Russia Warns the West… with a Missile


Russia has expressed its discontent over and over again and voiced concerns about the US Missile Defense Shield in Europe. But the latest missile test is a firmer warning about the threat it represents to the Kremlin that the United States and its puppet European partners install a missile system that is capable of giving Putin’s led government a temporary check and in the long run perhaps a check-mate.

Russia tested a long range missile capable of reaching and penetrating missile defense systems. At least this is what the Russian military said, in what is understood as Moscow’s strongest public act against Washington over its infamous missile shield program. The United States has continuously said that the missile shield is a tool to keep countries like Iran in check, but it is just too close to Russia to be about Iran. America could probably install such a deterrent system in other nations friendly to Barack Obama which are geographically closer to Iran, and this is a reason why Russia and anyone else for that matter raises suspicions.

The Intercontinental Ballistic Missile was launched from Plesetsk, in the north west of Russia where its fake warhead landed right on target on an area known as the Kamchatka peninsula on the Pacific coast of the country. The most recent launch is an attempt by Russia to show off its guns — literally — and at the same time to improve its chances of delivering a deadly blow should any western power decide to threaten it from abroad. The ministry of defense has said the successful launch increases the country’s ability to deal with missile systems as the one being installed in Europe under the guidance of the United States and the support from NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The new Russian-American struggle, which many view as an example of arm wrestling between the two military foes appears to be a check on Russia’s growing influence around the world, but especially in Europe. Russia’s own estimates reveal that if the United States completes its project and fully installs missile systems in several countries, those systems will undoubtedly be within range to intercept Russian warheads in the very near future, which Russia sees as a threat to the post Cold War power balance between the two nations. The missile systems are supposed to be fully operational by 2020 if the United States and NATO have their way and complete the four phases in which the construction plan is divided.

Russia has publicly warned the US and NATO that it will carry out pre-emptive attacks on their missile systems if it deems that its security is under risk. Pre-emptive strikes are a policy well known to the United States as it has used it to deter terrorist attacks against various countries in the Middle East, a fact that raises Russia’s concern even more. But it is perhaps the first time a powerful nation announces pre-emptive attacks against the US and NATO allies. Historians like Lyndon LaRouche have warned that the latest developments between Russia and the United States represent “the worse crisis in modern civilization”. LaRouche is the founder of LaRouchePac and co-founder of the Schiller Institute in Germany. He says that the world is on the verge of World War III, and that such war will not only be a global event, but a thermonuclear global event.

“Thermonuclear war is actually something that the world would not be able to recover from,” said LaRouche during a radio interview. He believes that current US president Barack Obama and the British controllers are threatening the world with mass extinction and that the hostilities haven’t escalated further due to the strong opposition of the US military leadership. Mr. LaRouche believes that Obama’s latest re-activation of emergency powers during a time of relative peace is an attempt to realize a global dictatorship. “If Obama remains in office, I believe we’ll all be victims of it,” he added.

In 2011, Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president, publicly presented an initiative to diminish or even out what he saw as a threat to the country by upgrading Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Such upgrades are a response to the American missile shield capability to be hosted by Poland and Romania, two of the most loyal US allies since the beginning of the so-called war on terror. Those two countries have served as secret destinations for supposed terrorists who were taken to secret prisons to be tortured by the CIA. In recent conversations between Russia and the US, Washington refused to guarantee that the missile shield will not be used against Moscow’s led government. This fact is the most telling in recent times. But even if the United States somehow agreed not to use the systems to target Russian facilities, how believable would that guarantee be, given America’s recent behavior? The US has continuously bombed supposed allies like Afghanistan and Pakistan despite their governments’ clear opposition. If that is what the US does to friendly countries, what will it do with Russia?

Besides Romania and Poland, the US will also have a radar facility in Turkey as well as more interceptors in territorial waters that belong to those countries in the Mediterranean Sea.

It is well known that governments purposely use fake crisis or false flag events to ramp up oppressive policies. History shows us examples like Hitler’s attack on his own Reichstag, the Gulf of Tonkin event, the Oklahoma City bombing, and more recently, the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington. Many observers believe that Russia’s public concern with the US missile shield may be another of those problem, reaction, solution moments, where the Kremlin makes use of America’s thirst for colonization as an excuse to gain visibility in the world stage and tighten security at home. Other believe that Russia is after getting an edge on the issue of nuclear arms reduction.

BRICS Denunciam a Manipulação da Moeda


Na mudança de poder que o mundo está enfrentando hoje, ambas as economias ricas e emergentes parecem que querem garantir grupos coesos com objetivos comuns. Enquanto o bloco anglo-saxão governou o mundo por mais de um século, as novas potências emergentes nas regiões subdesenvolvidas do mundo estão apostando na unidade pública para pressionar os governantes presentes.

Enquanto as nações dominantes da Europa e os Estados Unidos se escondem atrás dos resgates financeiros para evitar enfrentar o desastre bancário patrocinado pela crise da dívida, os BRICS querem mostrar ao mundo que existe uma outra maneira de fazer as coisas que pode ser mais benéfica para todos. Embora o nascimento dos BRICS, um grupo composto por China, Brasil, Rússia, África do Sul e Índia parece ser uma boa iniciativa para alcançar um equilíbrio econômico e talvez até mesmo político na luta pelo poder, a verdade é que os BRICS são um exemplo do que o império anglo-saxão era há 200 anos: Um grupo de líderes ou candidatos que não conseguem encontrar muito terreno comum para criar e aplicar políticas que melhorem as condições de vida de seu povo, mas que tomam o tempo para mostrar suas insignificantes recém-adquirida medalhas.

É fácil ver por que os BRICS são simplesmente mais do mesmo. No último comunicado emitido pelo grupo, os membros criticam os Estados Unidos e Europa pela sua manipulação do dólar e do euro. Esta critica valida, não estão a China e o Brasil fazendo o mesmo? Sim. China manipula sua moeda para mante-la com um valor baixo que mantenha os custos das suas exportações baixos. Brasil, por sua vez, também usa manipulação cambial para manter o Real em torno de 1,75 por dólar. Recentemente, líderes de empresas do Brasil têm feito lobby no governo liderado por Dilma Rousseff para continuar a desvalorizar o Real, a fim de ser mais competitivos no mercado internacional. A idéia de acordo com estes líderes empresariais, é desvalorizar o Real, pelo menos a 1,85 por dólar, o que lhes permite reduzir o custo de exportação de seus produtos aos mercados europeu e americano, e não ter que pagar salários mais altos para seus trabalhadores. Em outras palavras, a indústria brasileira está pedindo ao governo para impor mais impostos sobre o seu povo por meio da desvalorização do Real, o que realmente significa o aumento da inflação.

Em um comunicado anterior, alguns membros do BRICS falaram sobre suas reservas para denunciar a manipulação da moeda, porque a China, um dos mais influentes membros do grupo também se engaja em tal comportamento. Foi só depois que a China soube sobre a posição dos outros Estados membros e entendeu que a declaração oficial seria feita para criticar a Europa e os Estados Unidos que o documento foi tornado público. “O Brasil fará seu melhor para fazer com que grandes companheiros em mercados emergentes como a China denunciem o que considera injustas políticas monetárias na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, aumentando as apostas em um confronto de desequilíbrios econômicos globais”, relatou a Reuters. Em seguida, os representantes de algumas das empresas mais influentes multinacionais que operam no Brasil, se reuniram com o Ministro de Comércio na capital de Brasília, Brasil, para pedir ao governo para lidar com o Real para que as empresas obtenham uma vantagem no exterior em mercados internacionais.

Segundo a Reuters, o Brasil acusa os países ricos de usar políticas que conduzem a um “tsunami de dinheiro” através da adopção de políticas que ampliam os benefícios e as taxas de juro baixas e programas de compra de títulos. Essas políticas, o relatório diz, foram concebidas para estimular o problema dos EUA e economias europeias. Esta é a explicação oficial, no entanto, o objetivo real é fazer um buraco enorme de dívida, do qual a economia mundial não pode sair.

Líderes bancários na Europa e na América estão deixando o colapso da dívida ocorrer em um modo progressivo e gradual até um ponto em que a liquidez criada artificialmente não será capaz de resgatar as nações. Os chamados mercados emergentes como o Brasil têm, direta ou indiretamente, absorvido os novos fundos que os bancos e grandes investidores — em muitos casos transferidos como empréstimos ou investimentos em infra-estrutura — a fim de vincular os países em desenvolvimento ao aumento da dívida e terminar assim o processo de centralização do poder. Isso não é relatado na mídia local ou é discutido por economistas de renome, que acreditam que o investimento vem como resultado de uma atração mágica que o país possui, ou talvez porque o Brasil é governado por uma mulher, ou porque as pessoas aqui são muito amigáveis. Os poucos economistas que sabem sobre as verdadeiras intenções que os banqueiros e grandes investidores têm em mente, não tem coragem de falar sobre isso publicamente.

Em público, o BRICS parece ser liderado pelo Brasil, cujo ministro da Indústria e Comércio, Fernando Pimentel, acredita que apesar de suas queixas sobre manipulação da moeda e as políticas protecionistas de outros, não poderá convencer os países poderosos para parar estas políticas, mas de alguma forma, suas queixas permitiram a adoção de políticas protecionistas que foram previamente relatadas, incluindo aumento de tarifas, a implementação de mudanças nas políticas comerciais e outras medidas originadas em órgãos supranacionais como a Organização Mundial do Comércio.

Alguns anos atrás, quando o Brasil tornou-se “magicamente” o alvo de um investimento maciço, ninguém reclamou sobre tais investimentos, ou sobre manipulação da moeda ou o protecionismo de qualquer tipo. Mas depois que o país começou a sentir os efeitos da depressão global atual, os defensores começaram a falar de razões externas para explicar porque a economia estava em queda. Embora o Brasil tenha ultrapassado o Reino Unido como a sexta maior economia do mundo, internamente os resultados de tais realizações não podem ser vistas em lugar nenhum. Na verdade, as empresas brasileiras e internacionais que operam aqui não estão nem perto de abraçar mercados abertos e livre comércio. Em vez disso, eles estão antecipando medidas protecionistas futuras para salvar-se da decisão da Europa e América. Brasil e Argentina estão conduzindo uma guerra comercial que limita o livre fluxo de bens e serviços. As empresas são obrigadas a negociar a venda de menos produtos, a fim de receber pagamentos menores e assim evitar que os bancos centrais confisquem seus dinheiros pela venda desses produtos e serviços.

“O Brasil, culpou o excesso de liquidez global pela supervaluação de sua moeda. Enquanto as indústrias locais estão em crise, a economia cresceu apenas 2,7 por cento em 2011, abaixo dos seus colegas do BRICS, caindo 7,5 por cento em 2010 “, relata Reuters. Enquanto isso, as autoridades brasileiras não reconhecem que é a sua incapacidade para governar o que causou o colapso da produção industrial. O país sofre de um dos esquemas de corrupção mais importantes do mundo que resulta em uma produção ineficiente, altíssimos impostos, e infra-estrutura pobre que faz do Brasil um dos países mais difíceis onde fazer negócios.

BRICS Denounce Currency Manipulation


In the power shift the world is experiencing today, both the rich nations and the supposed emerging economies are making sure they appear as cohesive groups with common goals. While the Anglo-Saxon bloc has governed over the world for well over a century, the emerging new powers in the underdeveloped regions of the planet are betting on public unity to exercise pressure over the current rulers.

While the dominant European nations and the United States hide behind bailouts to avoid facing the debacle of the banker-sponsored debt crisis, the BRICS want to show the world that there is another way to do things that may be more beneficial for all. Although the birth of the BRICS, a group composed by China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and India seemed to be a good initiative to bring about economic and perhaps even political balance in the power struggle now occurring, the truth is that the BRICS are an example of what the Anglo-Saxon Empire was 200 years ago: A bunch of wannabe leaders who cannot find significant common ground to create and exercise policies that improve their people’s standard of living, but who do take time to show off their newly acquired insignificant medals.

It is easy to see why the BRICS are simply more of the same. In the latest communique issued by the group, it member countries criticize the United States and Europe for their manipulation of the Dollar and the Euro currencies. This criticism is well founded, but aren’t China and Brazil doing the same thing? They are. China artificially manipulates its currency to keep its value low and with that benefit by keeping the cost of exporting its goods low. Brazil on the other hand, also resorts to currency manipulation to keep the Real at about 1.75 Reais per dollar. Recently, business leaders in Brazil have been lobbying the government led by Dilma Rousseff to further devalue the Real in order for them to be more competitive in the international market. The idea according to these business leaders, is to take the Real to at least 1.85 per dollar, which would allow them to reduce the cost of exporting their products to the European and American markets as well as not having to pay better wages to its workers. In other words, the Brazilian industry is asking the government to tax its people by devaluing the Real, which will increase inflation.

In a previous statement, some members of the BRICS talked about their reservations to denounce currency manipulation because China, one of the most influential members of the group, also engages in such behavior. It was only after China learned about the position of the other member-states and understood that the official communique was meant to criticize Europe and the United States that the document was made public. “Brazil will push for its large emerging-market peers including China to denounce what it sees as unfair monetary policies by Europe and the United States, raising the stakes in a global confrontation over economic imbalances,” reported Reuters on Wednesday. On Thursday, representatives of some of the most influential multinational corporations that operate in Brazil, met with the Secretary of Commerce in the capital city of Brasilia, Brazil to request that the government manipulated the Real in order for those companies to gain an advantage on foreign competitors and international markets.

According to Reuters, Brazil accuses rich nations of using policies to cause a “monetary tsunami” by adopting policies that spread benefits such as low interest rates and bond-buying programs. These policies, according to the report, were designed to stimulate the troubled U.S. and European economies. This is the official explanation, however, the real goal is to cause a massive debt hole from which the global economy cannot come out of. Banking leaders in Europe and the United States are letting the debt crisis collapse in a progressive and incremental way to a point where the artificially created liquidity will not be able to bail nations out. So-called emerging markets like Brazil, are directly or indirectly absorbing the new monies being put out by the banks and large investors — in many cases as loans or investments in infrastructure — in order to hook developing countries into deeper debt and terminate them once their power grab process is completed. This is not reported in the local media or talked about by mainline economists, who believe that the investment is coming in as a result of some magical attraction that the country has, or perhaps because Brazil is governed by a woman, or because the people here are friendly. The few economists who do know about the real intentions the bankers and large investors have in mind do not have the guts to talk about it.

Publicly, the BRICS seem to be led by Brazil, whose Trade and Industry Minister, Fernando Pimentel, believes that although their complaints about currency manipulation and other protectionist policies will not convince powerful countries to stop such policies, it will somehow allow them adopt other protectionist policies they’ve previously denounced including raising tariffs and implement changes in trade and commercial policies at supranational unelected bodies like the World Trade Organization.

A few years ago, when Brazil magically became the target of massive investment no one in this country complained about it, or about currency manipulation or protectionism of any kind. But after the country began to feel the effects of the current global depression, apologists started talk about the external reasons why the country’s economy was tanking. Although Brazil has overtaken the UK as the world’s 6th largest economy, internally the results of such achievement are nowhere to be seen here in Brazil. In fact, Brazilian companies as well as international corporations that operate here are not even close to embracing open markets and free trade — not even among themselves. Instead, they are envisioning future protectionist measures to save themselves from decision made by Europe and the United States. Brazil and Argentina are carrying out a trade war that limits the free flow of products and services. Companies are having to trade smaller amounts of goods in order to get paid smaller amounts of money so that the central banks do not hold payments due to the large volume of the transactions.

“Brazil has blamed the global liquidity glut for making its currency one of the world’s most overvalued. As local industries struggle, its economy grew only 2.7 percent in 2011, below its BRICS peers and down from a blistering 7.5 percent in 2010,” reports Reuters. Meanwhile, Brazilian officials do not recognize that it is their incapacity to govern which caused their industry’s growth to slow down. The country suffers with one of the largest schemes of corruption in the world which results in inefficient production, skyrocketing taxes,  and poor infrastructure which makes Brazil one of the most difficult and expensive places to do do business.

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Irã, China, Rússia, Paquistão contra EUA e Israel

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
11 de fevereiro de 2012

O Alto Comissariado do Paquistão na Grã-Bretanha reiterou o apoio do seu país à República Islâmica do Irã em caso de ataque do regime israelense.

Wajid Shamsul Hasan, disse ao jornal britânico The Sun que “o Paquistão não tem outra escolha senão a de apoiar o Irã”.

“Nós não iríamos ser vistos como parte da campanha de Israel contra qualquer país. Se Israel atacar o Irã, isso terá um impacto no Paquistão “, disse o Comissário do Paquistão.

“Devemos proteger os nossos interesses. Temos também uma população xiita no Paquistão, que não vai ficar de braços cruzados “, disse ele.

O funcionário paquistanês alertou que a Grã-Bretanha deve ajudar a parar a guerra que Estados Unidos está realizando contra o Paquistão com “drones” que estão assassinando centenas de civis inocentes.

Wajid Shamsul Hasan, disse que as relações de seu país com os Estados Unidos estão no seu mais baixo nível. ”A paciência tem certamente atingido níveis de exaustão”, disse ele.

Hasan disse que o Paquistão apóia a guerra contra o terrorismo realizada pela Grã-Bretanha e os EUA, mas pediu ao primeiro-ministro britânico, David Cameron, condenar os ataques de avioes nao tripulados dos EUA em seu país como “crimes de guerra” e “execuções do Estado.”

“O dano é grave – escolas destruídas, comunidades, hospitais. As vítimas são civis, crianças, mulheres, famílias. Nossas perdas são enormes “, o jornal citou a Hasan.

“Eu acho que o tempo está se esgotando para o governo do Paquistão tomar uma posição. Em algum momento tem que tomar medidas punitivas para detê-los. Deve-se fazer alguma coisa para defender suas próprias fronteiras e territórios “, disse Hasan.

Hassan pediu ao primeiro-ministro britânico para convencer os EUA que os ataques com drones são contraproducentes, por isso os americanos são “as pessoas mais odiadas pelos habintantes do Paquistão.”

Junto com o Paquistão, Rússia e China manifestaram publicamente que apoiariam o Irã se os EUA ou Israel se atrevem a atacar aquele país. Tanto a Rússia quanto a China vetaram uma iniciativa das Nações Unidas que imponhe mais sanções contra a Síria, e no passado contra sanções semelhantes contra o Irã. Rússia e China também protestaram o envio de tropas especiais da Inglaterra e dos Estados Unidos para o solo iraniano e sírio para desestabilizar os governos desses países.

Artigo traduzido do original Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan vs US and Israel

Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan vs US and Israel

February 10, 2012

The Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain has reiterated his country’s support for the Islamic Republic of Iran in case of an Israeli regime’s attack.
Wajid Shamsul Hasan told the British The Sun newspaper that “Pakistan would be left with no option but to support Iran if Israel attacks it”.

“We wouldn’t like to be seen as part of Israel’s campaign against any country. If Israel attacks Iran, it will have an impact on Pakistan as well”, said the Pakistani High Commissioner to Britain.

“We will have to safeguard our own interests. We also have a Shia population in Pakistan who will not take it lying down”, he stressed.

The Pakistani official warned Britain to help stop the U.S. “Drone Wars” that are slaughtering hundreds of its innocent civilians.

Wajid Shamsul Hasan said that his country’s relations with America are at their lowest ebb.

“Patience is definitely reaching exhaustion levels”, he said.

Hasan said Pakistan backs the War on Terror waged by Britain and the US.

But, he urged British Prime Minister David Cameron to condemn US drone attacks on his country dubbing them as “war crimes” and “little more than state executions”.

“We know the damage – destroyed schools, communities, hospitals. They are civilians – children, women, families. Our losses are enormous,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.

“I think time is running out until the Pakistan government can take a stand. They will have to at some stage take punitive actions to stop them. They have got means to take such actions to defend their own frontier and territories,” Hasan further added.

Hasan urged the British Prime Minister to convince the US that the drone attacks were counter-productive, making the American “the most hated people in the minds of the people in Pakistan.”

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