncer

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
28 de junho de 2011

Levou apenas alguns anos para que as conseqüências da exposição continuada à radiação do scanners foram reveladas. Os operadores de scanner aos que muitos passageiros estão sujeitos antes de embarcar um avião, encontraram flocos cancerígenos em seus corpos após apenas uma década ou menos de trabalhar com estas máquinas. A descoberta dessas informações foi realizada após que o Centro de Informação para a Privacidade Eletrônica publicou documentos mostrando como os trabalhadores do aeroporto estavam doentes com câncer, problemas cardíacos e tinham sofrido derrames. Estes documentos foram obtidos através de um pedido sub a Ley de Liberdade de Informação.

Em vez de fornecer os trabalhadores com assistência médica adequada e realizado avaliações das máquinas para verificar sua segurança, a Agência de Segurança Aeroportuaria (TSA), tentou manter o assunto em segredo para evitar uma oposição ainda maior contra os scanners instalados em muitos aeroportos os EUA e do mundo. A proximidade e a exposição continua à radiação causaram as doenças em vários operadores que operam os scanners desde 2003, fazendo com que, hoje, sofram problemas de saúde irreversíveis.

Mesmo quando os funcionários e supervisores freqüentemente pediram medidores de radiação para avaliar realisticamente a quantidade de radiação à que eles estavam expostos, o TSA não atendeu as solicitações. Alem disso, a TSA não tinha avaliado os scanners para determinar a segurança ou insegurança deles. Embora a secretária de Segurança Nacional, Janet Napolitano, disse várias vezes que as máquinas eram seguras, a verdade é que um estudo citado pela TSA e Segurança Nacional era falso. O estudo de acordo com Napolitano havia sido feito pelo Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia (NIST), mas este nunca ocorreu. NIST lançou recentemente uma aclaração e disse que o Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia nunca realizou testes de segurança em scanners de corpo inteiro.

Aparentemente, o alarme sobre o câncer começou quando um diretor federal de segurança em Boston Logan International Airport, disse que estavam preocupados sobre o número de trabalhadores com diagnóstico de câncer. Em um e-mail com o assunto: “O câncer de Boston + Riscos de Radiação para a Saúde e preocupações de segurança”, o diretor mais uma vez implorou para receber os dispositivos de monitoramento radiológico que havia solicitado em várias ocasiões. No mesmo e-mail sublinha a sua preocupação e a de muitos outros trabalhadores sobre “o número de operadores diagnosticado com câncer” e “a preocupação nossa que TSA tem monitorado erradamente a ameaça que eles enfrentam a os operadores e os trabalhadores que monitoram a bagagem dos passageiros. “

Alguns trabalhadores da TSA estavam preocupados com a exposição à radiação nos últimos meses, alegando que o TSA em si não tinha compartilhado as suas conclusões sobre a segurança de exposição à radiação. De acordo com Infowars.com o Dr. David Brenner, da Universidade Columbia descobriu que “os scanners corporais provavelmente conduzirám a um aumento de um tipo comum de câncer de pele chamado carcinoma basocelular, que afeta a cabeça e pescoço. ” Além disso, Dr. Michael Love, do Departamento de Biofísica e Química Biofísica da Universidade Johns Hopkins, disse publicamente que “estatísticamente alguém vai ter câncer de pele da radiação emitida por essas máquinas. “

“Não há realmente nenhuma outra tecnologia que podemos usar com raios-X que não contamine um grande número de pessoas. É realmente sem precedentes no mundo da radiação “, diz Brenner. Enquanto os cientistas e a mídia alternativa alertaram sobre os perigos dos scanners, o governo dos EUA diz que as máquinas eram seguras.

Muitos professores de ciências e outros cientistas alertaram o governo sobre a pouca ou nenhuma pesquisa existe sobre a segurança dos scanners. Alguns sugeriram que deveria haver formas de alcançar os mesmos objetivos que o governo tinha, sem prejuízo para os trabalhadores e passageiros. “Ainda não há dados concretos, claros, para determinar a segurança dos scanners utilizados nos aeroportos”, disse um grupo de professores da Universidade da Califórnia, observando que os testes só foram feitos pelos fabricantes dos scanners.

Vale lembrar que a mesma tecnologia está sendo implantada pelos governos e suas agências de segurança nacional em lugares como estádios, postos de controle, e, em tamanhos menores nos tribunais, shoppings e até mesmo algumas escolas.

TSA Airport Scanner Operators Suffering from Cancer

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 28, 2011

It took only a few years for the consequences of exposure to airport scanner radiation to come out. TSA airport scanner operators and other personnel discovered what are called clusters of cancer in their bodies after only a decade or so of working with these machines. The discovery of this information was done after the Electronic Privacy Information Center obtained documents that show how TSA workers got sick with cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Instead of providing the workers with proper medical attention and actually evaluating the safety of the machines, the TSA sought to keep this matter quiet in order to avoid an even greater opposition to the full body scanners installed in many airports around the US and the world. It is the proximity and continuous exposition to body scanner radiation what caused that several airport workers who first began using the scanners back in the early 2000′s now suffer from irreversible medical conditions.

Even when employees and supervisors frequently requested radiation meters in order to realistically gauge how much radiation they were being exposed to, the TSA never honored those requests. In fact, the TSA never even had the scanners tested for safety. Although US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said several times that the machines were safe, the truth is that a study cited by the TSA and Homeland Security was bogus. The study that according to Napolitano had been conducted by NIST regarding airport scanner safety never actually took place. NIST came out recently ‘washing its hands’ and stating the the National Institute of Standards and Technology never conducted any safety tests on the full body scanners.

The alarm seems to have been first rang by the deputy federal security director at Boston Logan International Airport, who related concerns about the number of workers diagnosed with cancer.  In an e-mail whose subject line reads “Boston cancer+Radiation Safety and health risks concerns”, the director pleads once again for the radiation monitoring devices requested in multiple other occasions. He emphasizes his and everyone else’s concern about “the number of TSO’s thus far being diagnosed with cancer” and “our concern that TSA’s improperly non-monitored radiation threat facing both checkpoint and baggage assigned TSO’s”.

Some TSA workers manifested their concerns regarding radiation exposure in last several months alleging that the very own TSA had been less than forthcoming with its findings as they related to radiation exposure safety. According to Infowars.com, Dr. David Brenner from Columbia University had found that “the body scanners are likely to lead to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects the head and neck.” Additionally, Dr. Michael Love, from the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins, said publicly that   “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

“There really is no other technology around where we’re planning to X-ray such an enormous number of individuals. It’s really unprecedented in the radiation world,” asserted Brenner. While scientists and doctors warned about the dangers of the scanners, the US government paraded around claiming the devices were safe.

Many other science professors and scientists warned the government about the little or no research that existed regarding the safety of the full body scanners. Some of them suggested that there should be different ways of accomplishing the same goals that the government intends to, without the need of harming the workers or the passengers. “There is still no rigorous, hard, data for the safety of x-ray airport passenger scanners,” said a group of professors from the University of California, as they pointed out that the only tests conducted were those performed by the full body scanner manufacturers.

It is worth remembering that this same full body scanning technology is now being deployed by Homeland Security to places such as sports arenas, stadiums, check points and in smaller sizes to Courthouses, Malls and even some schools.

Airport Body Scanners NEVER Tested for Safety

The supposed safety study performed by NIST and mentioned by TSA did not happenned.

Steve Watson
June 27, 2011

Newly released internal government documents, obtained via the Freedom Of Information Act, reveal that the TSA, and specifically the head of the Department of Homeland Security, “publicly mischaracterized” the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in stating that NIST had positively confirmed the safety of full body scanners in tests.

In the private email response, NIST stated that the Institute had not, in fact, tested full body scanners at all for safety, and that the Institute does not even undertake product testing.

The email (below) states that the director of NIST was “not looking for corrections”, but wished to “offer clarification”, that the agency “doesn’t want any mischaracterization of their work continued.”

At the time, Prisonplanet.com published a response article to Napolitano’s claims, highlighting the fact that her statements regarding the safety of the scanners, as well as her claims that the pat down alternative was “discreet”, were manifestly false.

It is now clear that our concerns were shared by another government agency, in the form of NIST.

Another document obtained by EPIC even shows that, far from affirming their safety, NIST warned that airport screeners should avoid standing next to full body scanners in order to keep exposure to harmful radiation “as low as reasonably achievable.”

It is not clear whether or not the information and advice was ever passed on to TSA workers.

However, another document obtained by EPIC shows that a growing number of TSA workers diagnosed with cancers are voicing concern that the full body scanners and x-ray machines are indeed to blame for their illnesses.

The document also highlights the fact that the TSA has failed to issue employees with dosimeters, safety devices that would warn of radiation exposure, despite repeated requests from workers and their supervisors.

In an email sent by a TSA representative to employees at Boston’s Logan Airport, workers are assured that their complaints are being listened to and that a request to issue the radiation monitoring devices had been sent to TSA headquarters.

“I understand that some TSO’s who were diagnosed as having cancer have already left TSA employment but that BOS still has an alarmingly high number of cancer afflicted TSOs still working here.” the email states.

“Despite TSA management’s past assurances, many TSOs here do not feel safe from radiation threats that may go hand in hand with using x-ray screening technology, especially the newer [installed since TSA federalized airport security] technology…” the email continues.

In the same USA Today piece, Napolitano, or ‘Big Sis’ as she is now often referred to, also claimed that the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory had also independently affirmed the safety of the scanners.

However, yet another document obtained and released by EPICnow shows that a Johns Hopkins study actually revealed that radiation zones around body scanners could exceed the “General Public Dose Limit.”

At the time we pointed out that Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine hadpublicly stated two days previously that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

“…we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner,” Love said.

In addition, several other scientists have continued to speak out over the health hazards associated with the x-ray technology, noting that the body scanners are far from safe.

It is now even more clear that Napolitano’s statements to the public regarding the body scanners were misleading at best, and at worst were outright lies.

EPIC is currently engaged in a lawsuit against the DHS to force full disclosure of body scanner radiation risks. A second EPIC lawsuit is seeking to suspend the use of full body scanners altogether. Both lawsuits are ongoing.

The TSA previously refused to release internal reports on the safety of the body scanners.

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