Eco-Fascists Call For Prison Cities

Paul Joseph Watson
January 6, 2011

People who resist the state controlling every aspect of their existence will be forced to live in squalid ghettos while the rest of the population will be tightly controlled in high-tech prison cities – that’s the future envisaged by eco-fascists who are exploiting the contrived global warming fraud to openly flaunt their plan for the total enslavement of mankind.Forum for the Future

The threat posed by the kind of scenario being promoted by Forum for the Future, the group responsible for the chilling video below, cannot be emphasized enough. The dictatorial hellhole of 2040, where cars will be banned, meat rationed, farming completely abolished and overtaken by the state, behavior catalogued on “calorie cards,” and careers ordained by the government, is the ultimate goal of the control freaks who have seized the reigns of the environmental movement.

Nearly every aspect of the policies undertaken by the global dictatorship that runs the “planned-opolis” depicted in the video are lifted wholesale from historical tyrannies.

- The state completely taking over the means of food production and farming. This is a throwback to the Soviet system of collectivized farming, where Stalin organized land and labor into large-scale collective farms. Farmers who resisted the state taking over their farms were arrested and sent to Siberian gulags. As a result of the mass seizure of property and the disruption that collective farming brought to food production, upwards of 3 million people died from starvation from 1932-33 alone. A similar system imposed in Maoist China under the “Great Leap Forward” led to the Great Chinese Famine and the starvation of at least 36 million people.

- The incarceration of resistors to green fascism inside squalid ghettos and their subsequent separation from family members is a frightening throwback to the Nazi-run Warsaw Ghetto and other concentration camps and prisons within cities that housed Jews and political dissidents during World War Two.

- The restriction or even outlawing of meat, something already being vehemently pushed by eco-fascists, to the point where a hamburger becomes a rare delicacy to be enjoyed on special occasions – and only then if you can afford it. As my wife who is Chinese will attest, up until the late 80′s before China started to lift itself out of poverty, meat was a rare treat that was sparsely available and highly restricted. Again, the “planned-opolis” is nothing less than a fusion of Communist and fascist control measures inflicted upon the population to keep them poor, starving and weak.

The people who produced this video, funded by monolithic elitist banks and corporations like Royal Dutch Shell and Bank of America as well as the British government, know very well that every aspect of their “planned-opolis” is lifted directly from the most abhorrent and brutal dictatorships in history. They are openly flaunting the neo-fascist ideology behind the green movement.

Of course, as is made clear in the video, none of these regulations or controls will apply to any of the elitists imposing them on the rest of us. Think Al Gore and his multiple oceanside mansions with heated swimming pools. They will still be able to roll around in SUV’s and fly private jets while quaffing the finest fillet steak and belching tons of CO2 as they lecture the rest of humanity about their carbon footprint. Think Prince Charles and his insistence that the proles not be allowed to take baths as he lounges in the luxuriant splendor of royal palaces.

They are also engaged in a ploy to shift the parameters of the Overton Window - which is defined as “A range of policies considered to be politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion.” By constantly bombarding us with extreme and repugnant proposals, they gradually wear down the human psyche until people begin to accept draconian controls over their personal life as normal, necessary and reasonable.

This is part of the reason behind last year’s “splattergate” controversy, where global warming alarmists – again funded by government and big business – produced an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts.

This is a psychological attack and a realization of the stepping stone method to tyranny. Whereas we might not accept cars being banned and meat being rationed now, we will accept incandescent light bulbs being outlawed and paying carbon taxes on fuel. As each hurdle is cleared, the globalists propose something more extreme so that we will always come to a compromise and accept a slighter lesser tyranny, but in the long term, the elitists achieve all of their goals with aplomb.

And to top it all off, the debate between the “liberals” over at the Guardian website in response to this story did not revolve around a castigation of this authoritarian future hell, but a question of whether old people should merely be advised by government workers how to kill themselves when they reach 65, or whether the state should just kill them directly.

This kind of despotic destiny is not only being pushed by the elite, it has an army of greenwashed zombies behind it who have been recruited to make the democide of the elderly (the useless eaters) an intellectually acceptable and reasonable idea. Presumably, the disabled and the mentally ill will also be exterminated in the pursuit of a highly efficient “planned-opolis,” another idea of which Hitler would have vehemently approved.

Once government is given the power to kill anyone they deem to be unproductive in this collectivist Orwellian nightmare, the gates of hell are thrown wide open. In comparison, meat rationing, carbon taxes, eco-surveillance, calorie credits and transport restriction will seem like a walk in the park.

Alex Jones’ seminal film Endgame, released in 2007, warned precisely of the kind of hi-tech slave grids being implemented that are now routinely proposed by top eco-fascist organizations. We urge you to warn everyone you know about this agenda and to stand up in unison to resist the first great assault on human liberty of the 21st century, which is now certain to be inflicted on us under the guise of saving mother earth. We either stop this now, or we end up in the eco-ghettos that our masters have readied for us in their “planned-opolis” of 2040.

Estados Unidos Sí negocia con Terroristas y Narcos

Por Luis R. Miranda

¿Ha escuchado usted los rumores de que los EE.UU. son el principal comerciante de drogas en todo el mundo? ¿Qué tal el rumor que cuenta cómo el ex jefe de New York Stock Exchange se fue a Colombia para pedir a los narcos que invirtieran en la Bolsa de Nueva York? Que rumores, ¿verdad? Nope. Hay pruebas suficientes para saber que, efectivamente, los Estados Unidos no sólo es el mayor operador y co-productor de drogas del mundo. También existen pruebas suficientes de que Richard Grasso, ex jefe de la Bolsa de Nueva York viajó a Colombia para reunirse con jefes del narcotráfico local para ofrecer que intercambiaran sus drogas por dinero para alimentar el mercado financiero.

En la actualidad, los Estados Unidos vigila y ayuda en el cultivo de cocaína en Afganistán,-según lo informado por Fox News y Gerald

El Ejército Norteamericano vigila sigilosamente los campos cultivados en Afganistán.

o Rivera. Hay por supuesto una buena explicación para la doble moral. Si los EE.UU. no ayuda al hermano del presidente Karzai para ganarse la vida de la venta de drogas, entonces los terroristas lo harían y usarían el dinero para atacar al “mundo libre”. Casualmente, esto es exactamente lo que ocurre en Colombia. Como informó el Washington Post, el hermano del presidente colombiano, Santiago Uribe, era el jefe de un escuadrón de la muerte en la parte norte del país, que operaba desde una finca que perteneció a la familia Uribe. Santiago, también conocido por sus vínculos con cárteles de la droga, asesinaba delincuentes menores, simpatizantes de la guerrilla y sospechosos de subversión.

Pero las negociaciones con los narcos no se limita a Colombia o Afganistán. La “gloriosa” guerra contra las drogas llega a los más altos mandatarios de la actual administración Obama. El asesor de Obama, George Soros es un hombre de negocios conocido por su intención de querer legalizar todas las drogas. Como parte de la guerra contra las drogas, Colombia entregó parte de un territorio montañoso a las FARC, un grupo paramilitar que estaba entonces supuestamente siendo desmantelado como parte del proceso de negociación para poner fin al comercio de la guerra.

Richard Grasso abraza al jefe de las FARC, Raul Reyes en 1999.

Como el documental American Drug Waro Guerra Contra Las Drogas en America expone, los EE.UU. tiene una larga historia de traficar drogas en todos los continentes, especialmente de América del Sur al Norte, y más recientemente de Asia a América. Desde que el presidente Nixon legalizó el tráfico de drogas por el gobierno de los EE.UU. a través del establecimiento de la guerra contra las drogas, el negocio de la trata y el transporte de drogas ha crecido de manera exponencial y el resultado ha sido el blanqueo de miles de millones de dólares por los bancos de Wall Street, que se utilizan para financiar operaciones secretas ilegales en todo el mundo. Estas operaciones se llevan a cabo para capturar países que no colaboran, o sea, no se rinden ante los banqueros; y son llevadas a cabo con guerrillas y contratistas militares de operaciones especiales.

El ex detective de Narcóticos de la Policía de Los Ángeles, Mike Ruppert, envió ondas de choque alrededor de los Estados Unidos cuando le dijo al director de la CIA John Deutch y una sala llena de reporteros, que la organización había encabezado el trafico de drogas por mucho tiempo. Amadeus, Pegaso y Atalaya son los nombres de tres operaciones que la CIA utilizó para comercializar drogas en todo Estados Unidos. Él mismo había sido reclutado para ayudar a proteger las operaciones de la agencia. Ruppert desafió a Deutch a investigar las operaciones secretas de y decir la verdad al público.

Catherine Austin Fitts-, ex Secretaria Asistente de Vivienda-Comisionado Federal de Vivienda en la primera Administración Bush, describe la visita de Grasso a Colombia:

Supongo que el viaje de Grasso no tuvo éxito en cambiar el curso del flujo de caja. Por lo tanto, el Plan Colombia se introdujo para mantener un buen ritmo para tratar de mover los depósitos narco fuera del control de las FARC y de nuevo al control de nuestros aliados tradicionales y, si esto no funciona, se aumenta la cuota de mercado de Citibank y la de los otros bancos de EE.UU. en América Latina.

En su ensayo Narco Dólares, Fitts expone cómo funciona el trasiego de dinero en el comercio de drogas ilícitas. Según Fitts, el poder de Narco Dólares viene cuando se combina el tráfico de drogas con el Mercado de Valores. Señala que las drogas no son siempre un bien, pero a veces se convierten en una moneda. Cuando la industria militar vende armas a un grupo terrorista, por ejemplo, se puede o no pagar en dólares. Cuando el papel moneda es escaso, existe la opción de pagar con las drogas. Es por eso que la CIA lleva drogas a los EE.UU. como pago por la venta secreta de armas a Colombia y otros gobiernos títeres en América Latina.

Todos recordamos el escándalo Irán-Contra. El corazón del escándalo es el hecho de que Oliver North y la Casa Blanca (Consejo Nacional de Seguridad) comercializó drogas a través de Mena, Arkansas para facilitar envíos de armas. Mena fue por supuesto un gran contribuyente a Bill y Hillary Clinton en varias campañas a nivel local regional y nacional.Otros ejemplos en los que las drogas se usaron para el comercio de armas son los conflictos en Vietnam, Kosovo, México, y así sucesivamente. En todos estos casos, las drogas, el petróleo, el gas y las armas son las monedas utilizadas para el intercambio. ”Si se añade el oro, una moneda y la cuota de mercado de los bancos y usted tiene mi lista para entender cómo el dinero funciona en cualquier guerra o” conflicto de baja intensidad “en todo el mundo”, dice Fitts.

Todos recordamos el escándalo Irán-Contra. El corazón del escándalo es el hecho de que Oliver North y la Casa Blanca (Consejo Nacional de Seguridad) comercializó drogas a través de Mena, Arkansas para facilitar envíos de armas. Mena fue por supuesto un gran contribuyente a Bill y Hillary Clinton en varias campañas a nivel local regional y nacional.Otros ejemplos en los que las drogas se usaron para el comercio de armas son los conflictos en Vietnam, Kosovo, México, y así sucesivamente. En todos estos casos, las drogas, el petróleo, el gas y las armas son las monedas utilizadas para el intercambio. ”Si se añade el oro, una moneda y la cuota de mercado de los bancos y usted tiene mi lista para entender cómo el dinero funciona en cualquier guerra o” conflicto de baja intensidad “en todo el mundo”, dice Fitts.

En el otro lado de la moneda tenemos los Bush. George H.W. Bush fue director de la CIA y presidente de Estados Unidos. Sus hijos Jeb y

Junto con los Clintons, la familia Bush es una de las más corruptas en la historia Estadounidense.

George W. fueron los gobernadores de dos de los mayores mercados de drogas en los Estados Unidos: Texas y Florida. Los otros dos estados son Nueva York y California. Más tarde, George W. Bush se convirtió en presidente de los Estados Unidos. ¿Puede ser una coincidencia que los hijos de un ex jefe de la mafia ocuparon exitosamente esas funciones durante uno de los períodos de tráfico de drogas más intenso en la historia del país?

¿Por qué las personas que usaro drogas son enviadas a la cárcel, entonces? Bueno, el narcotráfico es un negocio redondo. Las mismas corporaciones que se benefician del tráfico de drogas también se benefician del sistema penitenciario. Tomemos por ejemplo la CCA, o Corrections Corporation of America. En su página web auto califican su trabajo como un servicio para construir y administrar las cárceles. ”Nuestro enfoque de asociación público-privada en las prisiones combina el ahorro de costes y la innovación de las empresas con las estrictas directrices y la supervisión constante del gobierno.” De los más de 2 millones de personas en prisión en los Estados Unidos, más del 80 por ciento están en la cárcel por fumar, vender o comprar marihuana, por ejemplo. El negocio del tráfico de drogas, simplemente recoge los beneficios de todos los puntos posibles. Desde la plantación, hasta la cosecha, el transporte, la venta y el encarcelamiento de quienes las usan. Por supuesto, no es suficiente que la gente sea enviada a la cárcel. Mientras están ahí, estos infractores también son obligados a trabajar en los campos de esclavos con el fin de multiplicar los beneficios que obtiene el complejo industrial de prisiones. ¿Es esto un monopolio criminal o no?

As it turns out, the U.S. does negotiate with Terrorists and Drug Traffickers

By Luis R. Miranda

Have you heard the rumors that the U.S. is the main carrier of drugs around the world?  How about the one that tells how the former New York Stock Exchange boss went to Colombia to ask the Narcos to invest in the NYSE?  All rumors, right?  Nope.  There are enough trails to know that indeed the United States is not only the largest carrier and co-grower of drugs in the world.  There is also enough proof that Richard Grasso, the former NYSE’s head traveled to Colombia to meet with local narcotrafficking bosses to offer ‘his exchange’ to hide their money.

The U.S. military closely guards the largest poppy plantation in the world.

Currently, the United States guards and aids in the growth of poppies in Afghanistan, -as reported by Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera.  There is of course a good explanation for the double standard.  If the U.S. does not help President Karzai’s brother to make a living of it, then terrorists would grow it and use the money to attack the ‘free world.’  Coincidentally, this is exactly what happens in Colombia.  As reported by the Washington Post, Colombian president’s brother, Santiado Uribe, was the head of an infamous death squad in the northern part of the country, right out of a estate that belonged to the Uribe family.  Santiago, also known for his ties to drug cartels, took it upon himself to murder petty thieves, guerrilla sympathizers and suspected subversives.

But negotiating with Narcos is not limited to Colombia or Afghanistan.  The ‘glorious’ war on drugs reaches the highest heads of the current Obama administration.  Obama’s advisor George Soros is a known narco businessman too.  Soros is one of the most vocal people who want all illegal drugs to be legalized.  As part of the drug war, Colombia surrendered part of a mountainous territory to the FARC, a paramilitary group which was then allegedly dismantled as part of the negotiating process to end the war trade.

NYSE Richard Grasso embracing FARC leader Raul Reyes in 1999.

As the documentary American Drug War exposes, the U.S. has a long history of running drugs across the continents, especially from South America to the North, and more recently from Asia to America.  Since President Nixon legalized the trafficking of drugs by the U.S. government through the establishment of the war on drugs, the business of dealing and transporting drugs has grown exponentially and the result has been the laundering of billions of dollars by Wall Street banks which is then used to finance illegal intelligence secret operations around the globe.  Such operations are carried out to capture non collaborating countries, using guerrilla forces and special-ops military contractors.

Former Los Angeles Police Narcotics Detective Mike Ruppert sent shockwaves around the United States when he told CIA Director John Deutch and a room full of reporters that the organization he headed had been running drugs for a while.  Amadeus, Pegasus and Watch Tower are the names of three operations the CIA used to run drugs around the United States.  He himself had been recruited to help protect the agency’s dealing of drugs.  Ruppert challenged Deutch to investigate classified operations and to tell the truth to the public.

Catherine Austin-Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration, says of Grasso’s visit to Colombia:

I presume Grasso’s trip was not successful in turning the cash flow tide. Hence, Plan Colombia is proceeding apace to try to move narco deposits out of FARC’s control and back to the control of our traditional allies and, even if that does not work, to move Citibank’s market share and that of the other large US banks and financial institutions steadily up in Latin America.

In her essay Narco Dollars for Dummies, Fitts exposes how the money works in the illicit drug trade.  According to Fitts, the power of Narco Dollars comes when you combine drug trafficking with the Stock Market.  She points out that drugs are not always a commodity, but sometimes it becomes a currency.  When the military industry sells weapons to a terrorist group, for example, they may or may not pay in dollars.  When the green back is scarce, there is the option of paying with drugs.  That is why the CIA brings drugs into the U.S. as payment for the secret sale of arms to Colombia and other puppet governments in Latin America.

We all remember the Iran-Contra scandal.  The heart of the scandal was the fact that Oliver North and the White House (National Security Council) dealt drugs through Mena, Arkansas to facilitate arms shipments. Mena was of course a large contributor to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s multiple campaigns at the local regional and national levels.  Other examples of the drugs for arms trade are the conflicts in Vietnam, Kosovo, Mexico, and so on.  In all these cases, drugs, oil, gas and arms are the currencies used to deal.  ”Add gold, currency and bank market share and you have the top of my checklist for understanding how the money works on any war or “low intensity conflict” around the globe,” says Fitts.

Along with Bill Clinton, the Bushes are some of the most corrupt elements of the American elites.

On the other side of the coin we have the Bushes.  George H.W. Bush was CIA director and U.S. President.  His sons Jeb and George W. were the governors of two of the largest drug markets in the United States: Texas and Florida.  The other two states are New York and California.  Later, George W. Bush became president of Unites States.  Can it be a coincidence that the sons of a former CIA Mafia boss successfully held office during one of the most intense drug trafficking period in the history of the country?

Why are people who used drugs put in jail then?  Well, drug trafficking is a round business.  The same corporations who benefit of the drug trade also run the prison system.   Take for example the CCA, or Corrections Corporation of America.  On its website they label their work as a service to build and run prisons.  ”Our approach to public-private partnership in corrections combines the cost savings and innovation of business with the strict guidelines and consistent oversight of government.”  From the more than 2 million people in prison in the United States, more than 80 percent are non-violent offenders, who are in jail for smoking, selling or buying marihuana, for example.  The drug trade business simply collects profits from every possible point.  It plants the drugs, harvests them, transports them, sells them and imprisons those who use them.  Of course it is not enough with sending people to prison.  While innocent or non-violent offenders are inside the gulags, they are also obligated to work in slavery camps in order to multiple the profits for the prison industrial complex.  Is that a monopoly or what?

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