Target Earth: Coming Solar Storm May Have Catastrophic Effects

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
March 8, 2012

The solar system is entering into a phase where it’s brightest star — the sun — begins to decrease its activity. However, the giant star will not go out quietly. In the last few months, the sun experienced some of the heaviest activity in the last decade and emitted some of the largest explosions in the last 5 years. There is 1 in 8 chances that those explosions will cause major damages to the planet’s energy and communications grids.

According to scientists, the storm which is supposed to hit the planet beginning today, but whose effects will continue over the month of March, will shake Earth’s magnetic field and enhance the phenomenon known as the Northern Lights.

The latest solar activity began with a massive solar explosion and flare that ejected from the sun at the start of this week. The flare then expanded in size as it raced through space in Earth’s direction. Scientists calculate that the solar particles contained in the flare will hit a speed of 4 million meters per hour (MPH) when it reaches our planet. “It’s hitting us right in the nose,” explained Joe Kunches, a scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado. On Earth, experts believe the storm has the potential to disrupt significant parts of the planet’s infrastructure, such as utilities, air traffic, satellite and GPS services, and so on. The effects of the storm will be felt the most in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the direction the storm is approaching from.

As we arrive to the end of the 11-year solar cycle maximum, the sun seems to not be going down without making a lot of noise. Solar activity has picked up in the last few years, where Earth has seen an increase in solar activity in the form of explosions and flares that are launched out into space as a direct result of the sun’s restless activity.  Although the star has been relatively quiet in general terms, its spare activity has not been so quiet in itself. Even if this turns out not to be the major natural disaster that governments and “preppers” have been getting ready for, it sure has reminded everyone that there is very little we can do to avoid a catastrophe such as the full impact of a bigger solar storm.

“The storm is part of the sun’s normal 11-year cycle, which is supposed to reach peak storminess next year. Solar storms don’t harm people, but they do disrupt technology. And during the last peak around 2002, experts learned that GPS was vulnerable to solar outbursts,” reports the Associated Press. According to the director of the Center for Integrated Space Weather, Jeffrey Hughes, the appearance of new technologies in the last decade or so increased the potential of further damages to the planet’s infrastructure. A direct hit, although fairly slim, could bring the Northern Hemisphere to a halt, if the energy and communications grids are damaged by the storm. As of right now, there isn’t a plan — neither on the national or international levels — to protect the substructures on which we all depend to carry out economic, technological and social activities.

“In today’s electrically dependent modern world, a similar scale solar storm could have catastrophic consequences. Auroras damage electrical power grids and may contribute to the erosion of oil and gas pipelines. They can disrupt GPS satellites and disturb or even completely black out radio communication on Earth,” asserts a report by Space Weather, the International Journal of Research and Applications. “By virtue of their rarity, extreme space weather events, such as the Carrington event of 1859, are difficult to study, their rates of occurrence are difficult to estimate, and prediction of a specific future event is virtually impossible. Additionally, events may be extreme relative to one parameter but normal relative to others.”

In the latest significant solar storm that occurred back in 1989, Canada’s Hydro-Quebec power grid went offline in just 90 seconds. The result of the event was that millions of Canadians were left without power for at least 9 hours. But even if the direct effects of a solar storm are not a cause for alarm, how about the indirect consequences. An interruption in communication services or energy supply would have the potential to bring about other problems. Among them, economic instability, social unrest, military conflicts, political unrest, earthquakes pandemics, famine and so on.

Current predicted solar activity is thought to continue affecting our planet through March, as the sun will experience more dangerous activity. According to Pierce Corbyn’s, the so-called ‘Canyon of fire’ on the solar surface along with the coronal hole seen on February 29 will bring specific and general extreme weather to within one day from 4 weeks ahead. Mr. Corbyn, a renowned meteorologist who bases his weather forecasts mostly on solar activity, associates recent tornado, Earth storms and earthquake activity such as the events cited above. In his latest report, Corbyn predicted that the most recent X5 solar flare would result in growing earthquake activity for the days following the solar explosion. He was right.

The distance between the sun and planet Earth is of about 93 million miles. It is estimated that solar particles traveling at half the speed of light — light takes 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the Earth — take about ¼ of an hour to reach the planet. Average solar wind takes about 4 days.

Met Office: Global Warming Ended 15 Years Ago

Two of the scientific organizations that just a couple of years ago blamed humans for the planet’s warming, the Met Office and the University of East Anglia, now provide contrasting data showing that planetary warming ended in 1997.

by David Rose
January 29, 2012

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.

The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.

Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.

Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak.

We are now at what should be the peak of what scientists call ‘Cycle 24’ – which is why last week’s solar storm resulted in sightings of the aurora borealis further south than usual. But sunspot numbers are running at less than half those seen during cycle peaks in the 20th Century.

Analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona – derived from magnetic-field measurements 120,000 miles beneath the sun’s surface – suggest that Cycle 25, whose peak is due in 2022, will be a great deal weaker still.

According to a paper issued last week by the Met Office, there is a  92 per cent chance that both Cycle 25 and those taking place in the following decades will be as weak as, or weaker than, the ‘Dalton minimum’ of 1790 to 1830. In this period, named after the meteorologist John Dalton, average temperatures in parts of Europe fell by 2C.

However, it is also possible that the new solar energy slump could be as deep as the ‘Maunder minimum’ (after astronomer Edward Maunder), between 1645 and 1715 in the coldest part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ when, as well as the Thames frost fairs, the canals of Holland froze solid.

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Japanese Earthquake Predicted a Month Ago

Predictions were based on calculation related to solar activity; more specifically Coronal Mass Ejections in the northern hemisphere.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
March 15, 2011

A couple of days ago, astrophysicist and meteorologist Piers Corbyn, who conducts weather, climate and tectonic plates studies based on solar activity supported the version on the video by saying not only that solar activity is part of the cause of the current ‘planetary unrest’, but also that the Super Full Moon (the moon is passing by closer to Earth in March) is also contributing to the such geological and magnetic activity.

“Christchurch, South Island New Zealand was struck by a damaging shallow level earthquake on 21 Feb and is suffering severe aftershocks,” cites  “This event follows the world wide increase in volcanism and earthquakes in the last year or two and confirms the general statistical fact that more – and more serious – earthquakes, and volcanic activity, tend to occur around solar cycle minima.”

Corbyn’s description of events previous to the largest snow storms on the northern hemispheres this winter was also accounted for on his website.  “Major storms are also associated with solar proton events and significantly we had important solar proton events on January 28 just before our predicted world double whammy of the simultaneous mega blizzard USA and mega Tropical Cyclone Yasi hitting Queensland”.  Both Corbyn and the Solar Watcher base their observations and conclusions on solar activity.

The 9.1 -upgraded from 8.1- earthquake that hit Japan lifted the continent by eight feet and moved the planet’s axis by 10 inches or about 25 centimeters.  According to the data presented by Solar Watcher dated February 17-20, other places like south western California, India and New Zealand could be at risk of being hit by a significant event like the one experienced in Japan.

The tectonic events, says Solar Watcher, are due to major solar activity, characterized by X class solar flares occurring both in the northern and southern hemispheres of the sun.  According to the video, solar activity has been increasing and some of that activity has been more directly facing planet Earth (in the northern part of the Sun, 24-26 degrees north latitude), which makes its effects more meaningful.  “Once the solar spot moves from the Earth-facing position, we’re gonna be receiving more solar winds”, said the author, who warned the most likely region on planet Earth to experience a serious earthquake would be the Japanese islands.

Watch the video below.

In a more recent video, dated March 14-19, Solar Watcher issued another warming with lots of specificity for the Japanese islands, where it is believed another important event possibly two- will take place and could have magnitudes of around 7.5.  The reason? The symmetry between the areas where the sun is experiencing important activity, which according to the author is a cross-coronal area and the location of Japan, makes it very likely the next quake will hit that area of the planet. Equal attention is given to a possible event at or around the Saint Andreas fault.

Solar winds that currently blow at about 598 kilometers -up from 400km/sec- will decrease by about 200km/sec, which is the moment when Earth will more likely experience another major quake.  Such event could also occur in the vicinity of Baja California, moving down to the Saint Andreas fault at latitudes 29-33 degrees north.  Along with the pacific coast of the United States, the author southern Japan and southern Iran as well as Eastern China.  A major event could also spark activity at the La Palma Volcano in the Canary Islands.  This volcano has kept everyone’s attention due to the potential consequences an eruption there could have.

See the complete March 14-19 Watch below.  Subscribe to solar Watcher.

According to NASA after several years without a single X-flares, the sun produced two powerful explosions in a month; one on February 15th and the other on March 9th. The current activity is part of the beginning of ” the sun’s regular 11-year cycle and confirms that Solar Cycle 24 is indeed heating up”.  Additional activity is expected progressively as the Sun walks toward the so called solar maximum which experts see happening around 2013.

Massive Solar Storm to Hit Earth in 2012

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
August 28, 2010

Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs.

Several US media outlets have reported that NASA was warning the massive flare this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that had the potential to wipe out the entire planet’s power grid.

Despite its rebuttal, NASA’s been watching out for this storm since 2006 and reports from the US this week claim the storms could hit on that most Hollywood of disaster dates – 2012.

Similar storms back in 1859 and 1921 caused worldwide chaos, wiping out telegraph wires on a massive scale. The 2012 storm has the potential to be even more disruptive.

“The general consensus among general astronomers (and certainly solar astronomers) is that this coming Solar maximum (2012 but possibly later into 2013) will be the most violent in 100 years,” quoted astronomy lecturer and columnist Dave Reneke as saying.

“A bold statement and one taken seriously by those it will affect most, namely airline companies, communications companies and anyone working with modern GPS systems.

“They can even trip circuit breakers and knock out orbiting satellites, as has already been done this year,” added Reneke.

No one really knows what effect the 2012-2013 Solar Max will have on today’s digital-reliant society.

Dr Richard Fisher, director of NASA’s Heliophysics division, told Reneke the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning”, causing catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.

NASA said that a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause “1 to 2 trillion dollars in damages to society’s high-tech infrastructure and require four to 10 years for complete recovery”.

The reason for the concern comes as the sun enters a phase known as Solar Cycle 24.

Most experts agree, although those who put the date of Solar Max in 2012 are getting the most press.

They claim satellites will be aged by 50 years, rendering GPS even more useless than ever, and the blast will have the equivalent energy of 100 million hydrogen bombs.

“We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Fisher told Reneke.

“Systems will just not work. The flares change the magnetic field on the Earth and it’s rapid, just like a lightning bolt. That’s the solar effect,” he added.

The findings are published in the most recent issue of Australasian Science. (ANI)

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