Wi Fi Radiation as Dangerous as Microwave Weapons, warns Physicist


Barrie Trower, a British physicist and expert on microwave weapons warned this week about the dangers of WiFi radiation, which he says, is as dangerous as the radiation emitted by microwave weapons. Mr. Trower is not just a scientist who happened to study microwave energy as a tool for warfare, he dedicated most of his career to studying the effects what this kind of technology has on whoever and whatever is exposed to it.

Mr. Trower completed research for the Royal British Navy and military intelligence regarding the effects that microwave energy, and he decided to leave his retirement to clear up the fog about whether the radiation emitted by WiFi technology is harmless to humans, as other people have said recently. During an interview with the Toronto Star, Trower spoke about the dangers of WiFi radiation and how other household appliances also emit the same kind of energy that is also harmful to all living things.

Previous to Mr. Trower speaking out, an organization called Health Canada had publicly said that WiFi networks posed not threat to human health and that therefore it was fine to install and maintain WiFi networks in schools and other public places often visited by large amounts of people. Mr. Trower shook the validity of the report from Health Canada, by saying that the radiation frequencies emitted by WiFi signals is equal to those used in microwave weapons. In his speeches and meetings with members from Health Canada, Barrie Trower provided documentary proof in paper form where he explains how and why WiFi radiation is so dangerous to humans and specially to children.

In the document, Mr. Trower begins by providing an account of his experience studying the effects of microwave radiation and then describes how these radiation has the capacity to literally cook living things while they’re alive. “The Cold War extended my military education into the full diversity of stealth microwave warfare and communication systems. I was previously aware of reports concerning dead birds in and around communication bases. On examination these birds were found to be cooked.” Trower goes further to explain that microwave technology is the selected mode of communication in military settings because its radio waves are so strong that they are capable of penetrating places where no other form of radio waves can get.

Trower adds that sickness due to exposure to microwave radiation was first seen and reported back in 1932, when it was identified as ’microwave or radio wave sickness’. Among the symptoms of such sickness, experts have found severe tiredness, fatigue, fitful sleep, headaches, intolerability and high susceptibility to infection. The symptoms, he says, are a consequence of the athermal effects of the radiation; that is, the effects the radiation has without emitting or exposing the victims to any kind of noticeable heat waves. In his document prepared for the Kind of Botswana, Trower cites the example of the US Embassy in Moscow, which was irradiated with low level microwave energy during the Cold War. The consequences of this radiation, says Trower, were multiple cancers, leukaemias and other illnessess that appeared among Embassy workers and their relatives.

Regading the exposition of people and especially children to low levels of Wi Fi radiation, Trower said: “That’s wrong”, as he asserted there are no safe levels of exposure to that kind of radiation. According to his research and the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Guidelines, children, the elderly and people with poor health are the most likely to have less tolerance to Wi Fi radiation, that is why he considers it inadmissible to promote the installation of Wi Fi technology in highly populated areas or places like schools, where children spend a great deal of time.

Fourty years later after the effects of microwave radiation were discovered and documented, the US Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) documented 2300 research articles that reported over 120 illnesses originated from radio frequency and non-ionizing microwave radiation. This information was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and extracts of the documents confirming that the military was well aware of the dangerous effects of microwave radiation, but chose to hide that information to avoid drawbacks to commercial applications. “If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavourable effects an industrial output and military functions.”

Barrie Trower says that “children are physiologically and neurologically immature. It takes years for the blood-brain barrier to form, leaving children more prone to cell-leakage from microwave radiation.” He adds that a person’s natural immune system takes 18 years to develop, therefore children are completely unprotected against this radiation. He has visited numerous schools around the world and found that children exposed to WiFi, report the same symptoms reported back in 1932: fatigue, headaches, nausea, chest pain and vision problems.

In the document he provided to the King of Botswana, Trower mentions that his research reveals that both children and women are more vulnerable to disease caused by exposure to radiation such as the kind emitted by Wi Fi and microwave. ”Children have less dense bones, immature immune systems and, by virtue of their size, they can act as aerials. Females have more complex hormone based systems to be disrupted than males.” he adds.

Indeed, governments have kept this information hidden for over 40 years now. They learned about the dangers of Wi Fi and microwave radiation for decades and chose not to say anything fearing that the profits that corporations have accumulated through the sale of Wi Fi technology and all the products and services that originated from it. Mr. Trower’s research as well as the documents obtained through the Freedom of Information requests should be sufficient proof beyond reasonable doubt that this technology has been used not only to get people addicted to it, but also to cause mass disease for decades. “They’re afraid of lawsuits if they admit this is dangerous.” Fortunately, they do not need to admit such dangers in order for legal action to be taken. It wouldn’t be strange to see lawsuits popping up as a consequence of Dr. Trower’s revelations. Both governments and technology companies must be held accountable for collaborating with the mass poisoning of humanity and all other forms of life.

Early Exposure to Germs Shows Lasting Benefits


Exposure to germs in childhood is thought to help strengthen the immune system and protect children from developing allergies and asthma, but the pathways by which this occurs have been unclear. Now, researchers have identified a mechanism in mice that may explain the role of exposure to microbes in the development of asthma and ulcerative colitis, a common form of inflammatory bowel disease.

Dig in: eating dirt and playing in the mud are thought to confer protection from allergies and asthma.

In a study published online today in Science1, the researchers show that in mice, exposure to microbes in early life can reduce the body’s inventory of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which help to fight infection but can also turn on the body, causing a range of disorders such as asthma or inflammatory bowel disease.

The study supports the ‘hygiene hypothesis’, which contends that such auto-immune diseases are more common in the developed world where the prevalence of antibiotics and antibacterials reduce children’s exposure to microbes.

“We as a species are not exposed to the same germs that we were exposed to in the past,” says study co-author Dennis Kasper, a microbiologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researchers induced two groups of mice — germ-free (GF) mice, which are raised in a sterile environment, and specific-pathogen-free mice raised under normal laboratory conditions — to develop forms of asthma or ulcerative colitis. GF mice had more iNKT cells in their lungs and developed more severe disease symptoms, indicating that exposure to microbes was somehow influencing iNKT cell levels and making the GF mice more susceptible to inflammatory diseases.

The study also found that a lack of exposure in early life could not be compensated for by introducing the GF mice to a broader range of microbes in adulthood.

In search of a mechanism to explain the influence of exposure to microbes, the researchers homed in on CXCL16, a signalling protein associated with inflammation and iNKT cells. Expression of CXCL16 was higher in the colon and lung tissue of GF mice than in normal mice, and blocking that expression reduced the numbers of iNKT cells and the amount of inflammation in those tissues.

Read Full Article →

Radiation creates Cancer Cells 30 Times More Potent than Regular Cancer Cells


In a groundbreaking new study just published in the peer reviewed journal Stem Cells, researchers at UCLA’s Johnsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Department of Oncology found that, despite killing half of all tumor cells per treatment, radiation treatments on breast cancer transforms other cancer cells into cancer stem cells which are vastly more treatment-resistant than normal cancer cells. The new study is yet another blow to the failed and favored mainstream treatment paradigm of trying to cut out, poison out or burn out cancer symptoms (tumors) instead of actually curing cancer.

Senior study author Dr. Frank Pajonk, associate professor of radiation oncology at the Jonsson Center, reported that induced breast cancer stem cells (iBCSC) “were generated by radiation-induced activation of the same cellular pathways used to reprogram normal cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) in regenerative medicine.” Pjonk, who is also a scientist with the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine at UCLA, added “It was remarkable that these breast cancers used the same reprogramming pathways to fight back against the radiation treatment.”

In the new study, Pajonk and his team irradiated normal non-stem cell cancer cells and placed them into mice. Through a unique imaging system, the researchers observed the cells differentiate into iBCSC in response to radiation treatments. Pjonk reported that the newly generated cells were remarkably similar to non-irradiated breast cancer stem cells. The team of researchers also found that the radiation-induced stem cells had a more than 30-fold increased ability to form tumors compared with non-irradiated breast cancer cells.

Despite mounting evidence, mainstream medicine clings to surgery, chemo and radiation and ignores natural solutions

Despite all the billions of dollars spent on cancer, the 40 year “war on cancer” has been a losing one by any honest evaluation. One hundred years ago, anywhere from 1 in 50 to perhaps 1 in 100 people could be expected to develop cancer. Now it is estimated that 1 in every 2 men and 1 in every 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Despite more people around the world developing cancer and dying from cancer every year, mainstream medicine continues to cling to failed treatments which more often than not fail to eliminate the cancer and help cancer spread and return more aggressively than ever. Notably, two of the three major mainstream cancer treatments – radiation and chemo – are themselves highly carcinogenic.

One might think that the new study provided ample reasons to rethink using radiation. However, the study authors looked at the results as an opportunity to continue and enhance the use of radiation by finding ways to control the cell differentiation. What the scientists failed to note is that natural alternatives have already been found which prevent the development of cancer stem cells.

As just one example, Natural News reported in May 2010 that a University of Michigan study had found a compound in broccoli and broccoli sprouts which had the ability to target cancer stem cells. See:

The researchers failed to note how cancer cells fought against unnatural treatments. They also failed to take into account the mounting evidence that the best way to beat cancer as well as avoid it is to build and enhance our natural first line of defense – our immune system.

The safest and most effective way to enhance the natural immune system and fight cancer in general is by working with nature. It is also by far the least expensive way, and therein likely lies the rub. You can’t patent and profit from nature like you can with mainstream drugs and treatments.

Note: Neither NaturalNews nor this author condone the inhumane use of animals in medical studies.

Other sources included:


Scientific Revolutions: Vaccines, viruses and evolution


In this interview, Dr Wakefield speaks at length about the interaction between human beings and infectious disease. This is perhaps the most in-depth discussion by Dr Wakefield that has ever been captured on camera about the long-term threat that vaccines pose to the future of humankind. Here’s some of what Dr Wakefield says about the importance of expanding our view of infectious disease beyond the stilted, dumbed-down conceptual framework of conventional medicine, the CDC, the WHO, etc.

I’ve grown to have a huge respect for [infectious bacteria and viruses] over the years. We are here on the Earth now because of infection. Not in spite of it, because of it. Our immune system has been fashioned, shaped, designed over millions of years, since we first emerged from the primordial soup as single-celled organisms to evolve a hugely complex immune system that is a result of its interaction, its education with infectious agents. They are the prime factor in developing our immune responsiveness.

By going from a respiratory route of infection of a natural virus to an injected form of infection… from going from a different strain, a different route, a different dose of infection and a different mean population age of exposure to infection, so kids used to get mumps at 7 to 10 years of age, now they get it at 18 months — when you change that subtle ecological balance which has evolved over such a long time, it is no wonder that you are going to have unexpected, unintended consequences.

The other thing, of course, is that we’ve now come to learn that so many infections or so many infectious agents are actually beneficial. We require them for education of our gut immune system. The exposure of the gut, the colonization of the gut, the gut flora very early on, is a major determiner of how our immune system [develops.]

I’ve become a great respecter of infectious agents and their ability to elude us, to cause problems that we did not expect, and if we believe in our exquisite arrogance that we can exploit them, manipulate them in a test tube, give them back to people and exploit them in a way we call attenuated, then the virus will laugh at us. It will simply laugh, because it has a collective intelligence that will not allow that to happen.

You’re fighting mutations that are collectively more intelligent, more adaptable, and ultimately can cause what, we don’t know. But you also create a population that now becomes dependent on vaccination. Not just the first vaccine, but the second, the third, the fourth… it never ends. You create a population that is dependent on immunization.

Watch the complete interview at:

The dogmatic intellectual brutality of modern medical science

In this interview, Dr Wakefield also speaks about the vaccine attack dogs who use fear tactics to terrorize scientists into conforming to “accepted” views on vaccines:

I talk to many scientists, many physicians whose children are affected by autism following vaccines who say I know there is a problem, but we don’t dare step out of line. We look at what happened to you, and we don’t dare step out of line. …And I do meet these people all the time, and to me that’s unacceptable. Because the future of the world depends upon the wellbeing of our children.

[Science] has sold out to the pharmaceutical industry, and to the pharma-government complex. Medical schools are dependent upon their funding in large part from the pharmaceutical industry, or pharmaceutical industry influences, and this is dancing with the Devil in respect to the way in which science should be conducted, and the influences placed upon it.

This is what happened to me, there were constraints placed upon my valid vaccine safety research, because in the UK, the government had done a deal with the pharmaceutical industry that meant the government had picked up their liability for a knowingly dangerous Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine. They licensed a vaccine in July of 1997 which had, in that same month, been withdrawn in Canada for safety reasons. They knew it was not safe. It was cheaper. They put price before the wellbeing of children.

Now we’ve seen time and time again the corruption, the abuse of science, and it’s happening largely on one side of this equation. You are told time and time again there are 14, 17, 20, millions of papers which exonerate the vaccine, saying there’s no link between mercury thimerosal preservative and vaccinations. In fact when the data are analyzed, when the studies are looked at comprehensively, 74 percent of those studies’ published data support a link between mercury and autism.

And yet the public are being told, through this vast public relations machine, that the science is over, it’s ruled it out. And when you take the science that proposes it is ruled out and reanalyze it correctly, which Dr Desoto did from the University of Northern Iowa, it shows exactly the opposite effect, and the scientists who wrote the original papers had to change their findings and conclusions. They had not analyzed the data properly.

So science in the private interest, I’m afraid, is damaging for the people. And that’s what we’re seeing at the moment.

The future of human civilization is threatened by modern vaccines

In this interview, Dr Wakefield also speaks out how vaccines may one day threaten the long-term survivability of the human race, even while forcing the world population to become dependent on vaccines in the mean time.

Here’s what he says:

What happens to a population that becomes dependent for its very survival on vaccines? Who are we, and our children, and our grandchildren, then beholden to? And are the people we are beholden to, the pharmaceutical industry, are they actually capable of anticipating what that bacteria or virus is going to do next? No. Because they’ve never thought about it in the first place. So we are creating a marketplace; we are creating a wonderful revenue model; and we are creating a potential time bomb for the population.

You cannot sterilize the world, nor should you. This whole notion of the Germ Theory needs to be radically modified in light of what we now know, so that we have scientists who acknowledge that this fundamental and very essential ecological interaction between man and microbe, or plant and microbe, is vital… but you have a commercial imperative which pays no heed to that at all.

The dangers of vaccines are quite real

Are vaccine ingredients truly dangerous to human health? Dr Wakefield addresses that question in great detail:

You’re taking children and you’re giving them ethyl mercury from day one… indeed now in pregnant women in the influenza vaccine, and you are potentially very likely biological, plausibly, poisoning the immune system of those individuals, biasing it towards an immune response that is not protective against viral infections, and then you’re giving live viruses? What is the outcome of that going to be?

Aluminum is known to influence the immune system in the same way. Indeed, that’s why it’s there [in the vaccines]. It’s there to promote an antibody response, a response which does not bias the immune system towards protection from intracellular organisms like viruses. You are deliberately doing it. So when you then give a live viral vaccine, what is the compound effect of that? When you’re giving them all at the same time, what is the compound effect? No one knows. Why? Because no one’s looking. Why? Because no one cares enough, that’s why.

Do not take these infectious agents, these known toxins for granted. Do not make assumptions about them, particularly when you’re using them in combination because they will produce untoward effects that you don’t even expect, that you are not looking for, [that] you have not got on your list of adverse reactions that are known to be caused by this virus. You won’t find them. Because you have changed the whole interaction between the infectious agent… and the immune system. That’s what you’ve changed, something so fundamental.

Dedicated to scientific truth, regardless of the personal and political costs

Ultimately, Dr Wakefield is a truly dedicated scientist who persistently pursues the evidence without regard to any particular political agenda or corporate agenda. Unfortunately for Dr Wakefield, this pursuit of scientific truth has put him in the crosshairs of the conventional medical system, the mainstream media and virtually the entire pseudoscientific vaccine-pushing attack dogs; but this has not deterred Dr Wakefield from continuing to pursue scientific answers to important questions.

And yet, Dr Wakefield has no illusions that his contributions to these scientific revolutions in the understanding of infectious disease and vaccines may not be recognized in his own lifetime:

If you’re going to get involved in this kind of debate, then you as the scientist need to study the history of medicine, the history of science as well, and understand this is the fate of many people who go out on a limb, who make extraordinary claims. That’s what’s going to happen. You mustn’t expect to be exonerated in your lifetime… or ever.

But you must stick to the scientific principle and pursue the hypothesis until its natural conclusion, and not abandon it because you’re put under political, financial or other pressures, if you can. Now, there is an additional imperative for a physician to do it, who is looking at these children… As long as I don’t suffer from the vainglorious belief that this is all going to be resolved in my lifetime — I hope it is for the sake of these children — but I’m so far beyond that notion that I need some kind of redemption from the American Academy of Pediatrics, or The Lancet, I don’t. These are instruments of a state that I don’t really want to be associated with. I would like to stick to the principles of medical science, and that’s my job. And I won’t be deterred from that.

IDflu: Sanofi-Pasteur’s Vaccine Cocktail

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
September 7, 2010

As The Real Agenda reported a few weeks ago, the globalists who created the fraudulent H1N1 influenza pandemic, widely recorded as such, are back hungrier than ever for more fraud and more dollars. Recently, the newspaper La Nacion of Costa Rica published an article concerning the availability of the new vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Pasteur called IDFlu. The article, like almost everything this newspaper publishes is full of lies and half truths, so I was forced to write an article that talks about the details that Irene Rodriguez, the newspaper’s writer, omitted.

This is the tiny needle used to inject IDflu which is sold as one of the new "conveniences" because the pinch people feel is not so painful.

I wrote her an e-mail describing the details that were omitted, although I do not expect her to re-write it with the information documented in the e-mail. “I read your article on the new vaccine from Sanofi- Pasteur called IDFlu. I am concerned about omission of important details about the vaccine.” These details are precisely those that are never described to the public and for which many people still believe it’s a great idea to get vaccinated continuously.

First, the vaccine is the first of several types that will be offered to the public as a “cocktail” with various viruses including the infamous H1N1. With this, the consumer no longer has the option to choose which vaccine he wants to use, but will have to take them all; all in one. This eliminates the right to choose. In fact, the vaccine contains three viruses:
A / New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) like strain (A / New Caledonia/20/99 (IVR-116)) 9 micrograms HA, A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2 ) like strain (A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (NYMC X-161), 9 micrograms HA, B / Malaysia/2506/2004 like strain (B/Malaysia/2506/2004) 9 micrograms HA. View the original document descriptive of the vaccine.Page 32

Second, the article does not highlight the list of side effects, which are as severe as in other types of vaccines: Blood and lymphatic system disorders,encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord), Neuritis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Inflammation of blood vessels, seizures, neurological diseases and immunogenicity, or the appearance of immunological reactions that usually end in partial or complete paralysis. Page 39

In addition, the article does not say that the clinical studies were conducted only from the time the vaccine is injected up to three weeks later, a period during which it is difficult to detect serious side effects, such as those cited above, (especially immunogenicity) because they usually occur after that period. The pharmaceutical company follow ups conveniently end at the end of six months, meaning that it does not carefully observes side effects that appear later. Therefore, Sanofi-Pasteur cannot say it can rule out serious side effects caused by the use of the vaccine, because monitoring is not done. However, Sanofi-Pasteur says that these effects are rare or nonexistent (Bottom of Page 4). Based on what does it make this observation? Not through scientific studies.

Third, according to the descriptive document that details the origin, manufacture and composition of the vaccine, clinical studies were conducted in European populations. In other words, any result obtained in these studies can not be used to prove the vaccine’s effectiveness or safety in other populations. How is it that the sale of a product that has not been studied to see its efficacy or risk of side effects in specific populations is allowed on the market? This question should be asked to your Department of Health.

Fourth, the results obtained regarding the safety of the vaccine for human use are based on animal studies (5.3 on page 6) and these studies, according to the pharmaceutical company, DO show immunogenicity.

Fifth, safety studies were not conducted after the vaccine was placed on the market and neither were incompatibility or clinical studies on the effects the vaccine may have on human motor skills, for example, to operating a vehicle equipment or machines, etc.

Finally, the vaccine contains formaldehyde, or formalin -in its liquid form-, a toxic ingredient used in vaccines and whose cumulative effect weakens the immune system, causes genetic alterations, metabolic acidosis, circulatory shock, respiratory failure and acute renal failure. Formalin is also a sensitizer, which means it can make you sensitive or allergic to many other things. It is corrosive if ingested, and is a possible carcinogen. In addition to the above, vaccines usually contain other ingredients such as thimerosal, squalene, adjuvants, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, disodium phosphate dihydrate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

However, the news about this vaccine are not its ingredients, but its behavior in the body. According to details contained in the official document, the vaccine is not injected into the muscle as traditionally done. Sanofi uses a new method, the intradermal. The exact dose of 0.1 ml is injected just under the skin, for more immediate action. Is it possible that the same speed with which such acts in the supposed task of immunization can be seen in the appearance of side effects? The pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Pasteur does not detail anything about it.

Perhaps the only positive side, specifically for Costa Ricans, is that health authorities are not going to buy the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company, at least for now, so those who want to inject the cocktail of viruses and formalin will have to take 24 dollars out of their pockets to buy it from local pharmacies. In this case, there is no taxpayer money for enriching the bank accounts of the corporation Sanofi-Pasteur.

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