Documents show Trapwire links to Cubic Corporation

But the surveillance is not limited to video surveillance. The United States is also adopting Russian-made software to recognize voices in seconds.


Just discovered documentation concerning the TrapWire secret surveillance system suggests that the San Diego-based Cubic Corporation did have a direct connection with the program, despite repeated attempts to dismiss allegations of their involvement.

Although Cubic has gone on the record on several occasions to refute claims that they have at one time or another been directly tied to the Abraxas Applications, the Northern Virginia company believed to have developed TrapWire, a post published this week on the blog discusses evidence that links the two firms to one another. Cubic has repeatedly insisted that it has no link to TrapWire, a widespread, international surveillance and intelligence system brought to light in emails distributed by WikiLeaks, but new revelations expose a relationship between the two that was documented on a federal website as recently as February of last year.

As RT unraveled the TrapWire saga earlier this year, investigations into both Cubic and Abraxas revealed a number of associations among the two. In an August 13, 2012 press release, Cubic came forth and admitted to acquiring Abraxas Corp in December of 2010, but insisted, “Abraxas Corporation then and now has no affiliation with Abraxas Applications now known as Trapwire, Inc.” The latest revelation directly discredits that claim.

PrivacySos reports that a website maintained by the US Homeland Security Department’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) includes TrapWire as a product for sale to law enforcement agencies and first responders. It’s there that the background and operational concept of the system are described in detail and direct curious customers to for more information. When a link to the URL is clicked, the banner at the top of the developer’s homepage described Abraxas as “A Cubic Company.” On the FEMA page, the product information is detailed as provided directly by Abraxas Applications

“The Products Section includes commercially available product information that has been uploaded directly and voluntarily by the manufacturer,” the FEMA page acknowledges.

If that is indeed the case, either the federal government is hosting falsified information about TrapWire to prospective customers, or else the program was overseen to a degree by Cubic as previously suspected. If it’s the latter, then the August 13 statement was a downright lie.

On the PrivacySos post, published Tuesday, its acknowledged that Cubic has previously been confirmed as operating fare systems for major mass transit programs and Anonymizer, an IP-masked tool described by its publicists as “the leader in consumer online anonymity solutions.”

“If the government’s facts are correct, the Abraxas Corporation was managing sales for the TrapWire system at least as recently as February 2011 – meaning Cubic had its hands on both highly sensitive private information on millions of ordinary people and a networked surveillance system sold to governments,” PrivacySOS notes.

In addition to the press release that attempted to distance Cubic from TrapWire, activist and Project PM founder Barrett Brown uploaded a phone call to YouTube he alleged to be between himself and Cubic Corp. Communication Director Tim Hall. In the clip, published August 21, Mr. Hall denied his company’s involvement with TrapWire and also insisted that Cubic has never been tied to Ntrepid, a separate corporation that was awarded $2.76 million worth of taxpayer dollars to create phony Internet “sock puppets” to propagate US support.

“There is no connection at all with Abraxas Applications and Trapwire and or Ntrepid,” the man perpetrated to be Hall explains in the clip. Research into the entities, however, led to the discovery of Abraxas Corporation’s tax filings from late 2011, and with it, a common bond: TrapWire Inc. was registered in 2009 to a Margaret A Lee from Virginia, who also served on the Ntrepid board of directors.

See the video below for a detailed explanation on how Trapwire works. (report begins at 31 minutes).

The voice surveillance system

How do you make matters worse for an elusive intelligence company that has been forced to scramble for explanations about their ownership of an intricate, widespread surveillance program? Just ask Cubic, whose troubles only begin with TrapWire.

Days after the international intelligence gathering surveillance system called TrapWire was unraveled by RT, an ongoing investigation into any and all entities with ties to the technology has unturned an ever-increasing toll of creepy truths. In only the latest installment of the quickly snowballing TrapWire saga, a company that shares several of the same board members as the secret spy system has been linked to a program called Tartan, which aims to track down alleged anarchists by specifically singling out Occupy Wall Street protesters and the publically funded media — all with the aid of federal agents.

Tartan, a product of the Ntrepid Corporation, “exposes and quantifies key influencers and hidden connections in social networks using mathematical algorithms for objective, un-biased output,” its website claims. “Our analysts, mathematicians and computer scientists are continually exploring new quantification, mining and visualization techniques in order to better analyze social networks.” In order to prove as such, their official website links to the executive summary of a case study dated this year that examines social network connections among so-called anarchists, supposedly locating hidden ties within an underground movement that was anchored on political activists and even the Public Broadcasting Station [.pdf].

“Tartan was used to reveal a hidden network of relationships among anarchist leaders of seemingly unrelated movements,” the website claims. “The study exposed the affiliations within this network that facilitate the viral spread of violent and illegal tactics to the broader protest movement in the United States.”

Tartan is advertised on their site as a must-have application for the national security sector, politicians and federal law enforcement, and makes a case by claiming that “an amorphous network of anarchist and protest groups,” made up of Occupy Oakland, PBS, Citizen Radio, Crimethinc and others, relies on “influential leaders,” “modern technology” and “illegal tactics” to spread a message of anarchy across America.“The organizers of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy DC have built Occupy networks through online communication with anarchists actively participating in the movements’ founding,” the executive summary reads. On the chart that accompanies their claim, the group lists several political activism groups and broadcast networks within a ring of alleged anarchy, which also includes an unnamed FBI informant.

Although emails uncovered in a hack last year waged at Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, suggested that Occupy groups had been under private surveillance, the latest discovery of publically available information implies that the extent to which the monitoring of political activists on American soil occurred may have extended what was previously imagined.

Things don’t end there, though. While the TrapWire tale is still only just beginning, the Ntrepid Corporation made headlines last year after it was discovered by the Guardian that the company was orchestrating an “online persona management” program, a clever propaganda mill that was touted as a means “to influence regional and international audiences to achieve U.S. Central Command strategic objectives,” according, at least, to the Inspector General of the US Defense Department [.pdf]. The investigation eventually revealed that the US Central Command awarded Ntrepid $2.76 million worth of taxpayer dollars to create phony Internet “sock puppets” to propagate US support.

The Economics of Incarceration in the USA

The profit-driven prison system is responsible for caging more people that any other country on Earth.

by Nile Bowie
Global Research
February 8, 2012

For anyone paying attention, there is no shortage of issues that fundamentally challenge the underpinning moral infrastructure of American society and the values it claims to uphold. Under the conceptual illusion of liberty, few things are more sobering than the amount of Americans who will spend the rest of their lives in an isolated correctional facility – ostensibly, being corrected. The United States of America has long held the highest incarceration rate in the world, far surpassing any other nation. For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars. Presently, the prison population in America consists of more than six million people, a number exceeding the amount of prisoners held in the gulags of the former Soviet Union at any point in its history.

While miserable statistics illustrate some measure of the ongoing ethical calamity occurring in the detainment centers inside the land of the free, only a partial picture of the broader situation is painted. While the country faces an unprecedented economic and financial crisis, business is booming in other fields – namely, the private prison industry. Like any other business, these institutions are run for the purpose of turning a profit. State and federal prisons are contracted out to private companies who are paid a fixed amount to house each prisoner per day. Their profits result from spending the minimum amount of state or federal funds on each inmate, only to pocket the remaining capital. For the corrections conglomerates of America, prosperity depends on housing the maximum numbers of inmates for the longest potential time – as inexpensively as possible.

By allowing a profit-driven capitalist-enterprise model to operate over institutions that should rightfully be focused on rehabilitation, America has enthusiastically embraced a prison industrial complex. Under the promise of maintaining correctional facilities at a lower cost due to market competition, state and federal governments contract privately run companies to manage and staff prisons, even allowing the groups to design and construct facilities. The private prison industry is primarily led by two morally deficient entities, the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and the GEO Group (formerly Wackenhut Corrections Corporation).  These companies amassed a combined revenue of over $2.9 billion in 2010, not without situating themselves in the center of political influence.

The number of people imprisoned under state and federal custody increased 772% percent between 1970 and 2009, largely due to the incredible influence private corporations wield against the American legal system. Because judicial leniency and sentencing reductions threaten the very business models of these private corporations, millions have been spent lobbying state officials and political candidates in an effort to influence harsher “zero tolerance” legislation and mandatory sentencing for many non-violent offenses. Political action committees assembled by private correctional corporations have lobbied over 3.3 million dollars to the political establishment since 2001. An annual report released by the CCA in 2010 reiterates the importance of influencing legislation:

“The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws. For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them. Legislation has been proposed in numerous jurisdictions that could lower minimum sentences for some non-violent crimes and make more inmates eligible for early release based on good behavior. Also, sentencing alternatives under consideration could put some offenders on probation with electronic monitoring who would otherwise be incarcerated. Similarly, reductions in crime rates or resources dedicated to prevent and enforce crime could lead to reductions in arrests, convictions and sentences requiring incarceration at correctional facilities.”

Considering today’s private prison population is over 17 times larger than the figure two decades earlier, the malleability of the judicial system under corporate influence is clear. The Corrections Corporation of America is the first and largest private prison company in the US, cofounded in 1983 by Tom Beasley, former Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. The CCA entered the market and overtly exploited Beasley’s political connections in an attempt to exert control over the entire prison system of Tennessee. Today, the company operates over sixty-five facilities and owns contracts with the US Marshal Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Bureau of Prisons. The GEO Group operates 118 detention centers throughout the United States, South Africa, UK, Australia and elsewhere. Under its original name, the Wackenhut Corrections Corporation was synonymous for the sadistic abuse of prisoners in its facilities, resulting in the termination of several contracts in 1999. 

The political action committees assembled by private prison enterprises have also wielded incredible influence with respect to administering harsher immigration legislation. The number of illegal immigrants being incarcerated inside the United States is rising exponentially under Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an agency responsible for annually overseeing the imprisonment of 400,000 foreign nationals at the cost of over $1.9 billion on custody-related operations. The agency has come under heavy criticism for seeking to contract a 1,250-bed immigration detention facility in Essex County, New Jersey to a private company that shares intimate ties to New Jersey’s Governor, Chris Christie. Given the private prison industry’s dependence on immigration-detention contracts, the huge contributions of the prison lobby towards drafting Arizona’s recrementitious immigration law SB 1070 are all but unexpected. While the administration of Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer is lined with former private prison lobbyists, its Department of Corrections budget has been raised by $10 million, while all other Arizona state agencies are subject to budget cuts in 2012’s fiscal year.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this obstinate moral predicament presents itself in the private contracting of prisoners and their role in assembling vast quantities of military and commercial equipment. While the United States plunges itself into each new manufactured conflict under a wide range of fraudulent pretenses, it is interesting to note that all military helmets, ammunition belts, bulletproof vests, ID tags, uniforms, tents, bags and other equipment used by military occupation forces are produced by inmates in federal prisons across the US. Giant multinational conglomerates and weapons manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Corporation employ federal prison labor to cheaply assemble weapons components, only to sell them to the Pentagon at premium prices. At the lowest, Prisoners earn 17 cents an hour to assemble high-tech electronic components for guided missile systems needed to produce Patriot Advanced Capability 3 missiles and anti-tank projectiles.

In the past, political mouthpieces of the United States have criticized countries such as China and North Korea for their role in exploiting prisoner labor to create commodity products such as women’s bras and artificial flowers for export. Evidently, outsourcing the construction of the military equipment responsible for innumerable civilian casualties to the prisons of America warrants no such criticism from the military industrial establishment. In utter derision toward the integrity of the common worker, prison inmates are exposed to toxic spent ammunition, depleted uranium dust and other chemicals when contracted to clean and reassemble tanks and military vehicles returned from combat. Prison laborers receive no union protection, benefits or health and safety protection when made to work in electronic recycling factories where inmates are regularly exposed to lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.

In addition to performing tasks that can result in detrimental illnesses, prison labor produces other military utilities such as night-vision goggles, body armor, radio and communication devices, components for battleship anti-aircraft guns, land mine sweepers and electro-optical equipment. While this abundant source of low-cost manpower fosters greater incentives for corporate stockholders to impose draconian legislation on the majority of Americans who commit nonviolent offenses, it’s hard to imagine such an innately colossal contradiction to the nation’s official rhetoric, i.e. American values. Furthermore, prison labor is employed not only in the assembly of complex components used in F-15 fighter jets and Cobra helicopters, it also supplies 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services, with similar statistics in regard to products such as paints, stoves, office furniture, headphones, and speakers.

It is some twisted irony that large sections of the workforce in America’s alleged free-market are shackled in chains. Weapons manufactured in the isolation of America’s prisons are the source of an exploitative cycle, which leaves allied NATO member countries indebted to a multibillion-dollar weapons industry at the behest of the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon. Complete with its own trade exhibitions, mail-order catalogs and investment houses on Wall Street, the eminence of the private prison industry solidifies the ongoing corrosion of American principles – principles that seem more abstract now, than the day they were written.

Predictably, the potential profit of the prison labor boom has encouraged the foundations of US corporate society to move their production forces into American prisons. Conglomerates such as IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom’s, Revlon, Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Victoria’s Secret, and Target have all begun mounting production operations in US prisons. Many of these Fortune 500 conglomerates are corporate members of civil society groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). These think tanks are critical toward influencing American foreign policy. Under the guise of democracy promotion, these civil societies fund opposition movements and train dissent groups in countries around the world in the interest of pro-US regime change. With naked insincerity, the same companies that outsource the production of their products to American prisons simultaneously sponsor civil societies that demanded the release of Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest – an overly political effort in the on-going attempts to install a compliant regime in that country.

The concept of privatizing prisons to reduce expenses comes at great cost to the inmates detained, who are subjected to living in increasingly squalid conditions in jail cells across America. In 2007, the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) was sent to a West Texas juvenile prison run by GEO Group for the purpose of monitoring its quality standards. The monitors sent by the TYC were subsequently fired for failing to report the sordid conditions they witnessed in the facility while they awarded the GEO Group with an overall compliance score of nearly 100%. Independent auditors later visited the facility and discovered that inmates were forced to urinate or defecate in small containers due to a lack of toilets in some of the cells. The independent commission also noted in their list of reported findings that the facility racially segregated prisoners and disciplined Hispanics for speaking Spanish by denying their access to layers and medical treatment. It was later discovered that the TYC monitors were employed by the GEO Group. Troublingly, the Walnut Grove Youth Correctional Facility (WGYCF) operated by the GEO Group in Mississippi has been subject to a class-action lawsuit after reports that staff members were complicit in the beating and stabbing of a prisoner who consequently incurred permanent brain damage. The official compliant authored by the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center also highlights cases where the administration turned a blind eye to brutal cases of rape and torture within the facility.

The first private prison models were introduced following the abolishment of slavery after the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, which saw expansive prison farms replace slave plantations. Prisons of the day contracted groups of predominately African-American inmates to pick cotton and construct railroads principally in southern states such as Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi. In 2012, there are more African-Americans engrossed in the criminal-justice system than any point during slavery. Throughout its history, the American prison system has shared little with the concept of rehabilitation. Like the post-Civil War prison farms, today’s system functions to purport required labor, largely on a racially specific basis. African-Americans consist of 40% of the prison population and are incarcerated seven times more often than whites, despite the fact that African-Americans make up only 12% of the national population. Once released, former inmates are barred from voting in elections, denied educational opportunities and are legally discriminated against in their efforts to find employment and housing. Few can deny the targeting of underprivileged urban communities of color in America’s failed War on Drugs. This phenomenon can largely be contributed to the stipulations of its anti-drug legislation, which commanded maximum sentencing for possession of minute amounts of rock cocaine, a substance that floods poor inner-city black communities.

Unbeknown to the vast majority of Americans, the US government has been actively taking steps to modify the legal infrastructure of the country to allow for a dramatic expansion of the domestic prison system at the expense of civil rights. On December 31st, 2011, Barack Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) H.R. 1540. Emulating the rouge military dictatorships the US Government has long condemned in its rhetoric, the NDAA introduces a vaguely worded legislation that allows for US citizens to be arbitrarily detained in military detention without due process – might they be predictably be deemed radical, conspiratorial or suspected of terrorism. In a climate of rising public discontent, the establishment media has steadfastly worked to blur the line between public activism and domestic extremism.  In addition to the world’s largest network of prison facilities, over 800 located detainment camps exist in all regions of the United States with varying maximum capacities.

Facing economic stagnation, many Americans have been detained in responder camps as a consequence of publicly demonstrating in accordance with the Occupy Wall Street movement launched in New York City. Under the guise of protecting Americans from a largely contrived and abstract threat of fundamentalist violence, citizens have been denied the right of peaceful assembly and placed in detainment apparatuses, managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Documents have been released by the American Civil Liberties Union detailing the Pentagon’s widespread monitoring of public demonstrations and the targeting of individual activists under threat of national security. Co-authored by Senator Joe Lieberman, the Enemy Expatriation Act (HR 3166) gives the US government the power to detain nationals and revoke their American citizenship under suspicion of behavior perceived as terrorism.

This legislation becomes increasingly more dangerous as citizens can be labeled domestic extremists based on their constitutionally protected activism or personal political leanings. In January 2006, a contract to construct detention facilities for the Department of Homeland Security worth a maximum of $385 million was awarded to KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton. Following the signing of NDAA earlier in 2012, leaked documents reveal that KBR is now seeking to staff its detention centers and award contracts for services such as catering, temporary fencing and barricades, laundry and medical services, power generation, and refuse collection. It would be reasonable to assume that these facilities could be managed in partnership with private corporations such as the GEO Group or the CCA, as many federal and state penitentiaries privatize sections of their facilities to privately owned companies. Declassified US Army documents originally drafted in 1997 divulge the existence of inmate labor camps inside US military installations. It is all but unexpected that the relationship between the upper echelons of government and the private prison enterprise will grow increasingly more intimate in the current climate of prison industrial legislation.

The partnership between the United States government and its corporate associates spans various industries however, they all seek the common pursuit of profit irrespective of the moral and ethical consequence – the human consequence. The increasing influence of the Prison Industrial Complex towards official legislation and economic undertakings signifies a reprehensible threat to basic human rights. Perhaps the issuance of government legislation that leads offenders into detainment for the benefit of private shareholders is the purest embodiment of fascism, as cited in Mussolini’s vision of a Corporate State. Perhaps we all (this author included) fail to grasp the seriousness of these legislations and their implications on our lives.

Mumia Abu-Jamal has spent over three decades on death row in the throngs of the American prison system. Prior to his conviction in 1981 for the murder of a white police officer, Jamal was a political activist and President of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. Critical evidence vindicating Jamal was withheld from the trial prior to the issuance of the death penalty. Forensic experts believe he was denied a fair trial. On December 7, 2011, the Philadelphia District Attorney announced that prosecutors would no longer seek the death penalty for Jamal. He remains imprisoned for life without parole and continues his work as a journalist from his jail cell in Pennsylvania.

United States Ripe for Legalized Tyranny

by Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator
December 23, 2011

The top news story of 2011 is not the assassination of Osama Bin Laden (a CIA psyop), but the advancement of the Martial Law agenda in America under the public radar.

On Wednesday, December 21, published a brand new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) document dated November 18, 2011, that “that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans,” and designate “the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).”

The FEMA document, appearing under the headline “National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS),” ask contractors to assist FEMA in national emergencies. But don’t let the bureaucratic language fool you. This is really a Martial Law document. FEMA is not interested in emergency preparedness, but in establishing a military dictatorship in the United States.

Ordinary Americans are classified as the enemy in this FEMA document, and similar Martial Law documents, such as this one from Halliburton/KBR that published on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. The militaristic language that appears in these Martial Law documents, and in the draconian NDAA bill that the treacherous Congress passed last week, suggests that the hijacked U.S. government desires that there be insurgents and domestic terrorists in the United States.

The traitors in Washington need enemies, both foreign and domestic, in order for the politically and morally bankrupt National Security State to remain relevant and powerful in American society. This is a militarist and secret system that is led by the most evil personalities in the 21st century who create fake enemies (Al-Qaeda) and stage false flag terrorist attacks (9/11) just to remain in power. The word restraint does not exist in their vocabulary.

The day will come when the traitors in Washington, led by President Obama, will issue orders to the military and police to fire on Americans and enforce Martial Law. At that point, even the most blind and ignorant people will probably come to the obvious conclusion that it is not Al-Qaeda who desires the destruction of America, but the hijacked and treasonous U.S. government.

Much like in Iraq and other occupied countries, the hijacked U.S. government is reaching out to private contractors like KBR to help the U.S. military and Homeland Security implement Martial Law.

Government thugs and private contractors will be used to control the population in critical areas of the country after the coming economic collapse, as well as to contain and eliminate domestic threats, meaning any American citizen who does not want a hijacked military and blood-soaked mercenaries occupying America.

The idea that America will come under military occupation sounds foreign, but it shouldn’t, because the dark road that was taken by the murderous thieves in Washington after 9/11 would eventually lead to such a crisis.

What is written down in FEMA papers and similar Martial Law documents must be put into a larger political and historical context. America’s political system did not suddenly transform into a tyrannical beast overnight.

The rise of the shadow state, and its evil twin brother, the police state, has been decades in the making. The culture of the police has been so dramatically altered during this time that for many brainwashed police officers the implementation of Martial Law is a natural and necessary response to emergencies and crises.

After three decades of a traumatic war on drugs, military rhetoric comes naturally to hardened police officers, who don’t see themselves as protectors of the law and the public but as warriors of the state fighting terrorists, criminals, protesters, and drug dealers.

All of these threats, by the way, are invented and exaggerated. If the war on drugs and the war on terror are ended, the warriors of the state will be forced to redefine their identity and occupation because without endless wars to be fought and without enemies to be killed then there is no use for a warrior class.

And society doesn’t really need a warrior class. Our common interests and our democratic values are not threatened by “terrorists,” but by an international oligarchy. Police officers and military men need to grasp this reality. And they also need to realize that by blindly accepting a state of war, and viewing the American population as the enemy, they – the warriors of the state – become the real enemies of the public and the rule of law. But the biggest enemies are the philosophical masters who stand above the brainwashed warriors and define their goals as noble and heroic, but direct their will towards evil ends.

If the facts were known, Martial Law in America, and North America, would be defeated before it is even implemented. A military dictatorship won’t last for long if enough people speak up and fight back. We have the numbers, the truth, and the bravery to reclaim freedom for future generations to live happily and prosper in this new century. The traitors and terrorists in Washington are not on the right side of history. They are cowards to be defeated, not giants to be feared.

And the truth is they are scared and ashamed, that’s why they do everything in secret. The shameful FEMA document was posted on a government website called, but was immediately taken down after radio host Alex Jones alerted his listeners to the existence of the document and discussed its broader significance. This shows that the hijacked U.S. government is controlled by very frightened and pathetic people who know they are crossing a red line by quietly setting up a military dictatorship in America.

Aaron Dykes explained why the government’s censorship of the document is unwarranted in his article, “Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans”:

“The government-linked document we posted was marked ‘Source Selection Sensitive’ but not considered classified. Further, it was listed publicly on a government website that was soliciting bids for government contracts. However, despite its public classification, it contains information that clearly is NOT intended to gain wide publicity.”

This document does not tell us anything new. We’ve known for years that there is a conspiracy to destroy America and other Western nations through an engineered economic collapse and a false global war of terror that has been used to legitimize the destruction of basic human rights in the West.

Some facts can no longer be denied and dismissed. It is not a theory that is America is being destroyed by the traitors and terrorists in Washington. It is reality. It is self-evident.

Fortunately, the hijacked U.S. government has no public credibility. Its systematic policy of deceit and fraud, its destruction of the Constitution, and its illegal implementation of Martial Law will backfire severely.

American law professor and lawyer Jonathan Turley said on C-SPAN on December 19, 2011 that most Americans do not fear any foreign threats like Al-Qaeda, but their own unresponsive and out-of-control government:

“We’ve had three polls in the last year and they all show the same thing. The American people say that they are more afraid of the government than they are outside forces like terrorists. So there’s this disconnect. The majority of Americans are actually very concerned about the loss of rights, but Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, can’t move harder against privacy. And this is part of the cynical calculation. I think that President Obama made this calculation early on and decided that no one would be to the right of him on terrorism and national security, and he has taken the Democratic party with him on that.

So you have this remarkable disconnect, where the majority of citizens are going, ‘We’re really concerned about this. We are fearful of our own government,’ and yet it’s just not translating on the hill.”

In the near future, Washington may not even exist. The wild wolves of the new world order in the shadow CIA, and their partners in crime in the shadow Mossad, could burn down Washington D.C. in a false flag attack and relocate in Denver, Colorado.

They have already turned the heart of New York City into a pit of ashes, so what’s stopping them from doing the same to the heart of the capital in the heart of the present global order, Washington D.C?

These psychopathic maniacs are capable of carrying out the greatest acts of evil and destruction in human history. Loss of life on an epic scale means nothing to them. They desire mass death and mass destruction.

In their eyes, they believe they must destroy the basic foundations of America, from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the grand architecture of Washington D.C., before they can move on and establish their fascist global dictatorship upon the ruins of the old age.

If such a dark and scary scenario unfolds, if Washington is destroyed by the lawless power elite, then Colorado will become America’s green zone, out of which America’s shadow terrorist state will wage war against a politically awakened and rebellious population.

Anders Breivik Insano, Usou Drogas Antes do Ataque

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
26 de julho de 2011

O advogado de Anders Behring Breivik, Geir Lippestad, disse que seu cliente lhe disse que ele estava em uma guerra e que seria reivindicado em 60 anos. De acordo com Lippestad, Breivik parece ter enlouquecido e admitiu ter consumido drogas antes do ataque no qual ele supostamente participou na última sexta-feira 21 de julho.

Durante a conferência de imprensa, Lippestad também revelou que a polícia está considerando acusar Breivik de crimes contra a humanidade por seu suposto envolvimento em ataques contra um edifício governamental em Oslo, e um segundo que resultou no assassinato de 76 pessoas. Breivik poderia enfrentar uma pena de 30 anos, disse um promotor que está ouvindo o caso.

“Tudo indica que o caso é de loucura”, disse Lippestad durante uma entrevista coletiva. Esta declaração vem antes de uma avaliação médica e psiquiátrica seja realizada no Breivik, que deveria acontecer nos próximos dias.

A página de Facebook do Breivik foi misteriosamente mudada depois dos ataques para descreve-lo como um cristão conservador, embora em publicações anteriores não pode ser encontrado nada similar. Neste momento, a mídia tradicional insiste em se referir ao fato que em sua página Breivik fala de suas preferências religiosas e políticas. Isto soou o alarme de muitas pessoas com as mesmas preferências religiosas e políticas, pois muitos acreditam que pode ser uma tática para rotular todos os cristãos conservadores como terroristas perigosos..

A Polícia continua a emitir declarações supostamente feitas por Breivik e outras pelo procurador e delegado de polícia, mas não autoriza Breivik para falar por si frente das câmeras e jornalistas. Isto torna ainda mais difícil para o público acreditar em qualquer coisa vinda de qualquer uma das fontes citadas, ou mesmo do seu advogado, o Sr. Lippestad.

O promotor, Christian Hatlo disse que o suposto ataque do Breivik não tinha a intenção de matar tantas pessoas quanto possível, mas sim causar o maior dano ao prédio do governo. Hatlo diz que Breivik acredita que o Partido Trabalhista é diretamente responsável por políticas de imigração na Noruega, que segundo ele têm sido infrutíferas.

Mr. Breivik supostamente admitiu a trabalhar com duas células terroristas e ainda teve mais contatos em outros países. Isso não é algo que a polícia tem confirmada e o chefe de polícia disse que eles ainda estão investigando, mas por enquanto não parece ser um cenário plausível. Enquanto isso, a mídia tradicional está retratando Breivik como um personagem similar ao Lee Breivik Harvy Oswald, ou seja, um lobo solitário que agiu por conta própria.

Enquanto a polícia de Oslo parabeniza pelo trabalho fantástico que eles pensam fizeram durante e após a crise, outros são muito críticos da polícia por ter esperado 90 minutos para responder aos ataques. Aqueles 90 minutos certamente facilitaram o trabalho de Breivik e seus cúmplices e, como resultado 70 pessoas morreram na ilha de Utoya na sexta-feira.

Uma conexão com MI-5?
Novos detalhes sobre as atividades da Breivik surgiram nas últimas horas. Conforme relatado no, Anders Breivik participou em manifestações e protestos encenados pela Liga de Defesa Inglesa, em Londres, a qual segundo Infowars, é amplamente infiltrada pela agência de inteligência Britanica, MI-5.

“Anders Breivik Behring disse que ele conspirou com líderes empresariais e políticos em Londres, antes de ter se dedicado a planejar a massacre da semana passada, uma relação intrigante dado que o manifesto do Breivik é datado de Londres 2011 , sugerindo uma clara ligação com a capital Inglesa e o que parece dar provas de uma conspiração ainda maior.”

Como participante dos protestos, Breivik disse que os eventos estavam compostos por empresários bem sucedidos, líderes políticos, famílias cujos membros eram em sua maioria conservadores cristãos, mas também incluiram alguns agnósticos e ateus.

Breivik conta muito do que ele fez no passado e por que ele realizou o ataque em um manifesto que dizia que foi escrito por ele, mas parece ser uma cópia bem-feita de manifestos escritos anteriormente. No seu manifesto, Breivik disse que os participantes no evento em Londres vieram de toda a Europa e tinham sido chamados por um “comandante sérvio.”

A Liga da Defesa Britânico é um grupo muitas vezes descrito como “neo-nazista”, mesmo que fale bem dos judeus e Israel. Acredita-se que a EDL pode ser composta principalmente por fãs radicais de futebol e skinheads e que este fato possa facilitar a infiltração de Inteligência Britânica. Um dos detalhes que surgiram nos últimos dias é que a polícia estava ao corrente das actividades da Breivik e foi incluído em uma lista de suspeitos de terrorismo desde março passado. Esta lista tem 60 nomes de outras pessoas que estão sendo vigiados pelas autoridades. Em caso que isto seja verdade, por que deixar Breivik realizar o ataque?

Uma das práticas conhecidas como realizadas por agências de inteligência, como MI-5, Mossad e a CIA, e usar técnicas de controle mental e drogas -MKULTRA- para literalmente criar expiatórios e candidatos Manchurianos para executar ataques do tipo alegadamente realizado pelo Anders Breivik.


Podemos Acreditar o que diz Anders Breivik?

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
25 de julho de 2011

E Anders Behring Breivik, o suposto terrorista que explodiu um prédio do governo em Oslo, Noruega, uma fonte confiável para o público saber por que e como ele realizou o ataque? Seus conhecido e colega, Ulav Andersson, diz que Breivik pode ter sofrido uma lavagem cerebral.

Kim Heger, o juiz norueguês que vê o caso, determinou que Breivik deve permanecer preso em uma cela na solitária, longe de tudo e todos. Declarações oficiais da justiça da Noruega disseram que o atacante confessou ter trabalhado com duas outras células terroristas, e o juiz deu 8 semanas de prisão, enquanto estuda os detalhes do ataque.

Segundo a Reuters, o suspeito confessou o uso de bombas e envolvimento no tiroteio, mas não admite sua culpa. O tribunal rejeitou apelos para detalhar relatórios sobre as declarações do Breivik nas que diz ter trabalhado em conjunto com duas outras células ou organismos e detalhes adicionais da sua associação, onde as células estao, os membros em potencial, quando se tornou parte das células e assim por diante.

Há algumas perguntas que você pode fazer sobre Anders BehringBreivik e seu passado recente que poderiam ajudar a esclarecer as razões para seu suposto envolvimento nos ataques. Por exemplo, tem visto um psiquiatra ultimamente? Estava tomando alguma medicação, como drogas psicotrópicas? Com quem estava em contato: amigos, colegas, etc, nos dias, semanas e meses antes dos ataques? Fez viagens para o exterior no passado recente? Alistou-se e participou no serviço militar na Noruega? Qual foi o treinamento? Em inteligência militar?

Como informamos ontem à noite, os ataques de Oslo e Utoya têm tons muito similares a um ataque de falsa bandeira, no entanto, até que estas questões não sejam respondidas, não seremos capazes de dizer com certeza se é ou não. O fato de que Breivik agiu sozinho ou como parte de uma célula, não diz muito sobre se ele é um bode expiatório ou não. O que é estranho é que em quanto os detalhes continuam evoluindo, as autoridades norueguesas dáo informações incompletas .. Se Breivik confessou ter participado nos ataques, não deve o público também receber relatórios sobre o que Breivik diz para a polícia?

A prática de limitar a informação e alimentar as pessoas com apenas pequenos pedaços poderia ser visto como uma tática da polícia para não perturbar ou causar danos a sua pesquisa, mas se você tem um suspeito de ser o terrorista que causó as explosões de um carro-bomba quem confessou o crime, em seguida, o que mais há para saber? Breivik pode fornecer todas as informações que a polícia precisa para continuar seu trabalho. Além disso, dada a história recente, é provável que as autoridades prefiram não revelar detalhes, para eles não terem que sair e corrigir esses detalhes que não fazem sentido para manter as pessoas ignorantes dos fatos reais. É muito mais fácil de controlar a informação quando há apenas uma pessoa que faz declarações públicas sobre o ataque terrorista do que quando há 2 ou 3.

Em qualquer caso, que nível de credibilidade teria qualquer declaração do Breivik, depois de mudar sua história duas vezes em três dias? Se Breivik sofreu uma lavagem cerebral como o Andersson sugeriu, há ainda menos credibilidade em tudo o que ele diz. “O réu fez declarações, hoje, que exigem uma investigação mais aprofundada, incluindo que “há duas células a mais na sua organização “, disse o juiz Heger durante uma entrevista coletiva.

ATUALIZAÇÃO (25 julho 1:35 PM):

Autoridades norueguesas dizem agora que o número de mortes é menor do que foi publicado prematuramente. Um total de 76 indivíduos e 92.


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