Obama to Begin Granting Immunity, Permits to Illegal Immigrants

Obama moves to try to recover the Hispanic vote before the November election. His plan mimics an initiative proposed by Republican Marco Rubio


The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.

The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act, a long-sought but never enacted plan to establish a path toward citizenship for young people who came to the United States illegally but who have attended college or served in the military.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was to announce the new policy Friday, one week before President Barack Obama plans to address the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials’ annual conference in Orlando, Fla. Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney is scheduled to speak to the group on Thursday.

Obama planned to discuss the new policy Friday afternoon from the White House Rose Garden.

Under the administration plan, illegal immigrants will be immune from deportation if they were brought to the United States before they turned 16 and are younger than 30, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history, graduated from a U.S. high school or earned a GED, or served in the military. They also can apply for a work permit that will be good for two years with no limits on how many times it can be renewed. The officials who described the plan spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss it in advance of the official announcement.

The policy will not lead toward citizenship but will remove the threat of deportation and grant the ability to work legally, leaving eligible immigrants able to remain in the United States for extended periods. It tracks closely to a proposal offered by Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida as an alternative to the DREAM Act.

“Many of these young people have already contributed to our country in significant ways,” Napolitano wrote in a memorandum describing the administration’s action. “Prosecutorial discretion, which is used in so many other areas, is especially justified here.”

The extraordinary move comes in an election year in which the Hispanic vote could be critical in swing states like Colorado, Nevada and Florida. While Obama enjoys support from a majority of Hispanic voters, Latino enthusiasm for the president has been tempered by the slow economic recovery, his inability to win congressional support for a broad overhaul of immigration laws and by his administration’s aggressive deportation policy. Activists opposing his deportation policies last week mounted a hunger strike at an Obama campaign office in Denver, and other protests were planned for this weekend.

The change is likely to cause an outcry from congressional Republicans, who are sure to perceive Obama’s actions as an end run around them. Republicans already have complained that previous administration uses of prosecutorial discretion in deportations amount to back-door amnesty. Romney and many Republican lawmakers want tighter border security measures before considering changes in immigration law. Romney opposes offering legal status to illegal immigrants who attend college but has said he would do so for those who serve in the armed forces.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last month found Obama leading Romney among Hispanic voters 61 percent to 27 percent. But his administration’s deportation policies have come under fire, and Latino leaders have raised the subject in private meetings with the president. In 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported a record 396,906 people and is expected to deport about 400,000 this year.

A December poll by the Pew Hispanic Center showed that 59 percent of Latinos disapproved of the president’s handling of deportations.

The changes come a year after the administration announced plans to focus on deporting serious criminals, immigrants who pose threats to public safety and national security, and serious immigration law violators.

One of the officials said the latest policy change is just another step in the administration’s evolving approach to immigration.

Under the plan, immigrants whose deportation cases are pending in immigration court will have to prove their eligibility for a reprieve to ICE, which will begin dealing with such cases in 60 days. Any immigrant who already has a deportation order and those who never have been encountered by immigration authorities will deal with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The exact details of how the program will work, including how much immigrants will have to pay to apply and what proof they will need, still are being worked out.

In making it harder to deport, the Obama administration is in essence employing the same eligibility requirements spelled out in the proposed DREAM Act.

The administration officials stopped short of calling the change an administrative DREAM Act – the name is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors – but the qualifications meet those laid out in a 2010 version that failed in the Senate after passing in the House. They said the DREAM Act, in some form, and comprehensive overhaul of the immigration system remained an administration priority.

Illegal immigrant children won’t be eligible to apply for the deportation waiver until they turn 16, but the officials said younger children won’t be deported either.

Last year, Napolitano announced plans to review about 300,000 pending deportation cases and indefinitely suspend those that didn’t meet department priorities. So far, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has reviewed more than 232,000 cases and decided to stop working on about 20,000. About 4,000 of those 20,000 have opted to keep fighting in court to stay in the United States legally. For the people who opted to close their cases, work permits are not guaranteed.

¿Es Marco Rubio el Primer Traidor Hispano?


Marco Rubio, la nueva estrella ascendente en el Partido Republicano, que muchos dicen que puede ocupar una posición relevante durante la presidencia Mitt Romney, a menudo se reúne con globalistas y habla en frente de organizaciones globalistas durante conferencias y otros eventos. Él no es un ángel en lo absoluto, a pesar de que parece estar disfrutando del tipo de elogios que Barack Obama disfrutaba desde antes de 2008. Esta situación se repite una vez más porque la mayoría de la población sigue siendo ignorante sobre el sistema de la dictadura bipartidista y el paradigma de la falsa opción entre un títere republicano y otro demócrata. La mayoría de esas personas todavía creen que vivimos en una Democracia o una República Democrática, donde sus votos son debidamente contados.

Marco Rubio, al igual que muchas otras caras nuevas en ambos lados del panorama político controlado por las corporaciones es como un clon de Alice en Resident Evil. El fue cultivado y cosechado desde el principio para desempeñar un papel en la arena política. Es por eso que Rubio, al igual que todos los otros políticos patrocinados por los globalistas, ha admitido recientemente que si dependiera de él, Estados Unidos lanzaría un ataque contra Irán. Cuando se le preguntó acerca de lo que iba a hacer para evitar un Irán nuclear, dijo que la gente debe estar preparada para tal evento. “Sí, y creo que tenemos que empezar a preparar a la gente para eso”, dijo Rubio. El actual senador de la Florida respondió a las preguntas sobre este tema la semana pasada al hablar en el Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores. Es pronto para saber si Rubio habla en favor de atacar a Irán sólo para ganar el apoyo de sus electores o el propio establecimiento político o si realmente tiene la intención de presionar por un ataque en el futuro cercano.

Sus respuestas anteriores acerca de un Irán nuclear no han sido muy diferentes, es por eso que es posible que mantendrá su apoyo público a un ataque, incluso si no es elegido para un cargo superior. Rubio también pidió un ataque contra Siria, mientras habló en la Brookings Institution, en abril pasado. En aquel entonces, dijo, “También deben preparar a nuestros aliados, y el mundo para la realidad que, por desgracia, si todo lo demás falla, incluye evitar que Irán obtenga una arma nuclear, lo cual puede requerir una solución militar”. También hizo un llamado a los Estados Unidos a hacer caso omiso de cualquier resolución de las Naciones Unidas que no permita un ataque contra Siria. Él dijo que los EE.UU. debe enviar directamente las fuerzas armadas a ese país para ayudar a los combatientes rebeldes, que en realidad son terroristas locales, muchos de los cuales son miembros de Al-Qaeda. Rubio agregó que la falta de un líder no permitiría al oeste  llevar a cabo un ataque abierto en la región y que ésta era la razón por la cual Estados Unidos debe comprometerse y atacar los dos países. “En la ausencia de poder, influencia y el liderazgo estadounidense, es difícil hacer eso.” Desafortunadamente, Rubio no dejan claro cómo el piensa en pagar las nuevas guerras.

A pesar de un ataque contra Siria e Irán se venderá con razones humanitarias, tal y como se hizo con Libia, la verdad es que los controladores han dejado claro en sus escritos que la liberación de esas gentes en el Medio Oriente son sólo excusas para vender mentiras al público. En realidad, todo el complejo militar industrial  quiere es deshacerse de los líderes de todas y cada una de las naciones y los que no concuerden con sus planes. En sus propios documentos, la Brookings Institution, el lugar donde Marco Rubio habló hace unas semanas, admite que se trata de un cambio de régimen y nada más. El enlace a la nota de Brookings se ha roto, pero se puede ver una imagen del original en PDF en este enlace.

En el documento escrito por Daniel Byman, Michael Doran, Keneth Pollack y Salman Shaikh, la organización dice que Siria se está desmoronando y que, independientemente de la forma en que se derrumbe, será una situación difícil para los Estados Unidos y el pueblo de Siria. El documento también llama a Bashar al Assad, un matón despiadado que usa la violencia contra los rebeldes patrocinados por Estados Unidos y la OTAN, que los escritores llaman la resistencia, pero no hace referencia a las muertes incontables que EE.UU. ha causado en Libia, Irak y Afganistán, por ejemplo, durante el uso de los mismos métodos que critican como herramientas de Assad para reforzar su tiranía. En el último párrafo, el documento dice que para proteger los intereses de Estados Unidos y para evitar la muerte de los sirios, Estados Unidos “tiene que caminar por esta cuerda floja”.

Pero las acciones traidoras de Marco Rubio no se limitan a querer atacar a Irán o apoyar guerras en Siria. Su historial de votación es aún más revelador. Se refuerza el dictado que los políticos apoyan el interés de sus patrocinadores corporativos antes que el de su país. Rubio votó a favor de la Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional (HR 1540), votó en contra de la enmienda del Senado 1126 (S Amdt 1126), que habría prohibido la detención de ciudadanos estadounidenses sin un juicio, votó a favor de la enmienda de Senado 1274 (S Amdt 1274), que autorizaría la detención después de un juicio en tiempo de guerra, votó por el aumento de las matrículas universitarias (CS SB 1710), votó en contra una medida para prohibir a la FDA que aprobara el comercio de pescado genéticamente modificado (S Amdt 2108), y así sucesivamente.

En un ataque contra Irán, Rubio repitió la afirmación ampliamente desacreditada de que los líderes iraníes trabajan día y noche en la planificación de cómo destruir a Israel. “Si Irán consigue un arma nuclear a continuación, los sauditas también la buscarán, y también lo harán otras naciones”, dijo Rubio en el CFR. A continuación, señaló que como un país que apoya activamente el terrorismo como una herramienta para atacar gobiernos, Irán no podría ser permitido  enriquecer los recursos nucleares más allá. El Sr. Rubio de nuevo se olvidó de mencionar que su país históricamente ha patrocinado el terrorismo y los grupos terroristas en todo el planeta para llevar a cabo cambios de régimen en los países en que los políticos como él consideran no apoyan las directrices de sus jefes. Rubio agregó que Irán no se podía confiar con un arma nuclear, ya que podría compartir la tecnología con las naciones o las personas que no se comprometen con los intereses norteamericanos. Una pregunta interesante para hacerle a Rubio es ¿cuál es el nombre de la nación que primero desarrolló y detonó una bomba nuclear, y también lo que piensa sobre esa nación cuando esta compartió esa tecnología con otros regímenes represivos en el mundo occidental.

Durante el período de preguntas y respuestas de su discurso en el CFR, Rubio dijo que sería la primera vez en la historia que un gobierno con locos en comando como Irán tendría acceso a un arma nuclear. En el pasado, dijo, sólo los líderes con pensamientos correctos tuvieron acceso a ella. Pero, de nuevo, fue a esas personas de pensamiento correcto que detonaron la bomba, no los “locos” iraníes o pakistaníes. “Este es un país que comparte tecnología de explosivos con la que los soldados estadounidenses son asesinados. Qué garantiza que no van a compartir la tecnología nuclear? “, subrayó Rubio. ¿Acaso Estados Unidos no comparte  tecnología militar con Israel, China, Corea, Pakistán y otros países? ¿No son esos regímenes también responsables por el asesinato de miles de personas que se atreven a hablar en contra de sus líderes? En el caso planteado por Rubio, y si las cosas se igualaran, los Estados Unidos es responsable de todos esos asesinatos también.

“Este asunto no es sobre si odiamos a los iraníes o no, sino que hay consecuencias reales para ello”, advirtió Rubio. Él acabó de responder a la pregunta sobre Irán, pero se olvidó de mencionar la verdadera razón de por qué Irán, o cualquier otro país quieren un arma nuclear, que es la misma razón por qué los EE.UU., Israel, Pakistán, India y Corea del Sur, entre otras naciones tienen la capacidad nuclear: su seguridad. La única razón por qué los EE.UU. no ha atacado Pakistán, por ejemplo, se debe al hecho que este país no lo pensaría dos veces antes de atacar EE.UU. si este país o cualquiera de sus aliados les atacaran. Lo mismo sucedería con Rusia, si se sintiera lo suficientemente amenazada. Si Irán tuviera un arma nuclear, las conversaciones en Washington y Bruselas hoy en día no serían sobre cuando el ataque debe ocurrir, pero si sería una decisión acertada dada la capacidad de Irán para responder. Este es un hecho que Marco Rubio o bien no entiende o no quiere que el público sepa.

Entonces, ¿cómo saber si Marco Rubio es el primer hispano-americano traidor? Él habla de la misma manera que sus colegas en el Congreso. Repite los puntos de discusión que piden la declaración de guerra contra cualquier persona que no se alinea, incluyendo los propios ciudadanos estadounidenses. El regurgita las políticas publicadas en los documentos de globalistas para acabar con los estados-nación que no se someten al régimen controlado por las corporaciones que gobiernan el mundo hoy en día. Aún más fácil, quiere otra guerra en la que los EE.UU. esté directamente involucrado, con tropas sobre el terreno, para mantener al complejo militar industrial en control aunque Estados Unidos ni siquiera tiene dinero para pagar los intereses de su deuda actual . Marco Rubio no es más que otro títere de las corporaciones, un traidor que debe ser juzgado y si es declarado culpable, será castigado tan fuerte como lo permita la ley en los casos de traición a la patria.

Is Marco Rubio the First Hispanic American Traitor?


Marco Rubio, the new rising star in the Republican Party who many say may occupy a relevant position during a Mitt Romney presidency, is often meeting with globalists and talking at globalist organizations during conferences and other events. He is not an angel at all, even though he seems to be enjoying the kind of praise Barack Obama had before 2008. This state of affairs is repeating once again because most of the population is still ignorant about the two-party dictatorship system and the false choice paradigm between one Republican puppet and one Democrat puppet. Most of those people still believe that they live in a Democracy or a Democratic Republic where their votes are dutifully counted.

Marco Rubio just as many other new faces on both sides of the corporate-controlled political landscape is like Alice clones in Resident Evil. They are grown and harvested from the beginning to play a role in the political arena. That is why Rubio, just as all other globalist-sponsored politicians has recently admitted that he would launch an attack on Iran. When asked about what he would do to prevent a nuclear Iran, he said people should be prepared for such an event. “Yes and I think that we need to begin to prepare people for that,” Rubio said. The current Florida senator responded to questions on this issue last week while speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations. It is early to know whether Rubio is speaking in favor of attacking Iran only to gain support from his constituents or the establishment itself or if he actually intends to push for an attack in the near future.

His previous responses about a nuclear Iran haven’t been too different, that is why it is possible he will maintain his public support for an attack even if he is not chosen for a higher office. Rubio also called for an attack on Syria while he spoke at the Brookings Institution last April. Back then he said,  “We should also be preparing our allies, and the world, for the reality that unfortunately, if all else fails, preventing a nuclear Iran may, tragically, require a military solution.” He also called for the United States to ignore any United Nations resolution that did not allow or called for an attack on Syria. He said the US should directly send armed forces into that country to aid the supposed rebel fighters, who in reality are local terrorists many of whom are member of Al-Qaeda. Rubio added that the lack of a powerful head, namely the US, would not allow the west to carry out an open attack in the region and that this was the reason why America should commit to blowing up both countries.  “In the absence of American power and American influence and American leadership, it’s hard to do that.” Unfortunately, Rubio did not make it clear how he would go about paying for the new wars.

Although an attack on Syria and Iran will be sold on humanitarian grounds, just as it was done with Libya, the truth is that the corporate controllers have made it clear in their writings that the so-called liberation and humanitarian aid provided to countries in the Middle East are just excuses to sell the lies to the public. In reality, all the military industrial corporate complex wants is to get rid of any and all leaders and nations that do not play along. In its own documents, the Brookings Institution, the place where Marco Rubio spoke a few weeks ago, admits that it is all about regime change and nothing else. The link to the Brookings memo has been broken, but you can see an image of the original PDF on the link below.

In the document written by Daniel Byman, Michael Doran, Keneth Pollack and Salman Shaikh, the think tank says that Syria is on a crumbling path and that regardless of the way it collapses, it will be a difficult situation for the United States and the people of Syria. The paper also calls Bashar Assad a ruthless thug for using violence against US and NATO sponsored rebels, who the writers call the resistance, but makes no reference to the uncountable deaths the US has caused in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, for example, while using the same methods they criticize as Assads tools to strengthen his tyranny. In the last paragraph, the document says that to protect US interests and to avoid the killing of Syrians, they United States “must walk this tight rope”.

But Marco Rubio’s treasonous actions are not limited to wanting to attack Iran or support blowing up people in Syria. His voting record is even more revealing. It reinforces the dictate that politicians put their corporate sponsors’ interest first and their political party’s interests second. No room for Country. Rubio voted for the National Defense Authorization Act (HR 1540), voted against Senate amendment 1126 (S Amdt 1126), which would have prohibited the detention of US citizens without a trial, voted for Senate amendment 1274 (S Amdt 1274), which would have authorize detention after trial during wartime, voted for the increase in State University tuition (CS SB 1710), voted against prohibiting the FDA from approving genetically engineered fish (S Amdt 2108), and so on.

On attacking Iran Rubio repeated the widely debunked claim that the Iranian leadership worked day and night planning on how to destroy Israel. “If Iran gets a nuclear weapon then the Saudis will also seek one, and so will other nations,” said Rubio at the CFR. He then pointed out that as a country that actively supports terrorism as a tool of state craft, Iran could not possibly be allowed to enrich nuclear resources any further. Mr. Rubio again forgot to mention that his country has historically sponsored terrorism and terrorist groups all over the planet to carry out regime change in nations that politicians like himself deem non compliant with his bosses’ wishes. Rubio added that Iran could not be trusted with a nuclear weapon because they would share the technology with nations or people who would not commit to American interests. An interesting question to ask Rubio is what is the name of the nation that developed and detonated a nuclear bomb and also what he thinks about that nation sharing such technology with other repressive regimes in the western world.

During the question and answer  period of his speech at the CFR, Rubio said that it would be the first time in history that a government with insane people like Iran would have access to a nuclear weapon. In the past, he said, only straight thinking leaders and nations had access to it. But again, it was those straight thinking people who detonated the bomb, not the ‘crazy’ Iranians or Pakistani people. “This is a country that shares IED technology with which American soldiers are killed. What is to say that they wouldn’t share nuclear technology?,” emphasized Rubio. Doesn’t the United States share military technology with Israel, China, Korea, Pakistan and other countries? Aren’t those regimes also responsible for the murder of thousands of people who dare speak out against their leaders? In the case posed by Rubio, and should things be equalled, the United States is responsible for all those murders as well.

“This is not we don’t like them, this is there are real implications to it,” warned Rubio. He finished responding the question about Iran, but forgot to mention the real reason why Iran or any other country for that matter would want a nuclear weapon, which is the same reason why the US, Israel, Pakistan, India and South Korea, among other nations have nuclear capabilities: Security. The only reason why the US hasn’t attacked Pakistan, for example, is due to the fact that this country would not think twice about blowing the US off the face of the planet should America or any of its allies attacked. The same would happen with Russia, if it felt sufficiently threatened. If Iran possessed a nuclear weapon, the talk in Washington and Brussels today would not be about when the attack should come, but whether it would be a wise decision given Iran’s ability to respond. This is a fact that Marco Rubio either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want the public to know. That is how dumb he thinks people are.

So how do you know that Marco Rubio is the first Hispanic-American Traitor? He speaks the same than his colleagues in Congress. He repeats the talking points that call for war on anyone who doesn’t align, including American citizens themselves. He regurgitates the policies published on globalist papers to end with nation states that do not submit to the corporate-controlled regime that governs over the world today. Even simpler; he wants another war where the US is directly involved in, with troops on the ground, to keep the military industrial complex gravy train going, even though the United States doesn’t even have money to pay the interests on its current debt. Marco Rubio is just another corporate puppet, a traitor who should be tried and if convicted, be punished as hard as the law permits in cases of treason.

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