by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
January 14, 2012
I don’t know you, but I have seen enough vaccine hoaxes in the last few years. However, for the medical and pharmaceutical establishment there aren’t seem to be enough of them. Swine flu, Bird Flu, Polio, AIDS (Watch “House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic”)… take your pick. For example, Dr. Jonas Salk creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960′s is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961.”Polio was pretty obscure before the twentieth century. There’d been some outbreaks in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and most victims had been under the age of four”.

Because all those hoaxes collapsed by themselves, now there is a grand new hoax: The Universal Flu Shot is just around the corner. After poisoning most of the public’s brainwashed minds about a contagion and how only the government is capable of producing a solution to such an epidemic, it was more than expected, if you follow the modus operandi, to see the first coming of the miraculous universal flu shot.
But there is something that the fringe scientists who produce the vaccines in Big Pharma labs do not change. They continue to use fear and convenience as the two most powerful reasons for all of us to take the shot. Do you remember I AM LEGEND? Did you watch CONTAGION? Where are the ‘scientists’ when you most need them? They are right there, ready to sell you their next big thing, and it just happens this time it is a shot that cures it all.
“Annual flu shots might soon become a thing of the past, and threats such as avian and swine flu might disappear with them as a vaccine touted as the “holy grail” of flu treatment could be ready for human trials next year,” prays and info ad on the U.S. News and World Report. The positivism of the article is laughable is one understands that no vaccine has ever treated or cured a disease. At least none of the independently conducted and published trials have shown anything that indicated that a vaccine was responsible for curing a disease or stopping a pandemic.
Scientists go back to the Mumps and Polio vaccines to try to prove that vaccines work and state that an early vaccination with a universal shot is the solution to deadly strains of the flu, including the swine and possibly the bird flu. But why if such a vaccine is THE SOLUTION would people need boosters later? That is because vaccines don’t work. Viruses such as the flu mutate constantly, which is why the seasonal flu vaccine is such a useless mode of combating it. But taking extra boosters will not improve this situation either, because those boosters will also get outdated. See the hoax?
The only way a flu shot or a vaccine would work is if scientists could develop a way to foresee all the possible mutations a virus, for example, could take throughout its life, so they can come up with a shot that kills all possible strains. That of course is impossible because the evolution of a determined virus is unknown. It could take many ways. SO the idea of a Universal Flu Shot is just ‘kooky’.
Another interesting development on the vaccine front is why if the existing viruses and other disease are so dangerous, are scientists at universities and Big Pharma labs developing even more deadly pathogens? That’s right. In case you were under a rock through the holidays, some ‘scientists’ decided to create the deadliest of all flu viruses -that we know of- in two labs in Europe and the United States. They thought it would be a great idea to affect the virus in order to study it, even though the result would be a human race-ending pathogen that if released anywhere would kill as much as 90 percent of the population.
On November 28, scientists at the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands announced they had been successful in the production of a genetically modified version of the H5N1 Flu virus. Their achievement however, could have negative consequences, as published research showed that the man-made flu virus could potentially wipe out humans if it were to fall in the hands of a terrorist group, whose members could release it into the air. The deadly genetically modified strain of the bird flu virus was tweaked in a lab and turned into a far more infectious type that had the capacity to spread so rapidly, that it cause a global pandemic that would kill millions of people at a time.
The research, as the Daily Mail reported, caused a storm of controversy among scientists, many of which warned that the experiment that resulted in the creation of the new strain should have never been carried out. As it happens often, the medical establishment works through compartmentalization, so the left hand does not know what the right is doing. This is what head scientist at Erasmus Medical Center wanted the public to believe when he said that the experiments were part of a drive to learn more and better how the H5N1 virus works. Virologist Ron Fouchier said that experiments revealed that just five induced mutations were sufficient to enable the virus to spread more quickly.
“It’s like putting up a tent over your immune system that protects against rapidly mutating viruses,” says Joseph Kim, one of the fringe scientists working on the miraculous vaccine. And this fantastic shot has come even earlier than predicted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Isn’t that remarkable? Besides Kim’s Inovio Pharmaceuticals, at least two other companies are also working on the Universal Flu Shot. In late 2010, Inovio earned a $3.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to work on the vaccine, reports U.S. News&World Report.
According to Mr. Kim his company already completed successful human tests for vaccines that protect against all H1N1 and H5N1 flu strains. Wow, aren’t those the two latest strains of flu that supposedly threatened to cause a global pandemic? Again, isn’t that amazing. Can you hear those bank accounts cashing in already? I certainly can.
Inovio says it is working on vaccines that will protect people from strains such as H3N2, which has been detected on new swine flu viruses. Those, according to the company, will be mercifully combined in a powerful cocktail that should result on the all mighty Universal Flu Shot.
Please stay tuned.