Avisam sobre Evento de Falsa Bandeira para reeleger Obama


Douglas J. Hagmann, fundador da Rede de Inteligência do Nordeste apareceu no programa de Alex Jones semana passada e disse que a sua fonte, que trabalha no Departamento de Segurança Interna, avisou sobre a possibilidade de um evento de falsa bandeira no outono. Segundo Hagmann, ele tem uma comunicação permanente com esta fonte, que falou sobre os planos do governo e grupos afiliados para a realização de um evento de falsa bandeira, a fim de manter Barack Obama no cargo.

Quando Jones perguntou se a origem desta informação pode ser questionável, ou uma operação psicológica para ver a reação do público, Hagmann disse que poderia ser uma possibilidade, porque os governos usam essa técnica o tempo todo. Mas ele acrescentou que ele conhece sua fonte há pelo menos 25 anos e confiar no que ele diz, especialmente quando a fonte diz que a luz verde foi dada para realizar um evento de falsa bandeira para garantir a reeleição de Barack Obama.

A ocorrência de um grande evento “já foi aprovada”, disse Hagmann. Hagmann é um investigador que trabalha com a polícia e tem muitas fontes dentro do Departamento de Segurança Interna. A revelação feita por Hagmann vem em um momento em que muitas agências do governo tem comprado mais de um bilhão de balas de ponta oca, um número astronomicamente alto nunca antes comprado em um período tao curto. Ao mesmo tempo, relata sobre a forma como o governo dos EUA tem mobilizado grandes quantidades de equipamentos militares ​​em todo o país, como se estivesse se preparando para um evento importante e a revelação de que comandos russos e chineses tem estado infiltrando os Estados Unidos, desde o Canadá, tem alarmado a mídia alternativa, enquanto a mídia tradicional continua ignorando todos estes fatos.

Quando perguntado sobre a natureza do ataque de falsa bandeira, Hagmann disse que teria um impacto económico, social e racial. A fonte de Hagmann é conhecida como “Rosebud”, e ele ou ela tem acesso a altos níveis de gestão do DHS. “Os planos que temos em vigor foram aprovados nos mais altos níveis da Casa Branca”, disse Hagmann. “Estas são as ordens, os planos para eventos encenados orquestrados desde a Casa Branca, em coordenação com Janet Napolitano.”

Segundo Hagmann, o evento busca reunir apoio para o presidente Barack Obama, que parece estar atrás de Mitt Romney em popularidade. Na semana passada, um juiz do Texas em Lubbock County, disse que se Obama fosse reeleito, uma guerra civil iria começar em os EUA. Ele alertou que Obama pretende entregar a soberania do país as Nações Unidas. “O que vai dar quando isso aconteça?”, perguntou o juiz. “Eu estou pensando o pior. Guerra civil, desobediência civil, talvez. Agora, o que vai acontecer se fizermos isso, se as pessoas decidirem fazer isso?”

Já em 2010, o ex-conselheiro de Bill Clinton, Mark Penn, apareceu em Hardball de MSNBC e sem rodeios sugeriu que apenas um ataque como o de Oklahoma City iria garantir a reeleição de Obama em 2012. “Lembre-se que o presidente Clinton recuperou o apoio da população devido ao ataque de Oklahoma, disse Penn. “E o presidente agora parece retirado. Não foi até o seu discurso [após o ataque] que [Clinton] realmente clicou com o público americano. Obama precisa de um momento semelhante. ‘

Outro ex-conselheiro do presidente Bill Clinton, Robert Shapiro emitiu uma declaração similar sobre as chances de Obama de sobreviver seu primeiro mandato. Ele escreveu no Financial Times que apenas um evento como o de Oklahoma ou 9/11 poderia dar a Barack Obama a chance de provar que ele é um líder forte. “O ponto aqui é que os americanos não acreditam na liderança do presidente Obama”, disse Shapiro, acrescentando: “Ele tem que encontrar alguma maneira entre agora e novembro de demonstrar que ele é um líder que pode comandar a confiança e, a menos que um evento como o 9/11 aconteca, eu não consigo pensar em como ele poderia fazer isso. ‘

“Eles têm um par de planos de acordo com a minha fonte, e mudaram esses planos de acordo com os acontecimentos … tem planos de contingência em planos de contingência”, disse Hagmann. Sua fonte acrescentou ainda que, independentemente de como o evento de falsa bandeira aconteça, o mesmo vai polarizar ainda mais a sociedade americana, que é o que o governo Obama tem tentado fazer desde o primeiro dia: promover a luta de classes.

Hagmann continuou detalhando como membros importantes do Departamento de Segurança Interna e outras agências responsáveis ​​pela aplicação da lei estão “cansados” e “com medo” do que acontece dentro da administração. “Acho que estamos em um ponto onde houve um compromisso assumido.” A implementação dos planos, como explicou Hagmann, dependem das condições existentes antes e durante o tempo em que o evento de falsa bandeira terá lugar.

Advierten sobre Evento de Falsa Bandera para reelegir a Obama


Douglas J. Hagmann, el fundador de la Red de Inteligencia del Nordeste apareció en el Show de Alex Jones ayer y relató lo que una fuente suya, que trabaja dentro del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, le ha dicho con respecto a la posibilidad de un evento de falsa bandera en el otoño. Según Hagmann, ha estado teniendo una comunicación continua con esta fuente, quien le ha dicho sobre los planes de gobierno y  grupos afiliados para llevar a cabo un tipo de evento de bandera falsa con el fin de mantener a Barack Obama en su cargo.

Cuando Jones le preguntó si el orígen de esta información podría ser cuestionable, o una operación psicológica para ver la reacción del público, Hagmann dijo que sin duda sería una posibilidad, ya que los gobiernos emplean esta técnica todo el tiempo. Sin embargo, agregó que él ha conocido a su fuente durante al menos 25 años, y confía en lo que dice; que se ha dado luz verde para llevar a cabo una evento de bandera falsa que asegure la reelección de Barack Obama.

La ocurrencia de un evento mayor “se ha aprobado”, dijo Hagmann. El señor Hagmann es un investigador privado que asesora a la policía y tiene muchas fuentes dentro del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional. La revelación hecha por Hagmann llega en un momento en que varias agencias del gobierno han comprado más de un mil millones de balas de punta hueca, un número astronómicamente alto que nunca antes se había comprado en un período de tiempo tan corto. Al mismo tiempo, informes sobre como el gobierno de los EE.UU. ha estado movilizando grandes cantidades de equipo pesado en todo el país, como si estuviera preparándose para un evento importante y la revelación de que comandos rusos y chinos han estado infiltrando los Estados Unidos desde Canadá, han sonado todas las campanas de alarma en los medios de comunicación alternativos.

Cuando se le preguntó acerca de la naturaleza del ataque de falsa bandera, Hagmann dijo que tendría un impacto económico, social y racial. La fuente de Hagmann es conocida como “Rosebud”, y él o ella tiene acceso a altos niveles de la administración del DHS. “Los planes que tienen en su lugar se han aprobado en los más altos niveles de la Casa Blanca”, dijo Hagmann. “Estas son las órdenes, planes orquestados por etapas para eventos procedentes de la Casa Blanca en coordinación con Janet Napolitano.”

Según Hagmann, el evento busca reunir apoyo para el presidente Barack Obama, que parece estar rezagado en las encuestas. La semana pasada, un juez de Texas en el condado de Lubbock, dijo que si Obama lograba ser reelegido, una guerra civil estallaría en los EE.UU.. Advirtió que Obama pretende entregar la soberanía del país a las Naciones Unidas. “¿Qué va a pasar cuando esto suceda?”, Preguntó el juez. “Estoy pensando en lo peor. Disturbios civiles, desobediencia civil, guerra civil, tal vez. ¿Y ahora qué va a pasar si hacemos eso, si el público decide hacer eso? “

Ya en 2010, el ex asesor de Clinton, Mark Penn, apareció en Hardball de MSNBC y sin rodeos sugirió que sólo un ataque como el de Oklahoma City aseguraría la reelección de Obama en 2012. “Recuerden que el presidente Clinton volvió a obtener el apoyo de la población debido al ataque de Oklahoma, dijo Penn. “Y el presidente en este momento parece retraído. No fue sino hasta su discurso [después del atentado] que [Clinton] realmente clicó con el público estadounidense. Obama necesita un momento similar de definición. “

Otro ex asesor del presidente Bill Clinton, Robert Shapiro emitió una declaración similar acerca de las posibilidades de Obama de sobrevivir a su primer periodo en el cargo. Él escribió en el Financial Times que sólo un atentado del tipo de Oklahoma o 9/11 podría dar a Barack Obama la oportunidad de demostrar que es un líder fuerte. “El punto aquí es que los estadounidenses no creen en el liderazgo del presidente Obama”, dijo Shapiro, quien agregó: “Él tiene que encontrar alguna manera entre ahora y noviembre de demostrar que él es un líder que puede comandar la confianza y, a menos que un evento como 9/11 suceda, no puedo pensar en cómo podría hacer eso. “

“Ellos tienen un par de planes de acuerdo a mi fuente, y los cambian de acuerdo a los acontecimientos … tienen planes de contingencia sobre planes de contingencia”, advirtió Hagmann. Su fuente también añadió que independientemente de la forma en que se manifieste el evento de falsa bandera, el mismo va a polarizar aún más a la sociedad norteamericana, que es lo que la administración Obama ha intentado hacer desde el primer día: promover la lucha de clases.

El Sr. Hagmann continuó detallando como miembros de alto rango del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y otros organismos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley están “hartos” y “asustados” de lo que ocurre dentro de la administración. “Creo que estamos en un punto en el que ha habido un compromiso suscrito.” La ejecución de los planes, como explicó Hagmann dependerá de las condiciones que existan antes y durante el tiempo en que el evento de falsa bandera se lleve a cabo.

Homeland Security Insider Warns about False-Flag to Save Obama Presidency


Douglas J. Hagmann, the founder of the Northeast Intelligence Network appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday recounting what a source of his, who works inside the Department of Homeland Security, has told him regarding the potential for a false-flag event this Fall. According to Hagmann, he’s been having continuous communication with this source on plans from government affiliated groups to carry out a false-flag type event in order to keep Barack Obama in office.

When asked by Jones if his source could be getting fed disinformation to test the public on the issue, Hagmann said that it would certainly be a possibility, because governments employ this technique all the time. However, he added that he has known his source for at least 25 years, and he trusts when he says that a green light has been given to carry out a false-flag like event.

The occurrence of a major event “is going hot”, Hagmann said. Mr. Hagmann is a private investigator who advises law enforcement and has many sources inside the Department of Homeland Security. The revelation made by Hagmann comes at a time when various government agencies have admitted to purchasing over a billion hollow point bullets, a number astronomically higher than ever before in a period of time that is much shorter than in the past. At the same time, reports about the US government mobilizing large amounts of heavy equipment all over the country, as in preparation for a major event and the revelation that Russian and Chinese commandos have been infiltrating the United States from Canada, have set off all the alarm bells in the alternative news media.

When asked about the nature of the false-flag attack, Hagmann said that it would have economic, racial and social impact. Hagmann’s source is known as “Rosebud,” and he or she has access to high levels within the DHS administration. “The plans they have in place have been approved at the highest levels of the White House,” said Hagmann. “These are orders, plans orchestrated staged events coming from the White House and coordinated with Janet Napolitano.”

According to Hagmann, the event seeks to garner support for incumbent president Barack Obama, who seems to be lagging in the polls. Last week, a Texas judge from Lubbock County said that if Obama managed to be reelected, civil war would break out in the US. He warned the Obama intended to hand the sovereignty of the country over to the United Nations. “what is going to happen when that happens?” judge Head asked. “I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that?”

Back in 2010, former Clinton aide, Mark Penn, appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews show and bluntly suggested that only an Oklahoma City like event would ensure the reelection of Obama in 2012. “Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar defining moment.”

Another former adviser to President Bill Clinton, Robert Shapiro issued a similar statement about Obama’s chances of surviving his first term in office. He wrote on the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could give Barack Obama a chance to demonstrate that was a strong leader. “The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro, adding, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”

“They’ve got a couple of different plans according to my source, and they change them according to events… they’ve got contingency plans upon contingency plans,” warned Hagmann. His source also added that whatever form the false-flag had, it would polarize even more the American society, which is what the Obama administration has intended to do from day one: promote class warfare.

Mr. Hagmann continued to detail how high-ranking members of the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies are “fed up” and “freaked out” about what is going inside the administration. “I believe we are at a point where there has been a commitment given.” The execution of the plans, as Hagmann explained will depend on conditions that exist before and during the time the false-flag event takes place.

Iran, Hezbollah not a Threat to US, says Napolitano

by Kurt Nimmo
February 16, 2012

Despite all the hype drummed up by the establishment media about a scary Iranian or Hezbollah attack on “soft targets” in the United States, the Department of Homeland Security has admitted there is no specific threat facing the country.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Pete King fretted over a Hezbollah attack on the fatherland – specifically synagogues – but DHS boss Napolitano was obliged to admit no such threat exists. She said, however, that there is “a threat that bears watching.” Big Sis told King and his colleagues DHS and partners like the FBI “are constantly monitoring [Hezbollah's] activities around the world.”

Following attacks in India, Georgia and Thailand attributed to Iran and Hezbollah by Israel, the United States and the corporate media, the NYPD’s intelligence boss said Iran is the number one threat to the Big Apple.

CNN and the establishment media have enthusiastically hyped Israel’s terror narrative by running reports and stories speculating an attack on Jewish targets inside the United States.

Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, threw cold water on CNN’s fear mongering when he told the network “there is no call for panic.”

Napolitano’s DHS said last week that Jewish groups in the U.S. do not face a specific threat, but this has not stopped CNN and other networks from engaging in lurid speculation with little basis in reality.

Salon journalist Jeff Greenwald hit the nail on the head when he talked with Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks on Tuesday. Greenwald said the Obama administration has more or less taken a backseat and the current round of anti-Iran hysteria is coming primarily from the establishment media.

Greenwald said the corporate media’s one dimensional coverage is skewed because it invariably sides with Israel and acts as a megaphone for its propaganda campaign to demonize Iran and drum up public consensus backing an attack.

Read Full Article…

U.S. FEDS Threaten Sheriff Arpaio for Enforcing Immigration Laws

By Jerry Markon and Stephanie McCrummen

A federal investigation of a controversial Arizona sheriff known for tough immigration enforcement has intensified in recent days, escalating the conflict between the Obama administration and officials in the border state.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County

Justice Department officials in Washington have issued a rare threat to sue Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio if he does not cooperate with their investigation of whether he discriminates against Hispanics. The civil rights inquiry is one of two that target the man who calls himself “America’s toughest sheriff.” A federal grand jury in Phoenix is examining whether Arpaio has used his power to investigate and intimidate political opponents and whether his office misappropriated government money, sources said.

The standoff comes just weeks after the Justice Department sued Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer (R) because of the state’s new immigration law, heightening tensions over the issue ahead of November’s midterm elections. The renewed debate has focused attention on Arpaio, a former D.C. police officer who runs a 3,800-employee department, and a state at the epicenter of the controversy over the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.

(Photos: How the immigration law is being enforced in Benson, Arizona)

Once seen as a quirky figure who has inmates dress in pink underwear and forces them to work on chain gangs, Arpaio has in recent years become a kind of folk hero to those who favor his heavily publicized “crime sweeps,” conducted mostly in Hispanic neighborhoods. But civil rights groups accuse the 78-year-old lawman of racial profiling. And some Maricopa County officials say Arpaio has begun meritless corruption investigations of officials who have criticized his policies or opposed his requests.

Those allegations are at the core of the Justice Department investigations, according to documents, lawyers familiar with the inquiries, and people who have been questioned by FBI agents and the grand jury.

(Arizona: We’re not changing immigration law)

The investigations reflect the tangled politics surrounding the immigration debate. The criminal probe is led by Dennis K. Burke, the U.S. attorney in Phoenix who was a top aide to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Two of Arpaio’s attorneys, Robert N. Driscoll and Asheesh Agarwal, were officials in the Justice Department’s civil rights division in the George W. Bush administration. They denied that the sheriff, a Republican who has been reelected four times since 1992, has been uncooperative or has engaged in racial profiling, misusing money or targeting political enemies.

“The sheriff’s office is cooperating fully with the grand jury investigation and has complete confidence that the inquiry will clear it of any wrongdoing,” Agarwal said. “The office has always fulfilled its responsibilities truthfully, honorably, and in full compliance with state and federal law.”

Arpaio’s attorneys contend that the investigations are politically motivated, citing a news conference in March at which Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was quoted as saying he expects the inquiries to “produce results.”

“While we have no quarrel with the assistant U.S. attorneys handling the investigation, the attorney general’s comments appear to violate federal regulations, departmental policy and state ethical rules designed to ensure the fairness of criminal investigations,” Agarwal said.

(More: Chat with Sheriff Joe Arpaio)

Brewer and her supporters have also asserted that the Justice Department was politically motivated in its lawsuit over the state law, which authorizes, among other things, police officers to ask about the status of people suspected of being in the country illegally. A federal judge last month stopped the most controversial sections of the legislation from taking effect.

Justice Department officials denied any political considerations, saying the investigations and the lawsuit are based on the facts and the law. They declined to comment on details of the Arpaio inquiries.

The civil rights division’s investigation began in March 2009 and focuses on whether Arpaio’s department engaged in “discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures,” along with allegations that his jail discriminated against Hispanic inmates, according to letters the division sent to Arpaio. A complaint to the Justice Department said that even bilingual jail guards are required to speak to inmates only in English and that the rule could endanger prisoners’ medical care. The jail was also accused of forcing Hispanic visitors to fill out a “citizenship check” form, the letters said.

Lawyers in the division have repeatedly interviewed Phoenix area human rights leaders about Arpaio’s immigration sweeps, and local “cop watch” groups have turned over hours of video footage of the sweeps to investigators.

“Their questions are in regards to racial profiling, questions about what are the practices when people get stopped,” said Salvador Reza, an organizer with the Puente human rights movement who has met with Justice Department lawyers. He said the lawyers have asked about the treatment of inmates in Arpaio’s jail.

In an Aug. 3 letter to Arpaio’s attorneys, Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for the civil rights division, said the sheriff’s office had declined repeated requests to turn over documents and meet with investigators. Without cooperation by Tuesday, the letter said, the government would file suit “to compel access to the requested documents, facilities and personnel.”

In his Aug. 5 reply, Driscoll accused the Justice Department of “a desperate attempt” to compel cooperation and of “a public relations campaign against Sheriff Arpaio.” He added: “DOJ cannot require the reproduction of millions of pages of documents so DOJ can ‘see what it can find.’ “

Arpaio’s resistance is highly unusual: Justice Department officials said the threat of such a lawsuit is rare. They added that they plan to meet with the sheriff’s attorneys next week in a last-ditch effort to forestall litigation. If the department files a broader civil lawsuit, it could result in the department terminating the several million dollars in grants to Arpaio’s office each year or in a judge’s order forcing him to change his policies.

On a separate track, the grand jury investigation has been underway since at least January. Lawyers familiar with the inquiry and witnesses said it is focused on allegations that as Arpaio has fought with the county board over his budget and other issues, he and his deputies have retaliated by carrying out at least seven criminal investigations of county officials alleging corruption, fraud and other crimes.

Some legal experts say it could be difficult for such allegations to result in criminal charges. “I don’t know what a charge would be,” said Peter Zeidenberg, a former Justice Department public corruption prosecutor. “We all would agree that being abusive is wrong, but I’m not aware of any federal statute that would fit.”

In one case, Arpaio leveled 40 corruption-related charges against a county supervisor who had spoken out against his policies, all of which a judge dismissed. In another, the sheriff’s allies in the county attorney’s office filed more than 100 criminal counts against another supervisor for improperly filling out required financial disclosure forms. Several days after a judge dismissed most of those, Arpaio’s deputies arrested the supervisor in a parking garage and walked him before TV cameras to jail, announcing more than 100 new charges, which a judge dismissed. (Some of the original charges remain on appeal.)

“They’ll never stop,” said Deputy County Manager Sandi Wilson, who was named in one of Arpaio’s investigations. Wilson testified before the grand jury and has spoken to FBI investigators more than a dozen times, as recently as last week. “They don’t care who tells them to stop.”

County Manager David Smith said grand jurors also questioned him about deputies’ trips to conferences and training missions in Las Vegas, Honduras and other destinations, where he said they often stayed at “boutique” hotels. He said prosecutors were focusing on “issues that might involve the crime of extortion over the county budget, misappropriation of funds and abuse of police power.”

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