Libya: Oil for Blood


Last year NATO countries bombed Libya, demanding “democracy” in the country. But now it’s clear it was all about oil and it’s not like the Americans and Brits are going to be democratic about it, and share those spoils equally with France and Italy.

So… oil giants Total from France and ENI from Italy are just going to have to wait in the sidelines while the hungry American and British big boys take their juicy oil slices first… ExxonMobil, Chevron, Texaco, BP, Shell…

It’s no surprise then to read in The Wall Street Journal that the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), together with the puppet Libyan “authorities” are launching “investigations” into both companies’ “financial irregularities” in their shady dealings during the forty-two years of Gaddafi’s power. Now who would have imagined this! An Italian oil company involved in kick-backs? Corruption at the highest echelons of the French oil industry?!? Tsk, tsk!!! Unheard of…! The US and UK would never do something like that!! Just ask Enron, ask Halliburton, ask BP…

Clearly, major oil companies will now be judged on how close or how far they were from the Gaddafi’s, and on how much their respective countries contributed to last year’s war effort. Perhaps even on how much and how far and wide they shared their huge ill-obtained profits. It seems that scorecards must now be completed…

It’s worth remembering that at the height of the Libyan fighting last year, the “rebels” found the necessary time, between their “freedom fighting” shifts, to set up a new national oil company. As Bloomberg reported on 22nd March 2011, “The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing the decision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.”

And just as big oil and big finance always dance together, that report then went on to explain that “The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.”

Like Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, or Abelard and Eloise, Oil and Money are probably the West’s most universal and paradigmatic duo. Their love affair has been going strong for many decades.

Oil is a mighty powerful global business. Oil companies can make or break governments and entire countries. Nationalizing a foreign oil company like Iran did in the early fifties can put the CIA and MI6 spy agencies into full-gear ousting democratically elected governments and replacing them with “more suitable leaders’.

Trading oil in any currency other than the US Dollar as Saddam Hussein dared to do in November 2002 can get you invaded just a few months later. Even weak Argentina’s finger-pointing at illegal British oil escapades in the Falkland Islands resulted in the Royal Navy dispatching super destroyers and nuclear subs to the region…

Libya is the world’s 9th largest oil producing country and holds Africa’s largest oil reserve. Gaddafi was planning to introduce a new currency for Libyan and regional oil: the Gold Dinar which, contrary to the US Dollar, would have had true intrinsic value. Gaddafi’s central bank, in turn, was fully independent of the global financial usury-based system presently in global free-fall. Gaddafi was using oil revenues for his own people and not for the US/UK/EU/Israeli war efforts in the Middle East and further afield.

So, when the Persian Gulf became the very, very hot spot it is today, the global oil cartel together with the mega-bankers who shuffle those trillions upon trillions of Petro-Dollars all over the world, had to make sure that their respective governments would put their military on red-alert, as the oil giants scrambled for new sources…

The focus is increasingly on oil fields lying in “kinder, gentler” parts of the world: the Falkland Islands, the Brazilian Coasts, and Libya that lies smack in the middle of that easy-to-attack “it’s our-bloody-Mediterranean-Sea” North African Coast.

Last year’s destruction of Libya was a reflection of just this type of complex behind-the-scenes engineering of all these key oil, financial, military, media and political players. It’s the kind of Real News that seldom if ever hits the headlines… just because it is the Real News!

During the better part of last year until the public execution of Muhamar Gaddafi by the Western Power’s proxies inside Libya – i.e., mercenaries, criminals, thugs and CIA/MI6/Mossad agents, aka “Freedom Fighters” – the Western media repeated time and again how very bad Gaddafi had suddenly become overnight; how the poor Libyans were clamouring for “democracy”; and how the heroic Libyan “freedom fighters” based, armed, trained and financed in Benghazi were battling to “liberate” Libya and impose Clintonite “democracy” and “human rights”. Actually these “freedom fighters” overshot their runway: now that Libya is finally “free”, they’re asking for the Eastern Cyrenaica region to secede from the rest of the country.

Was civil war part of the West’s plan for Libya? Last year, after securing full UN backing via Resolution No. 1973 allowing NATO air strikes to devastate the country and impose the most violent regime change seen in recent times, NATO-backed thugs have plunged the country into chaos.

As the “Libya Business News” publication mentions on Tuesday, “About 3,000 people gathered in Benghazi last month to announce that Barca (Cyrenaica) was an autonomous region within a federal state. Barca is at the centre of Libya’s oil industry, with two thirds of production and three quarters of reserves there.” It is one of the three historic regions into which the country is divided. And while Barca has the most oil, the other two is home to two thirds of the population. So the question now is how the rich revenues from rich oil reserves will be “democratically” distributed among the population.

Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in Argentina.

Novo “primeiro-ministro” da Líbia é um Bully da Indústria do Petróleo

Tradução Luis Miranda
Land Destroyer
02 de outubro de 2011

Associated Press relatou recentemente que o líder militante dos rebeldes da Líbia tem nomeado um “primeiro-ministro” novo esta semana. AP apresenta o mais novo representante ocidental eleito ; Abdurrahim el-Keib, como um acadêmico liberal que passou décadas na comunidade do ensino universitário na Universidade de Alabama, Estados Unidos e como um líder da comunidade muçulmana local. Mas AP apenas menciona que o “ex-patrão” do el-Keib, no entanto, é o Instituto do Petróleo, com sede em Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos e que este instituto é patrocinado pela British Petroleum(BP), a Shell, a petrolífera francesa Total, a Society of Petroleum Development do Japão e a National Oil Company de Abu Dhabi. el-Keiba é listado como “Professor e Presidente” em seu perfil no Instituto do Petróleo que também descreve detalhes de extensas investigaçoes conduzidas pelo Abdurrahim el-Keib, patrocinadas por vários departamentos governamentais e agências dos EUA nos últimos anos.

Foto: E assim começa a farsa que é a "democracia ocidental". Um fantoche dos poderes corporativos fascistas, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, sai; em quanto outro, Abdurrahim el-Keiba, chega. Na realidade, a OTAN e seus estados patrocinadores dirigidos pelas corporações são quem agora determinam o destino da Líbia.

Em essência, el-Keib, como seu antecessor Jalil, é líbio apenas no nome e tem vindo a trabalhar para as corporações ocidentais, governos e instituições ao longo de décadas. Como Jalil, ou o “filho do povo egípcio” Mohammed ElBaradei, el-Keib é outro agente dos interesses ocidentais passando por um líder indígena em um país estrangeiro. Sua ascensão ao poder foi pavimentada por milhares de invasões e ataques em uma operação militar liderada pela OTAN e Estados Unidos durante sete meses que custou a vida de dezenas de milhares de civis na Líbia. Isso faz com que a sua ascensão ao poder seja outro exemplo de uma profanação da soberania desse país.

Enquanto isso, o London Telegraph relata que os rebeldes apoiados pela OTAN voltaram suas armas contra si mesmos, mais uma vez, em Tripoli, com centenas de combatentes trocando tiros perto de um hospital depois que uma das facções armadas tentaram assassinar um paciente que eles mesmos tinham ferido na noite anterior. O relatório também cita uma longa lista de atrocidades cometidas pelos combatentes rebeldes antes de apontar a vitória “sem precedentes” da OTAN na Líbia.

Enquanto a mídia corporativa tenta ignorar o crescente corpo de evidências que sugere que tanto a OTAN como os rebeldes cometeram as mesmas atrocidades que Gaddafi, como pretexto para uma série de assassinatos ao longo de seis meses, tem sido bem documentada desde o começo do conflito em fevereiro, que os rebeldes, não sao combatentes pró-democracia, mas pertencem ao Grupo de Combate Islâmico Líbio (LIFG), uma afiliada da Al-Qaeda, que têm uma longa história de terrorismo e barbárie. Também tem sido documentado que os rebeldes mataram tropas dos americanas e britânicas no Iraque e no Afeganistão nos últimos 10 anos, como observou um relatório do Centro de Combate ao Terrorismo em West Point.

No entanto, representantes dos EUA, incluindo o senador John McCain, se reuniram pessoalmente com militantes do LIFG para elogia-los como heróis que “inspiram o mundo.” É alarmante que McCain faca essas declarações em Trípoli, embora os rebeldes declararam publicamente sua intenção de deliberadamente reduzir suprimentos e assistência médica à população de Sirte, para “matar seus habitantes de fome” com o apoio da OTAN- um crime de guerra graves.

Palavras não podem descrever a injustiça que ocorre na Líbia, o nível de duplicidade com que esta injustiça é feita e os saques flagrantes em que o país é submetido pelos membros da OTAN, facilitados por um personagem recém-eleito, com décadas de serviço aos interesses ocidentais que agora torna-se “primeiro-ministro interino.”


Nuevo “Primer Ministro” de Libia es un Matón de la Industria Petrolera

Traducción Luis Miranda
Land Destroyer
02 de octubre 2011

Associated Press informó recientemente que el jefe de los militantes rebeldes libios han nombrado a un nuevo “primer ministro” esta semana. AP presenta al más nuevo representante occidental electo, Abdurrahim el-Keib, como un académico progresista que ha pasado décadas en la enseñanza en la Universdad de Alabama, Estados Unidos y como un líder de la comunidad musulmana local. Mencionó brevemente como un “antiguo empleador”, sin embargo, es el Instituto del Petróleo, con sede en Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos y patrocinado por British Petroleum(BP), Shell, la petrolera francesa Total, la Compañía de Desarrollo del Petróleo de Japón, y la Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Abdurrahim el-Keib está en la lista como “Profesor y Presidente” en su perfil del Instituto del Petróleo que también describe una extensa investigación llevada a cabo por él patrocinada por varias agencias y departamentos gubernamentales de EE.UU. en los últimos años.

Foto: Y así comienza la farsa que es la "democracia" occidental. Un títere de los poderes fascistas corporativos, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, sale y otro, Abdurrahim el-Keib, toma su lugar. En realidad, es la OTAN, los Estados y sus patrocinadores corporativos quienes ahora determinan el destino de Libia.

En esencia, el-Keib, al igual que su predecesor, Jalil, es libio sólo de nombre y ha estado trabajando para las corporaciones occidentales, los gobiernos y las instituciones durante décadas. Al igual que Jalil, o el “hijo del pueblo egipcio” Mohammed ElBaradei, el-Keib es otro agente de los intereses occidentales que pasa por un líder indígena en un país extranjero. Su ascenso al poder fue pavimentado por miles de incursiones y ataques de la OTAN en una operación militar de siete meses encabezada por Estados Unidos y que costó la vida de decenas de miles de civiles en Libia. Esto hace que su ascensión al poder en Libia sea otro de ejemplo de una profanación de la soberanía de ese país.

Mientras tanto, el Telegraph de Londres informa que los rebeldes apoyados por la OTAN apuntaron sus armas contra sí mismos una vez más en Trípoli, con cientos de combatientes intercambiando disparos cerca de un hospital después de que una de las facciones armadas trató de asesinar a un paciente que ellos mismos habían lesionado la noche anterior. El informe también cita una larga lista de atrocidades cometidas por los combatientes rebeldes antes de señalar la victoria “sin precedentes” de la OTAN en Libia.

Mientras que los medios de comunicación corporativos intentan ignorar el creciente cuerpo de evidencia que sugiere de hecho que tanto la OTAN como los rebeldes cometieron las mismas atrocidades que Gadafi, como pretexto para su serie de asesinatos de largo de seis meses, ha sido bien documentado desde el comienzo del conflicto en febrero que los rebeldes, lejos de ser combatientes pro-democráticos, pertenecen en realidad al Grupo Islámico Libio Combate (LIFG), un afiliado de Al-Qaeda, los cuales tienen una larga historia de terrorismo y barbarie. También se ha documentado ampliamente que los rebeldes han matado tropas de EE.UU. y británicas en Irak y Afganistán en los últimos 10 años, como lo señaló un informe del Centro de Lucha Contra el Terrorismo de West Point.

A pesar de ello, representantes de EE.UU., entre ellos el senador John McCain, se han reunido personalmente con militantes de LIFG para alabarlos como héroes que han “inspirado al mundo.” Resulta alarmante que McCain haga estas declaraciones en Trípoli aún cuando los rebeldes declararon públicamente su intención de reducir deliberadamente suministros y asistencia médica a la población de Sirte para según su propia declaración, “matar de hambre a la ciudad” con la ayuda de la OTAN – un crimen de guerra grave.

Las palabras no pueden describir la injusticia que se lleva a cabo en Libia, el nivel de duplicidad con el cual esta injusticia es realizada y el saqueo flagrante al cual el país está sometido por los miembros de la OTAN, facilitado por un personaje recientemente elegido, que es desde hace décadas un siervo de los intereses occidentales y que ahora pasa a ser “primer ministro interino.”

New Libyan “PM” is Big-Oil Goon

by Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer
October 2, 2011

Associated Press recently reported that Libya’s rebel militants have named a new “prime minister” this week. AP depicts the latest unelected Western proxy, Abdurrahim el-Keib, as a progressive academic who has spent decades in the United States teaching at Alabama University and leading the local Muslim community. Mentioned briefly as a “former employer,” however, is the Petroleum Institute, based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and sponsored byBritish Petroleum (BP), Shell, France’s Total, the Japan Oil Development Company, and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. El-Keib is listed as a “Professor and Chairman” in his Petroleum Institute profile which also describes extensive research conducted by him sponsored by various US government agencies and departments over the years.

Photo: And so begins the farce that is Western "democracy." One corporate-fascist puppet, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, steps down, another, Abdurrahim el-Keib, takes his place. In reality, it is NATO-states and their corporate sponsors that now determine Libya's fate.

In essence, el-Keib, like his predecessor Jalil, is Libyan in name only and has been working for Western corporations, governments, and institutions for decades. Like Jalil, or Egypt’s Mohammed ElBaradei, el-Keib is yet another agent of Western interests masquerading as an indigenous leader in a foreign land. That his rise to power was paved by thousands of NATO strike sorties in a 7 month military operation spearheaded by the United States and at the cost of tens of thousands of Libyan civilians makes his ascension to power in Libya ever more a desecration of Libya’s sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the London Telegraph reports NATO-backed rebels turned their weapons on each other yet again in Tripoli, with hundreds of fighters exchanging fire near a hospital after one armed faction tried to murder a patient they had injured the night before. The report also cites a growing list of atrocities being committed by rebel fighters before noting the “unprecedented” nature of NATO’s “victory” in Libya.

While the corporate media attempts to plea ignorance over the growing body of evidence suggesting indeed both NATO and the rebels committed the very atrocities they accused Qaddafi of committing as a pretext for their half-year long murder spree, it has been well documented since fighting began in February that the rebels, far from being pro-democratic fighters, were actually Al Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) militants with a long history of terrorism and barbarism. It has also been extensively documented that these rebels have verifably killed US and British troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 10 years, as noted by a West Point Combating Terrorism Center report.

Despite this, US representatives, including Senator John McCain, have personally met with LIFG militants praising them as heroes who have “inspired the world.” Alarmingly, McCain made his remarks in Tripoli even as rebels publicly declared their intention to purposefully cut off supplies and medical aid to the population in Sirte to admittedly “starve the city into submission” with NATO assistance – a grievous war crime.

Words cannot describe the injustice being brought upon Libya, the level of duplicity it was carried out with, and the flagrant looting the nation is now being subjected to by NATO’s member states, facilitated by the latest unelected, decades-long servant of Western interests now masquerading as the nation’s new “interim prime minister.”

Memos confirm Iraq Invasion was all about Oil

The Independent
April 18, 2011

Plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves were discussed by government ministers and the world’s largest oil companies the year before Britain took a leading role in invading Iraq, government documents show.

Iraq’s burgeoning oil industry: Click HERE to upload graphic (160k)

The papers, revealed here for the first time, raise new questions over Britain’s involvement in the war, which had divided Tony Blair’s cabinet and was voted through only after his claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

The minutes of a series of meetings between ministers and senior oil executives are at odds with the public denials of self-interest from oil companies and Western governments at the time.

The documents were not offered as evidence in the ongoing Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s involvement in the Iraq war. In March 2003, just before Britain went to war, Shell denounced reports that it had held talks with Downing Street about Iraqi oil as “highly inaccurate”. BP denied that it had any “strategic interest” in Iraq, while Tony Blair described “the oil conspiracy theory” as “the most absurd”.

But documents from October and November the previous year paint a very different picture.

Five months before the March 2003 invasion, Baroness Symons, then the Trade Minister, told BP that the Government believed British energy firms should be given a share of Iraq’s enormous oil and gas reserves as a reward for Tony Blair’s military commitment to US plans for regime change.

The papers show that Lady Symons agreed to lobby the Bush administration on BP’s behalf because the oil giant feared it was being “locked out” of deals that Washington was quietly striking with US, French and Russian governments and their energy firms.

Minutes of a meeting with BP, Shell and BG (formerly British Gas) on 31 October 2002 read: “Baroness Symons agreed that it would be difficult to justify British companies losing out in Iraq in that way if the UK had itself been a conspicuous supporter of the US government throughout the crisis.”

The minister then promised to “report back to the companies before Christmas” on her lobbying efforts.

The Foreign Office invited BP in on 6 November 2002 to talk about opportunities in Iraq “post regime change”. Its minutes state: “Iraq is the big oil prospect. BP is desperate to get in there and anxious that political deals should not deny them the opportunity.”

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