The Autumn Terror

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
July 15, 2010

If there  is one lesson that history shows clearly, it is that crisis don’t come around randomly.  Major crisis are caused in order to further an agenda.  World Wars I, II are examples of this.  The Gulf of Tonkin attack is another artificially created crisis perpetrated to pass an agenda of control.  Operations Gladio and Northwoods are two other examples of how the Establishment plays with the public’s mind to force an agenda through.  More recently, we have 9/11 and the Gulf of Mexico’s Oil Spill.

Terror is the elites’ favorite tool to force crime and control down our throats when they want or need.  What saved Bill Clinton’s presidency was not his understanding of economics, but his treacherous attack in Bosnia and the Oklahoma City bombing.  What saved George W. Bush’s presidency in its first term was not his compassion or conservative actions, but the 9/11 attacks.  Now, it is being suggested by Establishment talking heads that the only think that can save Barack Obama’s presidency is another massive terror attack of the scale of Oklahoma City or September 11, 2001.

Suspecting that a massive attack on the Americans or any other G8 nation is in the works in order to bring about another -possibly a last- crisis is not an exaggeration.  History teaches us well.  What is more outrageous about a possible engineered crisis is not that it will happen, but that Establishment-controlled talking heads come out in the open and suggest such crisis may be the only way to rescue Barack Obama’s presidency from the mud where it is laying down now.  In an article in the Financial Times, a former Bill Clinton operative, Robert Shapiro, made it clear that Obama is relying on an Autumn crisis to come back from the dead.

“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro.  “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”  Remember George W. Bush standing over the World Trade Center pile of metal?  Where will Obama be standing come October?  He has already had his Katrina-like moment in the Gulf of Mexico, where he bowed to the interests of the British crown by letting BP get away with murder; literally.

The Obama administration not only failed to prevent the oil spill disaster, but also purposely allowed it to get worse.  Obama prevented foreigners and locals to help with the clean-up of the Gulf’s waters.  Instead, he allowed BP to hire thugs and goons who to block the rescue of wildlife and prevent the spread of the oil along the Gulf coast.  As you read this article, BP is using water and land as toxic dumps.  It has transformed islands in centers of death, by pouring chemicals around them which deplete marine life all over the Gulf.  Even though there is technology to clean the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Obama and his buddies at BP chose to let the oil pour into the ocean in order to have an excuse to promote their Cap&Trade scheme.

Looking back in history, during the Bush administration, his Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld suggested that another terror attack could help sell the war on terror better.  Members of the military also posed this option as a suggestion to give the global war on terror a boost in times when people are war-fatigued.  Lt. Colonel Doug Delaney, from the Royal Military College made this statement as the head of the war studies course.  Of course, an attack on the United States or any other G8 country would not only have local or regional impact.  The way the global economy is going -into Depression- a terror attack would not only mean a general state of Martial Law and Police State, but a faster and more deafening collapse of economies around the world.

The October Surprise, as it is called in North America could come in any form, not necessarily a nuclear or dirty bomb.  As we have witnessed, the Rulers do not lack creativity when it comes to scaring the sheep.  We have seen the state of the economy being changed through the sale and purchase of illegal imaginary financial products -derivatives-, we now know how to invade a country and lose a war and certainly it is of everyone’s knowledge we are experiencing the consequences of a poorly -purposely- handled oil spill.  But there is one details that the next attack may have that no other had.  It seems, from all the chatter, that this time the attack will be blamed on the citizens.  That’s right.  Anyone and everyone who loudly criticizes the government and its illegal actions has been the target of that very same government throughout history.  Now, those who make their voices heard will not only be put in prison or detained for life.  They themselves will be blamed for any attack.

In the United States, the Tea Party is demonized on an hourly basis on the corporate media.  Granted not everyone in the Tea party is a real patriot -due to the fact it is infiltrated by government and intelligence goons.  However, the real Tea Party, formed by concerned citizens mainly from the Ron Paul Revolution have been victims of continuous attacks from police, the media and other groups that are on the payroll of the government.

So what is a president to do when his poll numbers plunge in only the first 18 months? Nothing!  Because no president is in a position to decided what is done.  He sits there as the front man, as the main character in the puppet show.  He is told what to do and how to do it.  What intelligent man, conscious man would let a chemical disaster simply happen?  What smart, Harvard product would let corporations, banks and military interests be above those of the people?  Only one who was created, one who is controlled and told what to do by his owners.  Also a man who is blackmailed by those who put him in power.

Another question that remains to address is: Why are citizens in revolt against their government?  Could it be because to them, citizens are a product they can sell or auction to the best bidder?  Can it be because citizens are squeezed until their last drop of sweat, blood and patience runs out of their bodies?  Maybe is the fact citizens are treated like criminals in their own country while the criminals are let loose on the street.  This is not so because there aren’t enough funds to keep the towns and cities safe, but because it was designed to be like that.  Charge more taxes, cut basic services.  Charge more taxes but subsidize the collapse of industry.  And when this is not good anymore, the Rulers simply decide to bomb the heck out the irrational citizens.  For the citizens’ benefit, of course.

There is one thing the Rulers do not lie about, and that is what they really want to do to us.  When they said they wanted a massive terror attack to further consolidate their control of people and resources, they did it (Project for a New American Century).   When they said they would collapse the global economy, they did it (Derivatives, toxic assets, IMF and World Bank loan programs).  Now they warn us once again that another Big Surprise is coming and we don’t have any reason to doubt them.  Especially because unlike most corruption, the main stream media loud speaks scenarios of gloom and doom echoing what the terrorists say.  Fifteen years ago, no corporate medium talked about Bilderberg or how the central banks are private and controlled from the top of the pyramid.  Now, these and other “conspiracy theories” are explained in detail daily.  Politicians, professionals, reporters and everyone on the street knows the world is controlled by a handful of families.  They of course make it look as if it is good for us for it to be like that.  They present the Rulers and their “solutions” as the only ones that can save us instead of telling us the truth: That they are the ones who cause the crisis.

Obama’s mask has fallen.  In fact, all the presidents and heads of government’s masks have fallen.

In what form will the Autumn Terror come? Who knows?  The important thing is we have been warned and we must prepare.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Volcano gushes 3.4 million gallons of oil a day

The situation is actually much worse than we’re being led to believe, there could be worldwide catastrophic consequences. If it’s truebp that millions upon millions of gallons of crude oil are flooding the Gulf with no end in sight, the massive oil slicks being created could make their way into the Gulf Stream currents, which would carry them not only up the East Coast but around the world where they could absolutely destroy the global fishing industries.”

Now, barely one week later, it turns out that the oil slick is FAR worse than what we were being told.

USA Today now reports:

Researchers warned Sunday that miles-long underwater plumes of oil from the spill could poison and suffocate sea life across the food chain, with damage that could endure for a decade or more. (…)

That same article also explained:

“Researchers have found more underwater plumes of oil than they can count from the blown-out well, said Samantha Joye, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia. She said careful measurements taken of one plume showed it stretching for 10 miles, with a 3-mile width.”

The Christian Science Monitor also reports now that as much as 3.4 million gallons of oil may be leaking into the Gulf every day!

“The oil that can be seen from the surface is apparently just a fraction of the oil that has spilled into the Gulf of Mexico since April 20, according to an assessment the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology. Significant amounts of oil are spreading at various levels throughout the water column… Scientists looking at video of the leak, suggest that as many as 3.4 million gallons of oil could be leaking into the Gulf every day – 16 times more than the current 210,000-gallon-a-day estimate, according to the Times.”(…)

The New York Times also chimed in on the topic over the weekend with some absolutely shocking (and disturbing) revelations:

“Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given.

Scientists studying video of the gushing oil well have tentatively calculated that it could be flowing at a rate of 25,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day. The latter figure would be 3.4 million gallons a day. But the government, working from satellite images of the ocean surface, has calculated a flow rate of only 5,000 barrels a day.” (…)

In other words, while the government has been telling us the leak is only 5,000 barrels a day, the true volume could be more like 80,000 barrels a day.

Wiping out the Gulf

It hardly needs to be stated that 80,000 barrels of oil a day leaking into the Gulf of Mexico could destroy virtually all marine life in the region.

Oxygen levels have already fallen by 30 percent in waters near the oil. When water loses its oxygen content, it quickly becomes a so-called “dead zone” because marine species simply can’t live there anymore. (Fish and other aquatic creatures need oxygen to live, obviously.)

With this volcano of oil still erupting through the ocean floor, we could be witnessing the mass-murder of virtually all marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.

And yet we’re faced with a virtual blackout of truly accurate news on the event. Both the oil industry and the Obama administration are desperately trying to limit the videos, photos and stories about the spill, spinning everything to make it seem like it’s not really much of a problem at all.

It’s much like the media coverage of the War in Iraq, where all video footage had to be vetted by the Pentagon before being released to the public. Remember the uproar over the leaked photos of coffins draped in American flags? That’s what the Obama administration no doubt hopes to avoid by suppressing photos of dead dolphins and sea birds in the Gulf of Mexico.

The truth, as usual, is being suppressed. It’s just too ugly for the public to see.

Of course, the truth has always been suppressed in the oil industry. Even the inspections on this particular oil rig were, well, rigged. It turns out the rig wasn’t even inspected on schedule (…).

It also turns out that the Obama administration actually gave the Deepwater Horizon an award for its history of safety! That was before the whole thing literally blew up in their faces.

Corruption in Washington leads to catastrophe

The oil industry, you see, is just like every other industry that’s regulated by the federal government: It has a cozy relationship with regulators.

It’s the same story with Big Pharma and the FDA, or the meat industry and the USDA. Wall Street and the SEC. Every industry that’s regulated eventually turns the tables on its regulators and ends up rewriting the rules for its own benefit.

The oil industry has been able to get away with so many exemptions and loopholes that the regulatory environment is now lenient at best. The Deepwater Horizon, for example, was given all sorts of exemptions to engage in risky drilling operations without following proper safety procedures. And who granted it these exemptions? The U.S. federal government, of course!

So now the U.S. government is just as guilty as the oil industry in this mass-murder of life in the Gulf of Mexico. It is the government that allowed the series of events that led to catastrophe in the first place. And now, this catastrophe could lead to a near-total wipeout of marine life throughout the Gulf (and possibly beyond).

In a worst-case scenario, this could destroy some percentage of life in oceans all around the world. It could be the one final wound to Mother Earth who bleeds her black blood into the oceans for ten thousand years, destroying life as we know it on this planet.

All for profit, of course. Let nothing stand in the way of another billion dollars in oil company profits! (Regulators? Bah!)

Collusion between government and industry always leads to disaster

I hope BP can find a way to suction some of that oil out of the ocean. If they can manage such a solution, they should then turn around and dump the entire slick across the landscape of Washington D.C. to coat all the bureaucrats in the black slimy shame they no doubt deserve. This isn’t about some random accident, you see: It’s about a failure of federal regulators to enforce safe drilling practices.

The fishing industries in and around the Gulf of Mexico could be devastated for decades. The diversity of life in the marine ecosystems there may soon find itself on the verge of collapse. And still there is no real solution for stopping the volcano of oil that continues to gush out of this gaping wound in the Earth herself.

I can only wonder what kind of hare-brained ideas these oil men are coming up with now to stop the flow. A nuke bomb expert has reportedly been sent to the area by the Obama administration as part of some sort of “dream team” of super smart people to find a solution.

But it begs the question: If we were so smart, why are we still running the world on fossil fuels in the first place? There’s enough sunlight energy striking the deserts of Arizona to power the entire nation indefinitely! Free energy technology continues to be suppressed in large part by oil company interests (and the arrogant scientific community), and renewable energy technology has received virtually no government support whatsoever.


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